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Relationships can be hard work for high reward, but the stakes feel even higher when a couple brings together two different cultures. New family structures, beliefs, and ways of living can create the ultimate comedy or the biggest dramas. In this podcast, Sejal Bavishi and Nicholas Andrews are joined by a roster of guests to shine a light on these golden moments to make you laugh and hopefully help you navigate your own relationships more smoothly.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After 10 years of serial monogamy, comedian Ashley Gavin, trades in her u-haul for a life of sleeping around and documents every gritty detail of her queer experiments in this podcast. Always in fear of being cancelled, Ashley is aided by her queerest friends, Kate Sisk, known as the "Cancel Coach", and the "Youth in the Soundbooth" Gara Lonning, equipped with a gen-z themed soundboard, to call Ashley out on her BS. Together they interview people from all over the gender and sexuality spectrums (from straight to gay and cis to trans) about their sex lives. And yes straight people, you will find out what lesbian sex is.
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We're Back! Season Two is here but with a slight twist and another bunch of amazing guests. This series Ayda explores a question we can all get behind ‘What Pushes You To The Edge? ’whilst, as Ayda like to say, “having a good old natter” about life, love, family and everything in between. Tune in and enjoy!
Social Media: @aydafieldwilliams Executive Producers; Sophie Paluch, Ayda Field Williams Producer: Warren Borg.
Music written and produced by Karl Brazil & Owen Parker, Mixed by Owen Parker, Vocals by Robbie Williams & Theodora Williams. Original artwork by Alex Merry.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Heyooo, Crystal and Jeff are just here to hangout with you no matter what you're doing, or where you are. Maybe they'll make your day better, maybe they'll make you laugh, or they might even make you want to change up your entire life! Full of life, stories, and arguments to keep you entertained whenever you need it.
Codependent Podcast is an amateur reunion with friends and family, discussing topics of life and how we are figuring it all out- together. Taking back the negative connotation of what codependency is and making it okay to rely on the inputs, advice, and stories from others to come to your own conclusion and views on everyday issues and topics.
2 divorced comedians (Sommer Austin and Jamie Black) create a Married At First Sight fan podcast. They break down each week's Married At First Sight episode with a guest who's never seen the show! It's part therapy, part friends hanging out and totally hilarious! Theme song by: Ryan Brankin and Steven Lynn
26 time Guinness World Records holders, world travelling sideshow freaks and science edutainers Orbax and Pepper chat with fellow entertainers about their ridiculous lives and hilarious misadventures.
Interested in more Orbax and Pepper? Search the interwebs for the Monsters of Schlock for sideshow shenanigans or Orbax and Pepper Do Science for their education work. -
“Helt I Skoven” giver dig en verden af sjove, skønne og festlige fortællinger. Historier hapset direkte fra arkivet af levet liv gennem de over 40 år, Smukfest har eksisteret. Gæster, frivillige og artister deler ud af godteposen, og vi garanterer, at vi kommer helt ud i krogene på genren 'go' gammeldags underholdning'.
Hver uge inviterer vært, Kathrine Abrahamsen, en gæst i studiet og sammen dykker de ned i de vildeste anekdoter fra Bøgeskoven - og måske også din? Vi er ikke for fine til noget hér: dårlig festivalsmave, akavede snav, druklege, der gik galt og meget, meget mere.
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Uanset om din historie er pinlig, romantisk, vild eller bare sjov, glæder vi os til at dele den! Du kan også altid ramme indbakken med spørgsmål, festivaldilemmaer eller noget helt tredje.
Er du ikke glad for lange mails? Så send os bare din fortælling som en lydfil.
Kan din historie ødelægge forholdet til svigermor eller smadre din karriere? Så finder du bare et alias, der passer - vi skal nok passe på dig. Amager halshug! -
Denne podcast kører rundt via kommercielle-samarbejder og kan derfor indeholde reklame. Hver mandag og torsdag udkommer “Hva så?!" som er mit bud på en podcast. Siden 2017 har jeg gået ture med mennesker jeg beundrer, finder spændende eller bare har noget helt særligt at byde på. Vi har ikke travlt, vi jagter ikke grinet, for det er faktisk ikke en gang et interview, med bare en helt almindelig menneskelig samtale.
I Parforhold #UdenFilter snakker selvværdsscoach Louise Luckow og parterapeut, sexolog og antropolog Julie Houe om alt hvad parforholdet indebærer, uden filter! Alle oplever til tider svære udfordringer i parforholdet og derfor deler vi åbent og ærligt ud af vores egne erfaringer i vores parforhold, så færre af jer skal føle sig afmægtige og alene! Vi kommer omkring kommunikation, opvækst, traumer og intimitet, og vigtigst af alt, hvordan man kan skabe en dybere forbindelse, mere nærhed og ikke mindst en større tryghed i sig selv og i sit parforhold! Intet er perfekt og alt er råt og ærligt!
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