April 7, 2024. I bet I can put you to sleep in 5 minutes!
His power is so solid. Do you hear what David says? Learn who God is… He TELLS us … be blessed. 😇
Bits of 1 Peter help us be more of who it is we need to be. I know I need this realignment many times daily. God is so good. No matter how much we turn away, His goodness is after us. Thank you Jesus.
I just felt like the scripture really spoke to me earlier today and wanted to share it with you
Isaiah 61:1-11 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024! Blessings. Just remember, just keep coming back. He loves you. He does. 👍🏼 yep… He surely does.
Well, this one got cut off at the end because my phone rang so I am sorry about that but I will try to do better next time. Maybe this is an opportunity for you to say a little prayer all by yourself and bring into the forefront whatever the Lord has put on your heart at the moment that I get cut off in the recording. Give it a try and see what happens.
When I had cancer in 2020, I was on a run one day, and I was thinking about death. Listen to this episode to hear what the Lord spoke to me about life and death we’re all going to die someday. We’re not really afraid of anything except for death. Why would we ever be afraid of death ? The truth is, most of us are. How can we look at our future and be at peace?
Psalm 24 through 27. This one is a little bit longer, but it is so beautiful. It is very reassuring for the soul that is longing for goodness to manifest in their life
In this episode, I read through Psalms 15 and 16 two times. The first time I read through is at a normal pace and the second time I read through is that a very slow pace. I believe this to be an intentional call of the Lord. Be blessed.!
Well, hello hello again! the Lord has prompted me to begin starting this up again so here we go. I’m going to be reading through the book of psalms, but not in order. Be blessed. God loves you, Jesus died for your eternal salvation, the Holy Spirit is always with you and is your Counselor and Guide. May you trust in Him. Please share as you are called. BRYN
GOD OVER ASHES WEEKLY DEVOTIONAL As a prayer, listen to Psalm 71.
The rainbow is a sign of the Covenant God made with Noah ( and all his descendants) after the flood. Do you know what it signifies?
Even when we FEEL confused, we can still KNOW God's WORD is true, reliable, unchanging, uncompromising, and very very personal. Jesus LOVES you. He really does...
#19-God Over Ashes. The power in prayer… the mercy in wisdom…
Such good news. It never gets old. Jesus is who is, and will always be !! end of story!!…, or beginning of story rather.!!
Who knew a prayer could be explicit?? Yeesh! SO BE IT! The enemy is powerless among truth. He flees…. Byebye 🙏👍🔥
Yeesh. He is so close. Acts 2:2 & 28:26. Have a listen. Do a prayer. Be a blessed!!
Philippians 4:6-7. God Over Ashes Weekly Devotional #17 S6E2
Jesus said he’d give us rest. May you find this rest now. He is so good. Matthew 11:28, Micah 7:7, Isaiah 26:4. It’s a new season, in MANY WAYS; please share this podcast with someone who comes to mind as we enter into our sixth season!
Easter is coming. Isaiah tells us how good it is!
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