
  • Wounded feminine energy can show up as feeling like a victim, experiencing powerlessness, or perceiving yourself as weak. It may involve manipulation, being guarded, withholding affection, and displaying neediness. Shame and a sense of never being enough can drive you to overdo things, constantly striving to prove your worth. This wounded energy can lead to over-sensitivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a toxic ego, making you aggressive, combative, and overly opinionated. Understanding the natural energies within us is essential. Feminine energy is about receiving and being, while masculine energy is about doing and acting. Recognizing and balancing these traits is the first step toward healing and embracing a healthier, more empowered self. It's important to balance masculine and feminine energies, knowing when to be assertive and when to be nurturing. True femininity starts from within. It’s a mindset, a way of being, and an outlook on life. It begins with how you treat, love, support, and connect with yourself, and then it shines outward in your interactions. It’s about being playful, empathetic, and compassionate, showing diligence and trustworthiness, and blending empathy, nurturing, and intuition. A feminine woman values compassion, teamwork, and kindness, bringing a balanced, peaceful, and joyful approach to life.   Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach      _____________________________________________________ Experience the Future of Health with Mission Med+ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As a valued listener, you can enjoy an exclusive offer: get $100 off your first month, plus free shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is simple—reach out via call or text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and their dedicated team will handle everything for you! Contact Information: Dr. Kristen Oakes Phone: 305-748-2517 Instagram: Website: Discover the benefits of Mission Med+ today and take the first step towards a healthier you!

  • In this episode, I dive into the nitty-gritty of self-trust, which is so crucial for personal growth and well-being. Trusting yourself means having confidence in your abilities, judgments, and decisions. But let's be real, why is it often so tough to trust ourselves? What behaviors are secretly undermining our confidence and integrity? I’ll unpack the foundations of self-trust, like self-reliance, self-integrity, self-honesty, self-compassion, and self-confidence. These are the building blocks that help you trust yourself more deeply. I'll get into the common culprits that destroy self-trust: self-sabotage, perfectionism, seeking external validation, neglecting self-care, negative self-talk, and ignoring your intuition. These behaviors can really erode your sense of self-worth and make it hard to trust your own judgment. I'll also touch on factors that influence self-trust, such as fear of failure or rejection, low self-esteem, and past trauma. These issues can create barriers that make trusting yourself feel like a daunting task. To help you rebuild self-trust, I’ll share practical strategies like practicing self-awareness and reflection, setting realistic goals, staying consistent in your actions, using positive self-talk, setting boundaries, seeking therapy, developing accountability practices, fostering a growth mindset, and integrating gratitude into your daily routine. This episode is all about empowering you to take actionable steps toward a more authentic and fulfilling life. ______________________________________________________________________________________   Experience the Future of Health with Mission Med+ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As a valued listener, you can enjoy an exclusive offer: get $100 off your first month, plus free shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is simple—reach out via call or text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and their dedicated team will handle everything for you! Contact Information: Dr. Kristen Oakes Phone: 305-748-2517 Instagram: Website: Discover the benefits of Mission Med+ today and take the first step towards a healthier you!

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  • Jealousy is a rollercoaster of feelings; it's a complex emotion—suspicion, fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, you name it. But at its heart, it’s about something we want or feel we’re missing. It's a fear of abandonment rooted in lack and low self-esteem. It’s a signal that there’s an unmet need or desire in our lives. We often block these feelings with fear and comparisons, feeling like we don't measure up. Whether it's comparing ourselves to someone else’s success or feeling envious in relationships, jealousy can pop up everywhere. It’s often tied to feeling insecure or not good enough. But here’s the good thing about jealousy: it can be a clue that points us toward our true desires and dreams. In this podcast, I will talk about how jealousy shows up in different parts of our lives—from sibling rivalries to work competition to romantic relationships. I'll dive into how it’s connected to feelings of lack, grief, and low self-esteem. And I'll look at how these feelings can make us feel anxious, emotionally self-sabotage, or feel resentful toward others. I'll also talk about how to cope differently and treat jealousy with more compassion and love. So, if you’re ready to get real about jealousy and learn how to turn it into a stepping stone for personal growth, join me on "Understanding and Healing Jealousy." Let's turn those tough feelings into something that drives you forward.   ________________________________________________   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517    

