Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast Style! We start out getting ready to fight! The mysterious and charismatic mercenary tries to persuade us to leave. Fie steps up to challenge a dance fight? We get into a dust up and the tides start to turn for the worse....for us....can we survive and unravel this latest mystery? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Megan #1 Intro
00:00:50 Episode Start
00:01:00 Initiative Start
00:09:30 Silence in front of the first in line!
00:10:45 Fie Challenges the stranger
00:24:00 Reggie "suggests" the new enemy complies
00:26:00 Dance off begins!
00:28:00 Fie wins the dance off and Reggie tries to bribe the stranger
00:30:45 Vikar gets run through
00:31:25 After much edging we all get to release our actions
00:43:40 Biscuits gets his biscuits rocked
00:53:15 "That sounded like a lot of dice"
00:59:10 Flame seed hairball
01:01:00 Fie goes down hard
01:02:35 Vikar stares Down the mercenary
01:03:00 Episode End
01:03:05 Outtakes
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast Style! After Zoldin and Vikar finally snap out of the influence of the altar, the party tries to take a rest and regroup. Only to be interrupted by the one who got away. Deeper into the mine the party gives chase! What surprises lie in wait at the end? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Em Intro
00:00:17 Brandon Intro
00:07:41 Reggie and Vikar Square up
00:17:00 We take a rest against better judgement
00:19:00 Reggie in his feelings about little Richard
00:20:00 Tiny dice noises of doom
00:21:30 Ophelia get a bolt to the back
00:26:30 A rest interrupted
00:33:30 Reggie's Patron makes a brief appearance
00:35:15 Reggie's Raiders announces their prescense
00:40:00 Who belongs where?
00:44:25 POCKET SAND
00:45:15 Ophelia kicks this thing off
00:45:35 Episode End
00:45:54 Bloopers
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast Style! After breaking through the door and interrupting the ritual, the party has to deal with consequences of actions. After discovering a secret tied to the alter Zoldin gets into some trouble. Can the party help him? Will we discover the secret of this mine?
Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Brandon Intro
00:00:45 So stunning
00:06:15 Burning hands burn
00:12:40 Face Melty goodness
00:15:00 Down, Diagonal, Up
00:16:00 The one that got away
00:20:30 Search the bodies
00:30:00 Hit it again....just not as hard
00:32:20 The druid is thinking....lookout
00:36:30 Thunea channels her inner cowgirl
00:53:00 Vikar gets in the same trouble as Zoldin
01:00:00 Is looking scared a free action?
01:14:00 Reggie tries to rebuke...but gets stabbed
01:17:30 When swords collide
01:20:45 Zoldin overcomes the hold on him
01:25:50 Episode end
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! Finally we come across the Thuldrin Southern mine and after gaining entry(rather violently) we explore the depths of yet another mine. This one however is host to infected miners, and after some careful exploration we discover a door hiding a sinister ritual being performed behind it. After Zoldin handles the door....and everyone's hearing ability we roll initiative. Is this the end for our adventuring party? Will we all survive another delve into the depths? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Tom Intro
00:06:40 Is this a mine or a catherdral?
00:12:10 Flip a coin and decide our fate
00:17:55 Reggie tries his first bit of dip
00:29:20 That door is thiiiccc
00:30:05 Hello from the other side
00:35:40 Flash bang cat?
00:42:00 Biscuits 1 Actual...going dark
00:44:00 Oops he did it again....
00:45:50 Minions! Attack!
00:46:20 Tick your Clokens for initiative
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! After murdering the guards outside the mine, we make our way inside. Zoldin makes enemies real quick by touching the diamonds and half the party passes out. After a quick battle during which there were some brief revelations about these possessed people, we discuss our next move as we delve deeper into the mine. What secrets and horrors will we stumble across next? Find out in this latest episode!
