
  • Balancing a demanding career where the work never ends with the desire to take long and leisurely trips abroad can feel like an impossible juggling act, but itā€™s more than doable.

    I get it; the demands of a career can feel overwhelming, but taking consistent vacations while maintaining a successful career is possible.

    If work has you thinking thereā€™s just no time for a vacation, or if youā€™re struggling with the guilt of stepping away, this episode is for you. Weā€™ll break down a clear and actionable path to help you navigate the challenges of taking consistent vacations even when your career feels all-consuming.

    Is something else keeping you from a vacation? Tune into the rest of this special mini series for 3 other obstacles that might be holding you back from traveling more.

    Connect w/ Angela on Instagram


    Episode 65: Planning Your Work Around Your Vacation

    Episode 66: Choosing the BEST Time to Take Off From Work

    Episode 199: How to Ditch Work Stress Before & After a Vacation

  • Feeling like a vacation is out of reach because of money? If youā€™ve ever felt deflated looking at your finances and thinking a trip just isnā€™t possible, Iā€™m here to tell you thereā€™s a way through it.

    Tune in as I share you can take those feelings of financial limitation and transform them into action. Weā€™ll explore how to approach vacation planning from a place of empowerment rather than scarcity, and Iā€™ll guide you through some strategies that can help make your next getaway a realityā€”even when money is tight.

    I know it can feel impossible, but with some intentional action and some mindset shifts, travel can still be in the cards for you. Letā€™s take this journey togetherā€”you might just be surprised by whatā€™s possible.

    Is something else keeping you from a vacation? Tune into the rest of this special mini series for 3 other obstacles that might be holding you back from traveling more.

    Connect w/ Angela on Instagram


    Episode 06: Itā€™s Not Moneyā€™s Fault You Arenā€™t Traveling More

    Episode 140: The Magical Number of $3,000

    Episode 164: The MAIN Thing to Know About Travel Deals

    Episode 192: How to Take a Luxury Vacation on a Budget

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  • Has another summer passed you by without that family vacation? Or are you still putting off that much-needed getaway with your hubby? If you always feel like that next vacation is just out of reach because "itā€™s not the right time" or "you donā€™t have the time", you're not aloneā€”but this episode is here to help you break through those barriers.

    If life feels too hectic to even think about planning a trip, tune in as I share practical insights and actionable steps to help you make that vacation a reality, no matter how busy life gets.

    Tune into the rest of this special mini series for 3 other obstacles that might be holding you back from traveling more.

    **Want my FREE virtual support to help you tackle those vacation plans? ā†’ SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CHALLENGE**

    Letā€™s connect face-to-face ā†’ Connect w/ Angela on Instagram


    Episode 39: Take Back Your Time w/ Melody Woolford

    Episode 135: An Episode About Life + Time

    Episode 151: The Timeline to your Next Vacation

    Episode 171: How To Start Taking Vacations Again

    Episode 193: How To Tackle Calendar Clutter and Ditch the Overwhelm w/ Laurie Palau

  • Vacation planning today gives us the freedom to map out our own adventures, but with endless options and decisions to make, it can quickly become overwhelmingā€”especially when youā€™re heading somewhere new.

    While it may feel like vacation planning is something that you should tackle all by yourself because the internet makes it possible, there are still many ways to get support. Whether you're tapping into free resources, crowdsourcing advice, or considering my 1-on-1 vacation planning services, letā€™s explore how you can get the support you need to make the process easier and more enjoyable.

    View the Wild Hair Travels suite of vacation planning services

    Get on my calendar to plan your vacation


    Episode 95: What Itā€™s Like to Have Me Plan Your Vacation

    Episode 107: How to JUMPSTART Your Vacation Planning

    Episode 142: Want To Plan a Friends Trip? THIS Will Help You.

  • Ever wondered what it truly means to love your life? It's something I've been pondering a lot lately, especially since leaving behind a long corporate career to embrace life as a stay-at-home mom and business owner.

    While I can say I've never been happier in my current season of life, the daily highs and lows have made me question that certainty from time to time.

    From moments of pure joy to unexpected frustrations, I'm sharing candid reflections on how embracing gratitude and staying true to my values have shaped my perspective. This heartfelt exploration invites you to reflect on your own journey and find inspiration in the everyday pursuit of happiness.

