In this talk, we discuss the implications of Mars in Astrology, the natal chart, and the current transition into the Aries north node transit we will all be experiencing for the next 18 months! It's about to get firey and feisty so let us all share a moment of charging up for what's to come! Join us once more for another cosmic journey into an archetype built for war, passion, and domination.
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Venus, the Goddess of pleasure, beauty, and divine balance. In this talk, We dive deep into the archetypal principles and mythologies of the planet Venus and what she means astrologically, also harboring in some origin points as to why she came to be the archetype enveloping certain core characters in our mythological history.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Next in line is the good ol' Trickster in the Zodiac. We've touched upon the big three and we now embark on the journey of the personal planets. Mercury is the Mind, our thought process, and our area of specialized intelligence. Archetypally, Mercury is known as Hermes which links this planet with the Hermetic Laws and how they intellectualized the workings of our universe. We talk about natal placements, allegory, and many other layers of the archetype to bring in a substantial understanding of what it truly represents in the science of Astrological interpretation.
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In this talk, we discuss the Ascendant or Rising sign in Astrology. The big 3 in our natal charts, the Sun, Moon, and Rising are the most vital to get a basic idea of your astrology. We discuss why the sign on the eastern horizon will tell us how we interact with the world and how we find our solar principle.
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In this talk, we discuss Astrology, the Moon, and the Lunar principle. We range from transits, natal positions, and archetypal approaches to get a better innerstanding of what the Moon can mean within the world of Astrology, symbolism, and esoteric science. #lunar #themoon #archetypes #mythology #astrology
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In this talk, we discuss Astrology, the Sun, and the Solar principle. We have included a special guest and professional Astrologer, Amanda Campanaro, to bring her wisdom and insight on the topic of the Sun within the genres of Tropical and Sidereal Astrology. We range from transits, natal positions, and archetypal approaches to get a better innerstanding of what the Sun can mean within the world of symbolism and esoteric science.
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Astrology is growing in popularity nowadays and the proof is in the pudding on why. All it takes is an open mind and a healthy skepticism to realize how connected everything really is. If we remind ourselves that the Sun's energy grows plants and gives us Vitamin D or that the Moon's energy motions the ocean tides we can really give Astrology the opportunity it deserves. We've discussed topics like morphic resonance in the last batch of episodes to really prime the mind for astrological conversations so go check those out! Join us yet again on another journey into the realm of intrinsically applying our thinking to the metaphysical nature of consciousness and our reality.
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Welcome to this truly incredible discussion with our very special guest and friend, Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast. A big reason for wanting to have this talk with Brandon is because of his Multi-Dimensionality in topics ranging from the fringe, spiritual paradigms, and mind-expansive concepts about consciousness. He has a unique way of expressing his thoughts when it comes to these deep topics most won't dare to dissertate and this conversation proves it. Together we dive down the endless rabbit hole of perception with a highly charged energy so buckle up and get ready for a trippy, thought-provoking exchange of ideas and theories.
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This is a final recap, at least for now, on the concepts of shared thoughts and emotional energies of a group. Morphic resonance, pendulums, egregores and the many paradigms based on how a collective is inherently connected by energetic resonance is a very interesting topic to ponder on. We as humans are more connected than we think we are and something explaining these concepts begins to make everything all the more possible. This is the metaphysics of consciousness.
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In this talk, we continue our discussions on how thoughts and emotions are potentially transferred within the ethers. This ranges from groups of people, locations on the Earth, architecture, and even astrological influences. Let the conventional thinking subside for the duration of this talk and join us in the realm of imagination and new possibilities.
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This is a continuation of the topic of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance. Rupert Sheldrake's discoveries about the nature of these fields and consciousness dynamics work as a bridge to innerstanding topics like metaphysics, astrology, group-think, and our inherent connection to the Earth and each other.
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In this talk, we break down some philosophies and paradigms based on the concepts of hive-minded consciousness. Do we truly think our own thoughts? or is it really that we are tapping into a frequency laid out by a dominant amalgamation of people thinking the same way? Simply said, thoughts are energy, and energy is transmuted, not created or destroyed. Where does all of that thought and emotion go once released into the ether? We begin to share our thoughts on this and begin to integrate ideas set by scientists, ancient and modern philosophers, and many other big thinkers in history who have believed this to be something true in nature.
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In this discussion, we begin to forge together topics like Astrology, Ancestry, and Species with the works of Rupert Sheldrake, Renn Butler, Mattias Desmet, and Vadim Zeland into one cohesive understanding. We use these parallels existing between different philosophies and sciences to bridge the gap between unseen, metaphysical phenomena in the cosmos. How is consciousness being influenced and what causes everything to be interconnected within the matrix we reside in?
