
  • We can expect to take a few punches in life and business, but the ability to get back up truly defines us. In this episode of Hair Life, I explore the often-unspoken challenges of mental health and stress that come with navigating difficult times.

    I share my experiences with personal growth and how it positively impacts our teams and communities, emphasising the importance of leading by example.

    This episode also marks a new chapter for HairLife as I introduce a new co-host who brings a wealth of creativity and entrepreneurial prowess to our upcoming episodes.

  • In this episode Nathan Plumridge talks about being vulnerable, something that he’s had a lot of discussions about in the last few months, mainly due to an experience he had in early December which he shares with you. This is about learning from things both in business and from a health point of view.


    I’ve started thinking about health not just from a physical point of view, but from a mental side as well. Opening up, being vulnerable and sharing has helped me mentally and has enabled me to have some incredible conversations and opened up some incredible relationships.One of my best friends recently opened up to me about his childhood and the impact that it had on him and the direction it had taken him in his life until now. He started finding demons that had been buried and I was really blown away with what he shared with me. It was highly emotional, highly charged and as a result I had something click inside me which enabled me to firstly, open up about my childhood and my experiences, and how I could now see how the impact of that childhood was having an impact on me as a 45-year-old male.I can’t help but imagine how we all might feel if we opened up a little bit more and shared those things that we carry around with us, particularly men. Though I think it’s a generational thing, the younger generation seems to share everything – perhaps too much – but that’s something we can definitely learn from.The impact of being truly listened to with no judgement, no bias, no advice – so many people want to give you their advice and I don’t think that’s a good thing because a lot of those people are giving you the wrong advice. My friend listened to me so intently, with 100% focus, it was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. What an incredible thing that is. How much stronger would your relationships be if you listened 100% to the person sitting in front of you?


    ‘It wasn’t until someone had been vulnerable with me that it enabled me to be able to reciprocate the same thing. The impact of that was that I got very emotional. For two days I couldn’t stop crying, even in the salon.’
    ‘My team was absolutely amazing. I think seeing their boss being vulnerable and truly open and showing them that you can’t always be this superhero type was incredibly powerful. It’s only done great things.’
    ‘Opening yourself up and really showing your vulnerability gives you an incredible sense of relief, both emotionally and physically.’
    ‘I’d like you to hear that voice that tells you not to do things to piss off!’


    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.


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  • In this episode Nathan Plumridge talks to entrepreneur, award winning stylist, and salon owner Cally Borg to talk about her background and journey through her career.


    I wasn’t very academic at school, I couldn’t sit still in a classroom, that’s just not my thing at all. However, when I got into hairdressing I was so focussed from day one because I just knew it was for me.My freelance career was really busy, I was in and out of London and Surrey taking any job that came to me. One minute I’d be doing highlights and cut and blow-dry, the next I’d be doing a photoshoot or at a show, it was really crazy but it was great. That worked until I had my daughter. I started doing local stuff and basically winged it for about three years while building up a regular clientele around looking after my daughter, in the day while she was at nursery and in the evenings while she was in bed.Lockdown offered a great opportunity to re-write the brand. I thought to myself, what do I really want from life and what’s most important to me. My partner and my kids are the most important thing to me so I don’t want to work evenings and weekends any more. So, do I cull 50% of my business or look at a new strategy and bring somebody in to look after those clients? And, that’s what I did and I realised I really liked helping and mentoring people.There’s been a massive rise in home salons in the past few years. I think that’s down to the lockdown, but also it’s to do with the freedom and flexibility that you get with working from home. I’m not in salons any more, so I don’t know the opportunities there any more, but I can only presume that the rules are stricter and that’s why people are looking for freedom and flexibility.


    ‘I liked being in the salon, what I didn’t like was being told when I could and couldn’t go on holiday. I’m a team player, but I don’t like to be controlled in any way.’
    ‘I did Amanda Holden’s personal styling, I’d go to her house, blow-dry her hair a couple of times a week and I started working at ITV, which was great.’
    ‘People used to say: “you really work a lot of hours”, but I love my job, I love talking to people, yes I was knackered and unhealthy. Then I had a health scare and life changed like that.’
    ‘I learned by working for free when I started out, but it’s a lot easier now to be educated, there’s a lot of free education, but people don’t seem to tap into that. This is the best time to be a freelancer.’


    Cally Borg is an Award-Winning Hairstylist, Educator and Business Mentor; she’s been hairdressing for over 20 years, working for salons such as John Carne, Toni&Guy and Charles Worthington before going freelance and starting her own business.

    She recently won 'Surrey Hair Stylist of the Year 2020' and the ‘Marketing Trailblazer 2021’ at the Salon Awards. Cally is on the Art Team and an Educator for the brand 'We Love Salons.' and the UK brand ambassador for TUFT international.



    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.


  • In this episode Nathan Plumridge talks to Tom Johnson, Ex-England Rugby Player about his career and the transition to the second half of life as a coach now he no longer plays.


    My happiest times were when we were playing rugby for the craic, giving it a go. The reason we did it was to find out our boundaries and what we could do, then we started to bring it into focus on areas of risk and reward, where we can dominate games and where we can give ourselves the best chance of winning games rather than putting ourselves under the cosh needlessly.I have huge imposter syndrome, even when I played in the first test for England, and I saw these huge South Africans come running out the tunnel and I’m sitting there cracking myself: What on Earth?! I used to run around at Oxford Brookes University drinking lots of booze having a great craic and now I’m on this international field! Facing the Haka from New Zealand was a tick off the bucket list though, and then nearly beating them on my last game, it was an amazing thing to be part of.When I was in rugby I had my head in the sand a bit and thought it would never end. Coming out of it, there’s a huge amount of anxiety – for professional sports people in general – and worry about what the future entails. In the last six months or so I started thinking about how much I wanted to be present and enjoy the now and look forward to the future rather than getting everything lined up and pushed away from the future, pretending it wasn’t going to happen. I want to be fiercely independent and be able to look after myself, my family and those around me. What we decide to do now and tomorrow is going to have a direct impact on that future. By nailing down what that future looks like you can start to plan and really enjoy the now.You can link this thought to business, or homework, or whatever, if you’ve got a big meeting and you haven’t prepared you’re going to have to try and blame it. But if you’re prepped and up to speed you go in there confidently, exuding confidence, come across really well and nail the pitch/meeting. It’s the same with getting enough sleep, you set yourself up for a great day ahead. If you wake up tired you start off on a negative path where everything’s an effort. The link between mental health and sleep is undeniable, good quality and consistent sleep can put you in the right frame of mind to help you overcome.