    Follow Angela on Instagram


    Episode 48: The ONE Thing Thatā€™s Made Me Happier Every Day

    Episode 98: The Secret to Feeling Happy After a Vacation

    Episode 172: How to Live a Happier Life

  • Donā€™t panic ā€“ planning your vacation in two months doesnā€™t mean spending 60 days glued to your phone. Itā€™s about fitting a realistic yet slightly aggressive timeline into your busy schedule so you can get it done and enjoy the pre-vacation giddiness without the nagging to-do list.

    Join me as I introduce a brand new, free virtual challenge that guides you step-by-step through planning your next vacation, and why this approach is the best way to plan.

    Perfect for busy professional women juggling multiple responsibilities, Iā€™m here to guide you through this process so itā€™s smooth, thorough, and stress-free.



    Episode 144: Some Reasons You Might Want to Package Your Vacation

    Episode 151: The Timeline to Your Next Vacation

    Episode 199: How to Ditch Work Stress Before and After a Vacation

  • Sometimes we crave a big trip abroad but want to avoid the hassle of navigating a foreign language. Just getting around in a new place can be challenging enough, right?

    Luckily, many fantastic destinations around the world have English as their primary language. In this episode, I provide three English-speaking destination recommendations tailored to each travel style avatar. Whether you're an adventurer, a bucket lister, or an escapist, you'll be able to pick your next ideal vacation spot where communication is a breeze!

    Get Angelaā€™s help planning your next vacation

    Get 1-on-1 support to narrow down where you should go on your next vacation


    Episode 124: The 8 Travel Style Avatars // Which Are You?

    Episode 125: The Bucket Lister

    Episode 126: The Escapist

    Episode 127: The Adventurer

    Episode 128: The Soul Searcher

    Episode 129: The Socialite

    Episode 130: The Nomad

    Episode 131: The Tourist

    Episode 132: The Thrill Seeker


    Episode 42: Why You Should Travel to Ireland Next

    Episode 80: Why You Should Travel to New Zealand Next

    Episode 147: The Bahamas // Choosing the Perfect Island

  • Throughout your travels, certain destinations will stand out where you leave a piece of your heart. Whether itā€™s the breathtaking scenery, a memorable wildlife encounter, a deep conversation with a local, participating in a cultural festival, or simply the local lifestyle, these experiences make a place unforgettable.

    Letā€™s explore three common ways we fall in love with places outside our homes. I also share practical tips and insights to help you prepare and plan your vacations, ensuring your trips have the potential to create deep, lasting connections. Tune in to discover how to make your next destination one you'll think about fondly for years to come.

    Connect with Angela on Instagram

    Episode 47: The Art of Slow Living and Slow Travel w/ Colet Williams

    Episode 160: My #1 Hack for Meeting Locals on Vacation

    Episode 196: Learn These Phrases In the Language Before Your Trip

  • FOMO is real, especially when our vacations are too short and we want to make the most of every moment. But cramming too much into your itinerary could cause you to unintentionally have a stressful trip, which we of course donā€™t want.

    There's solid evidence that simplifying your vacation plans can actually enhance your experience, as I share on this episode with four real-world case studies from my clients, highlighting key decisions that affected the ease of their vacations.

    From making tough choices to cut out exciting activities to optimizing itineraries for simplicity, and to realizing after the trip that less is more, these client stories illustrate how embracing simplicity can lead to a more enjoyable trip. Tune in to learn how to rethink your future trip plans and ensure a stress-free, fulfilling vacation.


    Episode 111: How To Stop Treating Your Vacations Like a To-Do List

    Episode 178: 4 Signs Your Itinerary Is Too Ambitious

    Episode 201: My #1 Hack for Having a Stress-Free Vacation

  • Itā€™s time to tackle the million-dollar question everyone has: When should you book your flights?

    With all the noise out there about the best time to snag airfare, itā€™s easy to feel overwhelmed and question yourself. And letā€™s be honest ā€“ once youā€™re set on a vacation, you want those flights booked pronto.

    But can you book them ā€œtoo earlyā€? What if prices drop later? How do you know if youā€™re paying more than you should? How can you snag one of these airfare sales?

    Today, Iā€™m cutting through the clutter and sharing the one essential tip you need to feel confident about booking your flights.


