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This podcast is an attempt to record the (hopefully) coherent ramblings of three guys working their way through a physics degree.
We like to listen to each other talk about physics. We will recklessly extrapolate and assume that you like to listen to us ramble too. Welcome to Quantized Ramblings -
Youth Science public is a podcast for science Enthusiasts and Entrepreneurial guys who want to know about the scientific discoveries and discussion over interesting science topics along with experts in those STEM fields and introducing you all to our young Entrepreneurs with their mind-blowing innovation for scientific solutions, and their experience in those. Youth Science Public is a science forum started by its parent association "Youth's Creation", an organization started by a group of youngsters from school students to college graduates for an Entrepreneurial and innovation guidance.
Разбираемся в дебрях физики и отвечаем на самые интересные вопросы: что такое материя, почему скорость света именно такая, как превратить материю в энергию или что такое информация с физической точки зрения. Когда вы узнаете насколько в физике много всего интересного, то пожалеете, что в школе не особенно тщательно изучали этот великолепный предмет.
Автор проекта к.т.н., Юрий Трифонов - научный сотрудник, популяризатор науки, автор книг и учебных пособий. Руководит проектами "Инженерные знания", "Изобретатель" и "Дебри физики".
炸蝦與鰻魚飯,是一對來自台南、在台北生活的姐妹 👭🏻
通勤、失眠、厭世時都適合來一碗,歡迎你加入我們 🍜
和我們說說話 👉
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本節目有兩條線,以交互蹲跳方式隔週播出:1. 吵死人的宅宅科學新聞:三個話很多老阿宅,包含兩個物理系教授以及一個影評人兼動畫導演湊在一起,跟大家分享最近在科學的世界裡發生了什麼新鮮事,加上動漫畫與電影一起攪和的大雜談。如果聽友能在輕鬆吵鬧的閒話中,順便知道一些科技新鮮事,大家應該都會很開心(吧)。2. 你已經被量子熊造訪:量子科技時代即將來臨!台灣下一世代的護國神山!你是否被各種新推出的「量子商品」搞得頭昏眼花、差一點被詐騙呢?想知道「量子科學」是什麼,「量子科技」又是什麼,聽這台就對啦~~製作:東海大學應用物理學系/國科會量子熊團隊--Hosting provided by SoundOn
甚麼是通貨膨脹? 甚麼是公債殖利率? 甚麼是勞動參與率? 新聞裡面的經濟評論是不是越聽越模糊? 來聽Charles老師把經濟觀念變得小口小口bitesize的經濟小故事、時事分析。好吃又容易消化!
Charles Liao
流浪過的學校: UCD || UNC-Chapel Hill || Yale || NTU -
This podcast is a general guideline for information and not a specific tutorial for any specific syllabus; therefore, it should not be relied upon. StudySquare Ltd and any people involved in producing this podcast take no responsibility or liability for any potential errors or omissions regarding this podcast and make no guarantees of any completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of the information contained in this podcast, its structure or its show notes.
John, an American playwright, and Magnus, an English author- talk about things from all across the pop culture spectrum, with a queer bent. Just two gay men chatting about: things that they hold dear, why they endure or flame and flicker out so briefly, those that at times frustrate/disappoint them, and relive some favorite pop culture shows and moments for all to enjoy. Pour yourself a mug of tea and join us!
Bonus: Currently, a month after premiere- episodes are being archived to youtube to help create community. Join us! -
Agriculture Today is a daily program hosted by Shelby Varner and distributed to radio stations throughout the state. It features K-State agricultural specialists and other experts examining agricultural issues facing Kansas and the nation. Kansas State University has produced daily, ag-related broadcasts since KSAC radio first went on the air in 1924.
Send comments, questions or requests for copies of past programs to
K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan. -
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Pediatric Pneumonia, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
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Candy的雜談,帶你一窺醫學生的生活到底在幹嘛 -
經過半年以上的籌劃、試拍、正式拍攝與精心後製後,「CASE說書人」在2018年的夏天出現在CASE YouTube頻道上。
【CASE臺大科教中心facebook粉絲頁 】
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