00:00:00 HiHi Em Intro
00:02:20 Zoldin buries their turds
00:05:10 Reggie checks for traps
00:17:00 we try sneaking....poorly
00:25:00 PUT...THE DIAMOND....BACK
00:29:20 Enter Biscuits
00:43:15 I'm just a baby
00:49:30 Bloopers
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! Vikar finally tells the group about their disturbing dream and song he heard. Revealing Nezotl the Shadows Embrace to possibly be the diety connected to all of this. We finally make our way to the Thuldrin Mine and get in a tussle with some local guards, or rather black goo filled shells of guards. What secrets do we unlock as we being anew an underground adventure? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Tom Intro
00:00:18 Brandon Intro
00:00:55 Episode Start
00:01:45 Vikar finally recounts his dream about Vara being used by a dark entity in the Thuldrin Mine
00:07:26 Vikar tells us the song that Vara was singing, revealing Nezotl as the possible diety behind it
00:19:30 We finally come to the Thuldrin Mine
00:29:30 We attack some guards
00:39:15 The guard goes down....or does he?
00:52:00 We kill the already dead guards
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! Various watch shifts, Fie plays with fire...and a familiar. Some wolves in the distance bring nightmares to Fie, and Reggie isn't so short and fat anymore? Vikar has yet to recount their frightening dream about Vara in the Thulrdin mine. Will Vikar ever get to recount that dream and potential threat to the group? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Reggie Intro
00:00:24 Brandon intro/episode start
00:03:04 Vikar Joins Reggie for his watch
00:15:33 After being relieved from watch, Reggie spoons with Thunea
00:24:33 Fie drops little Richard into the fire
00:40:30 Fie twitches at the wolves howling Trauma? or Transformation?
00:59:25 Zoldin tries to reassure Fie
01:01:10 Did Reggie hit puberty?
01:08:00 Episode end
Friday Night D&D is a Campaign in podcast style! After some time traveling on the road we make camp again. A couple of us have some nightmares feeding some backstory, Ophelia and Zoldin come to an understanding and Vikar tries to dream spy on Vara the other brother in the mine. In doing so Vikar discovers a dark secret about the Thuldrin Family Mine. Are we any closer to solving this mystery? Find out in this latest episode!
00:00:00 JJ intro
00:00:30 Brandon Intro
00:01:15 Vikar does....not find a body under the evil looking plants
00:10:48 A lady does reveal her age, and it's 102
00:16:00 Fie feels the big spoon lurking....and its name is Reggie
00:28:48 Thunea dream of dragons
00:37:40 Reggie has a premature morning Eldritch blast
00:41:10 Ophelia and Zoldin make up...more or less
00:52:00 Vikar tries to contact our quarry in a dream
01:00:00 Vikar figures out the labor issue in the Thuldrin Mine
01:02:00 Episode End
Friday Night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! After running from a deadly assailant and burning mansion. We take a break to catch our breaths in a small quiet cave and plan our next moves. While heading back to town we encounter some suspicious and rather familiar looking nasty plant life. Are we in for some gardening in the little D&D Shop of horrors? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Brandon Intro
00:00:49 Episode Start
00:04:50 Vikar's Diety speaks
00:08:00 Vikar has a vision
00:14:30 Ophelia sort of burns breakfast
00:27:00 We plan our next moves
00:40:45 We stumble on some unique and familiar looking plants
00:44:43 Zoldin torches a flower
00:48:16 Episode End
Friday night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! After setting the house on fire and then blowing out a wall for a nice scenic view. We play hide and seek with a deadly enemy, several of our party get run through. Will we escape this encounter without losses? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Reggie opening WWWAAAAHHHH
00:00:19 Brandon Opening
00:00:57 Episode Start
00:05:08 Vikar "action movies" through a window and rolls off a bed
00:09:08 Reggie gets stabbed...again
00:12:20 Zoldin catches glimpse of our enemy and sees Reggie down
00:14:22 Something dark stops Zoldin from healing Reggie
00:16:10 Reggie's first Death save
00:22:05 Vikar removes the dark plant matter from Reggie
00:25:00 Reggie gets brought back from the brink by Vikar and tries to snuggle his hero
00:34:35 Ophelia is not built for running
00:58:30 Zoldin meditates in the rain
01:12:28 Zoldin has a vison in the rain
01:19:50 Episode End
Friday night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! Our party finds themselves in combat after the murder of a member of the moving town of Rasso. Will they end victorious or is this the abupt end of our group? Find out in the latest episode!