    Episode 145: How I Accidentally Cured My Airport Anxiety

    Episode 163: Practical Tips for an Ease-Filled Vacation

    Episode 164: The MAIN Thing to Know About Travel Deals

  • At the heart of our podcast is the desire to enhance your life and happiness through self-awareness and travel experiences, which is why Iā€™m so passionate about the Enneagram. Iā€™m joined on this episode by the fun and relatable Enneagram Coach, Jackie Brewster, who is helping us see how understanding the Enneagram can make our vacations more fulfilling.

    In previous episodes, I introduced you to the Enneagram through the Enneagram Travel Style series, aiming to help you identify your Enneagram type or travel style. But today, we're taking it up a notch. Jackie introduces us to the Enneagram Arrows, and offers a fresh perspective on how to become the healthiest version of ourselves, both in our normal lives, and while on vacation.

    Imagine experiencing your happiest self during your travels ā€“ what would that look like? Jackie guides us through this exploration, offering insights type-by-type into how aligning with our healthiest traits can transform our vacation experiences.

    If youā€™ve ever felt like the Enneagram was just another one of those personality assessments that ā€œputs you in a boxā€, this conversation will open your eyes to how vast the system is and how it can truly help us understand our very unique personalities ā€“ and discover the path to a vacation that resonates with your truest self.

    Follow Jackie on Instagram

    Learn more from Jackie on her website


    Episode 22: Letā€™s Learn Your Travel Style

    Episode 124: The EIGHT Travel Style Avatars // Which Are You?

    Episode 179: What Your Enneagram Can Tell You About Your Travel Style

  • Just imagine yourself coming back to work and telling your colleagues: ā€œThat was my best vacation yet.ā€

    Itā€™s quite a prestigious label to give to a vacation, and one that might feel like a pipe dream that would only happen if all of the stars aligned just right.

    And while I definitely believe there is always a reason for every twist and turn on a vacation experience, our best vacation yet usually doesnā€™t happen when entirely left to chance.

    With some intentional planning, awarding this title to your next vacation is an easier achievement than you might think, and Iā€™m here to guide you in HOW to craft your vacation so it has the best chance at morphing into your next vacation yet.


    Episode 110: Donā€™t Ignore This BIGGER Purpose of a Vacation

    Episode 155: My Two Biggest Pieces of Travel Advice

    Episode 156: Behind-the-Scenes of My Best Vacation Yet

  • We all want our vacations to be stress-free, but itā€™s actually pretty common that vacations donā€™t feel that way. Sure, air travel delays or grumpy travel companions are often top contenders for the main cause of stress on a trip, but if weā€™re being honest, sometimes the stress is self-inflicted, thanks to a common blind spot in our vacation planning.

    But there is ONE hack that will help you uncover this blind spot and make sure that your vacation plans are as stress-free as possible. This is the must-hear tip as you start planning your next big vacation, because I promise, you will feel the difference in your vacations when you embrace this.

    Full disclosure: Even Iā€™m not immune to this blind spot - I recently had to embrace this hack for my own upcoming trip, and Iā€™m so thankful I did.


    Episode 105: Hereā€™s What To Splurge On (On Your Vacation)

    Episode 194: My #1 Must-Have Travel Companion

    Episode 199: How To Ditch Work Stress Before and After a Vacation


    On this milestone 200th episode, Iā€™m laying out a road map for what to listen to next. This episode and the below summary and guide with episode numbers and links will help you ā€œshopā€ our podcast to find the next best content for you, organized by topic!


    4: Permission to Travel the World

    14: The Truth about Earning the Fun in Your Life w/ Life Coach Erin Gray

    59: PSA! Take the Birthday Trip

    63: How to Stop NOT Taking Vacations

    71: When Youā€™re Worried to Go on Vacation

    100: A Little Less Talk, A Lot More Travel

    114: Real Talk About Wanting MORE

    154: My 2 Biggest Pieces of Travel Advice

    169: The ONE Thing to Remember About Time + Travel

    170: A Travel Challenge for Next Year


    07: How to Plan a Vacation Before Youā€™re Ready

    90: How to Guarantee You Take that Next Vacation SOON

    191: Finding Your Travel Frequency: Bridging Wanderlust With Reality

    When Your Career Is Holding You Back:

    65: Planning Your Work Around Your Vacations

    66: Choosing the Best Time to Take Off from Work

    117: How to Be Strategic with your Vacation Days

    When Money Is Holding You Back:

    34: How Much Does a Vacation Cost?

