
  • Lauren came on the pod to share her experience going from a corporate mom to "work from home mom." Not only is she a "work from home" mom, her job is to help new mom's.

    She understands the importance of a positive birthing experience for the mom, the baby & everyone else in mom's orbit.

    You may have guessed that she didn't have the most positive birthing experience when she started out as a mom. This led her to look for answers for the positive birth she hoped &dreamed of. Now she helps women do the same.

    We had a very honest conversation about all the ups & downs of becoming a mom. The intensity of pregnancy, birth and post partum. The things people don't like to talk about b/c they are scared they will look like they can't "do it all."

    People are told 2 have babies but don't LOOK like you had a baby. People make comments about a pregnant body even though this may be the most vulnerable time for that pregnant mom and her body.

    We wanted to shed light on these topics. I think Lauren is providing an amazing service. I think many people may shy away from this - thinking maybe its a luxury or it makes them week to ask for help. I strongly believe looking at a whole person when caring for them and things that will help them in the future are needs and not luxuries. Asking for help makes you strong and self aware, NOT WEAK.

    Enjoy the episode! I can't wait to hear your feedback!

    A bit about Lauren:

    Lauren Seidman is a certified childbirth educator, birth, and postpartum doula based in Long Island, NY. She is also a mom of 4 young children. Professionally, Lauren offers clear and down-to-earth childbirth education classes to help demystify the birth process. She loves witnessing how education and support enables expecting parents to transform from anxious and unsure to empowered and confident. Lauren also loves normalizing common struggles and experiences of birth & new motherhood on her instagram page @birth_positive, helping women feel less alone. Personally, Lauren enjoys exercise, reading, spending time with family and friends, and eating nourishing foods.Don't forget to rate, review and share the podcast!

    If you are ready to out dieting behind you in a very gentle, realistic approach - reach out to me here!

    You can also email me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

    Not ready to commit to private sessions - check out my online courses to help you learn about intuitive eating and begin implementing it on your own.

    My entire Intuitive Eating Self Paced course is available right here!

    Do you want to learn about the Internal Family System modality of therapist? Do you want to see how practically this can be done regarding food and body? Check out the workshop I did with Shira Fruchter- IFS trained therapist. She uses the model on me in real life to pull apart my own relationship with food and body and uncover many things I wasn't able to tap into before. Check that out here!

    Looking for tips and tricks to help you handle all the food and chaos during the holidays - I got you covered. Rachel Tuchman and I did a workshop right before Pesach helping us busy women navigate the intensity of the holidays. Once you sign up for this course, you will receive a handout full of ideas as well as a meal plan! Check that out here!

    Okay. One more. Has feeding your children turned into a battle field? Are you tired and frustrated of cooking only to see your kids grab some cereal and milk? Stop what you are doing a purchase the course I did with Blimie Heller on The Division of Responsibility in Feeding. You will learn a whole new way to feed your family. No more intense fights about how much broccoli was consumed. No more crying over all the food going in the garbage. Purchase that class right here!

    The BEST part is - now until after the holidays, everything is available on my website for 50% off. Yes - half off. Use code RH24 and grab those discounts today!

  • Hello wonderful listeners of mine.

    You may (or may have not) realized that I have not been able to put out a podcast for a few weeks.

    Life is busy right?!

    I wanted to shamelessly plug my podcast here for a second.

    Recently, a former client wrote me this text: "Hi Gila, just wanted to share something with you that I know you’ll enjoy. I just realized today that I am marrying off my son soon and didn’t spend any of the wedding prep time dieting or hoping to fit into a smaller size. I’m continuing to eat the same intuitively as I was before the engagement and not stressed at all about losing the weight. My mind is cleared out in a way that I can enjoy all the wedding prep with out the diets taking up my brain space. Thanks Gila for helping reach this milestone."

    I know that the work of Intuitive Eating is life changing. I know it has the ability to completely change our life's trajectory and allows us to learn skills that help us day to day.