    ‘You really find out a lot about yourself when you play in a team.’
    ‘Coaches have to give an awful lot of thought about their pre-match speech, their half-time speech and things need to adjust on the fly depending on how that first half has gone.’
    ‘The future is coming for everyone, can you be prepared for it and can you enjoy that journey all the way up to your deathbed? We can do something about how the last six months of your life is going to look like now.’
    ‘Enjoyment comes in the here and the now, not achieving goals.’


    After graduating from Oxford (Brookes!) With a degree in Sports Science, Tom was about to follow his family’s traditional military path by joining the Parachute Regiment. By chance just before embarking upon his officer training, he was scouted by Coventry RFC whilst playing for Reading in the then National League 3 South. Two successful years at Coventry then led to a move to Exeter Chiefs, where he played professionally for 10 years, even earning a few England Caps along the way. Tom is a bit of a rarity in that he didn’t follow the traditional academy route into professional rugby – up until the age of 18 he even played scrum half! A professional rugby career allowed Tom to experience some of the world’s best training facilities and nutritional plans all whilst teaching him the...

  • In this episode Nathan Plumridge talks to Colin McAndrew, MD of Medusa Hair – one of the fastest growing salons in Scotland, about his inspirations, his challenges and his passions.


    Growing up I had three central female figures in my life, my two older sisters and my Mum – Dad disappeared. I went to salons with my sisters when they were baby-sitting me, Mum worked two jobs. I loved the atmosphere in that space. After I left school I got an apprenticeship in a beautiful salon on Prince’s Street in Edinburgh where I learned how to make coffee and tea. Within nine months I was a hairdresser in their eyes. I had a real desire to not be in poverty so I worked two jobs, seven days a week.Mental health is a big concern and well being. I don’t say that flippantly or cheaply. I think the onus is on us to have the right balance between targets, driving and moving forward without adding to anxiety and levels of stress. If you’re still running your business and your team in the same way as you were 15 years ago, you’re really outdated – 15 months ago is outdated. But on the back of that, as correct as it is to say it's OK not to be OK, it’s also OK to say I’m going to try my hardest to change that feeling. I have a horrible feeling that resilient young people are becoming more alien than the norm. Everyone deserves the best life, but the reality is (unless you marry a footballer), you’re going to have to work really hard to get your best life. That message is missing at home and in schools.I’ve always been obsessed with personal security rather than wealth. I’ve always wanted to know that if, god forbid, something went wrong £1000-£5000 can probably cover it. When my Mum’s fridge broke down we’d have to wait two months without a fridge, so I’ve always wanted enough money to buy white goods whenever I need to. At 46 it’s still my attitude: “Have we got a fridge-freezer in the bank?” Without the team there is genuinely nothing. I want the team to have as many opportunities – always say when someone joins Medusa: “We’re a company of opportunity, I don’t care if you’ve been here six days, six weeks or six years, if there’s something coming up and you’re good, we’ll help you, or if we think you’re the perfect fit for it then we’ll do it.


    ‘When I went to Medusa I had two other jobs in the city that were much better paid, but I knew Medusa was my opportunity to grow in an artistic sense – I didn’t imagine buying the company in the future, but I thought this is going to give me a platform.’
    ‘Every team member thinks we’re millionaires, and I know we’re remunerated better than anybody else in the company, but ultimately we’ve got the bigger risk: If things go wrong we could lose our house. People don’t see the risks that we put in, before we even talk about expenditure. But, everybody’s human, not supermen or women, we’re all taking punches, especially in the last two years.’
    ‘You don’t want to die the richest guy in the graveyard, I want my last cheque to bounce.’
    ‘I want to create a clear reward for hard work and that people are paid what they deserve to be paid – a good salary with a decent bonus structure. There’s no limit from the top.’


    Colin McAndrew is the managing director of Medusa Hair, an award-winning Edinburgh hairdressing salon consistently creating new styles at the vanguard of fashion, but all the while exuding a genuine warmth and welcome.


    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @colin_medusa


    Welcome and thank you...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined for the second of two episodes by Luke Doolan and Paddy Monahan, manager and head of product at Phorest Software respectively, as well as Nathan’s head of operations, Candice, to talk about Phorest Software (that Gavin has worked with for a long time) and what they do.


    In order for you to say your average ticket is £120 or whatever, to look at that and say “why is that?”, at a business or a staff member level, within the new Phorest Reports you just click the number and it drills you in showing you day-by-day service rev, average retail ticket, total ticket, is it up or down and week-to-week comparison. We tell you straight away if it’s up or down and automatically run a drill report for you. That’s why we had to rebuild the reporting from the ground up because it’s no longer about running a report, it’s about whatever direction it takes you. We have to be able to have that data to you within seconds.From a staff member point of view, management can’t be quarterly any more, you can’t be sitting down with them at the end of the month going over what they should have done three weeks ago, that’s useless. In the new reporting suite, on any number there’s an alert bell, if you don’t want a staff member’s service level to drop below 12% you can set it to send you a message if it drops below 12% and it will check on it every hour. Even though you’re working with them in a coaching capacity, you’re able to address the issues at the time that they happen.The industry is amazing at building these long term relationships, at Phorest, what we try to do is cut out all the day-to-day things that salon owners need to do. If we can get better at that and free up the time for salon owners to go and do what they really enjoy doing, that’s the part where we’ll win. We’ve launched a new ecommerce store recently, the idea behind that was it can be set up to be click and collect only, you can set up one product on it, we’ll host it for you, you don’t even need to put it on your website, and you can run a campaign just off people who’ve bought that product in the past but haven’t bought it in the last three months. When we get feedback on ecommerce, sometimes it’s logistics, sometimes they want to try it but aren’t sure if it would take up too much time. The next piece of challenging feedback we’ve had is that staff aren’t all that enamoured with ecommerce because they want the commission. We’re now working on bringing staff members into this so that they get the reward.


