
  • Sometimes life hands us a situation, or an experience, that we never expected. Maybe it’s something exciting, like a new relationship or adventure, but sometimes it can be full of sorrow, too, like the loss of a job we loved or an unexpected illness that derails everything. But it’s in those moments that we find out who we are, and what God has made us capable of, giving us an opportunity to really show up for others.

    This week, we sit down with Josh Baldwin, a worship leader, songwriter, and artist with over two decades of experience. Josh opens up about walking through a challenging season of mental health in his family, and how he turned to music for comfort and direction from the Lord, which he now uses to bring comfort and peace to his listeners.

    Later, we’ll hear from Diane Chew, known as Dementia Coach Diane, a life coach and caregiver for her husband, Ben, who has Lewy Body Dementia. Diane shares practical tips for dementia care and emphasizes self-care for caregivers, drawing from her experiences of over fifty years with Ben and the challenges of his cognitive decline. She finds solace and community through social media and discusses the crucial role of faith in navigating these challenges.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Jennie Finch

    Upcoming interview: Joe Dobbins

    Jesus Calling commemorative edition

    Josh Baldwin

    “History Maker” by Delirious?

    Diane Chew

    Dementia Coach Diane

    Lewy Body Dementia

    Matthew 6:25 NIV

    Philippians 4:6-7 NIV

    Emotional Freedom Technique

    Song permission: Prince of Peace

    Josh Baldwin, Hank Bentley, Ben Fielding

    © 2023 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Glory Ghost Publishing (ASCAP)

    (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by


    Interview Quotes:

    “Wherever He's given permission to reign in my life, then the peace just automatically is there because the peace follows Him.” - Josh Baldwin

    “I feel like it's hard for me to be anxious about things and grateful to the Lord for all He’s done at the same time.” - Josh Baldwin

    “I felt like all I could do was kind of react to one mini crisis after another. I was just responding and reacting to what felt like a constant emergency.” - Diane Chew

    “I needed somehow to process everything that was happening every day. I wanted to find the blessings, but I was often trapped in my own head, and I was isolated and alone and scared and I didn't know what to do.” - Diane Chew

    “We have three choices in life when we face circumstances that we didn't expect. We can change them, we can accept them, or we can suffer.” - Diane Chew

    “It takes constant practice to look for the blessings, and to stay connected to something bigger than my thoughts and feelings.” - Diane Chew

    “It takes stubbornness, I think, to not go down with the ship. I am not going to give up my life. Ben wouldn't want me to do that.” - Diane Chew

    “The Holy Spirit will give us the wisdom to know what I just need to let go of, and what I can act on, and to give me that strength and faith to act when I can and let go when I can't.” - Diane Chew


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • On this episode of Jesus Listens, we hear from Petrina Pacheco, a singer-songwriter from Biloxi, Mississippi. She reveals a season of her life when she was in an abusive relationship and how she found freedom and healing from that situation. Today, Petrina has transformed her struggles into a source of hope for others facing abuse; creating healing music and sharing at outreach ministries.

    Guest’s Links
    Facebook: @PetrinaPachecoMusic

    Instagram: @PetrinaPacheco

    Twitter: @petrina_pacheco


    Connect with Jesus Calling






    Jesus Calling Website


    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

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  • *This episode mentions suicide and depression and may not be suitable for all listeners.*

    In an era where the pressures of modern life can feel overwhelming, two remarkable stories offer a unique perspective in our increasingly digital world.

    Our first guest, mental health counselor and advocate Faith Broussard Cade, embarked on a path to self-discovery following a traumatic brain injury. Diagnosed with post-concussive syndrome after a severe car accident, her journey underscored the critical importance of self-care and the necessity of prioritizing mental well-being in today’s fast-paced world.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Hannah Brencher—an author and educator—who delves into the impact of constant digital connectivity on mental health and personal well-being, drawing from her own experiences. Hannah shares her journey toward unplugging, which began as a personal revelation on her birthday and led her to set a goal of 1,000 hours of disconnection over the course of a year.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Dusty & Erin Loechner

    Upcoming interview: Josh Baldwin

    Jesus Calling commemorative edition

    Faith Broussard Cade

    post-concussive syndrome

    Baby-Sitters Club

    Hardy Boys

    The Boxcar Children

    Dr. Seuss

    University of the South

    Shine Bright Anyway

    Hannah Brencher

    The Unplugged Hours

    Interview Quotes:

    “I had a decision to make. Do I keep up the facade that I've always kept of being the superwoman who can always do everything and be everything to everyone? Or do I give up that facade for the hope of being able to have a future?” - Faith Broussard Cade

    “What was supposed to be fifteen days of me kind of jump-starting my own healing journey has now turned into six and a half years of writing notes and encouraging this community collective healing journey for a lot of other people, not just myself.” - Faith Broussard Cade

    “I found my hero. She's been inside of me the entire time, and I am so proud of who she has become.” - Faith Boussard Cade