    140: The Magical Number of $3,000

    192: How to Take a Luxury Vacation On a Budget

    When You Just Canā€™t Get the Vacation Planned:

    64: Making Space for Vacation Planning

    151: The Timeline to Your Next Vacation

    159: 5 Tips to Decrease the Time it Takes to Plan Your Vacation


    1: Why Happy Women Travel More

    5: How to Turn the Overwhelm to Happy

    98: The Secret to Feeling Happy after a Vacation

    135: An Episode About Life + Time


    48: The ONE Thing Thatā€™s Made Me Happier Every Day

    146: How Seasonal Planning Could Help With the Overwhelm

    172: How to Live a Happier Life


    88: A Simpler Approach to a Healthier and Happier You w/ Megan Dahlman

    108: Living a Balanced and Healthy Life with Katie Jefcoat

    193: How To Tackle Calendar Clutter and Ditch the Overwhelm w/ Laurie Palau


    2: That Vacation That You Need Right Now

    110: Donā€™t Ignore This BIGGER Purpose of Taking a Vacation

    139: The ONE Question To Ask Yourself Today


    22: Letā€™s Learn Your Travel Style ā€“ THE LEARN YOUR TRAVEL STYLE SERIES

    124: The 8 Travel Style Avatars // Which Are You? ā€“ THE TRAVEL STYLE AVATAR SERIES

    179: What Your Enneagram Can Tell You About Your Travel Style ā€“ THE ENNEAGRAM TRAVEL STYLE SERIES


    143: How To Bring Back the WONDER of Travel

    149: A Heart-to-Heart with Your Vacation Expectations

    164: 4 Signs itā€™s Time for a Nature Fix


    68: My #1 Hack for Taking a Relaxing Vacation

    111: How To Stop Treating Your Vacations Like a To-Do List

    115: 10 Travel Challenges to Try Next Year (Choose 2)

    123: Iā€™ve Nailed the Staycation (for Busybodies)


    134: The BEST Travel Style Avatar Companions

    197: How Traveling With Different Enneagram Types Makes Your Vacation Better w/ Christa Hardin

    Traveling With Your Husband

    19: When Your Husband Has Zero Opinions about Your Vacation Plans

    138: How to ā€œSellā€ Your Husband on that Next Vacation

    190: Reminiscing Our First Adventure Abroad w/ Kyle Gillmeister

    Traveling With Friends

    43: How to Travel with Friends (and Stay Friends)

    82: 4 Signs Itā€™s Time for a Girlsā€™ Trip

    142: Want to Plan a Friendsā€™ Trip? THIS Will Help You


    9: Alaska

    16: Costa Rica

    27: Portugal

    35: US Virgin Islands

    42: Ireland

    51: All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico

    58: Iceland

    69: Catamaran Charter Vacations

    80: New Zealand

    86: Croatia

    99: National Parks Vacations

    106: Italy

    137: Peru

    147: The Bahamas

    168: Christmas Markets in Germany

    176: Greek Islands

    198: Traveling to See the Northern Lights


    10: Behind the Name Wild Hair Travels

    49: Some of My Favorite Travel Memories

    50: 50 Things About Your Host Angela

    95: What It's Like to Have Me Plan Your Vacation

    103: A Recap of My Imperfect Vacation

    156: Behind-the-Scenes of My Best Vacation Yet

    177: Why Iā€™m Not Taking My Son Abroad For a While

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the stress leading up to your vacation? Are you already dreading what awaits you at work once you return? Have you found yourself questioning if the time off is even "worth it"?

    I intimately know what pre-vacation and post-vacation stress feels like, but I have come out on the other side and learned that it doesnā€™t have to be that way.

    Feeling stressed before and after a vacation is not a given, so Iā€™m sharing two essential strategies to help you smoothly transition in and out of a vacation, so you can truly enjoy your well-deserved break from work.

    Connect w/ Angela on Instagram


    Episode 05: How to Turn the Overwhelm to Happy

    Episode 17: Preparing Yourself to be OOO For Vacation

    Episode 65: Planning Your Work Around Your Vacations

  • Is witnessing the magical Northern Lights on your bucket list? If so, that probably means you live far away from where you would have the best chance of seeing them, which means you would have to make a special trip to achieve this dream.

    Thereā€™s a lot to consider when planning a vacation with the main goal of seeing the northern lights, since the natural phenomenon is never guaranteed, but in this episode, Iā€™ve got your back with the must-know essentials for planning your aurora adventure.

