We've all heard the stories from block buster actors. In Kahnversations, you’ll hear interviews with some of Lesly Kahn & Company’s working actors, directors, and writers. Folks who have just broken through, not yet to wild star status, but they aren't bartending either (probably). The goal: de-mystifying career trajectories and talking through those moments where everything shifted.
We’ll learn how they got their start in Hollywood, the challenges and hurdles they faced, and how they overcame the odds, not to mention dish some juicy stories! Listen in and enjoy as these entertainers speak candidly about their path, process, and experiences, and about how Lesly and the Kahnstitute have influenced and shaped their careers. Also, did we mention Lesly impersonations…?
Our new hosts (also LK&Co actors!) have a cool, free-flowing vibe that we know you will enjoy. George Twopointoh, producer of the podcast (IG @twopointoh and georgetwopointoh.com) and Patrice Covington, Emmy award winning actress-singer-speaker, and writer and performer of our theme song (@patricecovington on social media) joyfully guide the Kahnversation.
To learn more about Lesly Kahn & Company actor training visit leslykahn.com, and social media @leslykahn.
Additional music Mumble B Blues by Cheyenne Amen used with permission. Visit cheyenneamen.com, @cheyenneamenmusic on social media to learn more about this talented artist.
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