    “Just because it's not a good fit for someone else doesn't negate the goodness–the innate goodness–of who I am and who I try to be, and how I try to show up for others.” - Faith Boussard Cade

    “What I really wanted to do in that unplugged year was just be present to it for myself, for that part of myself that was exhausted, for that part of myself that needed to get back these vital parts of herself.” - Hannah Brencher

    “What would it really look like to check in with myself, and what would it really look like to take care of myself at the end of a long day?” - Hannah Brencher

    “I can actually experience peace just by taking these little ordinary moments throughout my day and seeing them as an opportunity to meet with God and hear from God.” - Hannah Brencher

    “He's a God of peace. He's a God of goodness. He's a God that wants good for your life, and He's a God that just wants you to be near. Not for any other motive, but the fact that He loves you and He wants to be with you, and He wants to show you daily life through a lens that maybe you haven't looked through before.” - Hannah Brencher


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • *This episode mentions violence and may be triggering for some listeners.*

    This week, we talk with Matt Forté, a former NFL running back who played ten years with the Chicago Bears and the New York Jets. Beyond his impressive career on the field, Matt has transitioned into roles as an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and ministry worker. Matt shares his inspiring story, from his early days in football to his work in gun violence prevention and support for at-risk families.

    Later in the episode, we’ll also be joined by comedian Jonnie W., who shares why he believes in the value of laughter. Known for his unique blend of stand-up comedy and music, Jonnie’s approach to comedy is not just about making people laugh, but also about bringing light and positivity into the world.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Bethany Hamilton

    Upcoming interview: Hannah Brencher

    Jesus Calling commemorative edition

    Matt Forté

    Hurricane Katrina

    Tulane University

    What's Your Forté Foundation

    Tuskegee Next

    My Hair Can

    Jonnie W.

    Carol Burnett Show

    Tim Hawkins

    Anita Renfroe

    Michael Jr.

    Mother Teresa

    Talk About That

    Interview Quotes:

    “I just knew I had a calling on my life to be an athlete.” - Matt Forté

    “Every day, marching up eight flights to get books and to go to practice and get back home, all of that really taught me never to complain about the luxuries that you get in life that we often overlook or take for granted. It taught me a lot.” - Matt Forté

    “Put in a lot of hard work, but also have faith in yourself and really have faith in God that He is a good God, that He has good plans for you as well.” - Matt Forté

    “Had it not been for Jesus coming down and dying for our sins and living a sinless life and paying the debt for what we've accumulated, there would be no hope. And in return, we have to reflect the hope that He's given us.” - Matt Forté

    “I think there's something formative about that that kind of clicks in a comedian's brain, that extra little bump of attention that you get from someone laughing or you kind of push someone's buttons in a way. There's something about that that is pretty remarkable.” - Jonnie W.

    “I like to think about the people that are coming to my shows and what private pain they might have, what they might need release from. My comedy comes from a place of faith. I feel like it's such a gift that I discovered that I could do this and that God's opened doors for me to go do it, so I never take it for granted.” - Jonnie W.

    “I think you're missing out on something that God wired inside of you if you're not laughing.” - Jonnie W.


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • *This episode contains content that may be triggering for some listeners.*

    Our guests this week went through circumstances that could potentially cause someone to want to give up. But instead of descending into panic, or utter hopelessness, they re-centered their focus on their faith, and trusted God that He would provide a way forward.

    Blind speaker Michael Hingson faced the unimaginable as a survivor of 9/11, escaping from tower one with the help of his guide dog, Roselle, and the spirit of calm he inhabited became a beacon for others in the middle of the panic and chaos. Singer Eve Selis openly shares about the tragic and devastating loss of her brother Pete, and what her journey of healing looked like. By journaling and praying her way through the darkness, Eve became her most vulnerable self, which resonated with others and helped her find a renewed sense of hope when she’d been hopeless for so long.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Luke Pell

    Upcoming interview: Matt Forté

    Not That Fancy by Reba McEntire

    Michael Hingson

    World Trade Center

    Live Like A Guide Dog

    Eve Selis

    Dark Sky Blue

    “Somebody's Brother”

    Call 988 for the suicide and crisis lifeline

    Interview Quotes:

    “I knew that if Roselle wasn't feeling fear, whatever was going on wasn't such an imminent threat to us that we couldn't try to evacuate in an orderly way, because dogs have a very greatly heightened sense of those kinds of things.” - Michael Hingson

    “When we started to run, I remember the first thought I had was, God, I can't believe you got us out of a building just to have it fall on us. And when I thought that, I immediately heard in my mind a voice that said—as clearly as you're hearing me now—‘Don't worry about what you can't control. Focus on running with Roselle and the rest will take care of itself.’ I felt this absolute calm and certainty that if we worked together, Roselle and I would be fine.” - Michael Hingson

    “There are a lot of things that happen to us that we don't necessarily have any control over. But what we absolutely and totally have control over is how we deal with it and how we react to it.” - Michael Hingson

