
  • This is an episode you will not want to miss. Are you interested in the idea of Unity Consciousness, Earth Energies, Dowsing and like to learn about new and intriguing things?

    Then this next episode is for you!Rory Duff, internationally acclaimed Geobiologist and Master Dowser joins Amanda to share the importance of learning about earth energy lines, vibrational experience as human beings as part of the greater natural world, and how this is all connected to spiritual growth and consciousness.

    Rory shares some fascinating foundational information about what Ley lines are, and are not. Amanda shares an important story about an assignment Rory had given her back in the summer of 2022, one that illustrates the profound way in which she was supported by the Earth herself. Rory and Amanda share valuable resources to feed your curiosity further. It truly is a fascinating episode with lots to awaken your heart, captivate you mind and open you to things you perhaps have never even known existed on this magnificent planet and the multidimensional world we live in!

    I hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording this one for you. The Earth is helping you heal and raise your Consciousness. It’s true! How you might ask? Join us to find out.

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda and learn to Dowse!


    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations & Weblinks:
    A guide to Leylines, Earth Energies, Nodes & Large Vortexes. Rory Duff.

    Ron Pearson - Quantum Relativity Theory and more.

  • Join Amanda as she introduces you to the ancient practice of Dowsing. Through Dowsing not only can you balance your own chakras (energy centers), you have the potential to find your lost wallet, locate a broken subterranean drain pipe, clear energetic residue from your home but also start to communicate with the energetic intelligence of the land you live upon. Yes! All of this and more.

    Amanda will cover the basics and invite you to join the next episode for more details about earth energies, dowsing, and consciousness, with one of her special guests Rory Duff, who is a world renowned GeoBiologist and Dowser, and one of her dowsing mentors. The divine feminine energies of the Earth Mother have much to teach you, to inspire your spiritual awakening, and you have much to offer her as well. If you want to geek out on more dowsing with me join us for a couple of fascinating episodes!

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on Amanda’s Divine Dowsing Level 1 Course, her Tuning Your Instrument Blogpost, & other resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    A Guide to Leylines, Earth Energies, Nodes, and Large Vortexes. Rory Duff

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  • Join Amanda and her special guest Tara Brading as they explore the impact of misogyny, as part of patriarchal and colonial imprinting, on the feminine psyche throughout the matrilineal lines, and how you can prepare and/or deepen the healing process of self reclamation and liberation. Amanda and Tara speak of the importance of honouring emotional processing, cultivating inner safety, and restoring safety within the sisterhood among women. Worthiness, inherited shame, awakening to authenticity and integrity, are among the tangible themes they invite you to compassionately and courageously sit with while you listen throughout this episode. Tara and Amanda provide hope and reassurance of a new dawn of the pioneering feminine wisdom rising throughout the collective of humanity.

    Amanda shifts gears in the next episode, to open the door for you to the fascinating world of Dowsing. Dowsing is both an art and science, used for thousands of years to detect invisible information and provide a bridge to spiritual communion with energies often only sensed, and not seen. Commonly known as “water witching”, yet so so much more, Dowsing is also a tool that can nurture your intuitive abilities, create spiritual expansion AND support your return to a greater sense of Sovereignty. What does speaking with spirits, archaeological remains, the oil industry, and figuring out where to place things in your back yard have in common? Dowsing! This episode will pique your curiosity and have you waiting for more. Be sure to tune in!

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    Women Who Run with Wolves. Clarissa Pinkola Este
    Discovering the Inner Mother. Bethany Webster

    More from Tara Brading:

  • In this episode, Amanda is inviting you to wade into the waters of worthiness. This is such a layered and important topic. In time, no doubt, there will be more episodes on this theme. Worthiness is a topic that every woman, and every human, whether they’re aware of it or not, encounters on the daily.

    Worthiness traps are where you let outside influences and even your own limiting beliefs dictate your worth. A sense of inadequacy, or not enoughness, is candy for your shame imprinting and the harmful aspects of the ego that wants you to fall prey to its temptation and drink the “not enough kool aid”. Amanda created a term, “Borrowed Unworthiness”. She offers you an opportunity to explore this for the purpose of releasing the shackles keeping you doubting your value. In this episode, Amanda explores the difference between confidence, self-esteem and self worth. Amanda offers you self-inquiry questions and journaling prompts to take away for more exploration on your own time.

