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Pro odemknutí bonusových dílů v plné délce můžeš dát odběr tady:
Tohle je místo, kde se rozhovory mění v jízdu na horské dráze, na kterou nezapomeneš. Někdy nahoru, občas dolu, ale když to skončí, chceš znova. Žádná suchá témata ani nudné otázky – tady to teče jako dobře natočená limonáda. Každý díl je mix humoru, upřímnosti a hostů, co mají co říct. -
Buchty jsou sofistikovaně neseriózní zábavný girl talk Ivany Veselkové a Zuzany Fuksové. Podcast o všem a o ničem, co život naděluje a bere. Dvě moderátorky, které nemoderují, a občasný host, kterým může být i žena a který se občas dostane i ke slovu.
Všechny díly podcastu Buchty můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu -
PM Happy Hour is the place for frank and honest discussion about real world issues in project management. We do it in a way that’s not too dry, though it may get a bit salty from time to time.
Each episode, your hosts Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson cover a problem faced in project management today, and share practical advice, real-life examples and the occasional project horror story.
Not only that, but every podcast is also an online class! Our host is a PMI Registered Education Provider, who has structured each podcast as an easy-to-listen-to lesson. To get credit, go to our web site at, purchase your class, take the test (based on the content from our podcast) and you get your PDU certificate instantly! -
PAUZA ve vydávání nových epizod bude pokračovat ještě několik příštích měsíců. Podcast nekončí. Brzy se ozvu.
Technologický podcast o fuckupech a průšvizích v IT. Hosté z řad IT expertů a IT manažerů sdílí jaké fuckupy za svojí kariéru v IT udělali, jak je vyřešili a jaká z toho plynou ponaučení a doporučení pro vás posluchače.
Nová epizoda vychází na všech dostupných platformách každé druhé úterý v 6:00. Podcastem provází IT headhunter Matěj Kotrba.
V případě zájmu o účast v podcastu nebo jakoukoliv business spolupráci ve smyslu pomoc s náborem do IT pište na e-mail [email protected]. Everything is possible!✌️
Pro ty z Vás, kteří jste zvědaví a rádi byste si třeba poslechli něco o mně, o tom jak dělám IT headhunting, jaký je můj přístup k práci, nebo třeba jak mi podcast pomáhá, tak si můžete poslechnout následující rozhovory v podcastech, kde jsem vystoupil jako host.
Podcast IT svět podle Jury -
Podcast Buduj Značku -
Podcast ProgramHRování -
Podcast Po HRstech - -
Tune in for inspiring stories from your colleagues across the profession. You’ll hear from guest veterinarians about the journeys, challenges – and often hilarious anecdotes – that got them to where they are today. Come away with a fresh look at our veterinary community and a renewed excitement to embrace your veterinary journey. Hosted by Drs. Marci Kirk and Annie Chavent.
Align your passion with your purpose with the Social Change Career Podcast. PCDN sits down with the world’s top professionals in the social change field to learn how they are changing the world while making a living. Honest conversations turn career advice for the global changemakers.
Your Working Life is an award-winning podcast series hosted by career and professional development author, speaker, and influencer, Caroline Dowd-Higgins. Featuring candid interviews with luminaries in the career, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness fields, listeners will benefit from wisdom about how to navigate life and career. Well-known personalities and industry experts including Tiffany Cross, Whitney Johnson, Guy Kawasaki, Melissa Daimler, and Marcus Buckingham give their personal take on how to thrive in your career. The podcast features a diverse array of experts with a special emphasis on female leaders, authors, and entrepreneurs.
The Inclusion Works podcast explores the secrets of building inclusive culture at work and in the community. We’ll be joined by leaders, experts and activists all working to bring fresh thinking to the inclusion debate. We’ll be asking those all-important questions to find out more about them, their work and how they make inclusion work.
If you’re interested in driving change, accelerating diversity or simply finding ways to be more inclusive every day, then join us for Inclusion Works. Because diversity is just half of the battle. -
Welcome to the Prowess Podcast. I am your host, Ashley Crouch.
Attention firebrands, game-changing women entrepreneurs, visionaries, luminaries, rising stars, disruptors, and innovators:
Your internet dominion begins right here.
Want to go from unknown to unforgettable? At Appleseed Communications, we extract the potential and package your story to connects on top national media outlets, with a laser eye for impact, precision and intentionality that will make your competitors wonder how you came out of nowhere. We launch campaigns that reach billions, put no-name brands on national stages, and help visionaries go viral worldwide.
If you are already making waves in your industry, have a game-changing solution to revolutionize the status quo, and are looking for examples of prestigious moguls to give you a back-door approach to hack your way to the top, you’ve come to the right place.
I am taking you behind the scenes to unveil the little-known stories of leaders who have an edge. How they got there, triumphed, overcame, and went the distance? Tune in as I ask the tough questions to top titans, multimillion dollar CEOs, multi-time bestselling authors and get nitty gritty into the details of the top-performing practices they used so YOU can position yourself as a Power Player in your industry.