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Ready to explore cannabis? We're digging into the science, culture and business of cannabis as we head into the post-prohibition era. We interview the experts, and sometimes the novices, to uncover the truth about humans, health and hemp — with an emphasis on wellness! Join us, and please leave a review so we can grow the cannabis movement!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Viele Menschen klagen über körperliche Beschwerden, für die sie bis jetzt trotz Arztbesuchen, Therapie und Training noch keine Lösung gefunden haben. Das HEALING HUMANS Therapie- und Behandlungssystem basiert auf neuester Wissenschaft, ganzheitlichen Trainingsansätzen und langjähriger Erfahrung mit über 5000 Menschen. -
Welcome to the positive corner of wellness! Arnold's Pump Club is a daily podcast by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thanks to a helpful machine he trained, Arnold shares 3 tips from his daily newsletter each day, and in just 5 minutes, you'll have the support, information, and inspiration you need to live a healthier life. This daily digest helps make sense of the research that matters, shares workouts and healthy recipes, and delivers motivation straight from Arnold. It's the perfect way to get your mind right; because where the mind goes, the body follows.
The Future Generations podcast is for practitioners, professionals, parents who are committed to natural living and health freedom and especially our future generations. Powerful weekly conversations with doctors, scientists, influencers and parents that have catalyzed the transformation of families, communities and the planet with their expertise, inspiration and leadership in natural living, brilliance, and self-healing.
Movement, marketing and mindset podcast for FitPros, Physios, Personal Trainers and Pilates instructors who work with clients with pelvic floor dysfunction. If you're using Kegels as your go-to exercise to treat clients with incontinence, prolapse and other pelvic floor disorders, be prepared to have your ears opened as Claire Mockridge, Pelvicpreneur, walks you through her full-body, non-Kegel approach to treating patients, AND helps you with marketing tips to enable you to work the hours you want to work, WITHOUT attracting unmotivated clients who expect instant results from you.
Sign up for Claire's FREE masterclass online here: -
Warum sind Muskeln so wichtig? Woran erkennt man einen Muskelabbau? Wie viel Bewegung stärkt das Gehirn? FIT & GESUND MIT PROFESSOR FROBÖSE verrät überraschende Fakten, Tipps und Tricks. In dem Podcast der Zeitschrift HÖRZU verspricht Sportwissenschaftler und Bestseller-Autor Prof. Ingo Froböse: „Wir schauen in den Körper hinein – und sagen, was wir für ihn tun können.“ Außerdem stellt der Experte einfache Übungen für zwischendurch vor – damit jeder FIT & GESUND bleibt. Alle 14 Tage montags neu
Der „Therapie & Training Talk“ ist das zentrale Element dieses Podcast.
Es ist ein lockeres Gespräch zwischen Physiotherapeut extraordinaire Thomas Armbrecht und Fitnessunternehmer Wolfgang Unsöld.
Mit Infotainment, Wissensvermittlung und einem Einblick in den Arbeitsalltag eines Gyms und einer Physiopraxis.
Gelegentliche Gäste aus der Welt des Sports und darüber hinaus runden den Podcast ab.
Jeden Montag erscheint eine neue Folge. -
This is a podcast inspired by love in the quest for Well-Being.
The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations on the fields of mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights about holistic health.
The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking toward a new way of living and new ways of being.
Through the lens of awareness and healing, we explore such topics as trauma, addiction, co-dependency, fear, depression, anxiety, learning, and self-love, among others.
The intention is to inspire healthy changes and promote awareness.
I am grateful for having the opportunity to collaborate with many AMAZING human beings!!!
Much appreciation for the guests and supporters of this podcast!