    Join Amanda in consciously moving into the heart of TRUE worthiness. Open to a new set of love lenses that can help you both process perceived unworthiness, AND help to create ways to avoid the worthiness traps you might encounter in your life. Imagine a world where you felt allowed, safe and right to know and embody your own worth. Let’s create this together SiStars! Starting with YOU!

    Taking time to reclaim your worth, learn to love and accept yourself more, empower yourself through life’s changes is an essential part of living authentically and coming home to your Self. It is essential for healing and creates more inner peace, ease and joy in your life.

    The Wise Women Awakening Online Course offers you a self-paced and guided way to do just that! Create awareness around your beliefs, your energy body, your personal power and recreate a new relationship with your divine feminine nature. Several options are available for you to choose from today. YAY! Check out the links below and invest in yourself Sistars! You are worth it!

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are two options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    Belonging. Tokopa Turner
    The Gifts of Imperfection. Brene Brown

  • In this episode, Amanda welcomes her Celtic Moon Mná Women’s Circle Mentor to the show. Dr. Karen Ward is a writer, lecturer, teacher, and psychotherapist based in Dublin, Ireland. She is trained in the Celtic lineage and Druidic traditions, author of Goddesses of Ireland: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Women among other publications and the Goddess Brigid Oracle Deck. Amanda and Karen invite you to share in the importance of women gathering together, and the profound positive impact this can have on your feminine heart, your sense of belonging and your personal healing journey with other women.

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, Women’s Circle, Special Events, Wise Women Retreats & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Resources and Book Recommendations:
    When Women Rise Rooted. Sharon Blackie
    Belonging. Toko Pa Turner

    Our next Episode: “The Worthiness Trap”, will evoke a new set of lenses to view self worth and how to go about claiming it for yourself. Amanda guides you into some self-reflective questions that help you pull the thread on the worn out sweater of what has defined your value over the years. Using these new lenses you can begin to make an internal shift and avoid future worthiness traps. Some say knowledge is power, this is true, and self-awareness is a key that unlocks your wisdom and creative potential within. Join Amanda to expand your awareness and reorient your relationship with worthiness. Have a journal and pen handy for this one!

  • In this episode, Amanda takes you with her through a walk down memory lane. A reflective journey where she recounts when her boundaries were non-existent, and brings you right up to speed to the NOW moment where she invites you to take a good look at your own. She also offers you practical tips to create and follow through on healthier boundaries in your own life.

    "I could read a room. I could sense what a person wanted from me without them even speaking and would start shapeshifting before I realised I was doing it. This looked like changing my choices, how I was standing, acting, my tone of voice - the whole thing! The other thing I began to observe & become SUPER AWARE OF was that ….I didn’t know how to create a clear and healthy boundary AND hold it. I know some of you really feel this with me right now!"

    Deep dive with Amanda into this important self-awareness, clear communication and healthy boundary work through personalised 1-1 sessions, and through the self-guided, self-paced Wise Women Awakening Online Course.

    The WWA Course & Mini Courses take you through self-reflective journaling, embodiment practices, affirmation play, simple divination and creating empowered action steps.

    Book a Discovery Call with Amanda and check the WWA Course links below.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Our next Episode: “Why Women Gather”, Amanda and her special guest Dr. Karen Ward, all the way from Ireland, will be discussing belonging, the importance of sharing, being heard, being witnessed, and creating safe sisterhood on the healing journey. Join Amanda and Karen then!

  • In this episode, Amanda and her guest Serena Haines explore themes related to women listening to their bodies, using their voices and self permission when it comes to intimacy, sensuality and sexual exploration. Serena is a Halifax, NS based Certified Sex Coach and Somatic Sex Educator. She has been helping people with Sex and Intimacy Coaching through BodyWork, personal coaching sessions, workshops, educational and private events since 2016.

    "The more feminine empowerment work I did for myself, and led other women through, the more my awareness soared regarding the importance of there being a focus on intimacy, sensuality and sexual sovereignty for women with their own bodies, and in relationship with others."

