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Lépj be a jövőbe a RE:FACT-tel – a podcast, ami mélyrehatóan kutatja a legkorszerűbb technológiákat és a fejlődés új irányait. Fedezd fel a legizgalmasabb embereket, vállalatokat és innovációkat, amelyek előrehajtják a világot. Pörgesd fel az agysejtjeidet a jövőnk legégetőbb kérdéseit boncolgatva vagy épp lazítsd el őket a színfalak mögé betekintő beszélgetéseket hallgatva. Rajtad áll. Rajtunk pedig az, hogy te mindig az élen járj a holnap technológiáiból és a ma legforróbb témáiból. Kelj útra velünk, egy epikus kalandra! A házigazda, mint mindig: Juhász Bálint
/// Szponzorálja a Bosch Rexroth Kft. | -
Level-Up Engineering brings you actionable management insights straight from top tech leaders. Each episode tackles real challenges faced by engineering managers—like hiring, motivating teams, and scaling organizations—and shares how they have navigated them.
Discover best practices in management and leadership to master the art of understanding people and organizations, just as well as you understand code.
Brought to you by **Apex Lab**, a software development agency creating stress-free, expert-led digital products. Tune in to level up your skills and take your team to new heights! Learn more at [](
Got feedback or want to be featured on **Level-Up Engineering**? Reach out to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). -
Derric Haynie, from, explores every aspect of Ecommerce and how that is likely to change over the next 1, 3, and 10 years. Each episode explores one topic so that we can go deep, bring in industry experts, academics, and brands, and get their opinion on the future. Then we make our predictions. This podcast is perfect for Ecommerce executives looking to stay on top of their industry.
Excellent Executive Coaching podcast will examples of leadership coaching issues and challenges. Excellent Executive Coaching will provide leadership coaching tips, strategies and resources that can resolve leadership issues. Subscribe today to learn about coaching top global leaders and their trials and successes.
The Excellent Executive Coaching podcast is a platform of discussion and a source of knowledge sharing between professional coaches and leaders. It promotes continued education for executive coaches and leaders around the world.
This podcast is mostly devoted to personal development and leadership coaching. The host is Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is a First Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation in Switzerland and founding Board Member for ICF Switzerland. She has served as an adjunct professor to several universities and speaks around the world on the topics of leadership coaching and Global Nomadic leadership and has been working as an executive coach for global leaders since 1994. -
Stay curious. Stay agile. Marketing technology, AI, and CX insights from top brands and martech platforms fill every episode, focusing on what leaders need to know to build customer lifetime value and long-term business value. The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström® features executives and thought leaders from top brands and platforms discussing the trends driving the industry forward, like first-party data strategies, artificial intelligence, consumer data privacy, omnichannel customer experience, and more. The Agile Brand is hosted by Greg Kihlström, advisor and consultant to leading brands, speaker, entrepreneur, and best-selling author. It provides a fresh perspective on the continually evolving dynamic between brands and the audiences they serve.
Hello and thank-you for visiting My Lean Business Coach.
At MLBC we believe every business can reap the benefits of lean business systems. Our passion is in seeing our partners grow and succeed through the application of simple lean tools. Lean doesn't need an army of technicians or engineers to be successful; all you need is a passionate and committed team and the right approach.
We will show you how! -
The podcast dedicated to Family Business. Working with your family can be both rewarding and challenging and this podcast provides you with practical tips and guidance on how to tackle some of these challenges.
Check out the series on Governance, Succession, Family Dynamics and Family Business Theory. Each week we will explore the uniqueness of family businesses and provide you with the tools to help your business thrive. -
A Civil Rádió délutáni magazinműsorának podcast csatornája. A műsor élőben is hallgatható hétköznaponként 16.00-18.00 óra között a oldalon és a Civil Rádió androidos mobilalkalmazásán keresztül. Az elhangzott adások legemlékezetesebb beszélgetéseit ezen a folyamatosan frissülő podcast csatornán tesszük közzé. Ezeket az interjúkat tehát kedve szerint bárki bármikot visszahallgathatja itt!
How can you become a game changer?
Michael Mogill, Founder and CEO of Crisp, has used his mastery of marketing for lawyers to grow his company to an 8-figure powerhouse. In just a few years, Crisp has helped thousands of attorneys adapt to the new legal landscape, differentiate themselves from the competition, and earn millions in new revenue.
In every episode, you’ll hear from law firm entrepreneurs and market leaders — people who flourish in the face of adversity, challenge the status quo, and define what it means to be a game changer.
We investigate success stories and business growth and scalability strategies that can help you attract your ideal clients. Plus, discover hidden insights and actionable advice on how company culture and employee engagement, marketing and advertising, and management and hiring fit into the big picture.
What do all our guests have in common? These successful attorneys and business owners prove that the key to innovation is a game-changing mindset. If you want to run your law firm like an entrepreneur, achieve a greater ROI, and build a world-class organization that stands the test of time, then you’re in good company.
Subscribe to the Game Changing Attorney Podcast and get ready to take your business to the next level.
For more information, visit -
When Setema Gali retired from the NFL after playing for the New England Patriots, he knew that he wanted to lead a life that matters, and coach others to do the same. This is the Prosperity Revolution, a daily podcast hosted by Setema that will help you revolutionize your personal world which will allow you to then change your outer world. What does he ask in return? Share this with others. Stop being a victim. Take your life back. The Revolution Has Begun. For more information go to:
Az OD Partner podcastja, melyben csapatunk tanácsadói és meghívott vendégek beszélgetnek aktuális szakmai kérdésekről. Szervezet és vezetőfejlesztés, HR, karrier és önismeret témakörökhöz kapcsolódó kérdésfelvetésekkel foglakozunk. A podcastban nem a tutit keressük, egymás tapasztalataira, ötleteire kíváncsi beszélgetéseket szeretnénk megosztani, vállaljuk a forgácsokat is.
A Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság (MKT) a hazai közgazdász szakma legnagyobb múltú, patinás egyesülete, több mint 3 ezer taggal. Évente 80-100 szakmai rendezvénnyel szolgálja tagjait és a gazdaság ügyei iránt érdeklődő szakembereket. Ezen a csatornán az MKT szakmai előadásainak, konferenciáinak a hanganyagát tesszük közzé podcastok formájában.
Ez a Kandalló melletti beszélgetések, az a műsor, ahol kieresztjük a gőzt és szabadon beszélgetünk olyan üzleti és vezetői témákról, amelyek minket érdekelnek. Az Onlife Menedzsment Podcastban szintén beszélgetni szoktunk, de inkább tananyag jelleggel, kifejezetten menedzsmentre fókuszálva. A Kandalló melletti beszélgetés pont olyan, mint amit a címből várhatsz. Csapongóbb, és nem ígérjük, hogy „azonnal megvalósítható trükköket kapsz”. Egyfajta hangos gondolkodás olyan kérdésekről, amelyek az előző héten foglalkoztattak minket.Ezt a műsort ráadásul ti is alakíthatjátok: már a mai adásban is több olyan kérdéssel foglalkozunk, amit ti küldtetek nekünk. Ha küldenél kérdést, írj a [email protected] címre vagy tedd fel az oldalon.