    “We need to learn how to listen to God, and we need to recognize that all the answers that we need are always available to us if we only really look for them.” - Michael Hingson

    “When something tragic happens, you are in shock. And your trauma… you can't breathe. You go into hiding. There's so much shame involved. And there's literally nobody to talk to.” - Eve Selis

    “If I did not believe in God and have my faith, I would not be here right now. It was the only thing that got me through.” - Eve Selis

    “It's a spiritual job to be a musician, and music connects us to something bigger than us, and I believe that it's the closest thing to the divine that we have.” - Eve Selis

    “I can tell you that there is nothing more powerful that you can do for somebody who is hurting than to pray for them or send them a positive thought or text them, ‘I love you.’ That's a prayer.” - Eve Selis


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • This week, we explore stories of service from two guests who have made it their life’s work to help others.

    Dr. Ming Wang is a renowned, cutting-edge laser eye surgeon who grew up with a dad in medicine, so it was ingrained in him from an early age to help people. Dr. Wang shares his incredible life experiences—including how he narrowly escaped a life of hard labor while living in China—how his atheist worldview was shaken while in medical school, and how he now helps people living in darkness see light for the first time.

    Raeanne Newquist works in marketing for Mercy Ships, an international charity which consists of two state-of-the-art hospital ships that bring hope and healing to the people of Africa who lack access to safe and reliable healthcare. Raeanne shares the transformations she’s seen in patients not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Andy Dooley

    Upcoming interview: Michael Hingson

    Not That Fancy

    Dr. Ming Wang

    Wang Vision Institute


    Cultural Revolution

    University of Science and Technology of China

    Harvard Medical School

    Raeanne Newquist

    Mercy Ships

    Don and Deyon Stephens

    The Africa Mercy

    The Global Mercy

    cataract surgery

    cleft lip and palate surgery


    Interview Quotes:

    “In 1982, with $50 borrowed from a visiting American professor, with a Chinese English dictionary, I came to America, even though I did not know the language, and even though I did not know anyone, even though I was very poor. But I was happy because I was free.” - Dr. Ming Wang

    “From a very young age, I was imprinted [with] the attitude of working hard, studying hard for knowledge, and also the heart to help others.” - Dr. Ming Wang

    “I realize that science is still important and necessary, but not sufficient. I realize there's science giving me the tools. But a faith in Christ gives me a purpose for what I'm going to use the tools for.” - Dr. Ming Wang

    “[Mercy Ships] is really an extraordinary community to be a part of because our crew come from all over the world. At any given time, there's over fifty nations represented on board our vessels. So it is this multicultural, Jesus-loving community that all come together with one purpose, and that is to bring hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor.” - Raeanne Newquist

    “I think the healing oftentimes comes through the surgery, but it also comes through the emotional healing that these people who've been outcasts receive when we look them in the eye and we hug them and touch them and tell them they're valuable and they're worthy.” - Raeanne Newquist


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • On this episode of Jesus Listens, we hear from Daniel Maritz, a Youtuber and author, who shares how aspects of his life mirror the story of the prodigal son. He opens up about the pivotal moment when the pain of loss brought him to his knees, and how he found his way back through prayer.

    Guest’s Links
    Daniel Maritz’s Facebook: @MaritzDaniel

    Daniel Maritz’s Instagram: @Daniel_Maritz

    Daniel Maritz’s YouTube: @DLMChristianLifestyle


    Connect with Jesus Calling






    Jesus Calling Website


    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

  • This week, we talk with multi-talented actor Tahj Mowry. Known for his roles in beloved TV shows like Smart Guy, Full House, and Disney's Kim Possible, Tahj shares his journey from a child actor to an adult in the industry, how he stays grounded in a sometimes chaotic environment, and the joy and gratitude he taps into through his faith.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Melvin Crispell III, a remarkable gospel recording artist who grew up immersed in the church and followed in the footsteps of his talented gospel music singing parents. He opens up about losing his mom and dad, how prayer became his solace and strength, and how he continues to honor his parents' legacy and spread joy to others through music.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Kathie Lee Gifford

    Upcoming interview: Dr. Ming Wang

    Not That Fancy

    Tahj Mowry

    Smart Guy

    Full House

    Kim Possible

    Tia Mowry

    Tamera Mowry-Housley

    Who's the Boss?

    Debbie Allen

    Out All Night

    Patti LaBelle

    Are We Done Yet?

