Listeners call in to ask Doree and Elise more friendship month questions (keep âem coming!), the convo continues on what it means to learn new skills at mid-life, and why we all love Walter Goggins.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] our listener survey and help us make our show better!Visit for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise speak with Nichole Hill, the award-winning showrunner, audio producer and creator of the independent podcast Our Ancestors Were Messy. They discuss the history of Black newspapers, the lasting power of written gossip, why some of Nicholeâs best memories of her dad are as a passenger in his car, and the reminder that itâs okay to be frivolous and romantic AND contribute to change.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] our listener survey and help us make our show better!Visit for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Elise spontaneously goes to a K-pop concert and Doree has a lovely night in with a Walton Goggins show. They hear from listeners about diving deep into the back catalog of your favorite podcasts, hair products to help with hair loss, friends flaking at the last minute, and a message for the AI-curious.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] our listener survey and help us make our show better!Visit for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise reflect on the five-year anniversary of Covid lockdown. Then, they invite Ash Perez (former BuzzFeed video star and current 2nd Try cast member) on to talk about his relationship to his father and masculinity, what his journey has taught him about the performance of gender, how he decides what information to share publicly and what to keep private, and what heâs doing to make sense of the news right now.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Dor and E hear from listeners about their takeaways from friendship month (both the positive and the negative), why reaching out for connection is always a good thing, and therapy for therapists.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise speak with Olga Khazan, Atlantic writer and author of Me, But Better: The Science and Promise of Personality Change about how much of your personality is fixed vs changeable, the underrated but life-changing value of niceness, and a mindset shift to deal with the tumultuous times weâre living in.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise hear from listeners about something deep in the archives of Forever35, get more chocolate chip cookie recipes, a candle rec for clean-but-not-soapy- scented candles, and they take on some lingering friendship questions.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Itâs the finale of friendship month, and Doree and Elise speak with return friendship expert Dr. Marisa Franco (author of Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make--and Keep--Friends).
They discuss how as you get older you raise the bar for friendship and focus on quality over quantity, giving your friends the chance to say ânoâ to you, navigating turmoil in your friendships by starting with curiosity, and why your friendships will really blossom when you stop predicting and start experiencing.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Modern Friendship author Anna Goldfarb returns to answer your questions about friendship! Anna discusses how to nurture old friendships, how to make âhanging outâ more compelling, being careful about tallying âyou vs them,â and more.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise speak with Kasley Killam, a leading expert in social health and author of The Art and Science of Connection: Why Social Health is the Missing Key to Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier. They discuss how an experiment in acts of kindness led to a lifelong interest in studying relationship building, how to balance being an introvert with your social health, why your social health and level of connection isn't constant (in a good way), and how to use a shared experience to build connection.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise answer listener questions about Eliseâs new TED Talk and discuss Doreeâs new advice column with Slate. And they share a special voice note from Eliseâs daughter to answer a listener question about tween style!
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Elise prepares for her birthday weekend in Mexico City and Doree witnesses the perils of rain in LA! Then, they invite Rhaina Cohen, author of The Other Significant Others, on to discuss why prioritizing friendship doesnât mean being anti-marriage, the power of âjust askâ in building your relationship with new and old friends, the balance of showing up for and leaning on your friends, and how to more actively invest in existing friendships and cultivate new ones.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise kick off friend week with an IRL hang (!) and talk about Eliseâs coming birthday vacation and Doreeâs recent Korean spa trip. Then, they hear from listeners about the environmental harms of chat GPT, delicious single serve chocolate chip cookie recipes, how to channel your nervous energy into action, and a non-food rec for Samâs Club.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Friendship Month kicks off with Anna Goldfarb, author of Modern Friendship: How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections.
Anna joins Doree and Elise to talk about what a wholehearted friendship means, how to determine the âaboutâ of your friendships, why itâs okay for your friendships to remain more fluid as you become an adult, and how itâs okay to grow into (and out of) friendships gracefully.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Listeners send Doree and Elise their news sources, how theyâre keeping busy and proactive, drugstore skincare recs for the winter, and updates on Trader Joeâs.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise invite ex-Normal Gossip host Kelsey McKinney on to discuss her new book You Didnât Hear This From Me: (Mostly) True Notes on Gossip, how understanding gossip is connected to Mean Girls, the Gaylor conspiracy and subculture, and the level of skepticism you should have based on the person you hear information from.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise share their trusted local and national news sources and hear from listeners about the pride of free mugging, the Apple Health app reminder hack, and the Samâs Club Chick-Fil-A dupe.
This episode contains a sponsored segment by Bausch + Lomb. Visit to learn more.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise share the products that the young people in their life have influenced them to try. Then, they invite illustrator and writer Hallie Bateman on to discuss illustrating a book with her mother about getting through her divorce (What to Do When You Get Dumped), the joy of witnessing that immense emotional growth in her mom, what life is like as a working artist, being a mom of twins, and using wit and humor to get through darker times.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Dor and Elise catch up before hearing from listeners with advice for last weekâs listener looking for the next step in their career, another all-in-one Ninja product you need to know about, whoâs free bowling what and where, and a call out for some Samâs Club recs!
This episode contains a sponsored segment by Bausch + Lomb. Visit for more information.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
Doree and Elise speak with University of Michigan Law School Professor and Strict Scrutiny podcaster Leah Litman about the incoming Trump Administration. She discusses how you donât have to accept the inevitable, how you can politically âgum up the worksâ of government as a form of resistance, the top three things to look out for as the Trump Administration takes over, and a solution to being involved when you only want to curl up in the fetal position.
To leave a voicemail or text for a future episode, reach Doree & Elise at 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at [email protected] for links to everything they mention on the show or visit the podcast on Instagram (@Forever35Podcast) and sign up for the newsletter at on Acast. See for more information.
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