    I really want to continue putting out this podcast but it takes A LOT of TIME! I would be so grateful and humbled if you'd want to sponsor an episode or become a monthly subscriber for a nominal fee. You can do so here. And I know that is a lot to ask. So even if you cannot do this at this time, please continue to leave ratings and reviews and share the podcast! That is extremely helpful too!!

    Thanks for being here!

    Now- Dr. Marcy Forta has been on this podcast before. She just recently published a book! The name of the book is "How can I Help my Daughter?" All of us who have daughters- don't we all need this book!

    (Here is the link to the first podcast I did with Dr. Forta)

    I am so excited to read it and help spread the word. Dr. Forta has struggled with an eating disorder herself and now she is on a mission to really spread awareness and help with the prevention of eating disorders through her amazing curriculum and speaking engagements.

    I invite you to listen to this episode with an open heart and if it resonates with you, buy the book to help empower yourself through these conversations we MUST have with our children.

    Here is the link to the book !

    Thank you for being here!

    If you'd like to hear more, check out the other many podcasts available wherever you listen to podcasts and watch most of them on YouTube.

    If you'd like to work 1-1 with me through the principles of Intuitive Eating and heal your relationship with food either email me at [email protected] or sign up for a free 20 minute consultation on my website here!

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  • I am just going to be honest, I really like Tamari! I have seen her a lot on Instagram and I recently met her in person at Kosher Palooza. She is sweet, warm and also a lot of fun.

    I was excited to have her come on the podcast.

    I think this podcast really encapsulates the concept that we can actively being accepting something while also hoping for it the change.

    This can be a common theme in life. On the one hand, we feel very stuck when we cant accept what is. On the other hand, we are always allowed to dream and hope for more.

    I think this connects to the day after Tisha Baav. Where we are yearning so badly for a brighter future. And at the same time, we accept G-d's decree because we know that we don't know and He does know.

    I know you'll love this episode and Tamari.

    A bit about Tamari:

    Tamari Jacob is a Certified Lactation Counselor, wife, mom of three and the founder of One With The Pump. She has helped thousands of moms learn how to pump better and she is on a mission to help every mom become a confident mother pumper through her free resources, live workshops, educational courses and consultations. _______________________

    If you liked this podcast, please rate and review it and share with someone who will love it too.

    Check out my website for more episodes, blogs and recipes!

    If you'd like to book a free 20 minute consultation, reach out to me at [email protected] or book it directly on the website

    I hope you are having an amazing summer! I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Bracha Goetz is the author of 42 Jewish books that help children shine and a candid memoir for adults, Nourish the Soul: Filling the Emptiness Within, documenting developing and overcoming food addictions along with her journey to joy in Judaism. Her books can be found in Jewish bookstores, on Amazon, and at came on today to share her journey with her unhealthy relationship with food and how finding Judaism filled that void for her.

    We often use food to help us cope with hard things in life. And yes, sometimes, that can be the best thing we can give ourselves. But sometimes we just keep filling ourselves up with food in the hopes of removing the pain - but that is never the real answer.

    Follow Bracha's amazing story on this episode!

    Dont forget to check out so many other podcasts I have, as well as my YouTube channel.

    Reach out to me at [email protected] with any comments, questions or feedback!

    If you have been dieting for so many years and you just want to be at peace with food- book a free 20 minute consultation on my website so we can get started!

    Not ready for induvial counseling - take my self paced course available at

    And last but not least, follow along for a new recipe every week on my website and soon to be e-cookbook!

    Thanks for being here, have a wonderful day!

  • Hey all! Don't forget to sign up for my upcoming webinar on July 17th on 12:00pm- Dispelling Dieting Myths. Sign up right here:

    I am excited to re-air this episode with Sylky Resnicoff- all about Pia Mellody's work. The last episode I aired with Rachel Lebowitz- she actually referenced this when speaking about her work with codependency. So go and give it a listen! Don't forget to like and share this episode! It really helps me continue to make this podcast possible!

    In today's episode, I spoke with Sylky Resnicoff.

