HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bill and Dani from Escape This Podcast join us for our longest and quizziest episode yet! Do you know your fuzz-pigs from your hummerhorns? Take Karen's archaic animal name quiz inspired by a Pokémon GO walk gone wrong. For super duper film buffs, Bill's got a very creative movie character connections quiz. Patent-head Dani tests our gaming smarts with legal descriptions of gaming inventions. And Chris made trivia quiz with questions. ALSO: topsy-turvy Australian music round
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Quizzes and weird facts about guidebooks and guides! Colin drives us through "The Knowledge" - the fascinating and grueling steps of becoming a London cab driver, known to be one of the most difficult exams in the world. How do you like them apples? How we escaped the Red Delicious' flavorless grasp, and the one apple ranking guide to rule them all. Come travel with us from page to page in Chris' quiz about those literary maps you'd find in the beginning of books. From POÄNG to MEATBALLS, can we all make it through Karen's IKEA maze quiz without a meltdown?
Also, check out Colin's game, now about to enter its second printing!
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[TRIVIA HARD MODE] activated. Yes, for the first time in 12 years, we’re slapping on a difficulty disclaimer. Nothing sinister, just a coincidence that we all went a bit nerdier than usual. So why not listen to us flail at computer trivia? Take Karen's exhaustively comprehensive movie robot voice challenge and see if you can identify the actors behind those voices. Learn how the toy industry is to blame for the Worst Computer Ever Existed. And very aptly, Colin made his computer quiz while walking around in the heart of Silicon Valley. ALSO: the return of the off-topic Music Round, expertly crafted by Chris. There is no Fleetwood Mac.
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Spiky trivia that will poke your brain! Baby hedgehogs vs baby porcupines, and more prodding facts in Karen's spiny quiz. Colin lays down the tracks to make way for the (embarrassing) legend of the golden railroad spike. Get saucy with some spiked drinks in the alcohol ingredient quiz. And boy, there sure are a lot of people nicknamed Spike, aren't there? ALSO: zeugma, state quarters, and this episode's homemade cryptic
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Time to exfoliate with facts and trivia about skin! From peach fuzz to leather, from scales to polyurethane, we got you covered. Get cute and cutaneous with sharks, and how their skin might save our lives. If you can dodge a wrench, then you can dodge Colin's quiz questions about sport balls like why are soccer balls black and white? And are footballs really made of pigskin? Books bound in human skin: bogus or boy-get-this-outta-here? Chris reports live from the restricted section of the library. And on the opposite end, Karen explores the history and phenomenon of fake leather.
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Come for the trivia, stay for the loose meats! We got quite the mix of trivia, word games, and a v-v-v-very challenging music round this week. Karen's looking for something in her seemingly dry questions about industry and science. Chris makes us hang letters on the Christmas tree, and Colin gets musically inspired by his wife's mail.
ALSO: more cryptics, this season's first Um, Actually...!
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Special guests Dani and Bill from Escape This Podcast join us for a flippin' fun trivia time. Does your instinct betray you? Then come on down and test your lie-detection skills with Bill's brain-tingling 50/50 quiz, "Finn or Flipper?" Suit up because Dani's taking us diving into the wacky history of swimwear. And are you're dolphinately ready to take a reely fintastic famous aquatic animals quiz? And Karen recounts how America got flippin' mad over pinball machines.
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Can you believe it has been 10 years since our butt episode? We're back with more butt facts and trivia: we got turkey butts, we got jelly butts, we got art history butts, we got Leprechaun butts, and more. What's up with all the naked angel babies in Renaissance art? Are they angels? Are they mythical? Are they cupids? And 👏where👏are👏their👏parents? Play a round of Pain in the Butt!, Karen's grab-bag butt quiz where each question hides a cheeky surprise. Hold on to your butts because Chris blows our mind about the amazing discoveries and research done on the humble "sea walnut," truly, GJB's Lifetime Achievement Awards winner.
