
  • Frank Meeink is a former skinhead and white supremacist who underwent a profound transformation after spending time in prison. His journey to redemption began with self-reflection and a desire for change. After leaving his past behind, Meeink embraced a more inclusive worldview, eventually discovering his Jewish roots. Today, he practices Judaism actively, using his experiences to advocate against hate and promote understanding among diverse communities. He has the ultimate teshuva story of returning back to Hashem.

    WARNING: Trigger warning.
    ► Sword2Shekel: Be There for the People of Israel
    Whether it's a restaurant, jewelry store or other small company, your donation directly helps business owners stay afloat with an influx of lifesaving cash.
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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬
    This episode is in memory of:
    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima
    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe
    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬ Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide! Thank you!
    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here: • USA: (605) 477-2100 • UK: 0333-366-0154 • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088
    Have a specific question? email us [email protected] us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513
  • Raised in a religious household but soon ended back in McDonalds. Ariel Berkowitz drifted away from Judaism in high school and faced many challenges. A life-changing accident at 19, where he was run over by a train and lost his legs, led him to reconnect with his faith and see the bigger purpose in his life. He now values his connection to G-d more than anything and embraces the second chance he was given.

    Reach out to Ariel to speak for you here: [email protected]

    Special thank you to the Solomans, Lubins, Glassmans & Koschitzki's for hosting us for Shabbos!


    ► Sword2Shekel: Be There for the People of Israel

    Whether it's a restaurant, jewelry store or other small company, your donation directly helps business owners stay afloat with an influx of lifesaving cash.

    Help Here→

    ► Adaraba: The Newsletter Transforming Shabbos Tables

    Join the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's new Shabbos positivity program called aderaba.

    With a weekly newsletter, contests, and awesome prizes you'll watch your family see the good, say the good, and be the good all the time

    Join now to start the new year off right

    ► Twillory: The Best Suits & Shirts

    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

    → Here:

    ► Shulspace: A Shul Platform that Thinks Like You

    Born from the vision that Shuls deserve better, discover why Gabbaim say Shulspace is the easiest to use.


    → Also Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:


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  • Their story of finding each other is truly unbelievable. Lavi went blind in his early 20s and has grown spiritually as a Jew ever since. Nechama, who began her journey as a Christian, ended up in a Christian cult that pretended to be Orthodox Jews. By a miracle, they found each other and have been growing together as a couple ever since.


    ► Sword2Shekel: Be There for the People of Israel

    Whether it's a restaurant, jewelry store or other small company, your donation directly helps business owners stay afloat with an influx of lifesaving cash.

    Help Here

    ► Mosaica Press: Dive Into History Like Never Before

    Imagine having the wisdom of the ages, stories of our greatest Sages, and timeless insights—all in one beautifully crafted volume. That's what ‘The Talmud Treasury’ by Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman offers.


    Buy Here:

    ► Twillory: Look Good. Feel Good.

    The top clothing brand. Period.

    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

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    ► Shulspace: A Shul Platform that Thinks Like You

    Born from the vision that Shuls deserve better, discover why Gabbaim say Shulspace is the easiest to use.


    → Also Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima
    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!
    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]
    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:


  • Shterny Steinmetz, after experiencing a challenging divorce, has become a voice for understanding the unique challenges that divorce presents in observant Jewish homes. Now part of a blended family herself, she speaks passionately about the emotional, social, and spiritual impacts of divorce on children and families, advocating for greater awareness and support within the community. Shterny's journey highlights the importance of providing stability and a sense of belonging for children facing these changes. Through her work, she emphasizes fostering resilience, compassion, and unity for those affected by family breakdowns. Inspired by her own experiences, she founded "My Extended Family," an organization dedicated to supporting children from single-parent and divorced homes in the Orthodox Jewish community.

    Watch Peter's Shabbos Experience here:

    More about My Extended Family here:



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    ► ► Sword2Shekel: You Can Be There for the People of Israel
    Whether it's a restaurant, jewelry store or other small company, your donation directly helps business owners stay afloat with an influx of lifesaving cash.

    Help Here→

    ► ► Twillory: Look Good. Feel Good.

    PLUS get $18 OFF your order.
    Look great, feel great.

    Use promo code:
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    ► ► Shulspace: A Shul platform that thinks like you

    Born from the vision that Shuls deserve better, discover why Gabbaim say Shulspace is the easiest to use.


    → Also Contact Bitbean today for a FREE


    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:



  • Yona Assaraf and her husband Roi's lifes changed when they miraculously made it out of the Nova Festival massacre alive on October 7th. Yona decided to cover her hair, throw out her pants, keep Shabbat and as a family - become Orthodox. This is their story.