    Sylky is a certified family life coach and specializes in relational trauma. She has extensively studied Pia Mellody’s work, who is an expert in codependency, now called developmental immaturity. Pia Mellody believes that we are all born whole, as experts about ourselves, but as life goes on we lose this confidence in ourselves. If we're not given what we need in childhood, our growth can get stunted. She also helps women whose husbands are struggling with pornography addiction. She offers support groups, consultations and educational lectures because it’s traumatic to discover your husband has an addiction like this. There is a lot of shame involved. Sylky empowers women to educate themselves and see that they have choice instead of feeling helpless.

    Sylky became a family life coach and thought it was fascinating. She thought she could reinvent herself with everything she had learned but began to realize that this wasn’t enough. She needed to go to the parts of her that were broken. Sylky learned that you’re only as strong as your foundation is deep and she realized she was lacking in her own foundation. She was learning a lot about healing, yet she felt a void that wasn’t getting filled. She hit rock bottom at a certain point and a therapist introduced her to Pia Mellody’s work. Pia’s work comes with a lot of training so Sylky went and did an intensive workshop. For the first time, she really got her family history straight; what she needs, what her children need and what her role in the family really was. Mellody teaches that anything less than nurturing is abusive to the child whether it’s overt abuse or covert abuse. You may not realize abuse walking into someone’s house. The parents may be very well respected but emotionally there may be neglect or harm done. Most people are not trying to hurt their children on purpose. For example, using the silent treatment can make a child feel like he doesn’t exist, so this can be a form of abuse for a child. This may affect a child later on in life. There are so many people who think that they are made wrong while in reality there’s nothing wrong with me but with the messages I was given as a child. We work through this our entire lives.

    When many parents learn about this they get nervous that they’re making mistakes and covertly abusing their kids. However, when parents act in a genuine fashion and are good role models for their kids, their kids will see this. Your children just need to build up a good image of you. Pia’s work is all about being human but being able to grow and change. If we nurture our inner child, parenting will become a much more natural process. Parents nowadays need more guidance. Every person who works on themselves knows that parenting is about growing yourself as a person. You can do certain things to help remind you who you want to be, like checking in on your kids everyday, but it’s also about doing your own work. When we do our own work we relate to our marriage differently, we are more open to have harder conversations, we can own up to things and we’ll have more strength to hear our children without taking things personally.

    (See the full blog post on my website

    To see more episodes like this visit my website Email me at [email protected] for comments, questions and concerns or if you'd like to recommend someone for the pod!

  • Rachel returns for her second time to explain the connection between codependences and our relationship with food. This is a really fascinating conversation and Rachel is teaching me so much throughout the episode- she will also be teaching YOU so much!

    Check out our first episode we did together here:

    _____________________________Sign up for my next webinar- Dispelling Diet Myths here:

    You will hear about how all the classic dieting myths came to be and the research that shows its validity, or lack there of! Email me at [email protected] to get an exclusive discount code!

    About Rachel:

    Rachel is a third-generation female entrepreneur. Her mission has always been to empower others to think and live independently. She advocates for women to heal from codependency and to find their true self. I’m the past she was a voice for people who did weight loss surgery, but has since discovered intuitive eating which has changed her relationship with food and life! This empowered Rachel to go after her dream and become a EOS implementer, a system that has helped her husband and her find the calm in the chaos of running their flexible packaging business. They have since grown three times in revenue and from 30-100 employees and most importantly got her life and marriage back. As a partner in business, Rachel got a unique vantage point into the day-to-day stress and struggles of running a company. Therefore, She is passionate about sharing those EOS tools, to help other business owners get more peace of mind and your life back! Website ⁠⁠

  • In this quick mini episode, I share with you some of my tips and tricks to get into the mindset of the Holiday.

    I hope this is helpful!

    Feel free to email me any questions/feedback at [email protected] and I will do my best to answer them!

    Check out my website to see more episodes like this, find many new recipes, blog posts and sign up for my upcoming webinar here:

  • Have you ever wondered how an eating disorder works? How does one develop and eating disorder? What is the connection between trauma and and eating disorder.

