This is Jesus, praying to the father on behalf of the original disciples that were made Apostles. He pray to the father to keep the apostles encouraged as they will go out to minister, against great opposition and not to give up when confronted with adversity. He told the father that the words that the He gave Him He gave them to his disciples, and they received them. Also that He sent them out as sheep in the midst of wolves. He also prayed to the father, for those that would receive the word from those apostles and from generation to generation. He prayed for us.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
God reaches out to everyone with his love, his word, and his desire for their salvation. However, Jesus makes the point here that more people live their lives enjoying and giving heed to the secular pleasures of this world, that hinders; than those that give diligent heed to God’s promises, his mercy, his grace, his compassion, and his kindness; from whence comes salvation. Many hear God’s plan of salvation but don’t live so.
This passage the scriptures helps us to understand that the Lord Jesus was teaching his disciples to understand what they hear, and from whom they hear it. We have the gospel of Jesus Christ to lead us, direct us, to correct us and reprove us. Nevertheless, he further went on to say to them that following the tradition of men almost always that follow the tradition of men almost always brings on a certainty to fail, and not be able to do what God has charged us to do as His chosen. Those who refuse to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ and merely honor the Lord with their lips and not with their hearts will end up in the lake of fire.
God gave the Levites instructions to teach the people, His laws and His judgments, and His statutes. But God was angry then and also now because spiritual leaders were not and are not doing their assignments appropriately, which provokes God to anger which causes Him to release His judgments, His fury, His anger, and His wrath in the land. There must be true repentance, and genuine return to God, to live by His instructions.
As It was then and is now, Satan does not rest from trying to oppress and distress the church, the professed people of God, from walking according to the desire of God. Even now, as it was then the church was in a great struggle when it came to and now comes to obedience. Satan will rest some times from oppressing God’s people further, because they don’t seek God in sincerity. Nevertheless, once more and again God prepares to rescue and forgive his people from their sins.
Consistency is one of the greatest attributes of God. He always has warned before he sending destruction and devastation. Destruction and devastation would only only visit the people of God after constant disrespect and and disobedience to him. He did then and still now has proven that when the people that he blessed and prospered exercise repentance and obedience to the word and will of God he will turn away his wrath and indignation and bring restoration and restitution to his people.
What we should learn from this message is that we should be patient and wait to understand our leading from the Lord. Then do what he tells us. That wisdom is in the scriptures. He lets us know here that even though the enemy may for a time ride over us and take advantage of us; the day will come that the Lord will deliver us by exacting his judgment and indignation against the enemy of his people. Deliverance is in Zion, the church of our risen Lord; Jesus the Christ of God.
Again here we see the agape’ love of God in action. Even though God punishes wrong, even with his people, but when the adversary rises up against them to suppress them even more, God will, when He decides, come to their rescue. Satan is relentless at manipulating God’s people. He uses people against people. But don’t worry you righteous ones, God is on the move; be patient and see his deliverance. The willing, the humble, the obedient, shall eat the good of the land and God will withhold no good thing from His beloved.
In this scripture, I think we can capsulize the wisdom intended for humanity and particularly the people of God, by applying another scripture; which compounds the love of God, and that is: Galatians 6:7, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Also, we can not walk as other gentiles walk; in the vanity of there mind.
Selfishness can produce an unhealthy and harmful attitude. From this divine demonstration of compassion let us learn that the most effective way to perform the tasks set before us each is to simply follow instructions. And let’s be prudent enough to follow God’s instructions learned from the word of God by the directions of God’s spirit.
God said then and we can believe that he is saying now; because he is God that cannot change; woe to the heathen or nonbelievers that won’t or don’t try to help the believer in a time of distress, but take advantage of the believer and mock them with boasting and bragging God is coming for you. He is going to exact upon the nonbelievers that laughed at the calamity of the believers justice; by bringing them down and taking from them that that caused them to have such a negative bragging attitude. God delivered his people then as he is going to do even now; for in Mt Zion (the church) shall be deliverance.
The wisdom and understanding that the people of God were warned about then is the same that we should give heed to Today. That is don’t think that just because God has allowed for much prosperity in life the prosperous believer is still required to conduct their lives in humility, compliance to scripture, and reverence for God. God hates even a proud look. Therefore, we should not be as non-believers, praising God in our worship services and live contrary otherwise. Only God knows the heart of man. Let’s be real and honest; we can never fool God. Look at the world, the USA, the states, the counties, the cities, the towns, the communities, the neighborhoods, our homes and see God at work; because of disrespect and disobedience.
We learn from this event in biblical history how when God has grown weary of tolerating rebellion and disobedience that he takes action. The controversy or argument that God had then and still today is that those that announce themselves as God’s representatives in the earth give greater heed to rudiments of the world and secular wisdom than adhering to God’s plan for his people. Therefore, God did then and is now bringing his indignation upon his people and making sure that the spiritual leaders understand that the people fail because they are failing to feed his people with knowledge and understanding.
Daniel’s vision: Here we come to understand to some degree, metaphors and symbolism. God allowed Daniel to see destruction coming upon his people and his church. Principalities and Powers (Government leaders and church leaders) are corrupt and take advantage of the righteous people of God by forcing or compelling them to believe a lie and not the truth of God’s desire for humanity. Daniel saw the destruction and calamity that was to destroy many; it was too much; he fainted. Look at the world today. Daniel saw trouble, tribulation, wickedness, deceit, lies, etc., coming upon the people caused by corrupt spiritual and secular leaders. as it is upon the world today.
Ezekiel is taken out into the spirit by the Lord, to show him the abominations, the rebellion, the disobedience, and the idolatry of his chosen people. We should learn the just recompense of the Lord for the idol worship, rebellion, and disobedience. In my humble opinion, the many devastating things that are taking place today, like the spread of the pestilences from God; that is Covid, influenza, RSV, and the most recently discovered virus, the extreme inclement weather, the unexplainable fires, the senseless gun violence, etc; are the results of God’s displeasure with His people.
This portion of scripture epitomizes what was wrong and what is wrong today with the people of God and that is, we are too reactive, as opposed to being more proactive, when it comes to our obedience to God and His plan of salvation for humanity. There is an old adage that seems to be applicable here: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.
Here we should learn that God was very displeased with His people. As then, even now, the people of God gradually move away from His instructions. Disobedience provoked God then and now, to bring adversity of one sort or another into the lives of His people. God reminded His people then of the great blessings He put in their lives and also now by these scriptures how He has been ignored and transgressions increase. Therefore, the increase in cases of RSV, influenza, and Covid-19, with very inclement weather that’s upon us continuing to spike up everywhere should get the attention of us all, that is God is at work because of transgressions.
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