    ‘Phorest is there to make booking as convenient and not-time-consuming as possible, we don’t want someone standing there rescheduling appointments on the phone, we want someone standing there having conversations and building relationships.’
    ‘For us, it’s about making the relationship last outside of the salon, that’s where we’ve been more successful in retaining clients. Our re-booking rate has improved since we’ve had Phorest.’
    ‘Retail conversations came across so sales-y, that was a problem we really wanted to fix. So, we’ve enabled the software – through ecommerce – to actually do the selling for the stylist. Not to replace, but to be additional to what they’re doing.’
    ‘You’re giving bad service if you’re not talking to your clients about retail, especially if they’ve said they want to talk about products.’




    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined for the first of two episodes by Luke Doolan and Paddy Monahan, manager and head of product at Phorest Software respectively, as well as Nathan’s head of operations, Candice, to talk about Phorest Software (that Gavin has worked with for a long time) and what they do.


    We’re not just an appointment system or diary, we take it in a slightly different way than most do. We're not a software company, we're a salon company, we’re aimed at the industry. Our whole existence is to understand how salons work and to build things that help them to grow their business, which is not all that common in the industry.We listen to salons and understand the problems that they have. We recently launched the Phorest Collections – we used to build a feature and ship it and maybe a month later we’d have something else from another team and we would ship that. Then we’d get feedback from salon owners saying they were really busy and couldn’t keep track of all these updates dropping so we changed tact and started doing like the fashion industry with Autumn Collections where we gather a load of stuff together and launch it all at once with all the training programmes put together so, as a salon owner, you can simply take an hour out of your day to learn about all of them and that’ll be it for a couple of months.We asked salon owners what the pain points around card payments on readers were. Tips for staff was an issue but also at the end of the day, cashing up is an absolute pain, if someone accidentally overcharged a customer by tapping the wrong number or put it through as cash instead of card, you can waste 30-40 minutes trying to find that £10 that’s gone somewhere. We take that as the starting point to solve it. The only way to light up the terminal to take a payment in Phorest is to key in, tap ‘credit card’ and then it will light up, in doing that, at the end of the day it automatically reconciles between the two, so you can look at your cash (which is next to nothing these days) and just walk out.For me, creating, innovating and figuring out these things is about pairing together a problem – and deeply understanding what that problem actually is – and then matching that with what technology is possible. What we’ve seen is our tech team really understands what technology is now possible. If you just start building things based on the tech you’ve got a solution looking for a problem. Salon owners, the people on the ground, know the problem the best, but often if you say “what feature do you want? Or how would you like this feature to be better?” they might discuss it just in terms of their own understanding. We’ve taken a different approach, instead of asking that, I often say “if we were to send somebody out in a Phorest T-shirt and they were an expert in everything (finance, marketing, everything) and I sent them to work for you for a week, what would you have them do, what problems would you have to solve?” It’s the magic question, it answers so much about the problems we have to solve.


    ‘Our goal is to help salons to grow.’
    ‘I didn’t come from the industry. But I know it now because I’ve gone and taken the hard steps of just standing in front of the house.’
    ‘When the company’s goals are completely aligned with the salon’s goals, you build the right products, and you serve in the right way. As soon as they grow, we grow as well.’
    ‘We’re motivated by the impact it has on salon owners.’




    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Adelle Martin, founder and creator of the Menopause Resilience Club – a private group where women can come together to build strong business and strong bodies through their hormonal change.


    I’ve always been sporty, but when I got to 15 my Dad told me I had to get a proper job – things like Britain’s Got Talent didn’t exist at the time, so I couldn’t make money out of dancing and gymnastics. A proper job at the time meant a job for life in a bank, which I absolutely loved and enjoyed. But, my colleagues bought me the book ‘How To Win Friends And Influence People’ because I was a bit direct and rude. But that got me into people, psychology and leadership and everything else around that, so I took evening classes and became resilient and built my career on that.During the financial crash in 2008 work suddenly got really busy, but you also didn’t tell people you worked for a bank – if was like being an estate agent! At the same time my daughter had grown up and was of an age and my parents were ageing and I was the one in the family were people asked me for time here and there to help with things. All of a sudden it all added up and I felt really tired and fatigued. After a while it got really difficult, flying between Edinburgh and London for work and we didn’t have the time to check in on each other to make sure we were OK. I remember small things happening, like a speech impediment as a child, that I’d got rid of, started to come back and my performance at work started to be affected. Eventually I collapsed and was taken to hospital and was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which I know I didn’t have. I made them do blood tests and the results cam back saying my hormones were so low I’d suffered a very quick menopause. I had to take extended leave to understand it and how best to fight it. I went back into HR so I could change the way people talk about menopause. I couldn’t let another woman go through what I did.Management don’t always understand it, they often see a top level woman on a career path suddenly drop in performance. It’s easy to say it’s this, this and this. I ask: how old are they? What are the clues? I didn’t know what I didn’t know, but the performance and confidence change due to hormones, we lose it for a moment. Rather than say “she’s up and down with performance issue” we got people to look for the clues and create a conversation around it.I’m an action-orientated person. We can talk all we like about the issues but when are we going to move to solutions? As hard as it is, it is a process a woman goes through. When I was pregnant people would tell me what happened to them in their pregnancies and now we’ve got the same with menopause, although we’re all different and our lifestyles are different. I can explain what happens with your hormones, but how you react to that is different. You won’t have your mother’s menopause if you don’t want to.