Podcast Song “Almost August” by Dan Lebowitz -
Holy Embodied ist ein Podcast, der behauptet: Es ist an der Zeit, den Körper wieder in die Kirchen zu bringen. Oder anders gesagt: Es ist an der Zeit, den Körper als fantastisches Tor zu jeglicher Form von Spiritualität wieder zu entdecken. Gerade in unserer evangelisch-reformierten Tradition, wurde die Form des Menschen lange genug ignoriert und nur auf den Verstand gesetzt. Viele von uns leben ausschliesslich im Kopf, im Denken – und vergessen den Körper, der nicht nur dazu da ist, unsere Gehirne umherzutragen. Wir finden, das reicht jetzt und leuchten aus, wie und warum unsere Körper der einfachste Weg zu Gott sind. Und was es letztlich heisst, „Holy Embodied“ in seiner ganzen Radikalität zu leben. Auf dieser Entdeckungsreise sind wir nicht-konfessionell, interreligiös und undogmatisch unterwegs. Gespräche zwischen Leela Sutter und Patrick Schwarzenbach, Reportagen und Expert*innen aus diesem weiten Feld dienen uns als Kompass für diese Reise.
Welcome to the RAW Podcast hosted by IRON COMPANY! Join us for exclusive interviews with top fitness experts and athletes like Kirk Karwoski, Dorian Yates, and Jason Henderson. Discover powerful insights on powerlifting, bodybuilding, sports training, and holistic wellness. Dive into our episodes to unlock elite fitness strategies and elevate your training game. Don't miss out—visit our show website now for transformative content and explore our wide range of premium gym equipment and flooring solutions at
Taking charge of our health is a big responsibility—one that most of us aren’t sure how to navigate. We need a catalyst to spark inner transformation and help us take control of our health. We need a Healing Catalyst. Enter Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh. Throughout her 20 years of practicing Western medicine, Dr. Kumar-Singh has also studied traditional, ancient healing practices of the East, with a focus on Ayurveda, which she now teaches to students and holistic practitioners across the world. In The Healing Catalyst, Dr. Kumar-Singh is demystifying Ayurveda and other integrated medicine, showing how these simple, ancient practices are the key to unlocking a healthy modern life. The best part of all? Anyone can heal themselves because it starts with you. Over the two decades of her training, study, and research, Kumar-Singh has shared her expertise with Fortune 500 companies, at elite undergraduate and graduate institutions, and at prestigious industry and medical conferences. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, goop, Thrive Global and mindbodygreen and served as the co-lead facilitator of the Faculty Scholars Program in Integrative Healthcare at the OSHER Center for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern Medicine. Learn more about Avanti and her mission at
You want to become fit at home or on the road? You want to understand the mindset of a champion? You want to connect deeper with your favorite athletes?
This podcast is then for you! Listen to these interviews and they can bring you closer to your fitness goal. Phil from GORNATION is getting passionate athletes from all around the world in front of the microphone. You will learn to love and live the sport calisthenics and get to the next level!
Your Calisthenics and Street Workout Podcast provided by GORNATION. -
Wir sind NOW – Sweat & Meditate. Lebe dein volles Potential in täglichen live-streamed classes or on-demand anytime anywhere. Hier im Podcast Format. Erfahre und lerne mit den NOW - Instructors Anina und Philipp die Grundlagen von Meditation. Wir beantworten Fragen aus der Community oder diskutieren spannende Themen rund um Meditation, Mindfulness, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Body Fitness. So dass du dich körperlich und mental in Bester Form fühlen kannst. Jede Woche wirst du hier neue Inputs und Infos erhalten um dein volles Potential zu leben - gesund, leistungsfähig und glücklich.
Menschen die meinen Podcast hören, freuen sich über neue Inspiration, andere Perspektiven und Inhalte die sie nicht überall hören.
Mein höchster Wert ist die Wertschätzung. Darüber hinaus stehe ich für Authentizität und Ehrlichkeit.
Ja, ich möchte die Welt ein Stück verändern! ... und dafür fange ich bei mir und teile meine Erfahrungen mit Dir!
Werde ein Teil dieser Veränderung, indem Du die Inspiration genießt! -
The Exercise Coach presents: The Strength Changes Everything Podcast. Learn from Exercise Coach Co-Founder Brian Cygan, Franchisee Amy Hudson, and Dr. James Fisher, Chief Science Officer of The Exercise Coach about how to enjoy a strong, healthy lifestyle. The Exercise Coach’s unique two 20-minute workouts a week is how thousands across the United States get and stay in great shape. This podcast gives you the facts, from the experts, in easy-to-understand lessons so you can take control of your life.