    Listen to Esther Bursztyn and I discuss it here!

    Esther Bursztyn is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Lakewood, NJ, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, trauma, emotional dysregulation, and mood disorders. She has trained extensively in the treatment of eating disorders, achieving designation as a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS) through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. In addition, she has been intensively trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Behavioral Tech and in Dialectical Behavior Therapy-Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE) for trauma and DBT for eating disorders.

    Eating disorders require specialized care, informed by evidence-based research, strong training, and collaboration with other eating disorder professionals. Esther’s approach to eating disorder care is based on a Health At Every Size perspective, wherein she helps her clients learn to eat intuitively, improve body image, and reduce focus on weight and size.

    In addition to her specialties, Esther enjoys working with people who struggle with self-esteem, anxiety, and/or difficulty managing life stressors and changes. Esther fully believes that all of us have the capacity to make tremendous changes in our lives. The treatments she utilizes are treatments that work and can help you move towards a life worth living.


    Thank you for being here! Your feedback and support means the world to me.

    Please reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any feedback or if you'd like to sponsor my next episode.

    Exciting news! On July 17th at 12:00pm, I will be giving a webinar on Dispelling Dieting Myths. Sign up here:

    Stay tuned for my E-cookbook, coming out soon. Check out my website for more podcasts, blogs, courses and now free recipes!

    Remember- it is never too late to stop dieting and finally make peace with food!

  • Hear how Bonnie went from being a successful weight loss dietitian, to totally transitioning her practice to using an Intuitive Eating approach.

    I know how hard this is because in many ways, us Intuitive Eating practitioner are still swimming upstream. But it is amazing to hear other peoples story's and how they really show honesty and integrity. Dieting creates a lot of cognitive dissonance but sometimes we just find it too hard to question cultural norms. I really respect Bonnie for all that she does. Enjoy the show!


    Fun news happening over at my website at Every week, we are uploading a brand new recipe. AND! I am working on my very own E cookbook, so stay tuned. These recipes are all recipes I have made for myself and my family. They are easy, kid friendly and nourishing.

    And on July 17th, at 12:00pm EST, I will be running a webinar on Dispelling Dieting Myths. I hope you come and bring all of your questions on all the diets out there!

    Sign up here!

    Thank you for being there! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected].

    Have a wonderful day!

    Bonnie's Bio:

    Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES

    Bonnie R. Giller is a Registered and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She has her Master of Science degree in Clinical Nutrition and has worked in medical nutrition therapy and counseling for over 35 years. Bonnie helps women and people with medical conditions like diabetes, stop dieting and regain trust with food so eating is easy, enjoyable, and nourishing to their body and mind.

    Using her signature Intuitive Eating Program, called WholeBody Trust: Intuitive Eating for a Peaceful Lifeℱ, Bonnie helps her clients support and honor their mind and body. She works with adults and teens guiding them in changing their relationship with food and their body. The result is they make peace with food, enjoy guilt-free eating, and live a healthy life they love.

    Bonnie is very passionate about helping her clients regain trust in themselves and their bodies so they can shift away from a diet mentality and learn to listen to their inner hunger and fullness signals. She is known for providing caring support and motivation as her clients reacquaint themselves with their inner wisdom.

    Bonnie is the author of 4 books, her most recent is Enjoying Food Peace: Recipes and Intuitive Eating Wisdom to Nourish Your Body and Mind.

    To learn more about Bonnie and her intuitive eating work, visit

  • Meet Ari & Julie, the dynamic duo behind the Instagram account Two Kosher Foodies. They are passionate food enthusiasts who are on a mission to bring their viewers restaurant reviews from the Tri-State area and beyond! You can follow them at @twokosherfoodies on Instagram.

    This was SUCH a fun episode. I don't usually interview couples but as you will hear, they are a pair in this Kosher Foodie endevour.

    I hope you Enjoy and that your post Pesach prep is going smoothly!______________________________

    Reach out to me at [email protected] to book your 1-1 counseling sessions with me. I will help you make peace with food and learn to accept your here-and-now body.

