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Želimo da poruka ohrabrenja i nade dopre do svake osobe koja će nas slušati dok hoda, trči, vježba, uči, vozi ili se odmara, i s nama raspravljati o vjerskim temama. Želimo da zajedno s nama postanete Eho obitelj koja će sa svima dijeliti poruke ohrabrenja, poticajne rečenice, razgovore i pjesme.
The MatchNet Podcast is a podcast just for singles who want to prepare well for marriage, who want to focus on being the right person, and then finding the right person. It’s also for people who have no idea where to start in the Matching Process or what the Blessing is all about.
Join Kristina Hollinger, feng shui expert, spiritual guide and author featured on HGTV. It’s time to reimagine a brand-new way of bringing more money and prosperity into your life in a way that is easy, joyful and feels in flow. Kristina helps you design the life you deserve by aligning your outer AND your inner environments through simple + modern feng shui manifesting methods. Expand your manifesting toolbox through conversations with some of the greatest new thought leaders of our time including astrologers, numerologists, angel intuitives and, of course, other feng shui experts. Are you ready to design the life you deserve? Let's get started!
Join me daily for Oracle Card Pulls. Learn witchcraft and everything that surrounds it. Lets learn about Herbs and become Herbalist together!! Listen as I tell how the cards play into my life. Also, hear about my background and my struggles; how i get through them. Who knows maybe it will help you! Cant wait to spend time with you! Support this podcast:
The podcast for when you're stuck between the patterns of your past, and the pull of your purpose,with your host, ME! (Sally Hardie...). Each week (ish!) I’ll be challenging your understanding of what it is to be a human in the modern world. I’ll help you free your innate genius from the socialised shadows, reconnect with your inner knowing, and lean into ”that pull”, letting your purpose guide and support you with ease, to the impact that only you can make in the world. All episodes are also available on YouTube, with cc options and transcripts. The YouTube channel link is accessed via the episode webpage and also available through the icon on this site. -
Jesus told His disciples, ”Freely you have received, freely give”(Matthew 10:8). We have the opportunity to pass on the blessings we receive from the Lord. My Podcast is about building character with Kingdom Principles. How can I improve my self-esteem and love myself? * nice and patient with yourself. *2.Nobody’s Perfect *3.Focus on a better you. *4.Be considerate and helpful toward others 5. Plant good seeds and reap the benefits 6.Every thing you do to better yourself is Significant.*7,Celebrate the small stuff *8.Hang out with positive people. My Podcast will help you become a better, bolder, smarter ,more confident person, while applying Kingdom principles to your every day life. Maximize the Moment use the keys that are given to you, have faith, and watch God do a new thing in your life.
Neka Nova Priča je podcast za ambicioznu i poduzetnu ženu u kojem osobni rast poprima jednu novu dimenziju, u kojem sustavno pomičemo granice mogućeg, preispitujemo sve što je 'normalno' te nudimo alate i uvide koji vode u proces kreiranja života i biznisa koji su toliko dobri da nam od istog ne treba odmak niti 'pauza'. Kako znam? Jer jedan takav živim. Uz četvero djece, nekoliko biznisa i preko 1.6 milijuna eura kreiranih online i kontinuiranu posvećenost vlastitom rastu i evoluciji - ovo je mjesto gdje dijelim svoja razmišljanja, svoje spoznaje i sve što učim dok se krećem i stvaram još više. Dobrodošli, jako mi je drago što ste tu!
I'm Kai, and I share my experience and advice on manifestation, spirituality and purpose. you can find more of my work on YouTube or my site
I teach manifestation concepts and methods based on my years of experience, and LOTS of research into what works and what doesn't.
To learn more about my work, watch my on YouTube or go to our site and browse the articles and materials there. -
Bible teacher Michael Brent helps listeners observe and interpret the Word of God. His present series addresses the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) with an emphasis on the sermon’s thought and structure. Search for previous series on the Pentateuch, Isaiah, John, Acts and Romans here at podbean or by accessing these series individually at the website or on various podcasting platforms such as itunes, spotify and youtube.
An educational podcast that aims to help you explore your personal mythology. Dalanah is a Hellenistic astrologer, practicing Stoic, raconteuse, and former scientist. Using her experience in these various fields, she teaches a practical way to navigate the spiritual and astrological landscape. From palmistry and astrology, to Stoicism and mind-magic, Dalanah serves as a friendly guide to unlocking the subconscious stories residing within.
Every week, I deconstruct one big idea around creative work, human behavior, and mental philosophy while giving you practical insights on how to apply these teachings to your life.
Topics we are dedicated to dissecting for you: spirituality, personal growth, psychology, social media, business, health, fitness, philosophy, culture, and everything else that will lead to a life of freedom and happiness. -
My Dyslexic Life by Vanessa Victor is an honest, no holds barred account of what it's like to be an adult dyslexic today.
Vanessa didn't know she was dyslexic until she was in her 40's and her journey to self discovery has been quite a ride!
If you are looking for some help with your or your child's dyslexia, come and see us
We would love to help you thrive in life. -
Psychotrip - Eine Reise durch die Welt der Psychologie in 80 Folgen.
Psychologie ist mehr als Couchen und abgeschlossene Türen. Dass sich hinter dem Namen dieser Naturwissenschaft noch viel mehr verbirgt, möchten wir gerne mit diesem Podcast zeigen. Das Prinzip: Eine*r von uns stellt kurz ein Thema vor, der oder die Andere lässt sich davon überraschen - zum Beispiel interessante Phänomene aus der Sozial- oder Arbeitspsychologie oder Effekte unseres Gehirns. Dazu diskutieren wir fröhlich verbundene Themen und lernen gemeinsam etwas Neues.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Personal growth and development. Rejecting the toxic ideologies of masculinity. Reclaiming true manhood. Nick Chontos discusses the issues at the core of becoming the best actualized version of yourself as a man. Raising the bar in Fatherhood, Marriage, Business, Finances, Health and all things MANLY.!
Smart coaches and consultants predict the future, leverage platforms and their uniqueness. They model the strategies of industry leaders and innovators. You too can now lead with more influence and audacity taking advantage of the courage and insights Dayo Samuel provides here on Audacity2Lead. Hosted by Dayo Samuel, founder of the Nigeria Podcast Network, #Audacity2Lead is dedicated to helping emerging thought leaders get focused, get started and be impactful with their message. In very educative conversations and interviews you will discover tips, steps and strategies to help you chart a compelling course for your life, business and leadership. Topics include coaching, consulting, personal branding, platform building, personal leadership, calling, life tasks, and everything you need to know to lead with more influence.