    ‘I had to Google menopause. I can do this the easy way or the hard way, if you ignore the menopause, you’re going to get in a lot more trouble than if you face into it.’
    ‘Women leave work or reduce their hours due to menopause, not just to set up their own business for the flexibility. We set up menopause cafes and line-manager training around talking about menopause with women.’
    ‘Not only do we have female advocates from all levels of the business who talk about their challenges, we also have men who talk about their experiences and perspectives with their wives or co-workers. The ripple-effect of that makes a huge, huge difference.’
    ‘If you can’t see it, you can’t be it.’


    Adelle Martin is an accredited Menopause Strength Coach & Bodybuilder as well as Founder of The Menopause Resilience System. She started her...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Mary Centofanti, one of the owners and creators of the vegan brand, Davroe, which is maybe the best kept hairdressing secret.


    In 2006 we needed to make changes to the company that we purchased. I went to the formulating chemist and said: “I want this range to be sulphate-free and vegan”. To his credit he agreed and it took us two years to get the formulations and fragrances right because they’re key to the product as well as performance. We launched in 2008 and a lot of people were asking why we were doing this because no other producers were doing this in Australia. It took another 5 years to get momentum going and convince hairdressers and salons that this was a good thing.Australia is the hub, it’s where we manufacture everything, we’ve built the laboratory, we do our R&D, we do our compounding, our upscaling, we distribute everything from there, we’re very, very hands on. All the products in the range are products I wanted to bring to market, it’s about us looking at what we think the industry is moving into and what the consumer is looking for.When I started at 15 years of age, it was never in my wildest dreams that I entertained owning this company or doing what I’ve done with Davroe. But, I had really good bosses who were very open about a lot of things and gave clear parity between us and them. They’d have lunch with us in the lunchroom and they’d talk business and I would listen in to their conversations and I learned so much. From the minute I walked into the office on my first day I felt like it was my second home. I felt part of something.There was a moment where John and I had to find a balance between our personal lives and work, because we live and work together with each other and our kids, we all want space at certain times. Finding the balance is really tricky. We all go to work and come home separately, even though it’s two to three minutes away. We all seem to gravitate towards each other at lunchtime and we have dinner together every night but then we all go our separate ways in the evening, the evening is our own time.

    ‘It feels great to be away from home, we haven’t travelled for up to three years, before that we travelled quite a bit overseas. It’s amazing to see people face-to-face again and catch up.’
    ‘The consumer knew they wanted a change which was one of the driving forces for us as well.’
    ‘We watch what we eat and what we put on our faces, so why should hair be any different?’
    ‘We jumped in, it was full-on, we made some really major changes but I’m so very happy that we did. We’ve met some wonderful people along the way and now my children are working with us, it’s a real family business.’

    Mary Centofanti has a real passion for the brand and commitment to delivering premium quality hair care products and has been at the forefront of the business for over 35 years.
    From humble beginnings, Mary Centofanti began her career with Dresslier as a fledgling receptionist in 1984. 23 years later, in 2007, Mary and her husband John acquired the then struggling business motivated to turn things around. Armed with a strong vision and a set of guiding principles that are steeped in passion, determination, integrity and community, they embarked on a decade long journey that has led them to where they are today, one of Australia’s leading hair care manufacturers.

    Instagram: @davroe.girl

    ABOUT THE...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Jessica Crane, author, entrepreneur, business coach, mother of two. And much more, to talk about her career and how salon owners can create generational wealth from their businesses.

    Here is your affiliate link to the 2 Day Salon Summit 6th and 7th November – anyone who purchases a ticket through this link you will receive 50% of the ticket sales - all the details are on the page:


    I realised from a young age – starting work at age 12 – that I was going to have to support myself, ain’t nobody coming to help me, I’m getting hand outs, no leg up, nothing. I need to decide what I want to do, get out there, create a plan, create an action plan and start these things in motion to be able to support myself.In business you always have to be looking for the problems: What is the problem with this current business model? Because the solutions are you next business evolution. We want to have the flexibility to do the things we need to do as business owners but do them around our families so we can be there for our families too.Just being good at your treatment/service/product is not enough. You could do that 10-15 years ago, but not anymore. Even if you’re talented, you will still be a best kept secret if you can’t properly market what you do to your clients and you’re not making those decisions from your numbers to your ideal clients and your vision, these are the big three dominos where every single business decision should come from. You can’t afford not to, it’s not an option anymore.What’s missing from getting from where you are now to where you want to be? Most of the time it’s a gap in your knowledge, it’s something that you don’t know how to do. You can spend years trying to figure that out, or you can go and find somebody and ask them to teach you. When you’re looking for free information in Facebook groups and on Google, you don’t even know if those strategies work, you don’t know if that person is really able to help you or that the information and advice they’re giving you is correct, you’ guess and winging it. For most businesses you don’t have the luxury of that amount of time, cash flow and money to support you whilst you figure it out. You’ll likely run out of money first.


    ‘We run a business so that it provides for us, not us feeling a slave to our business.’

    ‘I have itchy feet. If I’m not learning, I don’t know what the next goal is or the next progression route, it’s almost like I feel trapped.’

    ‘Every year we set a budget aside to invest into coaches, it’s a first priority.’

    ‘Do your due diligence when looking for a coach before jumping in feet first, make the right decisions.’


    Jessica Crane is an internationally award-winning salon business coach. Since the age of 12 Jessica has worked at every level within the industry. Starting out as a Saturday girl, commercial stylist to managing multiple award-winning salons and chains, to assessor, centre manager and internal verifier for a top outstanding private training provider. Jessica holds a degree in consulting and has spoken on multiple global stages for well-known industry brands.

    With over 20 years industry experience she has helped hundreds of salon owners across the globe run the business of their dreams living the life they dreamed of when they first opened their salon door.


