This week we have the return of the hysterical Kate Zasowski katezasowski!
Kate shares with us a time she was ghosted by her therapist in the middle of the writers' strike! It's possible that she ghosted Kate because she was in love with her but it's also more possible she died. Tune in and decide for yourself!
Check out Kate Zasowski's podcast yourhometownrocks! A pod that interviews comedians about their hometowns and why they rock!
This week we are doing our Mini Vampire Series and have the fantastic guest, Rachel Abrams rachelbabrams!
Rachel talks about being an assistant to a talent manager and confirms the rumors are true, sometimes people throw things at you! If you've ever wondered about toxic Hollywood office jobs this is a great listen!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Check out our friend's Kate Zasowki's podcast yourhometownrocks! A pod that interviews comedians about their hometowns and why they rock!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This week we have the hilarious Macey Isaacs @maceyisaacs!
Macey Isaacs brings us another *special episode* because Macey talks about being ghosted by her miscarriages! JK, but we do talk about her miscarriages and the harsh realty of predatory and uncaring gynecologists.
We also talk about the grief of miscarriages, different miscarriages, and how the care for miscarriages and abortions often blend together (and why reproductive rights are so important)! Tune in y'all!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Check out our friend's Rory James podcast, I'm Super Excited with Rory James @superexcitedpod!
I’M SUPER EXCITED is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian Rory James covering all of the latest awesome stuff we’re excited about and laughing at. Join Rory with a new guest each week to take a break from depressing news for an hour of laughs and deep chats. New episodes released every Thursday.
This week we are doing our Mini Vampire Series and have the amazing guest, Pallavi Gunalan pallavigunalan!
Pallavi talks about her vampire friend who flirted with her, her crush, eroded her boundaries, and blew up a few friend groups! It's a super gossipy listen so please tune in!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Check out our friend's Rory James podcast, I'm Super Excited with Rory James @superexcitedpod!
I’M SUPER EXCITED is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian Rory James covering all of the latest awesome stuff we’re excited about and laughing at. Join Rory with a new guest each week to take a break from depressing news for an hour of laughs and deep chats. New episodes released every Thursday.
This week we have a very special guest with a very special story, BK Sharad insanebrownposse!
This is one of our very *special episode* because BK's ghost is his... dad! However, BK's dad didn't ghost him in a traditional way, but he ghosted him by quietly voting for Trump, which was surprising because of how progressive BK's dad seemed throughout his life.
We talk extensively about his dad's presumably left leaning views, the silent betrayal of realizing their vote went the other way, and how he feels about it now. Tune in!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Check out our friend's Rory James podcast, I'm Super Excited with Rory James @superexcitedpod!
I’M SUPER EXCITED is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian Rory James covering all of the latest awesome stuff we’re excited about and laughing at. Join Rory with a new guest each week to take a break from depressing news for an hour of laughs and deep chats. New episodes released every Thursday.
Our first Vampire Diaries Guest is the one and only Kate Zasowski@katezasowski!
We talk to Kate about her vampire being her first female relationship with an older woman! We also briefly decide that Twilight was good?!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Also give a listen to our friends over at perfectpoliticspod!
Perfect Politics is hosted by comedians, roommates, and friends Sam Lindsey and Milan Patel. They talk about the news, movies, their personal lives and whatever else they wanna talk about! You can listen to on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Follow @perfectpoliticspod on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok.
Our first Season 4 guest is none other than the amazing and hilarious Pallavi Gunalan @pallavigunalan!
Pallavi talks about the trials and tribulations of befriending (and dating) wayward comedians and learning the hard way that people don't always have your back. We also briefly discuss the importance of therapy and how easy therapists are to trick!
If you love the show check out our Patreon:
Also give a listen to our friends over atperfectpoliticspod!
Perfect Politics is hosted by comedians, roommates, and friends Sam Lindsey and Milan Patel. They talk about the news, movies, their personal lives and whatever else they wanna talk about! You can listen to on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Follow @perfectpoliticspod on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok.