    Visit my website, to see more episodes like this and purchase webinars that will give you tools to enhance your life.

    Keep an eye out for my new E cookbook coming out soon!

  • Tzivi Polatoff Azos, also know as my first cousin, has a real story to share with you.

    *Trigger warning- eating disorders and mental illness are discussed explicitly in this episode. Viewers discretion advised.

    I questioned which podcast would be best to put out the week before Pesach. I chose this one for a few reasons.

    Number 1- it's very important and informative, especailly going into a long holiday with people close to us. We have to be careful with the words we use and the conversations we have.

    Number 2- it's actually a fun, light conversation for the most part, so you'll enjoy while your cleaning cheerios out of the radiator or wiping caked on ices off your kitchen walls (obviously that doesn't happen to me :)

    Number 3- Pesach is about being redeemed from slavery. Its the Holiday of freedom. We have brothers and sisters actually trapped in Gaza right now.

    And in our own hearts, we have barriors that hold us back from living our best lives. Wether its diet culture and the need to fit in. Maybe its food, not being able to stop eating when you really want to, the energy is the air is freedom.

    Use this time to reflect on something in your life that is holding you back in a way you are ready to change. Commit to something small. I believe that change is all about baby steps.

    I hope you can use Tzivi's story to gain insparation and move forward with your life! Enjoy and have a wonderful Pesach. May we be zocha to greet mashiach bmhara byamenu.

    ___________Reach out to me at [email protected] to book your 1-1 counseling sessions with me. I will help you make peace with food and learn to accept your here-and-now body.

    Visit my website, to see more episodes like this and purchase webinars that will give you tools to enhance your life.

    Keep an eye out for my new E cookbook coming out soon!

  • I had such a captivating conversation with Amy and Evelyn of Hands on Approach. They are both OT'S but they are so much more than they. They have done so much research and developed an entire body healing experience. Our work actually very much overlaps! I can't wait for you to hear it!

    For more episodes like this, visit my webiste at

    If you are feeling stressed about all the work and change that surrounds pesach, come join Rachel Tuchman and I on a live workshop, this Monday April 8, 2024, 12:30pm EST.

    Sign up here

    You can also watch my webinar with Blimie Heller, on how to deal with all the candy around Holiday time. Watch that here:

    Email me at [email protected] for any questions, comments or feedback. I look forward to speaking with you!


  • Hi all. As Purim gets closer and closer, people get more intense about their fear of food. I absolutely love Ahuva's approach to food. It is so wholesome and positive- which is very much aligned with my approach to food.

    In this episode, we discuss Ahuva's love and passion for understanding where our food comes from. This is really a love and passion of mine as well, and one of the reasons I chose to become a dietitian. Especially now that I practice from an Intuitive Eating approach versus dieting, I know that positively relating to our food is so good for our physical and mental health.

    This was a great episode and I know you will enjoy it!

    Here is a bit about Ahuva: Ahuva Gottdiener of Homegrown Kosher is a foodie dissident. Bridging the food knowledge gap between ground and plate, Ahuva shares her fascination with the fundamentals through education, inspiration, and connection. Widely lauded as an artisan sourdough baker and authentic suburban homesteader, she raises chickens, honeybees, and veggies with her family in Wesley Hills, NY. Ahuva's love for our sustenance's origins fuels her mission of connection. To learn more about Ahuva you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube @homegrownkosher and read the blog at ⁠⁠___________If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one-on-one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly Zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like-minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out.

    If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20-minute consultation here:⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns- email me at [email protected].

    If you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.

    Thank you for being here and for listening!

    If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.

    This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.Have a great day and thank you for being here!I look forward to hearing from you! ⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram ⁠⁠@gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD⁠⁠.

  • Elisheva is on for round 2! Instead of just talking about somatic therapy, we did some experiential learning. I think that finding other modalities of working directly with your body can make a huge impact on your intuitive eating journey and can definitely help you feel more at peace with your body.