    Online consultation booking link:


  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Jayne Lewis-Orr who is, quite simply, a hair industry icon. Her passion for the industry over the last 25 years as the executive director of the Hairdresser’s Journal is why Jayne is so well respected by every hairdresser.
    There’s a slight audio issue on this one that we just couldn’t work around, but I’m sure after a few minutes you’ll tune your ears to it.

    I was set on becoming a journalist in the hair and beauty industry and I was really fortunate to land a role on hair and beauty and, frankly, I’d have taken any role on that. I didn’t have a background in hairdressing, mu Auntie was a hairdresser, but that was it really. When you work in a publisher with all different titles you could tell the people that were coming in to see the Hairdressers Journal team, they were vibrant and fun and enigmatic and I thought “that’s going to be a cool place to hang out” and I’ve never gone away! I started off in the sales team in an admin role and moved into an editorial role eventually becoming the editor-in-chief.The pandemic has changed the way people want to work and that’s fine. But, one thing we have to do collectively and as a united front is make sure that people know that hairdressing is a fantastic place to work. The opportunities in the industry are second to none. You can travel the world, you can be self-made, you can be successful, the only thing that limits you is your own imagination, not age, sexual preference, anything. But it is hard, hard work.Hairdressers are with you through the best and worst times of your life. They’re there when you get married and have a family, they’re there when your hair falls out because you’ve had a baby, they’re there when you lose a relative, they’re a constant. I tell my hairdresser more than I tell anybody else. Hairdressers have amazing empathy and that skill can make people feel great.We’re only as good as the last magazine we put out or the last event. Whilst we are the market leader, I never take that for granted. It’s getting people to understand how passionate this industry is about their own craft. Like at this event, people are supportive of other people winning, even if they’ve lost themselves they are genuinely supportive of other people winning and that’s a cool place to be.

    ‘Whilst, obviously, you have to have a commercial aspect to the magazine, we’re recognised by our partners for writing for our readers, that makes it authoritative, independent and honest.’
    ‘The only good thing to come out of Covid was that hairdressing became recognised as a fourth emergency service.’
    ‘I love this market, it’s my preferred child
 my sons are actually here, so I probably shouldn’t say that but it really is.’
    ‘I’m hugely passionate about extolling the virtues of the craft and why it’s such a good place to be.’
    Jayne Lewis-Orr started her career as a junior assistant in the Hair & Beauty Group at Reed Business Information and worked her way up, having qualified as a journalist, to become Editor-in-Chief of the portfolio. She is now Executive Director of the Professional Beauty Group that includes the Hairdressers Journal International, Salon International, Professional Beauty and Aesthetic Medicine brands. All of these have a multi-channel approach to their content with events, awards, print, online and social media channels.
    Actively involved in the hair and beauty industry for 30+ years, Jayne is an effective member of industry associations and bodies and is a director of the industry charity.
    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Angeline Hayden, a teacher, salon industry educator, award winning business coach, podcaster and outdoor challenge seeker, to talk about how to provide better service in the hair and beauty industry.

    I was a salon owner for 12-13 years who ran the business. I always looked at things from the point of view of the client as well as the stylists, the team and running the business. I got to a point where I got as far as I could go for myself and I wasn’t interested in training stylists and beauticians, I wanted to go into the education side of the salon while staying in the industry I love. I trained as a teacher, I’m now an assessor, I did a body language specialist course as well as mystery shopping. Then I developed Midas Customer Service Training, with my husband Gary, and I now do one-to-one and group coaching and I love my job.Sometimes the only thing that separates you from the salon up the road is your level of customer service. That’s why it’s so important to give, not just to every client, but every single day they’re in the salon to every single client.You’ve got to look at the customer’s journey through the salon. There are different touch points. When the client comes into the salon, the first thing I do is to teach them meet/greet body language and first impression. Especially with younger people, because our younger professionals don’t always have the confidence to make really good eye contact with someone. When you make eye contact with somebody you begin to trust that person. We teach them to build and make trusting relationships in the salon because, as we know, if you trust someone you’re more likely to buy from them.Complacency is a big issue. Never assume what the client wants every single time because they’ll surprise you sometimes. You are the professional, you are the one who should be educating them and solving their problems. They come to you because they’ve got problems, whether it’s hair, nails, skin, lashes, whatever. What you’ve got to do is use a bit of empathy skills, put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if it was you? We get better at empathy as we get older, so coaching young people empathy skills is vital to their success with their clients.

    ‘If you stay in the industry that you know, you’ll be able to use your own expertise to be able to service your own customers.’
    ‘People will forget what you said and people will forget what you did, but people will never forget who you made them feel.’
    ‘If you make a bad impression it can take up to seven more times after that for someone to begin to change how they feel about you, get it wrong and you’ve got lots of repairing to do.’
    ‘If you don’t recognise bad customer service you can’t make it great.’
    Angeline Hayden has been in the Hairdressing and Beauty Industry, owning salons for over 10 years. Prior to this she was working in telecommunications with BT. She is also a body language specialist and qualified mystery shopper.
    Angeline will be a great contact for you to discuss your customer service requirements. Her attention to detail will surpass all expectations ensuring that her clients’ journey is exceptional,
    Royal Marines Commando assault course is a firm favourite for a weekend pastime! But she also loves a Spa day!
    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this...

  • In this episode, Nathan is joined by Joe Hemmings, a multi-salon owner, multi-award winner, and part of the new generation of salon owners that are challenging the norms by giving his team and his guests truly something different.


