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Jsme dva. Milujeme svobodu. Milujeme anarchii. Milujeme kapitalismus. Milujeme se navzájem xD
Mluvíme o volnotržní bezstátní společnosti; ano, víme, jak to vypadá, i nám ta myšlenka zpočátku připadala absurdní… Zkuste jí však dát šanci; odmítnout ji můžete vždy.
Motto: „Dobří lidé se neřídí špatnými zákony.“
– Tereza Urzová; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; členka Students for Liberty
– Urza (; autor knihy Anarchokapitalismus; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; spoluzakladatel a hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; člen předsednictva Svobody učení -
On the Green Fence lives up to its name in looking at complex, often divisive environmental issues from multiple angles. It’s not about greenism, but about delving into the major concerns of our time in an engaging and human way. DW reporter Neil King sits on the fence and explores the role business, society and science play in our transition to a more environmentally friendly world. In so doing, he aims to make sense of issues that affect us all, but which are often over-simplified or convoluted by ideology and lobbyism. On the Green Fence stands for an open-minded, relevant and entertaining approach to the environment.
Tomas Sedlacek is a university lecturer and media commentator on philosophy of economics. He gained widespread recognition for his book "Economics of Good and Evil" (Oxford University Press), which has been translated into 22 languages. Sedlacek has advised former Czech President Vaclav Havel, and has lectured at the World Economic Forum and various venues around the world. For 16 years he was a Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at the largest Czech bank, and has been a longstanding member of Czech National Economic Council. II production & graphic design @TerezaSlapotova2023 II
"Without your entrance to greater reality in this life, greater reality has no entrance to this life. The meaning of all of this life [of yours] isn't as it appears. The meaning of this life is for greater reality to manifest through all the forms of this life." - John de Ruiter. New podcast Episodes are released weekly on iTunes. Visit for audio and video releases of John's meetings and to register for live seminars.
Jsme Haenke a žijeme (s) rostlinami. Zajímají nás všechny aspekty zeleného života, jeho vliv na město, zdraví i kulturu. Rády si povídáme s lidmi, pro které se rostliny staly vášní a životní náplní. Stejně jako pro nás. Podcast Phytophilia vzniká pod hlavičkou GoOut a vychází každou lichou středu.
This podcast – inspired by the ludic and irreverent spirit of Arne Næss – is an independent forum designed to discuss suppressed or underexplored themes relating to the most burning questions of our time - from the climate crisis to our post-pandemic future. Always with a deep ecologic twist.
EcoPod is created by Nina Witoszek and a group of Arne Næss Master Students at the Center for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo. They are joined in the studio by participating producer David Chocron. -
Mind Education Podcast pun în cuvinte misiunea în care credem noi, cei de la Mind Education și Școala pentru Cuplu: să contribuim la o lume mai bună, mai armonioasă. Aducem teme de reflecție și discuții ghidate de rezultate științifice, grupate în patru capitole: Mind about You. Mind about Love. Mind about Collaboration. Mind about Communities