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Welcome to Everyone Everywhere. The evangelism podcast from Church Army. Together we're talking about how how to share Jesus in the everyday.
Join Hannah and Chris as they interview special guests and discuss how to bring a message of hope to a hurting world in the twenty first century.
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Facebook @churcharmyuk | Twitter @ChurchArmy | Instagram @churcharmy
Or say hi to us at [email protected] -
This podcast is hosted by Victor Novițchi, Co-Director of X-Out-Loud, a community of people who once were confused about their sexual identities, but have now started a journey of healing & restoration. Victor and his guests share details from their personal walks with God, from addiction to deliverance, from religiosity to freedom, from hating life to life in abundance.
The Disentangle Podcast looks into topics that are considered to be difficult, taboos, or unreachable, and makes them accessible to the common person.
It hosts naked conversations while being vulnerable about personal stories, breakthroughs and failures, in the quest of getting to the ultimate thing: the human heart.
The Ever Be Podcast is a faith and lifestyle podcast filled with meaningful conversations and practical tips that will inspire and empower you to live a Christ centered life in today’s modern world. Through her own experience of surrendering completely to God and finding true fullness of life, your host Mari Wagner, has committed to having God’s praise “ever be” on her lips and sharing that message with the world. Listen in for insightful, real life conversations and actionable steps on how to claim the full life God created you for.
With over 100K followers and counting, Instagram content creator and founder of the popular Catholic lifestyle brand, West Coast Catholic, Mari Wagner is showing the world how to live a bold, attractive, and fulfilling Catholic life by being in the world but not of it. On the podcast you’ll get a combination of heartfelt solo episodes with Mari, interviews with exciting guests, and up-close and personal time with both the Wagner’s—Mari and Trey. What more could you ask for?!
Finally! Answers to questions you’ve been asking like:
How do I infuse prayer into my daily life? How do I live out my Catholic faith? What is the best dating and marriage advice? What does a good Catholic marriage look like? How do I grow in homemaking skills and build a domestic church? How do I create a beautiful and welcoming home? What does a healthy and balanced lifestyle look like? Is it possible to find a solid community of like minded women?
Host Mari Wagner covers topics that you actually care about from faith life, to relationships and marriage, to homemaking, to healthy living. Each episode is crafted to resonate with your challenges and aspirations as a modern Christian woman seeking purpose, balance, and joy.
Tune into the Ever Be Podcast for valuable advice, relatable stories, expert insights and just some fun girl chats with someone who really gets you. Hit play to get out of the rut you constantly feel yourself in, and subscribe to join the community and experience the fullness of life Jesus has in store for you. -
Three brothers, Francisco (a Catholic, Benedictine monk), Nate (a Gen-Zer), and Tom (a married father of three) discuss the deepest realities of life: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Oh, and they roast each other a lot.
Instagram: @allgoodinthebrotherhood
Facebook: @allgoodinbrohood
Email: [email protected]
A space that was once called Anchored Girls in a season where the whole world was on lockdown and as a mother of 4 dealing with one of my biggest storms in my Christian walk I needed a space to talk and cry. Together with my daughter we shared our struggles in our journey. But that season has changed, I have changed. I have fallen short of Gods grace and have had a hard time getting back up. But I believe in the verse Philippians 1:6 that He who began a good work will finish it. Here I am in a season alone sharing my life confessing my struggles in hopes that it leads someone close to Jesus
The LIO Podcast is a follow up discussion revolving around the weekend teachings of CedarCreek Church. Designed as a resource to discuss weekly topics, or to dig deeper into the thoughts provoked by the weekend message, the LIO podcast can help keep you engaged throughout the week. You can enjoy it by yourself or use it in a group setting to spur on conversation.
For more great content, subscribe to the daily Living It Out email, which provides an on-topic Bible Study directly to your inbox every morning. Learn more at
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Walking virtually alongside pilgrims and authors, the Sacred Steps Podcast explores the world's most revered footpaths, connecting a community of pilgrims from across the globe. From the Camino de Santiago through Spain to the Via Francigena across Europe to Italy, the podcast features updates and first-hand accounts from the footpaths of pilgrimage.
A companion to Kevin Donahue's pilgrimage books (The Pilgrims' Table and Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal), the podcast also introduces several lesser-known journeys, such as England’s Pilgrims’ Way to Canterbury and the California Missions Trail in the United States. -
This podcast is all about stories, past experiences, and anecdotes from my trips and adventures. Because of my work as a tour guide for 11 and a conference interpreter for 15 years after that, I was able to travel the world and meet so many amazing people on the way. I will be hosting some of them on this podcast and together with my guests, we will talk about our most memorable journeys.
Let me entertain you, remind you of a past holiday or activate your wanderlust. Let me remind you that life is beautiful and that at the end we will only regret the things we didn’t to and not the things we did. Life is too short to stay in the same place.
About me: I was born in Switzerland and have been living in Cyprus for almost 30 years. From a very young age and due to a challenging childhood, all I wanted to do was leave home as soon as possible and discover the big wide world. That’s why, at 13, I started taking small jobs to pay for English and Spanish lessons to make my travel dreams come true! Today I not only speak 6 languages but have also been to over 100 countries and have created a life that I love -
On a rocky outcropping off the northeastern coast of England, the monastery of Lindisfarne once stood as an outpost of religious, philosophic, and intellectual study against the “dark” times of early medieval Europe. Inspired by the foresight and dogged determination of these medieval monks, William Irwin Thompson founded the Lindisfarne Association in 1972 to gather together bold scientists, scholars, artists, and contemplatives to realize a new planetary culture in the face of the political, cultural, and environmental crises of the twentieth century.
Brought to you by the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, The Lindisfarne Tapes podcast represents some of the most visionary thinking of the time, drawing connections between culture, economics, society, and technology. While the germs of new ideas contained in these tapes are now beginning to take root, they remain an invaluable source of speculative thinking that will continue to inspire our visions of a more just and regenerative future. -