00:00:00 Thunea Intro
00:00:15 Brandon Intro
00:01:25 A dark stranger enters...murderously
00:04:10 Reggie gets run through
00:05:30 Reggie gets stabbed
00:12:00 Zoldin give Reggie a quick heal
00:15:30 Ophelia relives some plant related trauma
00:19:00 We get attacked by plants
00:25:00 Biscuits living his best life at the tavern....not fighting.
00:26:00 Zoldin commits some minor arson
00:32:40 Ophelia gives Reggie a solid "bro nod"
00:35:00 Zoldin obliterates the room and deafens his party
00:49:30 Ophelia keeps climbing the building
00:55:55 Thunea shoulder checks a door...unsuccessfully.
01:03:05 Ophelia gets poked
01:06:25 Episode End
01:07:07 Bloopers
Friday night D&D is a campaign in podcast style! We enjoy some well earned spoils of food and drink with our writ from the mayor, and Ophelia has a visit from a stranger for unknown purpose. Planning our next move, do we continue to trace this corruption? Or do we trek off to help the young noble from Smell...Snow Haven Reginald Ducketsworth and get him back home? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 The other Megan intro
00:00:18 Brandon Intro
00:00:57 Episode Start
00:02:42 Ophelia talks to a stranger
00:08:40 Zoldin discovers Vikar's special ability
00:16:00 Fie learns some manners in spellcasting
00:19:20 The annoying twins enter the bar
00:26:40 Fie questions life choices
00:28:50 We haggle with Reggie
00:33:35 Reggie insults Zoldin's mother
00:43:45 We decide how to spend our downtime
00:53:40 Ophelia man spreads on a couch asserting her dominance
01:11:20 Reggie meets his patron...and his purpose...
01:17:55 Episode End
01:18:33 Bloopers
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in Podcast style! We investigate our loot and make our way out of the cave. Finally taste fresh air again and head back to the mayor and earn our reward. We settle in for some well earned drinks and relaxation. One of us can't hold our liquor and another gets a mysterious cloaked visitor. What do they want? Who do they want? Find out in our latest episode!
00:00:00 Reggie(Tom Intro)
00:03:48 Ophelia is over it...
00:04:50 Ophelia cast Tail's not very effective
00:06:08 Zoldin plays with his staff and it gets bigger
00:14:39 Thunea reveals she is a Platinum trophy chaser
00:19:00 Thunea fluffs Reggie's ego
00:28:30 Here comes the sun doo doo doodoo
00:35:45 We meet back up with the mine foreman to report our success
00:44:30 Back at the mayor's residence
00:53:50 Vikar lets Zoldin sweat
00:55:15 Vikar minor illusions Ophelias Mine Goo money shot
00:58:25 Reginald's Raiders are born
01:12:40 Feel the burn
01:13:45 Reggie loses his lunch on Fie
01:15:20 Ophelia gets a dark visitor
01:16:18 Brandon's Single "I don't like your dice rolls"
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in Podcast style! We delve deeper into the hole that Ophelia jumped into. Find some more infected Kobold/Goblins. We Stumble upon an Altar that could be the source of it all. Is this the end of the corruption in the mine? Find out in our latest episode!
(00:00:00) Brandon Intro
(00:00:47) Episode Start
(00:05:25) Ophelia is exhausted while the rest had a good nap
(00:10:50) We roll initiative
(00:13:00) Ophelia stops a goblin in its tracks
(00:19:00) Zoldin Ice Knives a goblin into pieces
(00:24:45) Fie goes invisible and whispers sweet nothings into Vikar's ear
(00:26:20) Reggie tries to show up Ophelia
(00:27:13) Reggie wonders what two fingers will do
(00:43:45) Thunea and Fie get splattered with fried brain
(00:55:13) Combat is resolved
(01:02:20) Zoldin attempts to destroy the altar
(01:04:00) Ophelia gets a goodie bag with treats for everyone
(01:10:45) Vikar senses no further evil
(01:14:25) We level up
(01:14:35) The end...or is it?