    Baby Daddy

    Muppets Mayhem

    Mark Wahlberg

    Kevin Hart

    Melvin Crispell III

    diabetic neuropathy

    CeCe Winans

    “He's Never Failed Me Yet” by CeCe Winans

    “He's Never Failed Me Yet” by Melvin Crispell III

    Covered Vol. 1

    Interview Quotes:

    “Acting has always been that comfort for me and that is the true passion for me that I don't think I'll ever get away from or stop. And I'm thankful that I still love it to this day and that I'm able to continue to do what I love to do.” - Tahj Mowry

    “That's one of the reasons why I do what I do, to make people smile, to make people feel, to make people see themselves in me. And that's beautiful. That's one of the most beautiful parts of my job.” - Tahj Mowry

    “We're called to die every day to our flesh, to ourselves, and to surrender to Christ daily, to take up our crosses daily. It's not just like a one time thing. It's a choice that we should make every day.” - Tahj Mowry

    “I think an attitude of gratitude, a heart of thankfulness, is where worship begins. If we stay thankful, we're never ungrateful.” - Tahj Mowry

    “God didn't fail me. He literally answered my prayer and He placed so many people around me to make sure I was good, to make sure that I stayed on my feet, to make sure I didn't go without. That's just one example of God's goodness.” - Melvin Crispell III

    “People are listening to music and it is really changing lives. And I'm grateful that God saw fit to use me because I'm nowhere near perfect. I really have such a long way to go in my walk, in my journey. But I'm grateful. And I'm honored that God decides to use me in the way He does.” - Melvin Crispell III


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • This week, we have the privilege of hearing from Dr. Alan Weissenbacher, the managing editor of the journal Theology and Science and a teaching pastor in Berkeley, California. Deriving from his work with those who struggle with addiction, he illustrates how we can harness the power of neuroscience to change our habits, emphasizing the importance of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, and how our focus can reshape our brain's pathways, which includes the disciplines of prayer and studying Scripture.

    Later in the episode, we'll hear from Carolyn Weber, an acclaimed author, speaker, and professor who experienced a profound spiritual awakening during her time at Oxford University. Initially an agnostic, Carolyn's encounters with diverse Christian communities and her thorough reading of the Bible led her to embrace Christianity. Her memoir and its subsequent film adaptation chronicle her journey from skepticism to faith.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Tom Rudelius

    Upcoming interview: Tahj Mowry

    Not That Fancy

    Dr. Alan Weissenbacher

    Theology and Science

    Denver Rescue Mission

    The Brain Change Program

    Carolyn Weber

    Oxford University

    The Wizard of Oz


    Michael W. Smith

    Surprised by Oxford

    Interview Quotes:

    “If I didn't have those years at the Denver Rescue Mission, I wouldn't have been inspired to research the brain and how God designed that brain to learn and grow. And then by knowing that, how I could improve rehabilitation programs and help people improve their spiritual lives in the church as a whole.” - Dr. Alan Weissenbacher

    “Replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthy ones impacts the brain's structure and function. Replace the problem thoughts with good ones, turning yourself in that direction.” - Dr. Alan Weissenbacher

    “Don't pray to the problem. Pray to get the solution.” - Dr. Alan Weissenbacher

    “In a way, I didn't realize how much that template of my earthly father influenced any concept of a heavenly one.” - Carolyn Weber

    “I think that those earlier life experiences in which I had felt very cherished and loved—but that the rug had been pulled out from under me—shaped my earlier initial views of faith in that it was very difficult to trust anyone but myself. I think sometimes we don't want to admit the things that hurt the most.” - Carolyn Weber

    “I began to realize that faith and intellect are not opposites. They're not incompatible.” - Carolyn Weber

    “Our souls are restless, our hearts are restless, until they find their home in God, and I identified with that longing.” - Carolyn Weber

    “His love for us, it just endures. And that's still incredibly mind-blowing and soul-filling.” - Carolyn Weber


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • This week, we are delighted to have Sarah Kroger, a talented singer/songwriter and worship leader from Nashville, Tennessee. Sarah shares the early days of her creative exploration while facing bullying, and how when she attended a transformative youth conference, she realized that faith could be something that was alive in your life, not just a box to be checked off on Sundays.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Clare McCallan, an accomplished author and creative director of St. Joseph's Home for Artisans in Boston. Clare shares her experience of taking a leap of faith, banding together with the local artist community, and restoring an old convent to become a vibrant place that nurtures and cultivates young artists.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: David & Tamela Mann

    Upcoming interview: Dr. Alan Weissenbacher

    Not That Fancy

    Sarah Kroger

    Simon & Garfunkel

    “No Filter”

    A New Reality

    Clare McCallan

    St. Joseph's Home for Artisans

    This Is The Day

    The Renaissance Room

    St. Leonards

    Courage to Create

    Interview Quotes:

    “I refused to sing in front of my family for years. I just kind of locked away this gift and threw away the key and was like, I will never, ever sing in front of anybody. It'll just be something that I do for myself.” - Sarah Kroger

    “I felt like God was lovingly tapping me on the shoulder and just saying, ‘Sarah, I gave you this gift not just for yourself. I gave you this for my kingdom. I gave you this gift for my glory. And by you hiding it, it's not doing anyone any favors. So will you step out in faith? Will you say yes to me?’” - Sarah Kroger

    “In a lot of ways, it's like being being able to create spaces where people feel safe enough to come to God just as they are, and feel safe enough to bring their questions and whatever they're walking through into a worship set, into a session that we're having, into whatever it is that we're doing, to be able to foster that kind of environment through music.” - Sarah Kroger