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    A must-read for anyone who wants clarity on so many vital topics, such as proving the existence of G-d, proving the Divinity of the Torah, and figuring out what truly is the purpose of life. Jews today, observant or not, need to clarify the rational foundation of our beliefs. This book meticulously and concisely builds the foundations necessary to understand Jewish philosophy.

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    ►► Nova Exhibition: Get tickets here →

    ► ► Just One Thing


    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:
    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima
    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:



  • Yitzchak/Isaac Fogel grew up deep in Williamsburg in the Satmar community. He went after to a place where he thought he could find his voice - after that didn't work out. He discovered R' Beri Weber's yeshiva which had an incredible impact on him, went to Israel and truly found himself.

    Isaac Fogel's business here:


    ► US Mobile: Cheaper & Smarter Cell Service

    Better cell service that's actually better priced too!
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    ► Stam Azoy: The Best Sofer in Your Contacts

    The best way to protect your home- beautiful, kosher, affordable mezuzahs.

    Sefer Torah, Megillahs, Tefillin etc- Stam Azoy has got you covered.

    Call.Text.Whatsapp: 347-831-1600

    Email: [email protected]

    → Save him in your contacts here:

    ► Twillory: 50% Warehouse SALE

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    ► Bitbean: Industry Leading Enterprise Software for Innovative Businesses

    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • A little Chines baby was abandoned in the train station. A young Jewish couple struggling to start a family found her, adopted her and raised her as her own. This led them to explore Orthodox Judaism and the rest is history. Devorah Goldstein IS the baby that was in The Bamboo Cradle. This is her story.

    Get Devorah to speak in your community: [email protected]


    ► Money Tip of the Week: Got Points? Get PEYD!

    It's time to fill your pocket with money you're sitting on without even realizing it.

    Sounds too good to be true? It's not.

    Many people, possibly even you, are collecting credit card points and miles, but not doing anything with them!

    → Our friends at The PEYD Group will give you an INSTANT CASH QUOTE on your credit card points or miles right over here:

    ► CHESEDCHICAGO: Win a Tesla

    Win a Tesla Model X, Y, S, 3, Cybertruck or $50,000 while supporting those less fortunate

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    ► Twillory: 50% Warehouse SALE

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    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • Devorie Kreiman & her husband thought their challenges were over after losing their 4th baby. Just weeks away from their son, Yossi’s wedding, tragedy struck again and he suddenly drowned. Heartbroken, confused and unsure - they put themselves together and mustered the courage to continue on.

    Read Devorie’s excellent & very uplifting book here:

    More of her here:


    ► Twillory: 50% Warehouse SALE

    PLUS get $18 OFF your order.
    Look great, feel great.
    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

    → Here:

    ► Powerful Tisha B'Av Film

    Change the way you experience Tisha B'Av with the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's video.

    Watch Here →

    ► You&I Knafayim: Be Their Wings of Hope

    Knafayim steps in when there seems to be no way to hold the pain. Join us in making a difference. The Youandiknafayim program is the latest way everyone can be there for their sisters going through heartbreak has already really powerfully impacted the jewish nation.

    → Join here:

    ► Bitbean: Industry Leading Enterprise Software for Innovative Businesses

    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • At the young age of 90, Estelle decided to become Shabbos observant. Her ability to constantly grow is incredible. She's adorable and you'll see why we adopted her as our new Bubbi.

    Another epic grandma here:


    ► Twillory: Your Summer Wardrobe is Here

    Get $18 OFF your order. Look great, feel great.
    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

    → Here:

    ► Powerful Tisha B'Av Film

    Change the way you experience Tisha B'Av with the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's video.

    Watch Here →

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    Hire a full-time remote employee for only $7 an hour. Get huge talent at a low cost with overseas employees and no lock in contracts.

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    ► Bitbean: Industry Leading Enterprise Software for Innovative Businesses

    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:



  • Sapir Cohen and her boyfriend Sasha were kidnapped on October 7th. Today, Sasha is still in captivity. Sapir was brought by terrorists into Gaza on a motorcycle, brought to the tunnels and was living the unimaginable.

    Although she wasn't a very religious person, she found herself praying and saw a few miracles occur. She was kidnapped for 55 days and even met the infamous Hamas leader, Yahya Ibrahim Hassan Sinwar, better known as Yahya Sinwar, who is a Palestinian monster who has been leader of Hamas within the Gaza Strip since 2017. This is Sapir's story.

    Donate to help Israel's Farmers:

    See more of Sapir on the Living Lchaim Tisha B'av film (for free).

    Available August 12th at 9 pm est.

    SPECIAL THANK YOU to Rabbi Shay Schachter for connecting us with Sapir.