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In this episode, we address some of the past events that occurred at the beginning of this year. UAP/UFOs, spy balloons, earthquakes, the Grammys, and strange performances that seem ritualistic. Well, we give our take on all this and show the importance of how it's not about what you think but rather HOW you think!
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Welcome everyone! We are proud to announce that this is our first episode back and under a brand-new name and look! Intrinsic Minds is a podcast and soon-to-be hub for truth and its seekers. Originally we called ourselves The Daily Transcendence but we've decided to alchemize our spiritual approach with many other fields of study and sciences as well. Due to our newly found awareness of the many levels of this realm and its wisdom, we have decided it was time we properly integrate our paths of truth into a new name and title for our podcast/channel.
Intrinsic (adjective) basic to a thing, being an important part of making it what it is
Mind[s] (noun) the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism
As you can see, we carefully chose a title that best represents our mission as researchers, podcasters, and truth seekers. We seek to find the most fundamental and foundational parts of information and consolidate them into discussions and educational content. We will have more information about our coming website and social media updates as weeks pass. We hope you enjoy the first of many talks about knowledge, wisdom, and life itself.
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*NOTE* - Part 2 will be released first on 9/11/2022 -
Back at it again with a very special two-part conversation! This week we are releasing a split episode based on the synthesis of chaos magick and what occurred on the day of September 11th, 2001. Part one will explain the basic principles of chaos magick, setting a primer for connecting the dots involving the destruction of the twin towers. The occult has been the focus for us and this is because plenty of evidence shows that this knowledge is not only very powerful but so elusive and extremely easy to misinterpret. Religions banned it during most of our recent history, even condemned it to the pits of heresy and the average atheist dismisses almost everything as nihilism and discredits magick as child's play. We are contending these claims by not only explaining the foundations of this form of magick but showing so many synchronicities involved in that day that changed the world forever, 9/11/2001.
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*NOTE* - Part 2 will be released first on 9/11/2022 -
Back at it again with a very special two-part conversation! This week we are releasing a split episode based on the synthesis of chaos magick and what occurred on the day of September 11th, 2001. Part one will explain the basic principles of chaos magick, setting a primer for connecting the dots involving the destruction of the twin towers. The occult has been the focus for us and this is because plenty of evidence shows that this knowledge is not only very powerful but so elusive and extremely easy to misinterpret. Religions banned it during most of our recent history, even condemned it to the pits of heresy and the average atheist dismisses almost everything as nihilism and discredits magick as child's play. We are contending these claims by not only explaining the foundations of this form of magick but showing so many synchronicities involved in that day that changed the world forever, 9/11/2001.
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Welcome back, guys! In this discussion, we decide to bring an emphasis of concern on people's interests in occult knowledge and esotericism. As we've made leaps and bounds through our own personal journeys into studying a wide range of mystical knowledge and occulted secrets, what we had discovered was the lack of practical value to the mystery teachings, mainly from conspirators and spiritual rockstars. We chose this title for the episode due to our current stance on why it's vital to expand your mind when entering the field of investigation into the occult. When we think of just signs and symbols, numbers and stars, secret societies and fraternities, etc, as our rulers then we can potentially point fingers and create narratives that cause us to feel like we are powerless. Who then is the authority and could it be a form of ignorance being the root cause of our own obedience? "Know thy enemy" is a popular phrase used in tactical war rhetoric but there is a level of truth to it of course! But are we seeing it in the most useful context? Could it be the ignorance and choice not to look into the exact machinations of the occult before becoming addicted to the narratives and chasing the bad guys? This is what we focus on in one of the more lengthier talks but surely one of our most valuable to date. Enjoy!
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A new chapter of The Daily Transcendence begins! We are glad to be back after a long but needed hiatus figuring out our personal lives and many other things aside. As we begin yet another journey into truth and wisdom it's time we discuss the purpose and intrinsic value in what it is we all consider truth-seeking. We ask ourselves questions like "What's the point of chasing meaning?" and "Is all of this study and insight actually giving us value?"
One thing we both can agree on in this talk is the fact that the truth community seems fragmented and contains tribes as does politics and sports. With this fragmented network we all have developed, we find it a necessary time to raise our awareness to higher perspectives and brand new insight not only on the knowledge itself but what we are actually doing with it all. Can we find a way to reach a destination of handshakes and teamwork to unite against the "enemy" which we only can assume is the powers at be... or is it ourselves?
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In continuation of The Saturn Series, Amanda and Gio now further down the rabbit hole discussion of some of the esoteric and occult secrets of Saturn and Saturnalia throughout history, the metaphysical/ spiritual understandings and the connection to our purpose in life by innerstanding karmic cycles and our place in this simulation reality. #Saturnalia #Esoteric #occult
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