    Here is a bit about Elisheva:Elisheva Berkovits, LCSW, currently maintains a private practice in cedarhurst, NY and works in private girls school child centered pkay therapy. She is trained in somatic interventions, sand tray and child centered play therapy. She works with children, teens and adults.___________If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one on one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out. If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20 minute consultation here:⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns- email me at [email protected] you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.Thank you for being here and for listening!If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.Have a great day and thank you for being here!I look forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

  • Here is a bit about Elisheva:
    Elisheva Berkovits, LCSW, currently maintains a private practice in cedarhurst, NY and works in private girls school child centered pkay therapy. She is trained in somatic interventions, sand tray and child centered play therapy. She works with children, teens and adults.
    If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one on one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out. 
    If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20 minute consultation here:⁠⁠⁠⁠ 
    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns- email me at [email protected].
    If you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.
    Thank you for being here and for listening!
    If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.
    This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.

    Have a great day and thank you for being here!

    I look forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

  • Ah we are up to episode 150 on the Get INTUIT with Gila podcast. And we have NONE other THEN Elyse Resch - one of the authors of the one, the only INTUITIVE EATING!

    And we are celebrating. Leave a rating and review on Spotify/apple podcast and you will be entered to win a 10$ gift card to Amazon. You can also leave a comment on my YouTube channel - something like "we love you Elyse," OR 150th Episode Wahoo!

    Thank you for being here and I truly hope that this information has been helpful. Intuitive Eating has literally changed my life and I hope it is impactful for you as well. Remember that you CAN let go of dieting - forever. And Elyse's story has so many parts to it that just scream "follow your intuition," which I absolutely love because I know that if you practice Intuitive Eating, you will have an easier time listening to your intuition in general. It can really lead you to "Intuitive Living!"

    Here is a bit about Elyse:

    Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDS-C, Fiaedp, FADA, FAND, is a nutrition therapist in private practice, with forty-two years of experience, specializing in eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size. She is the co-author of Intuitive Eating, now in its 4th edition, the Intuitive Eating Workbook, and The Intuitive Eating Card Deck—50 Bite-Sized Ways to Make Peace with Food.  Elyse is also the author of The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens and The Intuitive Eating Journal—Your Guided Journey for Nourishing a Healthy Relationship with Food and a chapter contributor to The Handbook of Positive Body Image and Embodiment. She has published journal articles, print articles, and blog posts.  Elyse does regular speaking engagements, podcasts, and extensive media interviews. Her work has been profiled on ABC, NPR, CNN, KABC, NBC, KTTV, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Associate Press, KFI Radio, USA Today, and the Huffington Post, among others. Elyse is nationally known for her work in helping patients break free from diet culture through the Intuitive Eating process. Her philosophy embraces the goal of reconnecting with one’s internal wisdom about eating and developing body liberation, with the belief that all bodies deserve dignity and respect.  She is a social justice advocate, a member of the Healer’s Circle of Project Heal—Help to Eat, Accept, and Live, consults with and trains health professionals, is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Consultant, a Fellow of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, and a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
    If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one on one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out. 
    If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20 minute consultation here:⁠⁠⁠⁠ 
    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns- email me at [email protected].
    If you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.
    Thank you for being here and for listening!
    If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.
    This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.

    Have a great day and thank you for being here!

    I look forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

  • Shira Fruchter is back for another episode. I thought this was such a fun topic to explore. If you have been listening to this podcast for a while, you know how much I value getting therapy and the right treatment for each individual person. Shira uses the IFS (Internal Family System) model in her counseling. As she has said before on this podcast, she is a purist. This is the modality she likes and she sticks to it.

    Shira and I have all these great conversations outside of recording a podcast and this one stood out to us. So we decided to try to pull it apart here on the podcast.

    If you do go to therapy, and ironically, if you go for symptoms of anxiety, you may experience anxiety about your therapy session - according to Shira, this is totally normal.

    I hope this episode helps normalize this experience for you and also helps you feel more at ease going into a therapy session.

