
  • Ashley, Lauren and Naz kick this one off with one of your voicemails that sparked some big discussions about male friendships and social anxiety. How can guys get comfortable getting real? How can the rest of us get comfortable calling our dentists? Plus, we weigh in on Chris Hemsworth as Prince Charming and that Harry Styles rumor. And Ashley wonders if everyone’s husband thinks the world is their swamp or if she just happened to have married a real Shrek.

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  • Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are back with another Ramble, covering everything from cooking for a crush to whether music or TV sets the right vibe for a social gathering. We dive into the recent conversation around Brian Littrell’s voice—obviously we’ve got nothing but love for Brian—while Ashley spends a solid moment marveling at James Marsden’s face. A debate over the spelling of “orangutan” turns into a full-on meltdown. Plus, fresh off last week’s synchronicity talk, Ashley shares what might be a psychic moment between Dawson and his great-grandfather.

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  • This week, we’re diving into the kind of stories that make you believe in the universe. You guys called in with your wildest synchronicities—messages from lost loved ones, freaky perfect timing, and even the universe speaking through 80s New Wave artists. Some will give you chills, some will make you laugh, and all of them will make you wonder just how much of life is truly a coincidence. We’re reacting, overanalyzing, and soaking up all the magic.

    Didn’t hear your voicemail this time? Don’t worry—we’ll be doing more of these! Keep the stories coming: (609) 365 - 1885

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  • This week, Naz shares a story involving an unexpected text from someone from her past. Then it’s full-on ramble mode: pros and cons of new beauty treatments, the ongoing debate about hot dog and bun packaging, generational language differences, GLP-1s, and whether or not a hoagie has chili, we’re debating it all. 

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  • This week on I Don't Get It, it’s a classic ramble! Ashley, Lauren, and Naz dive into tracking menstrual cycles, weird cravings, and synced periods before spiraling into conspiracy theories involving the military and telepathic autistic children, and Naz shares a personal story about a truly wild case of synchronicity. Plus, ever wondered about the economics of skyscraper window washing? No? Well, we’re covering that too. Lastly, we’re asking you to call in and share your own too-weird-to-believe stories of synchronicity! ‪(609) 365-1885‬!

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  • This week, Hayden crashes the podcast in a Burberry outfit, sparking a real motherhood-focused ramble where Ashley, Lauren, and Naz cover everything from middle-of-the-night childcare duties, to potty training chaos, and literally everything in between. Plus, Naz shares her latest movie recommendations and Lauren tells us about a very surprising missed call.

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  • This week on I Don’t Get It, Naz checks in from LA to share what it’s been like living through the wildfires. She talks about everything from the unexpected challenges to how her community has been pulling together and what it’s really been like day-to-day.

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  • Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are back with a jam-packed ramble covering everything from awards season glam to holiday family antics. We kick things off with a Golden Globes recap—Naz shares some insider insight, and we share their favorite (and least favorite) looks. Plus, we play a little at-home detective to Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner’s appearance there. Naz and Lauren share their thoughts on Babygirl and Nosferatu—two very different, but equally buzzworthy, projects. Then, Ashley melts our hearts with the sweetest story about Dawson over the holidays, and we wrap things up with a hilarious recap of a chaotic Iaconetti family dinner at the absurdly named Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.

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  • Happy New Year! We’re back, and of course, we start by spending an absurd amount of time talking about Diet Coke. Like, we really go deep—don’t ask how we got here, just go with it. Then, Naz shares a story about a real-life Helga Pataki moment that has Ashley literally falling out of her chair. Finally, we wrap things up with a voicemail from a longtime listener that sparks some old memories. It’s random, ridiculous, and exactly what you’d expect from us.

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  • It’s our last episode before the holidays, and we’re going out with an end of year Ramble! Lauren has discovered the magic of heated blankets. Ashley shares her two favorite thrifty finds of the week. Naz dives into the fascinating difference between how influencers and TV hosts talk about red carpet fashion—and takes a moment to let everyone know she loves Batman. And Lauren wonders about the nature of the “Family Smell.” Thanks so much for sticking with us for another year! Wishing all of you a warm and wonderful holiday season. See you in 2025!