    I started on the 13th July 2010 and it naturally evolved from doing A-Levels at school to apprenticeships. I was talked out of becoming a hairdresser at school because it wasn’t seen as a great career, and ever since then I’ve had a bit of a bugbear to prove people wrong, it can be a great career. I went self-employed at first to get a feel for accounts and paperwork. Then I opened my own salon and went from there. I learned a lot more lessons than I thought I was going to! For the first year I was on my own at the shop, working 12-hour days six days a week to pay off what I’d spent setting the salon up. Then I started to employ.I feel like I’ve just about nailed balancing multiple salons, I didn’t for years and years. Thankfully my partner is massively supportive. My working week is: Mondays is my day for personal development or pushing myself (two years ago I started doing public speaking workshops, for example), Tuesday is a management day where I spend it with the managers of the shops, Wednesday is clientele from 8am-8pm, Thursday is free so I can be with my team, Friday I’m with my daughters, Saturday in the salon and Sunday is my day off. Though that’s a recent thing. I took until Covid for me to pass on certain jobs to other people in the company so I can spend more time with my family.What is culture? It’s so hard to put your finger on it, and every salon id different. But I think it’s what people do every day without even thinking about it. You don’t need contracts written down every day to create culture, it’s just how people behave, what they believe in, and I’m really passionate on that – I want a team where everyone is equal, the same as the owner. I’ll do the bins, sweep the floors and the apprentices can do a blow dry or a toner. I try to mix it up as much as I can to keep it a level playing field.We’ve all worked for bosses in the past where you’re terrified you’ll make a mistake and you’ll get an absolute rollicking on the shop floor or in front of everybody. You don’t get the best out of people in that situation. You need to get people who want to be themselves and celebrate them being themselves and working how they want to work under the umbrella of a company where everyone is an individual, but they come together and work together.


    ‘The first person I employed was an old boss of mine who had retired. I wanted someone I could trust and knew how to run their own business.’

    ‘Be the bigger person and go with your gut feeling.’

    ‘Delegation wasn’t something I naturally wanted to do because from day one I always held all the strings and made the decisions, it was my business my way. But, in the last few years, I’ve realised that’s the wrong attitude to have as a business owner. You should have people alongside you in the business who can make decisions that have an impact on the business.’

    ‘Recently I’ve had a couple of members of staff go through really tough times, and everybody steps up, everyone helps them out, no one blames anyone. We move clients around, people on their day off comes in, people stay late. That, to me, means more than awards ever will.’


    Joe Hemmings is the owner of Bloggs Salons:

    My passion within hairdressing was to create something special that everyone involved could be proud of and that betters its people’s lives. The salon is such a creative and fun place to be and has been built on the incredible loyalty by the team and also our clients who over the years have become one big family. The community that we have built around us...

  • In this episode, recorded after he got back from holiday and a day after the Queen passed away, Nathan talks about service, what it is and how you can deliver service that defines your business in its market.

    We are now in a time where your business doesn’t really have many things that can truly separate it from your competition. Pretty much everything can be copied, from your salon interior, software system, branding, marketing, apps, the croissants and coffee you give away for breakfast, these are all things that can be replicated. What will define your business is the service you deliver.Think about experiences you’ve had somewhere where they went above and beyond and the journey and all of the things you’d like your guests to feel during that journey. What can you get your team to deliver? It has to come from the top, you have to eat and breathe the culture that you want your business to be and it has to start from outside your business; what does it look like from the outside and does the business represent great service? What does it mean to you?

    ‘I don’t think there’s a greater example of anyone showing us what service is, our Queen gave service for over 70 years and that is and should be a true inspiration to anyone.’
    ‘A huge amount of our reviews now focus on the experience they had with that stylist and how that stylist made them feel, the emotional element of that.’
    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.
    Instagram is @nathan.hairlife
    Email me at [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this episode Nathan talks to British hairdressing icon, Errol Douglas, to talk about his career as a hairdresser and salon owner.


    My ex-wife, Jo, was frustrated with me always coming home unhappy from my job as an ambassador for other salons and companies. She said: “Why don’t you open a shop or start your own business?” I was fortunate enough to live in London and so I was always enthralled by fashion and I was earning a lot of money, my accountant – Kim – became my business partner who had a background in property law, so she was a great fit. That changed my life. But it was the most challenging thing ever, opening up in Knightsbridge where there was a lot of snobbery and the high rental charges. But we got in and are still there 24 years later.People think it’s materialism but it’s not, you’ve got to take in the ambiance of your area; if it’s going to be trendy, Shoreditch, open floors, walls and concrete then do that, but if you’re attracting that person who’s always travelling first class or getting a private jet and you’re getting recommendations from the best hotels in Knightsbridge, come on and do the maths!The lowest point in my life was getting divorced. Jo was my pillar of strength, we had four kids, though our first child passed away, and I thought marriage was for life and we were a team. So, when that broke up I thought someone had buried me, it took me ages to get right. Being a typical Capricorn, I threw myself completely into work and capped everything else off. It was tough. The light at the end of the tunnel was realising we were never getting back together and that I had too many other mouths to feed and I had to pull it together and be a leader, especially for my kids.If you’re trying to find where you’re going, you have to write a few things down that really motivate you. And you have to be realistic, if you live in Wales or Manchester you have to ask yourself if you’re going to stay in that area or come down south. You have to target people, write down who inspires you, what section of hairdressing inspires you, who you want to have an apprenticeship with – because people who flit around on apprenticeships tend not to finish.


    ‘Being in business is not all about being creative, you have to understand your vehicle.’

    ‘My inspirations in this business were John Frida, but he was a bit of a gentleman, but Nicky Clarke was the first rock star. I was enthralled by them because they were British, I got to know them and work with them, they were iconic.’

    ‘Our industry is synonymous with bringing everyone together and our events are copied by other industries. It’s one of the best professions in terms of high points and endorphins in the world.’

    ‘Open small, have at least one person you can trust to share the load because you can’t and shouldn’t be doing everything. Also, don’t over-spend on anything, stock, wages, extravagances. Put something aside if you can, try not to have an overdraft if you can, keep it realistic and small and if you can, don’t sign your life away.’


    Errol Douglas first started working in an East London salon aged 11. He gained his initial qualifications at Roger Heart's age 16. During this time, he met Paul Edmonds and moved to Neville Daniel. When Paul Edmonds opened his own salon in 1984, Errol became Edmonds' Artistic Director until he opened his own salon business in Belgravia in 1998.