    Weā€™ll start with the single biggest tip you need to know for a chance at success, followed by seven other practical tips to help you maximize your chances of seeing those dancing green, purple, and pink lights.

    Get Angelaā€™s help to plan your Northern Lights vacation


    Episode 09: Why You Should Travel to Alaska Next

    Episode 28: So We Took a Winter Babymoon to Alaska

    Episode 116: How to Adopt an Adventure Attitude

  • Traveling with other unique humans can sometimes feel like navigating a maze of personalities, preferences, and expectations. But fear not! In this episode, I'm joined by the insightful and delightful Christa Hardin, an Enneagram and Relationship expert, who is helping us see how understanding the Enneagram can enhance our vacations with our beloved-but-different travel companions.

    You might remember our Enneagram Travel Style series, where we dove into the vacation tendencies of each Enneagram type. But today, we're taking it up a notch. Christa introduces us to the concept of Enneagram Stances and reveals how they play a pivotal role in group dynamics during travel.

    Prepare to have your mind blown as Christa unveils a simple yet profound recipe for achieving balance within your travel group. By understanding and harmonizing each type's stance, you'll ensure that everyone's needs are met while each person is being pushed a bit outside of their comfort zone (in a good way). With this recipe, the trip can become a collective exploration of joy and fulfillment for everyone involved.

    Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of Enneagram or you're a seasoned enthusiast, this conversation promises to offer fresh insights and practical strategies for harmonious group travel.


    Follow Christa on Instagram

    Get Christaā€™s AMAZING Book ā€“ Enneagram in Marriage: Your Guide to Thriving in Your Unique Pairing

    Learn more from Christa on her website


    Episode 22: Letā€™s Learn Your Travel Style

    Episode 124: The EIGHT Travel Style Avatars // Which Are You?

    Episode 179: What Your Enneagram Can Tell You About Your Travel Style

  • So you have this amazing destination on your bucket list, but let's be real ā€“ learning an entire foreign language before your trip is probably not gonna happen.

    And that's totally okay! But Iā€™m likely not the first person to tell you that picking up a few key phrases in the local language can make a world of difference.

    From helping you order at restaurants and finding your way to that off-the-beaten-path spot, to enhancing your interactions with locals and making you feel more at home, Iā€™m here to help you focus on the essential phrases with the biggest bang for your buck. We're talking about phrases that you'll use time and time again during your vacation.

    And because there is just never enough time to learn as much of the language as youā€™d like, Iā€™m also sharing a practical tip that goes beyond the obvious language learning techniques, helping you execute your fake-it-til-you-make-it linguistic skills in a much simpler way.

    Get ready to take your travel game to the next level ā€“ one phrase at a time.

    Want a personalized VACATION HUB for your next vacation?


    Episode 16: Why You Should Travel to Costa Rica Next

    Episode 141: Encouragement + Advice | Destinations that Make You a Tad Uncomfortable

    Episode 160: My #1 Hack for Meeting Locals on Vacation

  • Traveling by train in Europe is a blend of magic and relaxation, not to mention an integral part of your European vacation experience that will leave lasting memories.

    But the sometimes-confusing world of train travel can be intimidating, especially if youā€™re gearing up for your first trip to Europe or youā€™ve never taken a train before - but trust me when I say youā€™ll be a PRO after this episode.

    I'm diving deep into everything you need to know about navigating European train travel. From finding your way around train stations to understanding ticketing systems and making sure you board the right train, I've got you covered.

    By the end of this episode, you'll have all the knowledge you need to hop aboard the European railways with confidence.


    Episode 106: Italy | Which Region is Right For Your Travel Style?

    Episode 163: Practical Tips for Having an Ease-Filled Vacation

    Episode 189: International Travel Tips for First-Timers

  • Curious about what is my #1 must-have, non-negotiable, canā€™t-leave-at-home travel companion?

    For years, I didnā€™t really have one. And I would struggle to find an answer to this question because I felt like it depended on the trip.

    But after 17 years of traveling the globe, Iā€™ve finally latched onto something that is absolutely a must-have for me these days, and I truly believe that whether youā€™re into extreme adventures or laid-back getaways, this is something you absolutely can't leave home without.

    Tune in to hear what it is and get it for yourself!!

    --> Get your own personalized VACATION HUB