Ghost Detective is BACK for Season 4!
We're back and with new team members?! That's right baby the detective agency is expanding and we can't wait for you all to listen. Please applaud our newest members Julia Stone @akajuliastone and Marc Solo @heysolo88!
This season is very special because we are giving you the beloved Ghost Detective episodes and a NEW addition: the VAMPIRE DIARIES! This is a mini series where we talk to people about their interaction with an emotional vampire!
Tune in and get ready for fun!
Also be sure to check out our friends over at Perfect Politics @perfectpoliticspod!
Perfect Politics is hosted by comedians, roommates, and friends Sam Lindsey and Milan Patel. They talk about the news, movies, their personal lives and whatever else they wanna talk about! You can listen to on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Follow @perfectpoliticspod on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok.
Kari and James reflect on the season and share listeners' submissions for favorite moments from the season and podcast so far. They also discuss plans for Season 4!
We really love making this and need listener support to make it feasible in our busy lives. If you would like to donate to the podcast at any time, Venmo Kari @Karina-Assad. Donations go a long way to keeping this viable for James to record and edit.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
Katie Novotny (@kathnovotny) shares her tale of being ghosted after dating someone in her study abroad program. We're joined by the intrepid Julia Stone (@akajuliastone) in the Guest Detective seat.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
This week Julia Stone (@akajuliastone) brings us our very first story about being vampired, rather than ghosted. We're joined by Katie Novotny (@kathnovotny) as our Guest Detective.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
We had a great time chatting with Nthenya (@im_nthenya) about the occasional LA occurrence when you lose an acquaintance to some kind of "group." We are joined by Ilene Yang (@yangilenea) in the Guest Detective seat.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
Kari and James try to solve the case of Ilene Yang (@yangilenea) being ghosted by a posh boy in a band. We are joined in our sleuthing by Nthenya (@im_nthenya).
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
This week we talked to Maggie Rieth Austin (@maggierieth) and Sarah Adams (@sarahanneadams) of Unstable Topics to solve the mystery of a group of LA writer types never giving notes on their screenplay! See a proof of concept short based on their screenplay here.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams & @maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk 💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉
We talked to comedian and TV writer, Alexis Bradby (@alexisbradby) about someone who sent very mixed messages and then ghosted.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams & @maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk 💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉
This week we talked to Dan Frey, screenwriter and author of The Future is Yours and Dreambound. Dan tells us about his artsy period in grad school when an older woman ghosted him. Dan and his writing partner also wrote Descendants: The Rise of Red, out on Disney Plus in July. See the trailer here.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams & @maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk 💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉
This week Kari helps James solve the case of why he's been so fixated on being sober for the past 19 years. James talks about finding the subculture of Straight Edge hardcore punk and how he also ghosted his dad.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
Eric Owusu (@eric.kay.owusu) tells Kari and James the story of a date that seemed to go well but didn’t pan out. We also learn a lot about polyamory and some of the distinctions therein.
You can view his standup special here.
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams & @maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk 💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉
Sophia Zolan (@sophiazolan) asks for our help cracking the case of how her college bestie up and ghosted her. She’s joined by Guest Detective, Aisha Alfa (@aishaalfa).
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams & @maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk 💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉
This week we heard Aisha Alfa(@aishaalfa)'s tale of being ghosted by a friend who had maybe heard a lot of misinformation but also left without a trace. She's joined by our Guest Detective (@sophiazolan).
Follow this show on Instagram @kariassadghostdetective .
Ghost Detective is hosted by @assadkarirocks and edited and produced by James Hillmer @jdhillmer.
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Check out Cleopodtra to hear these "two Middle Eastern comedy queens on an expedition to dig up the funny from the First Generation experience."
@UnstableTopics A comedy trivia podcast with besties @sarahanneadams &
@maggierieth of @themonthlyjunk
💕 All things culture, facts, + friendship every Tues+Thurs 🎉 - Laat meer zien