    Errol’s session styling and fashion work is regularly featured in magazines such as Vogue, Harpers & Queen, Tatler, Red, Cosmopolitan and Elle. He has worked with a number of notable clients, including Diana Ross, Brad Pitt, Barbra Streisand, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Melanie Griffith, Dawn French,...

  • In this episode Nathan talks about how he’s noticed a lot of mixed up feelings around him lately from salon owners and guests that come into the salon about how they’re currently dealing with everything that’s going on in the world. Nathan has been working with his mentor recently on things that he hopes, once he’s shared them with you on this podcast, will help you achieve a more positive general outlook.


    I’ve started to really work on my morning routine – having a good morning routine is proven to have a lasting positive effect on our body and, most importantly, on our brains. The first thing I do when I wake up is drink a glass of water – almost a pint – because you dehydrate so much when you sleep. I make my bed straight away. I do a five minute journal about dreams or thoughts I had during my sleep, what’s ahead for the day, and three things I’m grateful for – it basically clears your head of things and lets you start the day clear.I’ve got what my kids call my “green goo”, which is basically a drink called Athletic Greens, for me it’s an essential mix of all the vitamins and minerals that my body needs to give me a great hit for the day. It’s also really good for gut health which is really important.I’ve started to get more and more focussed on my personal ‘why’. Why am I doing this? Why am I running my business? I’ve also started to think about the impact that I can have, not only on me but on the people around me. It’s really noticeable when you’re in a really upbeat, positive frame of mind and then you get these battery drainers that come into your salon and it’s like they try to take you down to their level. Learn to let these people and their thoughts wash over you. The best way to do this is to have an incredibly positive peer group (others that run their own business/salon) that you can talk to and quash any of those negative thoughts that tend to sit on your shoulders.Where I’ve learned most, and I think it will help you feel more motivated and quash any negativity is to understand that negativity – or that word – is simply just an emotional feeling that you give to a situation. You have the opportunity to change that feeling from bad to good, literally with the flick of a switch, or a smile. Tell yourself out loud “get going!” and take action.


    ‘Breathe in. Getting plenty of oxygen into the body makes you feel so much better.’

    ‘I’ve taken to exercising in the morning, no more than 20 minutes. Studies show that those who exercise in the morning get much better sleep at night.’

    ‘Having a broad group of peers is going to really help you because they’re going to give you different feelings and thoughts. We can probably all do with mixing it up a little bit.’

    ‘Simply smiling gives you a hit of ceratonin.’


    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.


    Instagram is

  • In this episode Nathan talks about how you – as a salon owner – are probably having to deal with quite a lot right now and how you can deal with feelings of overwhelm as a business owner.


    When I say “overwhelm”, I mean that feeling that everything is coming on top of you, like being buried alive, and you don’t have the answer to everything. I feel like this sometimes in the business, that there are moments where everything is attacking you and you do know what to do.I’ve talked to a lot of salon owners recently that are fed up and have had enough of running a business and just want to go back to being a stylist again without any of the stresses and aggravation, which is such a shame. If that’s you, just take a minute and think about if it’s the right decision.Focus on your diet and exercise, they will ultimately aid to helping you feel so much better as well as help you get good, quality sleep, which will also help.There is a solution to absolutely everything. It may take time and it depends how long you’ve been in business and how long you intend to be in business. Put together a priority list and physically write it down to get it out of your head. Once you’ve identified your problem(s), it makes it a lot easier to break them down.


    ‘You are definitely not alone, but ultimately that doesn’t stop you waking up and having those feelings of overwhelm.’

    ‘Firstly, just breathe. Properly and slowly. Get yourself calm in order to make the right decisions and stop these feelings of overwhelm.’

    ‘Make a financial plan. Call your accountant, arrange a meeting, because sitting down and having a look at what your most important costs are, what you can get rid of, what you can make leaner and what you can spread. Chat to your bank also and see what they can do for you – extending an overdraft or your payments. Give yourself some breathing space.’

    ‘Talk to your team. They want to be part of a great team and work in your amazing salon, be honest and ask them questions or for help, they are the most vital part of your business. Many hands make light work.’


    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.


    Instagram is @nathan.hairlife

    Email me at [email protected]

    This show was brought to you by Progressive Media

  • In this episode Nathan explains why he’s been away for the last few weeks, it was a time of reflection where he took some time to really think about his business and this show. What have been some of the challenges and what are the opportunities to future-proof the business?


    As a salon owner, like me, you are definitely starting to notice the difference in every part of your business. We have just ended our best year ever, but when you look at the bottom line you realise there isn’t a lot of cheese left. I’ve never been in that situation because I’ve always run our business as a proper business: focussed on profit, reinvesting capital back into my team and the business and continually trying to help it grow and scaleWe all know our costs are rising in so many different areas, costs on loans have changed, inflation has gone past 10% so everything has gone up having a huge effect on your bottom line. But, I took a step back and started looking at it in a positive nature and I thought: “What can we do to start future-proofing the salon?” We’ve got 6-18 months before there’s a slowdown. Let’s focus on the short term.How long until your clients drop a week off between visits? That length of appointments might start to stretch because families might start feeling the pinch and will cut back on certain things. You’ve probably got team members who are asking to be paid more for doing exactly the same job because they’re also starting to feel the impact of these things as well. We are also starting to make sure that, as a business owner, we look after our teams – they are your stock. What additional services can you offer? There’s probably more that you can do.How about offering a subscription service for your clients where every 8 weeks you send them a bottle of shampoo and conditioner and a styling product. Could you offer a loyalty programme where you offer your guests better rewards? Don’t give then a percentage off because it’s no good for you as a business, give them a free service, like a blow-dry or treatment, this way you’re utilising other members of your team.


    ‘It doesn’t matter almost what you do. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve not really had too many answers.’

    ‘Our industry, particularly the hair industry is one thing that people now can’t live without. The pandemic showed us that. I’m confident in this.’