    Check out the first episode I did with Shira here:


    Here is a bit about Shira:

    Shira Fruchter, MSW, currently maintains a private practice in Jerusalem for adult women and couples. She is an IFS level 3, certified clinician and supervisor. In addition, she teaches IFS introductory workshops both in person and on zoom. Shira is looking forward to the upcoming release of her book on IFS and Judaism. (YAY!)


    If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one on one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out.

    If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20 minute consultation here:⁠⁠

    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns- email me at [email protected].

    If you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.

    Thank you for being here and for listening!

    If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.

    This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.

    Have a great day and thank you for being here!

    I look forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

  • Adina is a fellow Intuitive Eating counselor. Adina, very openly and vulnerably shares her story through diet culture and how much it negatively effected her life. Now that she is on the other side, and has reclaimed and expanded so much of her life, she comes on to share her story. Enjoy!


    Adina Meister is a Baltimore native, wife and mother of two. With over a decade of experience as a psychiatric nurse in both inpatient and outpatient settings, she has passionately dedicated herself to the promotion of positive mental health.

    Adina has navigated her own personal journey, seeking ways to lead a happy and meaningful life. Despite implementing numerous positive mental health tools into her daily routine, she faced persistent challenges related to food and body image, such as obsessing over food rules and feeling out of control around food. Around five years ago, Adina's life took a transformative turn when she discovered Intuitive Eating. This approach enabled her to let go of years of dieting, make peace with food and her body, and fully embrace her life. She recently earned her Intuitive Eating certification, empowering her to guide other women wrestling with similar challenges, enabling them to break free from diet rules and develop a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.

    She can be reached on Instagram @IntuitiveEatingJourneys or email [email protected]________________________

    If you are looking to make peace with food through the intuitive eating process, you can reach out to work with me one on one or you can sign up for my group counseling (email me at [email protected] to be added to the next group). This will include weekly zoom calls, a private WhatsApp community with like minded women, and more support from me! I'd love to have you so please reach out.

    If you'd like to sign up for 1-1 counseling, schedule your free 20 minute consultation here:

    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns- email me at [email protected].

    If you have any specific topic requests or people you'd like to see on the podcast, let me know as well.

    Thank you for being here and for listening!

    If you have gained from this episode or any of my content, please leave a rating and review and share it with those who can benefit.

    This is how the podcast moves up on Apple Podcast and more people can hear this information.

    Check out my Intuitive Eating self paced course here:

    Have a great day and thank you for being here!

    I look forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to learn more about what I do, follow me on Instagram @gila.glassberg.intuitiveRD.

  • Every person who develops an eating disorder has a story to tell. Many people develop eating disorders as a way to show they have control over their lives. They may be in desperate need of attention from those around them. Maybe they just need something of their own, and an eating disorder is all they have.

    Believe me when I say, their are many, many reasons. Jenna joined me today to full pull about the development of her eating disorder and also her road of recovery.

    I think this is a really important interview to hear whether you are a human or a human raising humans, it is critical to know how eating disorders develop and even better, how to prevent many of them.

    But Jenna does not only share her story of perseverance through an eating disorder, she has been through many challenges through perseverance and strength and their is much we can gain from her.

    A bit about Jenna:

    Jenna Zelka is a high school Tanach teacher and School Social Worker at North Shore Hebrew Academy High School in Great Neck, NY. Jenna received her Bachelor's degree in Judaic Studies with a concentration in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. She has held various positions teaching Judaic studies, AP Psychology, and has been the Director of Israel Guidance at Yeshiva high schools for the past ten years. She has even taught Taekwondo as an alternative to gym class for high school girls (yes, she has a black belt). She is committed to meeting the diverse learning needs of every student who enters her classroom and strives to deliver both spiritual and social-emotional guidance.

    After several years of teaching, Jenna recognized that many students were gravitating towards her for advice in their personal lives and decided to pursue another degree. She enrolled in Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service, where she graduated with her MSW and received her state license soon after. In addition to seeing her students at school, Jenna treats clients in a private practice setting on evenings and weekends.