    “If we can't be brutally honest with God, then who can we be honest with?” - Sarah Kroger

    “We are never alone. He says, ‘I am with you always.’ That's a promise of God, even in the midst of the darkness.” - Sarah Kroger

    “My life has been much happier ever since I've decided to just go all in on the way God made me and just live in pure creativity, both in my personal life and in my professional life.” - Clare McCallan

    “Everybody wants the product, nobody wants the process. We serve a God born in a manger. Humble beginnings are not a bad thing.” - Clare McCallan

    “God has equipped you with a unique set of gifts and a power for prolific love to create things that will change your world, the world around you, and the world as a whole. And your gifts as a craftsman, your ability to create, has the power to save souls around you. Your witness matters. Your gifts—even if you aren't aware of them—matter, and the world needs what only you can create.” - Clare McCallan


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • If there is one thing we all desire as human beings, it is to be known—truly, deeply known—and loved just as we are. Psalm 139 says “You have searched me, Lord, and you know me… you are familiar with all my ways,” reminding us that we can experience the joy of being known to our core when we look to the Lord.

    Ainsley Britain is an Enneagram coach who delves into how we were individually and uniquely made by God, and how we can apply the knowledge of how we were created to our relationships with others—especially while navigating the challenges of high school. Ali Gilkeson is a member of the beloved band Rend Collective, which was initially designed as a welcoming place for people who didn’t always feel like they belonged in the church. Through recognizing our individual roles in life, Ali shares how a raw, honest relationship with God can help us find our way home.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Steve Wariner

    Upcoming interview: Sarah Kroger

    Psalm 139 NIV

    Ainsley Britain

    Enneagram coach

    Enneagram type two wing three

    Enneagram three

    The Enneagram for Teens: A Complete Guide to Self-Discovery and Spiritual Growth

    Ali Gilkeson

    Rend Collective

    “My Lighthouse” song

    Sole Survivor

    My Lighthouse children’s book

    Interview Quotes:

    “One of the things I love about the Enneagram, specifically how it relates to teens, is that not only do you understand your strengths and weaknesses, but you understand the motivations behind your actions.” - Ainsley Britain

    “If we can have the knowledge and understanding that all of the root fears, the root motivations, the root trauma, all of these wounding childhood messages can be healed with the Lord. And I believe that the Enneagram is just that helpful tool to kind of uncover that.” - Ainsley Britain

    “I think it's so important to connect with God daily because just like any of your other relationships, that's where the depth is. That is where the intimacy is. It's how you maintain and foster a friendship with the Lord.” - Ainsley Britain

    “All we care about is connection with God and connection with each other in a real, authentic way.” - Ali Gilkeson

    “Authentic worship isn't really even about the sound of a song. It's about the state of your heart.” - Ali Gilkeson


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we hear from TV personality Lydia McLaughin. Lydia leaned on God throughout her experience on the Real Housewives of Orange County. She also talks about how her faith held her up during her mother’s sickness.

    Guest’s Links
    Lydia McLaughlin’s Facebook: @oclydia

    Lydia McLaughlin’s Twitter: @oclydia

    Lydia McLaughlin’s Instagram: @oclydia


    Connect with Jesus Calling






    Jesus Calling Website


    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

  • Our first guest, Patsy Clairmont, is a renowned author, speaker, and one of the founding speakers for Women of Faith. Patsy’s early years were marked by severe anxiety and depression. Whispering prayers of desperation for anything to help her through this time, she was surprised by the small, simple steps God gave her that helped her emerge from the darkness. The surprises would continue to come as she moved from barely being able to leave the house to speaking to millions of people—inspiring them with her humor, wisdom, and stories of overcoming.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Gil Schaenzle, known as the National Park Mom. After her daughter, Anna, passed away from neuroendocrine cancer at the young age of twenty-one, Gil embarked on a heartfelt mission to raise awareness for this rare disease. Through her campaign to run in all the national parks, and her more recent journey of cycling along America’s historic canals, Gil honors Anna's memory and brings hope to others facing similar battles.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Jeremy Cowart

    Upcoming interview: Ainsley Britain

    Patsy Clairmont

    Women of Faith

    Florence Littauer

    Focus on the Family

    Barbara Johnson

    Luci Swindoll

    Marilyn Meberg

    Gil Schaenzle

    neuroendocrine cancer

    Healing NET Foundation

    Interview Quotes:

    “God brought me to a point of desperation where I realized that if something didn't change, I wouldn't survive myself. And it was at that point that I cried out from the depths of my being, ‘Lord, I'll do whatever you ask of me.’” - Patsy Clairmont

    “I became hungry for saying God's Word. And then I became absolutely committed to walking in and understanding the truth as it was laid out in His council.” - Patsy Clairmont

    “Finding a way to use my words that were constructive and helpful gave me a personal sense of dignity. It gave me an understanding that I could be worth something, I could be of value to another human life.” - Patsy Clairmont