    ‘What can we do as salon owners to start preparing? I think you’ll have to get a little more strategic and start looking at every single part of your business. One of the best ways to do this is pretend to be your guest, open the door and look at every part of it, how does it look and smell and how are you greeted? Focus on the client journey from the moment they enter to the moment they leave. What are areas you can work on?’

    ‘I’d much rather lose some of my margin to make sure that our guests have much better quality hair when they come into the salon. I’m sure, if you talk to you’re open and honest with your product companies they will give you a better discount.’


    Welcome and thank you for reading this, I’m Nathan Plumridge salon owner and Hair Stylist. I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years and have been a salon owner for 23 of them. I have been fortunate enough to work and learn with some of the biggest names in the industry and this has given me the experience and drive to now be here with you sharing my experiences.


  • In this episode Nathan is joined by the founders of Wellity Global, Simon Scott-Nelson and Sadie Restorick. These two amazing entrepreneurs are changing the way businesses are looking after their teams by creating phenomenal health and wellbeing programmes that are designed to help break the confines of work expectations and pressures whilst allowing you to feel empowered to manage your own wellbeing.



    We’ve made some progress in breaking down stigmas and taboos around mental health in the workplace, but there’s still a long way to go. What managers can do to encourage people to open up… it’s got to be persistent patience, it does take time. If you think of it as a wall or a barrier that some people put up in relation to showing what they’re really felling, that wall has to be broken down brick by brick, you can’t come in with a sledgehammer and smash it down and expect everyone to allow themselves to be vulnerable because that’s really difficult to do.Wellity covers everything to do with the individual, once we can help the individual they can bring their true selves to work. But that depends on a myriad of different things that make us up as humans. What Wellity is is training and consultancy, we have about 300-400 titles of wellbeing which they can access by group seminars, webinars, e-learning facilities, downloadable resources, posters and engagements. We help to create the culture within your organisation that makes it an everyday, normalised conversation around mental health and allows them to really realise that they’re not alone with their thoughts, that everyone has these things.Stress hormones make us blinkered and reactive. People don’t realise how they’re feeling until they get to that breaking point. This is because of the way the stress hormones make us feel “now, now, now, do, do, do, I must fulfil these appointments, I must churn through all these different things to make that money”. It’s about teaching people how and when to take off those blinkers, and how to recognise the signs. Chronic stress affects our creativity, innovation, things that are really important in relation to work and when that starts to diminish we push ourselves harder to try and achieve. It's a slippery slope.People want to try to fix things straight away, but you might be coming at that from your angle, not theirs. People don’t need fixing necessarily if they’re coming to you with some sort of problem, they might want you to observe it, but they don’t want it fixed. They want you to step into their darkness and just sit there for a bit and see it through their eyes, only then will you get a feel for the emotion, the temperature, whether it’s going darker. 



    ‘Managers need to go first and openly talk about their own experiences, the struggles they’re navigated and that it’s generally OK to talk openly in the workplace about your mental health and wellbeing in the same way that you would talk about having a really bad headache. We have to normalise it.’

    ‘Last year 89% of professionals reported suffering from burnout. It’s something that’s quite a concern across the working population at the moment.’

    ‘Any effort to promote, encourage and optimise employee wellbeing has to come across as genuine and authentic, it really has to be felt by those individuals that “my company really cares”, not just because mental health is all over social media and the news at the moment and is the current thing on trend. That has to be positioned really really well.’

    ‘Essentially, psychological safety is taking...

  • This episode of Hair Life is a companion piece to the last episode in which Nathan talked about the ten biggest business learnings he’s had over the years. In this episode he points out the top ten reasons salons and businesses fail and how you can avoid them.



    Growing too fast: While growing your salon is a desirable thing to do, over-expansion can be a serious error. Taking on additional overheads can spur you to overextend your business financially. Set yourself realistic goals and expand only if your needs dictate it.Failing to track your finances: Many businesses that failed took on too much debt. Learn to pay strict attention to your finances and keep careful records of all money coming in and going out, particularly at the beginning phase. Overspending: Many new salon/business owners burn through their start up capital before they get into a cash flow positive situation. This happens because of misconceptions around how salon businesses operate. You might have a really great week, but then you have two quiet weeks and you go into panic mode.Be prepared for the unexpected rise in costs of things – utilities, materials, labour: Have enough reserve cash to carry you through unexpected times or seasonal slow downs. Try to put 5% away every week in a rainy day fund.Poor choice of location: Don’t let a cheap lease tempt you into choosing the wrong location, consider your competition; how many similar salon businesses are located nearby? Is it accessible? Is the area really well served by great road access, plenty of public transport, good footfall, free parking? Ultimately people don’t want to walk too far after they’ve had a £200 cut and colour.Poor execution: Poor guest services and overall team incompetence will quickly sink your business, make sure your team place a huge amount on delivering a premium guest service, make sure as an owner/manager that you develop systems and processes for how tasks should be accomplished that everyone can follow and deliver, and internal measures to monitor them.An inadequate business plan: A one-to-five year plan that is well thought out will force you to think about the future and the challenges that you’re going to face. It also forces you to consider your own financial needs, your marketing financial plans and your competition, also your overall strategies. Keep chasing it, your plane will always change.Failing to adapt and pivot with the times ahead: The ability to recognise opportunities and  be flexible enough to adapt is crucial to surviving and ultimately thriving. Learn how to wear multiple hats, respond nimbly and develop new areas of expertise in your salon, what extra services could you offer? Keep asking your guests to see what they want.Ineffective and inadequate marketing: Your guests can’t do business with you if they don’t know you’re there. It doesn’t cost a lot to advertise and promote your business through online marketing, social media, email, local searches, reviews and so much more.  There are so many free and cheap advertising tools. Use them wisely and spend time really looking at your audience, but also look at how your audience perceives you, how do you look from the outside, do you attract your target audience?Underestimating the competition: Your competition can be an effective source of business,  but customer loyalty doesn’t just happen, you have to earn it. Watch your competition and stay one step ahead of them, if you don’t take care of your guests your competition will. Now more than ever the hair industry is all about guest experience, if...