ALSO: more live solving featuring Chris' original cryptic crossword clues
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Whip out your magnifying glass and let's rummage through trivia and facts about the details all around us: from "dinkuses" to Nick Fury's ocular ailment, from miniscule bat nipples to the flag of Portugal. Karen's got a quiz about unusual typographical symbols, and don't fall for tricky little marketing disclaimers in the mouseprint! Chris celebrates his own recent Guinness win with a world record quiz about the tiniest detailed things. And we got our first Music Round of the season so let's see if you've been paying attention to these oddly punctuated mega hits! Also: ant farms, ~live~ cryptic crossword solving thanks to AVCX @ and give the gift of puzzles
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Dear Trivia Listeners of the Realm, Protectors of Pause and Playback, Champions of Cheek, the Keen-Eared Keepers of Weird Foods, the Ever-Enlightened Gatherers of Eggcorns... let us welcome you all to the first episode of our fall 2024 season, and it's all about titles and titling! Daenerys' got nothin' on Colin's forgotten long title quiz. With his fresh BAFTA member acceptance letter in hand, Chris schools us about the weird cases where films had to change their titles in the UK. Hi Hungry, what about titling yourself after your dad? Dive into the world of (surprising) patronyms and take Karen's "Son of a Gun!" challenge. Also: Pixar titles around the world, Eggcorn Watch, the dog named Trivia
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Come join our table for some weird trivia games in our Spring 2024 season finale! Karen's got an experimental "reverse" music round to test your gauge on the success of famous songs. Inspired by an impressively squished NBA jersey, Colin's got a quiz about various records for the longest names and titles. And row aside, Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch, we have a bunch of familiar friends with not-so-familiar formal names in Chris' fictional character challenge. And give your brain a workout with Six Degrees of Separation Anxiety. See you next fall in the ton, gentle listeners!
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We are family! Facts and quizzes about siblings. Get on board with Colin's Parker Brothers game quiz. Do you know your city's sister city? And why is that a whole thing? BROS. vs BROS and an old-timey name abbreviation quiz. And get your ears working hard with a sibling band music round that, of course, has a secret theme.
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Notice the unnoticeable! Weird facts about things that are clear and invisible. Learn about the secretive clear cola that came decades before Crystal Pepsi. We've all probably tried the ol' lemon juice invisible ink before, but can it help you outsmart and rob banks? "Before & After" hidden word game, and can you see right through Karen's crystal clear quiz? And yes, there is a real John Cena cameo in this episode.
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It's time to be odd because we can't even. Quizzes and facts about data and numbers! Chris runs us through a series of unfortunate events (and an unfortunate name) that led to the worst baseball team and the worst baseball records of all time. Numbered song quiz, and get ready for 2024's Cicadapocalypse because these noisy beans are about to bust out in trillions. And it's prime time with Colin as he introduces us to the hobby of catching prime number Pokémons, and we meet The Most Metal Number.
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Let's sail through briny trivia and salty facts about being at sea. Chris reports back from his cruise vacation/research and lets us in on the most exclusive parts of the ship, and .do you .kn ow your nds? Hey turn around, bright eyes, Colin learns about Ted Pedas and the weird world of seafaring heliophiles. And oh boy, the announcement of a potential oceanic Moana-land has got Karen diving into the USPTO library for recent Disney patents.
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Triv it up with a hodgepodge of quizzes delivered straight into your hippocampus! Let's play "Literally Speaking" where you wildly guess the even wilder origins of very plain everyday phrases. Karen invites you to name that TV show theme song but beware, we're kicking up a notch in difficulty. No Gimmies! Tony award-winning Broadway musicals quiz, Jason Statham and his bees, and the debut of a new sports league.
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🔥 We're heating things up with some fiery facts! Colin shares an unbelievably real account about an epic fire... in an epic hole. Nerd out in Karen's pyromancy and pyrokinesis showdown challenge, and can you hold a candle to the fire logo quiz? And it's time for sad cheese sandwiches in our FEMA tents at the first annual FIRE (FILM) FESTIVAL.
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Fact hounds and trivia retrievers rejoice! We're pawing for dog tidbits this week. Chow down on Karen's regional hot dog quiz, and Colin's got some "dog and dog-adjacent" questions. Go fetch your brain cells in time to play Chris' super impressive (and hard) game, DOG WORDS & CAT WORDS. And how well do you know your canine mascots?
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Big facts about big things! Biggest Hollywood premiere! Guinness Records! How the Dutch keep smashing massive toppling domino records year after year, even in the face of national bird drama! And get out your pencils because it's time to play "30 Seconds to Glory" with a BIG theme, and Colin quizzes us about the biggest trends... in 1900.
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New season, new anniversary, and we're tweedledees tweezing facts about twelve! Karen's got a 12-question pub trivia challenge, and it's showtime at the Apollo and Colin has a movie twist quiz on the 12 Olympian Greek gods. Sure, every hardcore trivia fan can list out the bird-forward presents in the holiday carol, Twelve Days of Christmas but Chris finally finds out the true purpose of that dang confusing song. Why are the names of the months so... irregular? And we get flogged by some fascinating fascia-free facts about February. ALSO: Eggcorn Watch
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