  • Welcome to "Pacing Your Healing: A Marathon, Not a Sprint," a podcast dedicated to those on their healing journey. Healing is a gradual process that requires patience, grace, and self-compassion. This podcast offers insights on navigating the path to recovery, addressing emotional dysregulation, negative self-concept, and hypervigilance. Reflecting on my own journey, I realized the importance of pacing yourself. Many, including myself, bring an all-or-nothing mentality to healing, setting unrealistic expectations and being hard on ourselves for setbacks. Imagine running a race for 30 years and reaching the finish line, only to start your healing journey. It's crucial to slow down and see things differently. True healing began for me when I reflected on my experiences with newfound appreciation. Life's ups and downs can be especially challenging when constantly vigilant. Operating outside our window of tolerance leads to exhaustion and hampers healing. Remember, healing is a marathon, not a sprint. There are no shortcuts; the way out is through.   Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517      

  • Episode #204 KHP: I dive deep into the complexities of anger, exploring its roots, triggers, and impacts on our lives. Anger is a fundamental human emotion tied to our survival instincts, often arising from unresolved wounds and trauma. I discuss how anger manifests, from the fight, flight, or freeze response to its influence on our behavior and nervous system. We'll also explore how cortisol, released during stress, can lead to a sense of control and even shape our identity. Learn why anger shouldn't be managed but understood and healed, and the importance of setting healthy boundaries and transforming anger through compassion and self-awareness. Join me as I unpack these critical insights to better understand and navigate anger in daily life.  Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Mental Health Coach    _________________________________     Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517

  • Trauma affects us in many profound ways, often hindering our ability to play and experience joy. In this episode, we'll explore how trauma impacts the nervous system and why engaging in play is vital for emotional healing. I didn’t even realize I had emotions until I was 31—sad, happy, aroused. Let's start with the basics. When we experience trauma, our body's stress response is triggered, activating the sympathetic nervous system. This leads to anxiety, fear, and hypervigilance, causing us to split our personality in ways to protect ourselves. We develop patterns and cycles, turning our brain and body into a computer-like state, constantly processing and reacting. Unlike traditional talk therapy, play therapy allows individuals to reconnect with their natural inclination to play and explore. When we are in survival mode, our brain isn't focused on connections. Play helps shift us from survival to thriving thorugh PLAY!  Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach        _________________________________________________   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • Welcome to "Managing Chronic Stress & Burnout," where I delve deep into the world of burnout, looking beyond typical triggers like long work hours. In this podcast, I share my personal journey through chronic stress that spiraled into burnout, starting from a childhood filled with uncertainty and turmoil. I'll explore how my early experiences with unstable environments and abusive relationships shaped my approach to stress, leading me into patterns of overtraining and people-pleasing. "Managing Chronic Stress & Burnout" isn't just about coping with workplace stress—it's about understanding how neglecting our own needs and values can lead us to live lives that are far from fulfilling. Join me as I offer insights on breaking free from these destructive cycles, by integrating our emotions and challenging our deepest beliefs. Tune in to learn how to prioritize your well-being and reclaim the life you truly deserve. Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    ________________________________________________________ Experience the future of healthcare with Virtual Regenerative Medicine from Mission Med+. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional healthcare and hello to safe, efficient, and effective treatment—the Mission Med+ Way! As a valued listener of our podcast, we're excited to offer you an exclusive deal: get $100 off your first month and enjoy complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Starting your journey to optimized health is simple. Just call or text Dr. Kristen Oakes at 305-748-2517, send a DM to on Instagram, or visit . Our dedicated team is ready to provide everything you need for a seamless experience!

  • I explore the intricate psychology behind the urge to consistently help others, often at one's own expense. The Savior Complex is not just a generous impulse—it's a deep-seated pattern that can disrupt personal well-being and relationships. This complex often stems from early experiences where individuals felt compelled to assume roles beyond their years, like becoming a caretaker at a young age due to parental absence or dysfunction. I will delve into how this drive can manifest in controlling and manipulative behaviors, as well as the overwhelming need to be indispensable to others for validation. We'll look at the characteristics common to those with the Savior Complex, including over-responsibility, guilt when not helping, and the sacrifice of personal needs to aid others. The episode also covers why individuals with this complex might find themselves attracted to those who are wounded or unavailable, filling a void within themselves.   Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach  __________________________________________________________________________________   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517        