    “Know that God has a divine plan. And if you will listen carefully to what other people say you do well, you have probably found a gift that is placed within you that is so common to you, because you've lived with that ability, that you didn't even recognize it for what it is and what it could be under His tutelage.” - Patsy Clairmont

    “God had kind of given me enough humility to understand it's never been about who I was. It's always been about who He is and wants to be for us all.” - Patsy Clairmont

    “I don't know what I would have done without God throughout this whole thing.” - Gil Schaenzle

    “I like to say that grief is just the other side of the coin of love. We get to live with the head side, the love side, for as long as God deems right. And then the other side of that coin is tails, and that’s grief. And I think that we just have to learn to sit and recognize that when grief comes to sit with us, we have to start looking at it differently.” - Gil Schaenzle

    “We depend on God for our perspective in life. And when we don't talk to God, we tend to lose that perspective. We need His eyeglasses, if you will. He has His glasses on our face to be able to see the world and treat people the way that He would treat them.” - Gil Schaenzle


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • In this week’s episode, we have the opportunity to listen to John Michael Talbot, a legendary musician and founder of the monastic community Brothers and Sisters of Charity. He shares the intense evolution of his faith: from expressing himself through music, to finding his community in Catholicism, to a moment in a hospital room where he experienced a forgiveness so deep it changed him forever.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from John Andrew Bryant, a chaplain and author. Bryant shares his battle with a mental health condition that not only revealed the inner workings of his mind, but a deeper understanding of his faith.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Jesus Listens Notetaking Edition

    Past interview: Emily P. Freeman

    Upcoming interview: Patsy Clairmont

    John Michael Talbot

    Brothers and Sisters of Charity

    Mason Proffit

    The Imitation of Christ

    Luke 23:43 NIV

    John Andrew Bryant

    Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

    A Quiet Mind to Suffer With

    Interview Quotes:

    “I was reading my revised standard Bible that my grandma had given me. And those red letters of Jesus seemed to be jumping out. He seemed to be able to say so much more by saying less.” - John Michael Talbot

    “Suddenly I could see all of my sins. Not just the number, but the depth of them, in a flash. And in that same flash, I could see all of God's forgiveness, all of His mercy. And my response to that was to weep.” - John Michael Talbot

    “Taking a good twenty to thirty minutes of prayer once or twice a day is vital to our spiritual life. We eat two or three meals every day. It's vital to our physical bodies to stay healthy. Well, our spiritual body is just as important.” - John Michael Talbot

    “As you get older and stressors compound and there's more stuff to be worried about, or there's more things that feel unmanageable, your brain can just say, ‘Look, timeout. I can't handle this.’ And I think that's what my brain was telling me.” - John Andrew Bryant

    “As much as your mind and body may feel like they're your enemies, you have to love these enemies you have now. Your mind is turning on you, your body is turning on you, and you have to love them back to health because they're yours and because you're shepherding your body and mind.” - John Andrew Bryan


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • This week, we’ll visit with two musicians who found their love for music early on, but took some devastating detours along the way to their dreams of full-time music careers.

    Darren Mulligan is songwriter and lead singer for the Dove Award-winning Christian music group We Are Messengers. Early in his music pursuits, Darren found himself indulging in other things that caused damage to himself and to those he loved—admitting that he was, “manipulative and just very broken.” He shares the story of attending a little church in his hometown in Monaghan, Ireland, and what happened that altered his course—and his music—forever.

    Joseph Habedank is a two-time time Grammy nominated singer and songwriter who traveled for many years with the legendary southern gospel group The Perrys. Dealing with an ailment on the road, Joseph unexpectedly fell into addiction and found himself trading his dreams of singing for the pursuit of his next high. He shares what reaching rock bottom meant to him, and how he sought help in prayer, rehabilitation, and therapy.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Russ Taff

    Upcoming interview: John Micahel Talbot

    Darren Mulligan

    We Are Messengers


    Johnny Cash

    Willie Nelson

    Romans 5:3 NIV

    Where The Joy Is

    Joseph Habedank

    The Perrys

    “He's Still Working on Me”

    The Crabb Family

    Porter's Call in Nashville

    Cumberland Heights

    Grammys MusiCares program

    Russ Taff


    “The Basement”

    Interview Quotes:

    “I remember selling all my guitars because I assumed that guitars were the things that had led me into all of this sin in my life. It was a very small view of God that He couldn't use the gifts He had given me, and He couldn't keep me from my sin.” - Darren Mulligan

    “Misery loves company. But what I later found out in life is that joy needs a friend too, you know?” - Darren Mulligan

    “There's a lot of areas in my life that I've messed up, nearly every area—being a father, being a husband, being a follower, being a man. And it's the grace of God that I rely on so heavily.” - Darren Mulligan

    “My joy could only be found in walking close enough to Jesus that I learn to love what He loves.” - Darren Mulligan

    “I was a Christian music artist, and I was chasing dope. That was my full time job, and I was exhausted. It was probably the darkest time in my life. I really thought I'd never sing again.” - Joseph Habedank