    Jenna lives in West Hempstead, NY with her husband Aaron, and their three year old daughter, Samara. If you’re interested in speaking with her, she can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 718-551-4987.________________________

    I am dedicating this episode to all of the hostages- may they have a very safe and speedy recovery. I am davening for Hersh Ben Perel Chana to come home safe to his family, and for his mother to have continued strength to continue to make a kiddush Hashem with her relentlessness and love.

  • Hello Everyone! I am sharing a very short solo episode today. These are my thoughts around Chanukah this year. I hope it helps and resonates! Please share your feedback, comments and questions. Please leave a rating and review if you have enjoyed this podcast. Thank you! And a Freilichen Chanukah!

    Here is most of the blog: To see the full blog, click here:

    "As Chanukah is about to settle in here, I found my mind swirling with ideas.

    First thing that comes to mind- Fear.

    I think of fear because I know so many people have a huge fear around Chanukah - DONUTS, LATKES, FRIED OREOS, FRIED PICKLES. Everything is fried. And you know what that means. Everything is toxic right?

    If you eat fried food for 8 days, obviously, that's gross. That's bad - isn’t it?

    Wait- hold on- aren’t we supposed to eat fried food?

    Now I am confused

    Let’s go down memory lane together, shall we.

    Why do we as jews, eat fried food on Chanukah?

    Ok, I am no historian, but I believe these are the general facts: as with many Jewish holidays- someone wanted to kill us. The beis hamikdash was desecrated. There was only enough oil to light the Chanukah candles for 1 night, and the oil lasted 8 nights.

    We won the war!

    Therefore, we have 8 nights of Chanukah, and we also have 8 nights of lighting oil and of course eating oil.

    How can we guarantee we eat the most amount of oil- we fry things in oil!!!!!! Ding, ding, ding- you got it!

    Ok, let’s talk about our enemy- yavan.

    What were some of the characteristics of yavan? Well - they didn’t believe in the holiness of the soul. They believed in glorifying the body. They believed the way someone looked on the external, very much defined how someone was internally.

    Is this a Jewish value- hmmm, let me think, I think NOT.

    Hmmmm, fast forward to 2023- what are we afraid of this Chanukah?

    Are we afraid of donuts? Latkes? Oil? Weight gain?

    Are we afraid of our enemies surrounding us on all sides?

    Why does antisemitism exist in the world? Anyone know? For all of us watching the news and scratching our heads, and just wondering with all of our heart and soul and might, how on earth can the world see this as Israel's fault - let’s look at the facts that we know as Jews.

    First of all, this is what we all know ensued. Hamas terrorists (and many other terrorists), try to kill and annihilate the jews. We have power over Israel, and all around Israel are Arab countries. We have a tiny strip of land for the jews. Why did this come about? Because in the 1930s/40’s Hitler somehow managed to convince an entire country to hate us and kill us. 6 million jews later, it was decided that jews need a safe place to go.

    Now we have Israel. But the Palestinian don’t want us to have Israel, they want all the Arab countries and Israel. So where should we go?

    How about this, on Oct 7th 2023- Hamas terrorists invade innocent civilian populations and not only kill, they mutilate, behead, dismember, and burn people alive. Some 1200 people that is. The worst massacre in a day since THE HOLOCAUST.

    Now it’s December 7th, and the entire world has turned on—-wait for it—-not Hamas- not the terrorists that killed, mutilated, beheaded, dismembered and burned people alive- some 1200 people. Not the people that surround Israel and threaten them on a daily basis.

 the Jews.

    So let’s get back to antisemitism.

    Do you know that G-d told us that when we assimilate, when we take on values that are not Jewish values, the rest of the world will come up against the jews. They know we are different, but we don’t know, we don’t remember that we are different.

    Are our Jewish values - that the way that we look defines us? Are our Jewish values to categorize someone (including ourselves) based on if we do or don’t eat FRIED food on Chanukah- you know, like the food we use to commemorate the miracle Hashem performed for us!"