  • If there's one podcast I never imagined I'd record, it's this one—episode number 200. In this special episode, I share my personal journey to finding Jesus. It's a heartfelt testimony that I hope will reach and resonate with many. Join me as I open up about my experiences and the profound impact they've had on my life, in the hope that it might inspire and connect with others on their spiritual paths. Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach      ___________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • KHP 199: From identifying scarcity triggers to developing gratitude practices and shifting our mindset through affirmations, we'll provide actionable tips and exercises to help you break free from the grip of scarcity. Whether you're struggling with financial worries, career doubts, or feelings of inadequacy, this podcast offers guidance and support on your journey to a more abundant life. _________________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • KHP 198- We all face hard circumstances and moments in life that challenge us and leave a mix of often unwelcome feelings. We like to think that we can push them away either with logic or sheer willpower. We use whatever is available and the coping skills we have readily available. The goal in life is to identify, attune, regulate, and lead our emotions. For a long time, my entire life was lived out in extremes: two states, situational happy and deep despair darkness. Think of your emotions like a rainbow, not in extremes of black and white; there is variety and color to our life through our emotions.   Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach          _____________________________________________________________________   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes 305-748-2517        

  • Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    ______________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517    

  • Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    _________________________________________________________________________   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517    

  • Welcome to episode 195 of the podcast "KHP: The Art of Surrender". In this episode, I delve into the profound concept of surrender and what it truly means to let go. Surrender is not just about giving up; it's about accepting and embracing reality without resistance. It involves releasing control and having faith that everything will be alright, even without my interference. Join me as I explore the roots of control, which often stem from fear, and how it can hinder our ability to live fully and authentically. I discuss the importance of letting go of past traumas, habits, and self-sabotaging behaviors in order to pave the way for transformation and growth.     __________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • In this podcast, I share my journey of confronting the shadows within myself, drawing parallels to the process of developing old-school photographs in a darkroom. Just as darkness is essential for the image to emerge, so too is facing our inner darkness necessary for personal transformation. From childhood struggles to adult challenges, I delve into the depths of my own experiences, revealing the patterns and conditioning that shaped my beliefs, behaviors, and relationships. Through vulnerability and introspection, I uncover the misalignments and survival tactics that kept me trapped in a cycle of pain and limitation. ________________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  •   In episode #193 of my podcast, I delve deep into the essence of great leadership. For me, leadership begins with understanding myself—knowing my values, boundaries, and strengths. I believe in inspiring and creating more leaders, focusing on what I can do rather than dwelling on limitations. Effective leadership, to me, involves positively influencing others, instilling belief in shared visions, and fostering long-term success through empathy and connection. I've always seen leadership as a journey of empowerment and service, not control. It's about inspiring people to believe in what's profitable for them and guiding them towards growth and success. For me, honesty, kindness, and respect are non-negotiables. I treat everyone with dignity and acknowledge that leadership is about translating vision into reality.   Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach        __________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517    

  • In this episode, I explore the limitations of using restrictive food rules to combat emotional eating patterns. While it may seem like a quick fix to turn to food as a solution for emotional problems, it often fails to address the root cause of the issue. By recognizing these behaviors without self-judgment, we can begin to understand the patterns and scripts our brains are conditioned to follow. When feeling anxious, it's common to turn to comfort foods like chocolate for relief. While eating may temporarily alleviate these feelings, it doesn't address the underlying emotional distress. Stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, sadness, or fatigue cannot be permanently fixed by food alone. Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach      ________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • Realizing what your human needs are is a total game-changer. It's what I talk about in my program's 3rd principle. Back when I didn't even know what 'needs' meant, I'd just push mine aside and focus on everyone else. But here's the kicker: that whole cycle of neglecting our own needs? It's a trap. We may not realize how we've suffered by neglecting our needs as we try to understand why we self-sabotage ourselves on a daily basis. But when your sense of self is built upon a system of survival and your personality is shaped by trauma responses, all while trying to obtain something you've never had and don't know how to get, it's one of the most helpless states to be in. Let me tell you, I used to have no clue what I even needed. And surprise, surprise, I ended up with partners who couldn't meet those invisible needs either. It's like we're playing this weird game of emotional hide-and-seek without even knowing the rules! Think back to when you were a kid—what did you really crave? Or what didn’t you have that you've now normalized as non-existence? Maybe it was love, or just feeling safe and cared for. Those unmet needs often shape how we act as grown-ups. Maybe you're always putting others first, forgetting about yourself in the process. Crazy thing is, we can still get our needs met, but sometimes it's in counterproductive ways like people-pleasing. But hey, that's where my latest podcast comes in. Well, my latest podcast dives deep into this stuff. It's not just a chat—it's a game-changer. Trust me, it'll make you rethink how you look at yourself and those around you. Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach      ----------------------------------------------   Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    ________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you! Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517  

  • Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach    __________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way! As our valued listener, you can enjoy a generous offer: receive $100 off your first month, plus complimentary shipping when you mention KH Podcast. Getting started is easy—reach out to them via call, text at 305-748-2517, or DM, and the dedicated team will handle everything for you!   Dr Kristen Oakes  305-748-2517