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  • It’s a post-holiday ramble! Ashley catches us up on some painfully cute Dawson developments. Naz reminds us that organizing your space can help you organize your mind. We break down the intricacies of mug curation and why the perfect mug is essential. Lauren and Ashley share a hysterical moment from their Wicked viewing. Naz tells us all about her Thanksgiving dinner and she and Lauren wonder what it was about this year that got them feeling the cooking bug. And of course we share all our Wicked thoughts. Plus, we share our first listener I Don't Get It! We've gotten some great ones from you, and we can't wait to share more of them on the show. Keep them coming!

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  • Mercury is retrograde, and Naz has the craziest travel story to prove it! Wait ‘til you hear this one. Ashley doesn’t get why some people say “school teacher,” and we get into the differences between college and university. We get back to our conversation about Ariana Grande, and Ashley has to issue an official apology. Then, Lauren and Ashley close out the episode looking back fondly on some of their silliest boyband memories, and we call a mysterious number in Ashley’s phone. Will Harry Styles pick up? You’ll have to listen to find out!

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  • Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are diving into a big pop culture roundup this week! They share their thoughts on the Martha documentary and why they think Martha Stewart didn’t get a fair shake. Naz makes the case for Lauren and Ashley to embrace Ariana Grande and the Wicked movie, while also venting her frustration over the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight. The best part? We now have a voicemail line! Call us anytime to share what you don’t get—we might even play your call on the show!

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  • First thing you need to know, this episode is quite unsafe for work. Ashley, Lauren, and Naz are rambling about everything from Martha Stewart and period woes to signature fast food items and Agatha All Along. They reflect on Colin Farrell’s journey from Hollywood bad boy, revisiting the infamous tape that made him a favorite with so many millennial women. They talk about the tricky shift from parent-child to friendship dynamics with their parents and Ashley recounts a scary but common parenting incident. Plus, they play a game of "Would You Rather" that asks one of the toughest questions they've ever faced.

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  • In this week's episode, we continue the conversation with our amazing listeners for round two of our show-within-a-show, What Are You Having for Dinner? Once again, we asked you all to share what was on your Monday night menu, and like last time, you came through with some delicious and creative answers! Ashley, Lauren, and Naz chat with a number of you about your meals, but of course, it quickly spirals into much more than just dinner. We get into everything from underrated pastas, to what’s up with men and their slabs of meat, and what’s up with Mike and his monopoly on hot honey.

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  • Happy 400th episode! This week, we're celebrating by doing what we do best, rambling. We dive into whether Halloween has lost its charm thanks to social media, reflect on our early podcast days, and talk about why hearing your own voice in videos is the worst. Lauren reviews a local walking taco truck, we debate what makes a great potato chip, and share a wild fact about Cool Ranch Doritos. Plus, Lauren and Ashley share the story of how their parents met, we commiserate with servers dealing with single men who think they’re hilarious, and settle on the best friend group size (it’s three, obviously!).

    Thank you so much for sticking with us for 400 episodes. We love you all. Here’s to 400 more.

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  • It’s a full-on ramble with Lauren, Naz, and Ashley who cover it all, from water fasts and colonic cleanses to Halloween planning, Naz’s recent Instagram unfollow spree, and the complex drama of Hollywood sequels including Joker: Folie à Deux and Gladiator II. Plus Lauren reviews Terrifier 3 and Producer Andrea recommends The House From . . . a documentary that offers a nostalgic look at some of the most iconic movie and TV houses. This ramble is jam packed. 

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  • Happy Monday! (Not really. Don’t you hate when people say that?) This episode is all about beginnings, closures, and full circle moments. Naz catches us up on some recent guy stuff, including an impressively bad text, and then, Ashley finally met Justin Timberlake, and she’s sharing every detail with us. Plus, she and Lauren talk about a recent concert where the vibes were just off and manifest more seated concerts for us aging millennials.

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  • Okay, we have to talk about Nobody Wants This. Sisters with a girl talk podcast? Come on. We also check in on Lauren’s Halloween decorations, Ashley catches us up on some kitchen appliance revelations, and Naz asks for some thrifty advice. But mostly, we’re talking about Nobody Wants This. 

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  • This week, Naz sits down with someone you’ve heard her mention often: Rachael Dunville, a self-described catalytic conversationalist, sensory sommelier, and renowned intimacy coach—who Naz affectionately calls her Jedi. They dive into the transformative power of the Law of Attraction, with Rachael sharing practices that help us tap into our senses and foster self-intimacy. Together, they explore emotional growth and discuss why setting high personal standards is so crucial. Get ready for practical insights into self-love, sensuality, and emotional intelligence that can help us all cultivate more authentic, intimate relationships and a richer, more joyful life.

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