(01:14:55) Bloopers
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in Podcast style!
(00:00:00) JJ Intro
(00:00:34) Brandon Intro
(00:00:50) Episode Start
(00:02:24) Vikar trips and eats dirt
(00:13:05) Reggie holds Vikar's glowing rock hostage
(00:19:45) Biscuits parkours back to the Fey realm
(00:22:45) Fie disses Reggie hard
(00:34:30) Ophelia sits with Zoldin while biscuits is summoned
(00:37:30) A very pissed off Biscuits is brought back from the Fey realm
(00:48:30) Ophelia sleep walks and hallucinates
(00:52:20) Ophelia yeets herself into the big hole
(00:59:05) Ophelia has a little cry at the bottom of the hole
(01:03:01) Fie busts out a sick rhyme to heal Ophelia
(01:07:50) Brandon Outro and episode End
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in Podcast style! After battling some spider riding goblins. Ophelia eats some weird goo which causes hallucinations. We delve deeper into the mine hoping to get to the bottom(no pun intended) of this mystery. Find out in this newest episode!
(00:00:00) Em Intro
(00:00:16) Brandon Intro
(00:00:56) Episode Start
(00:03:20) Zoldin plays with liquid moonlight
(00:13:30) Vikar spins a goblin like a rotisserie chicken
(00:15:15) Ophelia tastes the goo and it shoots into her mouth
(00:19:40) Zoldin makes Ophelia a quick hangover cure
(00:35:20) Reggie bums a smoke
(00:41:07) Vikar rolls for Yeet
(00:48:59) Vikar loses his pet rock
(00:49:00) Episode End
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in podcast style! Members of the group find themselves at wits end with one another. While the others discover something odd going on with Reggie. Find out in our newest episode!
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in podcast style! Meeting the brooding Paladin, Vikar, our group finds themselves delving deeper into the Mines. Find out in our newest episode!
(00:00:00) Intros Start
(00:00:55) Episode Start
(00:07:46) Ophelia and Thunea get snippy
(00:07:46) Reggie actually feels the touch of a woman
(00:25:06) Ophelia gets the Ick
(00:28:30) We roll initiative
(00:46:50) Flaming biscuits arrives
(00:53:30) Reggie has a premature blast
(01:07:26) Reggie jumps Fie
(01:15:25) Thunea pets Biscuits using Mage hand
(01:25:00) Little Richard makes his debut
(01:35:04) Episode end
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in podcast style! While investigating the Mines, the party quickly discovers they may be in for more than they bargained for. Find out in our newest episode!(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:48) Start of Episode with Party at Mines entrance
(00:08:36) Zoldin leads, entering Mines
(00:11:34) DM description of Mines
(00:18:00) First investigation of tunnels by Zoldin & Ophelia
(00:29:00) Ophelia makes a startling discovery
(00:31:57) Zoldin pushes cart down the tracks(Reggie in tow)
(00:46:49) Party meets a stranger in the Mines
(00:59:18) Vikar joins the Party temporarily
(01:04:00) Party is attacked
(01:08:45) End of Episode
Friday Night DnD is a campaign in podcast style! The party searches for information on the mines. Do they gather the intel needed or is our party doomed to roam the roads of Rasso?! Find out in our newest episode!(00:00:00) Intro
(00:00:56) Start of Episode with Zoldin
(00:05:21) Ophelia and Thunea split up to search
(00:20:59) Cinnamon Roll control
(00:26:28) Reginald's ballad/Party reconvenes
(00:38:15) Party meets Miner Bob
(00:42:45) Fie/Ophelia seek out more information
(00:49:54) Zoldin/Thunea get to opening of the mine
(00:58:53) End of Episode
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