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website for more details on how to work with Amanda, blog posts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Deep dive with Amanda into this important self-awareness and intimacy work through personalised 1-1 sessions, and through the self-guided, self-paced Wise Women Awakening Online Course.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Serena's website:

    Serena’s book recommendations:
    Pussy: A Reclamation. Regena Thomashauser
    Sexual Intelligence. Marty Klein

    Our next Episode: “Better Boundaries” will be one you will want to listen to again. And you might want to take notes. Overgiving, holding back your voice, and learning how to step up your self respect. These are all things Amanda will touch on as she invites you to explore ways to create Better Boundaries. Join Amanda then!

  • In this episode Amanda invites you to create a renewed relationship with your breath. Explore the power and beauty within each breath you take. Amanda invites you to consider your breath as a Wisdom Keeper and shares how it weaves with your Life Force energy. Amanda offers you an important reminder to connect with your breath as the ever ready sacred tool you have with you, everywhere you go.

    "One of the most effective and profound ways you can liberate and encourage your Lifeforce to flow, is through Breathing. Your breath is not only a source of oxygen for your cells and your body. It is what animates your BEING. Woven within it, is the essence of Life itself."

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Book a Discovery Call with Amanda to explore 1-1 Sacred Breathwork sessions.

    Blog Post: Sacred Breathwork

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress.There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    Breath. James Nestor

    Our next Episode: “In Touch: Getting Intimate With The Feminine”. Amanda and Serena will jump into all things FYES and FNO, and widen the window of awareness on your own relationship to intimacy, sensuality and sexuality as a woman. Join Amanda & Serena then!

  • In this episode, Amanda shares some energy basics about your Light Body. She illuminates what you might often sense but cannot see and expands on how awakening to your luminous nature can enhance your health and wellness. Amanda opens a door for you to consider your Light Body and Soul Self as part of your lived experience. A door that has always been there, for thousands of years, and known to many who honour the role that energy, the intelligence of nature, frequency, quantum physics and the esoteric arts play in the human experience, as a Light Being.

    "Each of us has a luminous energy field surrounding the physical body that holds a record of all our emotional, physical, and spiritual traumas. It holds an imprint and patterning. It connects to past life information and experiences. The luminous field is a blueprint that determines how we will heal and how we live."

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Blog Post: Cleanse the Pathway into 2023: Energy Hygiene Tips

    Divine Dowsing Level 1 is a popular Seven Feathers course and a great opportunity to discover your own relationship with energy, explore the energy field of the body and beyond. Check for course details and wait list.

    Sign up for our newsletter on for upcoming dates for both In Person Trainings and Online Course Options.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress.There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    The Subtle Body. An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. Cyndi Dale
    Wheel of Life. The Classic Guide to the Chakra System. Anodea Judith
    Upper Clarity School. Sarah Thomas

    Our next Episode: “Your Breath as Wisdom Keeper” is one where you will be reborn to the nature of your breath, and how powerful and sacred it truly is. Join Amanda then!

  • In this episode, Amanda takes you deeper. Deeper into the body. Amanda leads you on a journey to connect with your body as a vessel of wisdom. She offers you a simple and profound practice to explore your own Body Yes and Body No. Through this practice she offers you a chance to strengthen your awareness of self, your somatic patterns and your veiled knowing. As you do so, you reclaim inherent wisdom and power already alive within your sacred body and Being. As you learn to listen to your body differently, through the 4 key filters she shares in this episode, your whole inner landscape shifts for the better and the world around you shifts with you.

    “Maybe you decided to go out to an event when you really wanted to stay home; Chose to eat something you know bothers your stomach; Committed to some event/gathering that you are truly not interested in OR do not have the time for. Go back to that moment you said YES to this. Returning to the body and to energy intelligence is entering the realm of the divine feminine, this deeper communication is coming from the wisdom of the womb, from your Inner Wise Woman.”

    Deep dive with Amanda into this important self-awareness and empowered embodiment work through personalised 1-1 sessions and through the self-guided, self-paced Wise Women Awakening Online Course.

    Book a Discovery Call with Amanda and check the WWA Course links below.

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations: The Body Keeps Score. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.

    Our next Episode: “Light Being” will be one you don’t want to miss. Amanda will remind you that you are so much more than your human vessel and open your mind to a new way of seeing people, and the world around you. Join Amanda then!

