
  • Amplify your personal power to quantum shift your life! 

    Whether you feel scared, stuck or frustrated that things don't seem to be going to plan, or you love your life and desire to speed up the trajectory of your dreams coming to life THIS PODCAST IS FOR YOU!  

    Abundance, flow and success are repelled by powerlessness. Expansion in all areas of your life is achieved through stepping into your personal power.  

    Inside this conversation we share the keys and strategies for stepping into your personal power to unlock new levels of freedom and fulfilment in your world.  

    •How to move from circumstantial power and victim consciousness to the uncircumstantial power of the Self-Led woman.  

    • How to transform resistance and find your flow in the line of LEAST resistance.   

    • How to cultivate an energetic field of stability and certainty- because the frequency of certainty overrides all things  

    • How to elevate your feeling of worthiness in an instant to eliminate self-sabotage and become the match fr your desires!  

    Years of Mentorship and personal transformation are culminated in this one wisdom packed episode!   

    We invite you to take your time, journal your downloads and tune in again and again to allow the wisdom to land, the insights to resonate and the new pathways for change to open up to you.  

    This one podcast can completely transform it all. This information is really SO powerful and valuable! 


  • Ep 6 is spicy, soulful and vulnerable!

    This is your sign, your message, the conversation, the CATALYST for CHANGE. 

    Inside this conversation, K&K unlock their hearts and invite you into their stories on an even deeper level as an invitation to cause fast, powerful and transformative shifts within you. The duo share their pivotal breakthroughs during painful seasons, the powerful shifts and energetic keys that called them forward into empowerment and success.

    The CATALYST to CHANGE also gives you the single SOLUTION (the profession of NWM) that exploded their personal growth, health, purpose, mission, impact & wealth.

    Tune in for…….

    • Vulnerable conversations that are real, raw and get deeply emotional as K&K reflect on their lives before stepping into NWM

    • The initiations from pain to power, breakdowns to breakthroughs, shocks to awakenings, circumstantial power to personal power, mess to messages and messages to wildly purposeful missions.

    • The untangling of common misconceptions and fears around the NWM profession (no holding back!)

    • Their take on why this $186billion profession is seeing women flock to it (fast!)

    This episode is infused with heart and passion and a purposeful calling forward of your divinely gifted potential.

    We can’t WAIT to hear how this one lands for YOU!

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    She’s electric, she’s expansive and she’s wildly abundant.

    Inside this conversation, K&K deliver some of their most potent MONEY Calibration Keys that will cause some deep shifts, new awareness & FAST actionable strategies for you to raise your wealth frequency.

    Tune in for…….

    • A rich conversation that unlocks some of the Femme energetics and strategies to an abundant money mindset.

    • We shine a light on the structure of money and open your minds (conscious and subconscious) to the codings, beliefs and patterns that may be causing limitation.

    • We drop some of our most potent money calibration keys that have TRANSFORMED our lives and businesses to cause expansive new shifts within you.

    • We touch on why the NWM profession is the ULTIMATE solution and business structure for women ready to create MORE and deliver their value with ease, flow and serve - while being served!

    We can’t WAIT to hear how this one lands for YOU!

  • Inside Episode 4, K&K evoke a deep conversation around limitless thinking and the power of unlocking the 'magnetic moment' for manifesting your desires. 

    Diving into the simplicity of manifestation & the quantum field, they share some of the most mind-blowing science, energetics and strategies to elevate your life!

    Plus - as always, there are some potent calibration keys that will stir up some immediate shifts within you.

    Ep 4 of the FEMME podcast. Tune in for…

    The real talk of limitless thinking and unlocking magnetic moments in your life and businessWhy co-creating with the Divine is powerful for all areas of life & business & what might really be holding you backWhat is manifestation & the new paradigm and can you really actualise your desires faster and in flowWe discuss the science and the energetics of thoughts, feelings & beliefs and how powerful they REALLY are!We share some calibration keys that will ignite some serious fire and create even more expansion within you (fast!)

    Follow @nwmfemme in IG and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date

  • Inside Episode 3, K&K sink into a deep conversation around DESIRE and how it is the precursor to success in life and business. From owning its innate purity, to activating it and opening up the feminine energy to also RECEIVE your desires, this one causes some BIG shifts, ah-ha moments and NEW clarity.

    Ep 3 of the FEMME NWM podcast we explore:

    • Life as a self-fulling prophecy and our sub-conscious codings (how to recognise limiting behaviours, release the inner silent handbrake and shift into an acceleration of your desires!)

    • The energetics and strategy of DESIRE and how it is the foundation to raising your trajectory in ALL areas of life (so long as it feels PURE!)

    • K&K get real, raw and vulnerable sharing stories of HOW they unlocked their next level of abundance in life and business through the power and awareness of opening up to RECEIVING.

    • Lean into some live coaching as Kimberley feels triggered inside this live conversation and learn the strategies of how to SHIFT in the heat of the moment.

    • You’re also invited into some journaling prompts, affirmations and tools to implement to create even more profound energetic shifts.

    This episode is infused with a depth of wisdom, heart, soul, vulnerability and pure, potent personal power. You will walk away feeling so CLEAR, aware and empowered to open your heart and mind up to your truth of desire and receiving.

  • Relationships Are The New Currency

    Inside Episode 2 of Femme NWM, K&K pull back the curtain even more on their success in NWM and reveal some of the most powerful calibration keys that have accelerated their success (& wildfire obsessions) in life and business.

    They turn up the heat with some sweltering SHIFTS that expose the science, energetics and strategies of why a FOCUS on RESULTS isn’t the answer for feminine energy in business. Plus, they unveil some electric communication keys that will TRANSFORM your magnetic marketing game.

    Tune in for…….

     A captivating conversation that dives deep into an area of business that will UNLOCK your next elevation (and why RESULTS is not the key focus women should be striving for!)

     We explore the feminine energetics and science of how women can truly fall in love with their business and create sustainable, aligned and wildfire outcomes.

     We unlock where the real depth of GOLD is within your NWM business and anchor into the power of organic, magnetic marketing. (We don’t hold back!)

     We explore what the real truths of self leadership, clean energy and how your energy behind the screen is felt on the screen.

     We unlock some powerful marketing calibrations keys that activate a whole new level of clarity, focus and inspired action in content.

     PLUS we reveal an EXCLUSIVE GIFT for one listener that is HIGHLY VALUABLE & personalised – it will raise your trajectory in explosive ways!

    Follow @nwmfemme and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date.

  • It’s time to BREATHE LIFE into this industry for women. The old ways of being and doing are outdated and filled with stagnant energy. The new paradigm of doing business feels fresh, fun and quite frankly…fucking inspiring!

    Ep 1 of the FEMME podcast we open this space and set the scene of what’s to come. Tune in for…

    An introduction into who we are in the profession and WHY we are huge advocates for NWM being the most aligned and expansive business model for feminine women.We dive into some Juicy content and truth BOMBS the industry needs to hear, address and innovate through.We discuss the science and the energetics of women vs men in business- why masculine tasks deplete a woman’s radiance yet increase a man’s sense of power and achievement, and how you as a woman can consciously create more balance, ease and flow in place of resistanceWhy you feel stuck and uninspired, and where we need to clean things up in the industryWhy magnetic marketing creates a resurgence of energy for feminine women in businessWe share our vision for The new paradigm - powerful, graceful, aligned women in business that gets to FEEL good!

    This episode is full of so much wisdom and golden keys that will activate and elevate you, your leadership and your business, we recommend having it on repeat until you unlock them!

    Follow @nwmfemme in IG and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!