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Документально-художественный подкаст о путешествиях, меняющих жизнь.
В третьем сезоне мы рассказываем о путешествии блогера Миши Ронкаинена в Антарктиду на грузовом судне «Василий Головнин». План экспедиции нарушила слишком рано и внезапно наступившая зима. Судно застряло во льдах, а вместе с ним Миша и еще 80 человек экипажа и пассажиров.
Слушайте все выпуски 3 сезона в HiFi-стриминге Звук:
Первый сезон рассказывает о походе студентки биофака Юлии Вершининой на плато Путорана. Путь длиной 500 км она преодолела ровно за 30 дней. За это время Юле неоднократно угрожала опасность, и она потеряла почти всё своё снаряжение — лодку, палатку, сапоги — но обрела что-то более ценное.
Второй сезон основан на книге знаменитой путешественницы Марины Галкиной «Одна на краю света». В 1998 году Марина исполнила свою мечту — пересекла Чукотский полуостров с юга на север. Одиночный пеше-водный поход длился два месяца, из которых три недели путешественница провела в полной автономии.
Над подкастом работали:
• в роли Юлии Вершининой — Саша Донскова,
• в роли рассказчика — Саша Начито и Марина Шиняева,
• Марина Галкина и Миша Ронкаинен в роли самих себя,
• продюсер — Марина Шиняева,
• звукорежиссёр — Александр Архипов,
• сценарий — Анна Чепайтене и Марина Шиняева,
• иллюстрации — Софья Игинова.
Hey guys, I’m Jordan Fromer. I believe in huntin’ hard, huntin’ smart, and having a fun time doing it. Shooting Limits, well that’s just the icing on the cake. I revel in the journey, just as much as the successes it brings. From Ducks to Dogs to Decoy and Guns we’ll be talkin’ tactics n strategies and what it takes to get the job done. Load up and take aim.. this is the Duck Gun Podcast.
The HP Outdoors Waterfowl Podcast is your source for all things waterfowl and waterfowl hunting! Join co-host Dan Hruska and Josh Palm as they bring you engaging discussion on the most important topics across the waterfowl and waterfowl hunting landscape. Each episode is packed with news, tips, techniques, stories, product reviews, conservation discussions, outfitter information, retriever training, photography and video tips, and much more! In addition, listen as waterfowl professionals from around the industry join the show to provide insight into the information all hardcore waterfowlers need to know. For more information and content from HP Outdoors visit or shoot an e-mail to You can also find HP Outdoors by visiting the HP Outdoors Facebook page at or follow on Twitter @hpoutdoors.
LISTEN HERE: SOKY’s Outdoors is a weekly outdoors show on ESPN 102.7 FM and 1450 AM in Bowling Green with host Brian Webb. It airs each Thursday at 5 p.m. and it streams at Webb and his guests talk about all types of hunting, fishing and other outdoors activities.
The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast, led by Christian Bacasa, aims to equip you with the skills to fish for any species, at any time, anywhere. Dive into the world of fly fishing by listening to conversations with both expert professionals and passionate hobbyists from all corners of the globe, renowned for their dedication and prowess in the sport. Additionally, Christian Bacasa, a seasoned angler, imparts valuable tips and secrets for successful fishing. The podcast also frequently features special guests from various brands or their ambassadors, offering insider perspectives on fishing techniques and detailed product insights.
"Теория Большого Похода" - подкаст на походные и околопоходные темы.
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Игорь ФаустовАнтон Горяйнов
Welcome to the AnglersChannel Insider Podcast. Working in synergy with and our Progressive Bass Wrap Up TV Show, it is our vision to bring you interviews with winners of all different tournaments no matter the size or prize, as well as bring you insider interviews with top touring Pro's, Industry Leaders and more. You'll truly be an Industry Insider so join us today, AnglersChannel Insider Podcast and, Your #1 Resource for Tournament Bass Fishing.
Talking the Walk visits some of the loveliest towns in South Warwickshire. These Shakespeare Country podcasts are made to complement local heritage maps and walks. In them local people to talk about the places they know best - bringing their towns to life with anecdotes and stories as they take us on a journey through the streets where they live.