  • In this episode, Amanda invites you to explore how thoughts shape your reality. Learning about the power of the mind and energy, will evoke your inherent personal power and capacity to transform things in your life, and help to manifest your desires. She gets into some energy basics when it comes to your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. An exploration of your own awareness of how the feminine principle flows within all of these is offered to you. Amanda takes you through a direct experience of how the power of your mind, the somatic nature of your body, and the influence of your energy all weave with one another in an interconnected and co-creative way. This self-awareness practice and energetic pivot through the choice of your words, and conscious embodiment of them, will change your reality, instantly.

    “Obviously your thoughts are made up of words. Your words, how you say them, your tone of voice, how they’ve been said to you, and how society typically uses or defines them all have created an imprint in your psyche and subconscious mind AND they all hold a vibrational resonance. Consider words and thoughts like ingredients for a soup. The soup is your MIND.Which ones you choose to put in the soup, and in what form (‘raw/sauteed/rotten/fresh’) will all affect the flavour and quality of the soup (your MIND). Which in turn nurtures your whole Being.”

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:
    Blog Post: “Spelling. The Energy of Language”
    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    The Power Is Within You. Louise Hay
    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. Joe Dispenza
    Messages from Water and the Universe. Dr. Masuro Emoto

    Heart Math Institute

    Our next Episode: “Your body is talking to you. Are you listening?” will be one you don’t want to miss - Amanda will help you connect with your Body YESes and your Body NOs!

  • In this episode, Amanda shares parts of her personal journey which has led to the awakening of her inner Wise Women. She shares how this has not only shaped her personal reclamation of the feminine, but how opening to the feminine wisdom ways continues to inspire the support she offers others, through her business Seven Feathers Healing Arts. She invites you to listen and honour the whisper, the cries, the resounding call of your inner Wise Woman stirring within.

    “Once again I broke with tradition. It was terrifying AND exhilarating…I dove head first into my own healing, began digging through the layers to figure out who the hell I was, if I was not all that I once believed. I followed my heart. I opened to new learning, found my true voice, began taking back my power - the power to BE MYSELF - whoever that was, as I let the process of unbecoming truly begin.”

    Each episode offers a practical experience to embody the themes explored and to nourish your feminine wisdom to flow with greater awareness. Explore ways to honour your Wise Woman more intentionally, heal from within, reclaim and embody your innate feminine power, and expand your heart consciousness.

    Resources and other links:

    Head over to the Seven Feathers website,, for more details on how to work with Amanda, Blogposts, & resources to fuel your feminine flight.

    Free offerings:

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit to explore the Wise Women Awakening Online Course options, including the Free Mini Course - Inner Empress. There are 2 payment options for the Full Course, and Mini Courses to test out your wings!

    As a gift to all of you first time listeners, you can receive any of the WWA Course options with a 10% Discount by using the Coupon Code: TAKEFLIGHT10 at the checkout!

    Book recommendations:
    When Women Rise Rooted, Sharon BlackieAll Women Are Healers, Diane Stein

    Our next Episode: “Thoughts Become Things” will be one you don’t want to miss - mark your calendars and join Amanda then!

  • Welcome to Flight of the Feminine, where we will take your self-love, liberation and sovereignty to a whole new level. I'm with you on this wild ride of self-actualization, sacred becoming, and shedding all that you are not, and truly never were. This show is not only being curated as a resource for you, it is also an expression of love, trust and acknowledgement that YOU TOO can take flight at any point in your life and embody your fullest self. This podcast helps you return home to yourself and awaken your divine feminine within. It will support the expansion of your self-awareness, the embracing of your shadow self, provide pathways for re- embodiment, and guidance for you to unveil your own authentic nature, amidst the process of unbecoming AND remembrance.

    I will offer you space for being real with yourself, for reflection AND empowered action. We will explore limiting beliefs, the dissolution of inner patriarchal residue, all things energy, earth-based and goddess spirituality, divination, breath, body wisdom and so much more. And, I love relatable metaphors - you're gonna get lots of those! I am passionate about sharing both spiritual and practical ways to evoke your deepest desires, your curiosity and stoke your capacity to live more intentionally and awaken to your own divinity.

    Check out and for further resources, in person and online courses, events, and the upcoming Wise Women Retreat, "Goddess Reclaimed", in Ireland this June 2024.

    Follow us on Instagram and Facebook:
