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Exploring the wonderfully encouraging and strengthening counsel of Hebrews 11, generally nicknamed the 'Faith Hall of Fame'. This beautiful chapter of Scripture absolutely nullifies the modern-day false teaching of "Come to Christ and all your problems will be solved!". The Scriptures all-round encourages us to expect persecution and tribulation, but to rejoice that we have been chosen to be the children of God for eternity. How glorious!
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Exploring the wonderfully encouraging and strengthening counsel of Hebrews 11, generally nicknamed the 'Faith Hall of Fame'. This beautiful chapter of Scripture absolutely nullifies the modern-day false teaching of "Come to Christ and all your problems will be solved!". The Scriptures all-round encourages us to expect persecution and tribulation, but to rejoice that we have been chosen to be the children of God for eternity. How glorious!
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Exploring the wonderfully encouraging and strengthening counsel of Hebrews 11, generally nicknamed the 'Faith Hall of Fame'. This beautiful chapter of Scripture absolutely nullifies the modern-day false teaching of "Come to Christ and all your problems will be solved!". The Scriptures all-round encourages us to expect persecution and tribulation, but to rejoice that we have been chosen to be the children of God for eternity. How glorious!
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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We have been witnessing pockets of disasters across the world; famine, wild fires, floodings, wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, pandemics, etc. These calamities trouble the world and governments rally around to proffer solutions, often unsuccessfully. There is scurrying around to find ways of solving the problems and preventing them in the future; nothing has yet succeeded. Sadly, none of the leaders of society are looking upward in the direction of the sovereign Creator, who alone can bring or stop the disasters upon a sinful world.
Scriptures are clear about God's wrath and judgement. Scriptures are also as clear about God's love, mercy and grace, already expended on mankind in the gift of His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The world is under the wrath of God, yet all we witness today are mere snippets of what is to come on a global scale.
There is only one way out of the wrath of God whose judgement is pure, holy, and justified; the Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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The world today paints a grim picture of the future. Every good virtue has been lost to permissiveness. The world embraces immorality and evil activities as 'good' and right in the eyes of corrupt mankind. Wickedness is rife and mental health issues are on a daily rise. The future seems bleak to the disciplined mind.
In all this, we have one assurance: God is not mocked, and He is sovereign. This is the believer's joy in a world shrouded in darkness.There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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The world, or most of it, comes to a peculiar standstill three times every year; Christmas, Good Friday and Easter (Sunday, with Monday in lieu). Not many people stop to think why this is so for a Saviour who is widely acknowledged as irrelevant, a lie, a simply nice man, a regular religious teacher, or any other way the unbelieving heart considers the Lord of life. Yet, the Lord shows His sovereignty on those days when people are generally pulled out of their usual hustle and bustle, and those who must work are generally paid at a premium to work on those important days. In this we see God showing His might over His creation, but most people do not understand; they just love the free holidays. But a day is coming for every person who has walked this earth to either rejoice in, or regret what they did with those days when they had breath in the world.
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Today there are many 'church' groups, with thousands and hundreds of thousands of followers. There are self-acclaimed servants of God too numerous to count, but fewer and fewer people actually saved. The multitude of servants of God are self-styled, doing their own thing, serving themselves while deluding followers are they are sent of God.
Is God pleased with any and every kind of worship?There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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We continue in this interesting study into having personal, intimate knowledge of the sovereign and almighty God.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Many professing believers are discontent with their faith; they become restless, worrisome and wavering in their belief in God. Some would go as far as abandoning their faith altogether, without a thought for the salvation they claimed to have received in the first place. Their grievance is that they have been disappointed by God, His promises are not manifesting according to His Word. However, the questions to be asked is how they 'heard' the promises from God, did they have any personal knowledge or relationship with God?
God does not lie, and every Word that has come forth from His mouth written in the infallible holy scriptures have never, will not, and cannot fail. "Let God be true but every man a liar!"There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Learning from the blessed Apostle Peter in the 3rd chapter of the excellent epistle.
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Studying the excellent teaching of the Apostle, for our edification and guidance.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Continuing in the study of this great epistle by the Apostle Peter, for our encouragement and uplifting.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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We continue in the study of this glorious epistle of the faithful Apostle.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Today's pulpits are rife with erroneous and misleading teachings in the least, demonic at their worst. The problem is that these dangerous and evil messages are deliberately taught to keep hearers away from salvation in Christ Jesus; Satan has a very large army of servants posing as servants of Light, but many of their hearers are undiscerning.
What did the Apostles specifically chosen by our Lord teach throughout their earthly ministries? Their teachings were written down for the purpose of maturing the saints. Does any so-called minister have the right or authority to introduce any extrabiblical teachings today?There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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This is the study of the first part of the great epistle of 1 Peter, where he encourages believers in our most glorious faith.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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A believing household is a wonderful thing; it gives joy and peace in the family. There is also the all-important assurance that parents have that when they are called away from the world by the Lord, their family will remain in the good and perfect hands of the Lord.
We study the story of Eli the high priest of Israel and his failure to discipline his wicked sons before God. God's requirements of believing families remain the same.There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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Self-acclaimed servants of God today have come up with many schemes, that they describe as some gospel or the other. These ungodly messages from the very pits of hell do nothing but enslave hearers and lead them into idolatry. The eventual outcome of this for anyone who does not repent, is ultimate separation from God, the second death, and a eternal condemnation to hell.
There is only one Gospel that saves. We believe God, repent of our sins, submit ourselves to Christ the Saviour, we are forgiven and saved by Him. From the moment of our conversion we begin to walk in obedience to Christ, and He looks after every other area of our physical existence. We do not need 'gospels' about money, marriage, child-bearing, deliverance from demons, etc., they are a lie.There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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The world is plagued with many men and sadly, women, who are self-appointed servants of God. These people have no regard and certainly no respect for the holy Scriptures as they go about their 'business', in their quest for filthy lucre.
The Church of Christ was established by Him through the Apostles and few Prophets that worked with them. Today the rest of us who serve the Church, and indeed every believer, is called to build on that foundation once-for-all laid by those specially elected men. However, pride and egotism have come to mean that many today would insist they are apostles and prophets, even though their ministries cannot be aligned with the holy Scriptures!There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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As Christians we are called to a life of discomfort and war, in a world that loves its sin. Satan's purpose is to destabilise our walk of faith, make us doubt God and even forsake the Lord, when tough times hit us, as they undoubtedly will.
The teachings of the holy sriptures are clear, we must persevere, endure and be patient daily as Christians. Sadly this is not the message on most pulpits in this age, and people are falsely taught that suffering must not be part of the Christian life. As such, many claim they are Christians when they are truly not, and when trials come they fail in their faith.There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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In this first chapter of the excellent epistle to the Colossians, Paul commends them for their humble and pure-hearted acceptance of the simple but powerful, life-saving Gospel of Christ Jesus. Pulpits and platforms today are inundated with disgusting, ridiculous and blasphemous teachings that can only lead their hearers to eternal hell. Sadly the followers of these false teachers love the deception they hear and would generally shut their ears against God's truth. They are enticed and seduced into false worship and eternal hell, as they worship their leaders and teachers, putting them in the place of God.
There is only ONE way to be a Christian!
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