    See his shul here:

  • Within a week of Ozzie's wedding, he realized his life would never be the same. For 10 years following, his wife battled a terrible disease and sadly passed away. Meanwhile, Rachel was dating and trying to find her match for over 14 years. A wild set of events led them to find each other. Their dating was anything but conventional. 11 years later and they are happily married. Today, they use their experiences to help others have a better dating experience and have really incredible practical tools for singles and married folks.

    Check out their dating coaching here:

    You can reach out to Rachel here: [email protected]

    Follow them here



    ► Twillory: Your Summer Wardrobe is Here

    Get $18 OFF your order. Look great, feel great.
    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

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    ► CHESEDCHICAGO: Win a Tesla

    Win a Tesla Model X, Y, S, 3, Cybertruck or $50,000 while supporting those less fortunate

    Use promo code: LCHAIM
    $25 OFF Two Tickets
    or $500 OFF Fifteen Tickets

    Get Here →

    ► Sister To Sister: You Have a Community

    Sister to Sister serves as a comprehensive resource and
    support network for Jewish divorced women.

    → Please help support them here:

    ► BitBean: Industry Leading Enterprise Software for Innovative Businesses

    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes:



  • Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz is a distinguished scholar and respected rabbinic authority. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School and served as a Professor of Law at the University of Maryland. After making aliyah, Rabbi Breitowitz became a senior lecturer at Yeshivat Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem, where he is known for his profound insights into Halacha, Jewish philosophy, and contemporary issues facing the Jewish community. His teachings, marked by clarity and depth, have made him a sought-after speaker and beloved mentor to students worldwide.

    Listen to his pod here:


    ► Twillory: Your Summer Wardrobe is Here

    Get $18 OFF your order. Look great, feel great.
    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

    → Here:


    ► Israel Select: 8,000 Soldiers Will Wear YOUR Tefillin

    8K very special Israeli soldiers accepted upon themselves to wear tefillin for the rest of their lives. You can share in their merit with your donation. Each pair of tefillin is $500. Please help us help our soldiers defend the Jewish People.

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    ► TorahAnytime's FREE Torah Learning Dedications

    Dedicating the learning in the memory of a loved one who has passed away. It's 100% free public service. Limited time offer.

    Go to →

    Or email [email protected] or call & leave a voicemail or text: 948 - DEDICATE (948-333-4228)

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    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    • Mordechai ben Dovid Yehuda

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • At 23, Senai lost her husband, Yosef, on October 7th. Yosef was killed heroically saving civilian lives with his IDF unit, Duvdevan.
    Despite her loss, Senai continues to honor Yosef's memory by doing good in the world, as he always did. She lives fully, with no regrets, and remains committed to Israel as her forever home.
    Senai's unwavering belief in Hashem and the future of the Jewish people is an inspiration to us all.


    ► Money Tip of the Week: Got Points? Get PEYD!

    It's time to fill your pocket with money you're sitting on without even realizing it.

    Sounds too good to be true? It's not.

    Many people, possibly even you, are collecting credit card points and miles, but not doing anything with them!

    → Our friends at The PEYD Group will give you an INSTANT CASH QUOTE on your credit card points or miles right over here:

    ► HereForThem: Help Build The Lives of Widows & Orphans in Israel

    Shai Graucher and his team have been helping hundreds of oprhans and widows put food on their table, afford clothing, and other essentials of life. Their husbands and fathers will never return home - help them live a better life.

    Please donate here

    ► BitBean: Industry Leading Enterprise Software for Innovative Businesses

    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions. Automate workflows, streamline data management, and empower your workforce all while reducing your employee overhead by 30% or more.

    → Contact Bitbean today for a FREE CONSULTATION

    ► Twillory: Your Summer Wardrobe is Here

    Get $18 OFF your order. Look great, feel great.
    Use promo code: INSPIRE for $18 OFF

    → Here:


    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

    → Here:


    To Shifra Soloveichik for creating the video that introduced us to Senai.

    Watch the vid here:

    ✬ Donate and Inspire Millions (Tax-Deductible) ✬

    Your generous donation enables us at Living Lchaim to share uplifting messages globally, enrich lives, and foster positive change worldwide!

    Thank you!

    Our free call-in-to-listen feature is here:

    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • In 1976, a little baby was born to a Jewish mother and her black boyfriend. Their relationship quickly spiraled and the young Jewish mom found herself trying to fugure her life out. She was introduced to Chabad and the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The little boy grew up feeling different. But everything changed after he spent time with the Rebbe.

    Today, Rabbi Yossi Kulek is a husband, father, grandfather, chaplain and on campus shliach Chabad Rabbi.