    “When I lost my job doing what I've always wanted to do, which is sing about Jesus, that was my rock bottom. I thought, "If I can no longer do what God put me on this earth to do, I need help.” - Joseph Habedank

    “So much of our addiction is tied up in lies. And once we bring something from the darkness into the light, it loses its power.” - Joseph Habedank

    “It's so amazing to me that we base our whole Christianity on this word called faith. And the reason we do that is because we literally have to talk to someone that we have never seen. We have to lean on that word, faith, and believe that not only is He there, but He's listening and He cares and He loves us.” - Joseph Habeank


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • In this week’s episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Ricky Dickson, a man whose faith has guided him through a fulfilling career and the trials of leadership. Throughout his forty-three years with Blue Bell Creameries, the beloved ice cream maker, Ricky rose to become the president and CEO, navigating the company through both successful and challenging times.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Mark Tappan, a police officer whose life took an unexpected turn through his bond with a remarkable police dog named Mattis. Mark shares how his lifelong connection to dogs has taught him lessons in faith, loyalty, and unconditional love.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Erica Campbell

    Upcoming interview: Darren Mulligan

    Ricky Dickson

    Blue Bell Creameries


    One Scoop At A Time

    Mark Tappan

    Belgian Malinois

    Colossians 3:23 NIV

    A Dog Named Mattis

    Interview Quotes:

    “My prayer growing up was, ‘God, wherever you want me, I want to not only be open and recognize your call, but also put within me the passion to do whatever that is and to be the best I can be at it.’” - Ricky Dickson

    “My prayer was consistently like, ‘Please God, give me the strength and the wisdom to walk and to lead in the way you would want me to lead.’” - Ricky Dickson

    “Faith seems easy until it gets hard.” - Ricky Dickson

    “God was in control of it all. Even though I couldn't see the end.” - Mark Tappan

    “Colossians 3:23 says, ‘Everything you do, do with all of your heart, as if working for the Lord, not for men.’ And when I looked at my dog, I saw that in everything he did and the work that he did as a police dog and the friendship that we had. He gave everything to it.” - Mark Tappan


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • Old habits can be hard to break, whether it’s the foods we eat, the media we consume, or any pattern that may not serve us in the way that gets us where we want to be. Our guests this week took a look at their lives and found that doing the hard work of change was key to breaking unhealthy patterns and through faith and prayer, they kept at it, which ultimately produced lasting and rewarding results.

    Our first guest, Erin Loechner, discusses how we can reverse engineer some of the ways that social media and technology hold our undivided attention and how she personally applied these principles to her own life and to the lives of her children, resulting in more connectivity with each other and the world around them. Later, we'll hear from Dusty and Erin Stanczyk, of, who discuss what it means to be more intentional in our approach to the foods that we eat, and how they overcame troubling health issues and found physical and spiritual healing.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Natalie Grant

    Upcoming interview: Ricky Dickson

    Erin Loechner

    Opt-Out Family show

    Waldorf elements

    The Opt-Out Family

    Dusty and Erin Stanczyk

    Jesus Calling App

    Interview Quotes:

    “We kind of made this very intentional decision that we as a family were going to be more engaging than the algorithm, and we were going to not only say no to devices, but we were going to say yes to something better. And if we were going to do that, we were going to need to model that for our kids.” - Erin Loechner

    “Something we started really early on with our children was looking around and looking in our community and finding those natural influencers in our lives, and recognizing that they offer and hold deep experience that we might never encounter otherwise.” - Erin Loechner

    “Everyone holds a story. Everyone holds so much knowledge and wisdom at their fingertips just through lived experience, and we are constantly pointing our kids to people in real life, rather than Google or Siri or Alexa.” - Erin Loechner

    “Let's learn from the best. Let's grow from the best. Let's find those people in our lives that have things to share that will add value in a way that screens really can't.” - Erin Loechner

    “Rather than filling our medicine cabinet with orange vials, we started stocking up on new superfoods every time we'd come home from the grocery store and figuring out how we could implement them. And realizing every colored food has a different benefit. It was just really exciting for us.” - Erin Stanczyk

    “We only have one body. And God created us in His image, in His likeness. So why would we not do everything within our power to nurture it and nourish it? So eat, move, rest your best, essentially.“ - Erin Stanczyk


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’ll hear from comedian Chonda Pierce. Chonda’s ability to bring laughter to others is renowned, but as we know, life’s circumstances can threaten to steal our joy. The loss of Chonda’s sisters and then her husband were crushing blows, but through prayer, therapy and the support of others, she shares how she was able to find light again after facing the worst kind of darkness.

    Guest’s Links
    Chonda’s Facebook: @chondapierce

    Chonda’s Twitter: @chondapierce

    Chonda’s Instagram: @chondapierce


    Connect with Jesus Calling






    Jesus Calling Website


    *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

  • When kindness is shown to us—whether it’s as small as a smile from a stranger, or as big as someone meeting a need at a desperate time in our lives—we see and feel goodness that is often unexplainable. If we look for them, we can find these divine kindnesses each day, those big and little nods from God that bring us hope and comfort, even in the darkest of hours. These moments are powerful reminders of the sustaining force of divine kindness and the enduring faith it nurtures.

