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VOA Express ni matangazo mapya yenye mwendo wa kasi yakiangalia habari mpya za mchana na maelezo ya maswala yanayohusu vijana na wanawake. Matangazo haya yanafuatilia habari zilizojitokeza nyakati za mchana na ripoti za kina za habari ambazo hazisikiki sana katika matangazo mengineyo.
新闻聚焦主题播客节目精选。【注:此Podcast内容来源于喜马拉雅FM,为喜马拉雅FM官方转采的主题内容精选集,并发布到Podcast,内容版权归原播客方所有,对内容转采行为有疑义的请联系:[email protected] 我们可随时停止对该节目的二次传播行为。】
Lawyer 2 Lawyer is an award-winning podcast covering relevant, contemporary news from a legal perspective. Host J. Craig Williams invites industry professionals to examine current events and recent rulings in discussions that raise contemplative questions for those involved in the legal industry. Launched in 2005, Lawyer 2 Lawyer is one of the longest-running podcasts on the Internet.