    Follow Reb Yosef Kuleh here:

    Special Thank You to JEM for the footage, go follow them: @jewish_media

    And here:

    For more info about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, you can find it here:


    ► LexMod: Upgrade Your Home

    LexMod believes that everyone should love their living space, whether it's a house, apartment, condo, or college dorm. With furniture choices for every room in the house, LexMod is here to help you create your perfect home.

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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

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  • Rabbi Tzvi Kushlefsky, a respected rosh yeshiva based in Jerusalem, joyfully welcomed his firstborn son into the world this March at the age of 88.

    Rabbi Kushlefsky experienced the sorrow of becoming a widower at 82, having never had children with his first wife. He remarried six years later to Mrs. Rochel Daniella, an American woman aged 50 at the time, already a mother to several children.

    At 88, Rabbi Kushlefsky and his Rebbetzin, now 57, celebrated the birth of their first son together. The joyous event occurred at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, where the baby was born healthy, without any complications, thank God.

    The streets of Jerusalem near his yeshivas were alive with dancing as the community shared in his happiness.

    In this episode, I traveled to Lakewood to meet them and to ask them about their faith and trust in Hashem. Oh and to also meet the very adorable Eliyahu (their son).

    You can support their Yeshiva here →

    You can reach the Rebbetzin here → [email protected]


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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • USA: (605) 477-2100
    • UK: 0333-366-0154
    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • Yechiel Bruck is the epitome of resilience. Despite facing immense medical challenges—four kidney transplants, two heart attacks, two mini-strokes, and septic shock—he never gives up. His determination to live a happy life is truly moving.


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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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  • At 14, he decided that the Church and his life in Puerto Rico was not for him. He kept on hearing about the Jews in New York from his mother so he decided to investigate. Today, Avraham Goldstein is the Rebbe of his community of converts in Scranton and he is a Puppa Chasid.


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    ► Twillory: Your Spring Wardrobe is Here

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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

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  • Chanie Apfelbaum, the creator of "Busy in Brooklyn," is a renowned kosher food blogger based in Brooklyn, New York. Her life changed dramatically when her brother was tragically murdered on a New York highway. As a single mom, Chanie turned to cooking as a source of healing and purpose. Her blog shares modern, approachable kosher recipes that cater to busy lifestyles and special occasions, inspiring readers with her resilience and passion for kosher cuisine.

    More from Busy In Brooklyn here





    ► Toras Imecha Book: Get This Book!

    Perfect for women of all ages, “Toras Imecha” provides wise counsel, comfort, hope, and encouragement. Its pages are brimming with warmth and wisdom, echoing the sacred teachings of our Imahos. You’ll find yourself returning to this book time and again, discovering new insights with each read.

    Use Promo Code:
    INSPIRE for 20% OFF

    Buy here →

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    Seeking to optimize operations and scale your business? Bitbean empowers ambitious businesses with tailored software solutions.
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    ► Twillory: Your Spring Wardrobe is Here

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    ► The OU's Nach Yomi: Transform Your Life

    Are you looking for meaningful, daily learning that you can do in just 15 minutes a day? You can finish the complete cycle of Nach, 742 perakim from the beginning to end in just 2 years. Listen to talented women educators, hear the timeless words come alive, and be inspired by these messages today. Be part of the OU Women’s Initiative Nach Yomi community of thousands of women worldwide.

    → Lear more here:

    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

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  • Tehila Bollag was born in Poland to a Christian family. After they moved to Chicago she started to drift away from her religion. Until she stumbled upon Judaism. This is her story.

    You can follow Tehilla here:



    ► TorahMates: Only 30 Minutes a Week to Change Their Life

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    At Ohr Naava, Rabbi Wallerstein a"h, believed that every soul was worth saving. With your support, we can continue to provide the love, care, and guidance that Rabbi Wallerstein a"h taught us. Together, we can ensure that no one is ever left to struggle alone.

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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Elimelech Eitan ben Reuven Halevi?

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • USA: (605) 477-2100

    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

    Have a specific question? email us [email protected]

    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513


  • Shabbos Kestenbaum is a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School and the lead plaintiff against Harvard University alleging pervasive and systemic antisemitism. He's spoken to congress and been extremely brave calling out the blatant hatred for the Jewish people on campus.

    You can follow his journey here




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    ✬ IN MEMORY OF ✬

    This episode is in memory of:

    • Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima

    • Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

    Help Support our Episodes with Dedicating an Episode in Memory of a Loved One or As a Zechus for a Refuah Shleima!

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    • UK: 0333-366-0154

    • ISRAEL: 079-579-5088

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    WhatsApp us feedback and get first access to episodes: 914-222-5513