    Founders of the ministry Bottle of Tears Chris and Lindsey Wheeler share the challenges they faced after adopting their daughter, Eliana, from Guatemala, all while navigating Lindsey's development of a rare autoimmune disease, and how the kindness of God kept them from despairing.

    Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Bryan Crum, a hospice chaplain, who shares what he has learned from spending time with people in their final days and how God shows up in their last moments to demonstrate His sustaining kindness.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Linda Davis and Lang Scott

    Upcoming interview: Erin Loechner

    Jesus Listens Notetaking Edition

    Chris Wheeler

    Lindsey Wheeler

    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

    Lyme Disease

    Jennie Allen

    Psalm 56 NIV

    Bottle of Tears

    Kit and The Missing Notebook

    Bryan Crum

    Neighbor, Love Yourself

    Interview Quotes:

    “I remember at the beginning of my diagnosis, just really fighting with the Lord, honestly, and going, God, why? Why is this my story? Why have you chosen us to be Eliana’s parents? We are not capable of this. Why did you choose me to have a disease at the same time? It just felt so unfair.” - Lindsey Wheeler

    “I laid on my bed crying and asking God, ‘How do I do this? How do I run this race when I am homebound?’” - Lindsey Wheeler

    “God was so cool that I got a front row seat to watch people comfort their friends and family, and I was able to read their letters of encouragement and hope to their friends and family, and it gave me encouragement. It helped me to push forward.” - Lindsey Wheeler

    “My body continues to fail me, but God hasn't. He has not failed me. And I feel just more confident and more alive than I have in a long time, knowing that He is using me still in the midst of my pain.” - Lindsey Wheeler

    “My prayer in those moments is, ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.’ Because sometimes that's all you got.” - Chris Wheeler

    “It's humbling just to be invited into people's homes, into their lives at a time when each moment, each minute is just more valuable because you know they're the final ones.” - Bryan Crum

    “We let unsaid words hold us in place. And it's almost like this ancient, heavy anchor that ties us down. I've learned that we often need a little nudge to remind us we can untie our boats from that anchor and float away at any time.” - Bryan Crum

    “We don't have to wait to see what our lives will be like at the end of our stories. Imagine now what you think that final scene of your life is going to be like. And if you don't like what it looks like, make course corrections today. Make the changes now. There's a welcoming home waiting for us.” - Bryan Crum


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling








  • When we face self-doubt, we may find ourselves not believing in our own innate abilities, or we might even decide to turn away from our aspirations in the belief that we’re not “good enough” to get where we want to be. When we willfully stop listening to the voices that tell us we can’t do it, and replace our fears with faith, a transformative effect takes place that allows us to believe in ourselves again and realize that our dreams are worth chasing.

    Our first guest is the multi-talented Taraji P. Henson. Taraji is not only a renowned actress but also a dedicated mother, philanthropist, author, director, and producer. Though Taraji had dreams of becoming an actress, early rejection caused her to question herself, and move in a different direction. It took the words of her trusted father to remind her what she was made for, and to find the courage to chase her dreams. Later in the episode, we’ll hear from actress and filmmaker Sope Aluko. For over two decades, Sope built a successful corporate career. However, the passion for acting never left her. After the loss of her parents, and a time of personal reassessment, she awakened the dream in her heart and decided to pursue her first love of acting.

    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

    Jesus Calling Podcast

    Jesus Calling

    Jesus Always

    Jesus Listens

    Past interview: Brett Young

    Upcoming interview: Chris and Lindsey Wheeler

    Jesus Listens Notetaking Edition

    Taraji P. Henson

    Duke Ellington High School of the Performing Arts

    North Carolina A&T

    The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation

    You Can Be A Good Friend

    Sope Aluko

    Black Panther

    Parkinson's Disease

    Chadwick Boseman

    Interview Quotes:

    “I could go anywhere and make friends with anyone, because I came from a great foundation of love. And when you have that foundation, you can turn negatives into positives.” - Taraji P. Henson

    “God did an amazing thing by putting us on this earth. We're all humans and we all look different. And it is our charge, as humans on this earth, to learn how to get along.” - Taraji P. Henson

    “I keep God close to me at all times, and I'm constantly in communication with God at all times. I'm nothing without God, like, the fact that I'm here? I'm blessed and I know why.” - Taraji P. Henson

    “These roles that I booked, every single time I would pray to God, I said, ‘Lord, let it be a role that really speaks to me, that resonates with me.’” - Sope Aluko

    “It's amazing how God works because He is a planner and He planned every single detail ahead of me.” - Sope Aluko


    Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel!

    Audio Episodes:

    Bonus Podcasts:

    Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:

    Peace for Everyday Life:

    Peace in Uncertain Times:

    What’s Good?



    Connect with Jesus Calling






