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Chcesz przenieść swoją karierę na wyższy poziom?
Nie ważne czy pracujesz na etacie, czy jesteś przedsiębiorcą. Opowiem Ci o drodze od studenta do przedsiębiorcy, podzielę doświadczeniem, przemyśleniami, narzędziami i książkami.
Inspiruj się, wdrażaj i odmieniaj swoją karierę razem ze mną!
Nazywam się Michał Kowalczyk i witam Cię w Excellent Work Podcast. -
Do you love food, photography and social media? Are you a food photographer, food instagrammer, food blogger or content creator eager to hone your creative craft and leverage your social media presence? Then the EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE podcast is for you!Join your host food photographer, stylist and educator Kimberly Espinel from The Little Plantation as she shares her expertise AND interviews inspirational guests for practical tips and invaluable insight into building, growing and monetising your food blog, small business and instagram. You can find out more about Kimberly at You can follow her on instagram at find podcast show notes over at
Conversations with Women in Sales is a top podcast hosted by Lori Richardson. Every episode features a woman in sales who is doing incredible work, or an interview with a male ally, or conversation on a related topic. For the past 100+ episodes, guests share practical advice for advancing one's sales career. The podcast is dedicated to the memory of Barbara Giamanco, who founded CWWIS in 2018.
Each episode features topics like: leadership, career management, dealing with imposter syndrome, overcoming adversity, sales and marketing alignment, B2B sales, strategic partnerships, building confidence, content creation and promotion, social media, building inclusive sales teams, and more. -
This is Working has a new format! This podcast is a companion to LinkedIn Editor-in-Chief Dan Roth's This is Working video series, which features Dan's live conversations with today's top leaders. Each podcast episode will now bring you interview excerpts alongside post-interview insights from Dan and his new co-host, Senior Producer Nina Melendez. They’ll look at top takeaways, reflect on big questions, and even share a bit of behind-the-scenes trivia. Nina and Dan will offer their own opinions - and we’re eager to hear yours as well.
Rozmowy z ciekawymi i inspirującymi osobami, które są również ekspertami w swojej branży. Nie ma tabu, ściemy i kolorowania. Gadamy o tym, jak wygląda prawdziwe życie! Autentyczne historie o biznesie, psychologii, zdrowiu... Po prostu o wszystkim, co ważne i na co mamy WPŁYW!
Learn the strategies, systems, and secrets of the nation's top house flippers, wholesalers, and real estate investors right here on The 7 Figure Flipping Podcast with Bill Allen! Bringing you deep-dive interviews and insights on flipping houses and wholesaling real estate, 7 Figure Flipping is the ultimate online resource to accelerate your real estate investing journey. Whether you're new to real estate or you're ready to scale your REI business, you'll find tips, guides, case studies, tutorials, and everything else you need right here. The 7 Figure Flipping Podcast is your "inside look" at what's working in the house flipping and wholesaling world right now. No empty fluff... just actionable, helpful information you can use TODAY!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nazywam się Radek Drzewiecki i od 19 lat prowadzę firmę Leanpassion. Zawodowo zajmuję się strategią, kulturą organizacyjną, przywództwem oraz zwiększaniem efektywności firm i ludzi. Dodatkowo jestem założycielem dwóch start-upów technologicznych Sherlock Waste oraz Youniversity.
Robię to, co robię, ponieważ chcę, by firmy były świetne, a ludzie szczęśliwi. Dlatego dla mnie skuteczny menedżer to nie tylko taki, który osiąga cele, ale robi to z ludźmi – potrafi podłączyć ich do strategii firmy. -
"Forbes Women Podcast" to format, który na pierwszym planie stawia kobiety. Współtworzą go: Katarzyna Dębek, Agnieszka Filipiak, Katarzyna Gaweł, Agata Jankowska, Agnieszka Zaręba i Piotr Zieliński. Co tydzień usłyszysz tutaj rozmowy z charyzmatycznymi gościniami, które do działania inspirują nie tylko kobiety.
Are you a GenX professional ready to escape corporate life but unsure how to replace your income?
This podcast is your financial guide to freedom.
Join Brett Trainor—a corporate escapee who’s been on this journey for five years—as he shares actionable strategies, real-life stories, and proven insights to help you replace your salary and build a life on your terms.
We’ll also celebrate what makes our generation special: resilience, independence, and resourcefulness. Expect plenty of GenX nostalgia—from latchkey kid memories to mixtapes—because we grew up figuring things out, and now it’s time to apply that to our futures.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
-> Income Replacement Made Simple: Strategies to replace your corporate salary with confidence.
-> Financial Foundations for Freedom: Tips to create sustainable, reliable income streams.
-> Stories of Success: Insights from GenXers who’ve escaped and are thriving financially.
-> Navigating the Transition: How to manage risks and take control of your financial future.
Whether you’re just curious, actively planning, or already out of corporate, this podcast will help you take the leap with clarity and confidence.
Hit subscribe, and let’s get busy building the financial freedom GenX deserves—because we’re too smart to settle and too resourceful to fail. -
Owocowe Wtorki- podcast, który powstał z myślą o branży HR.
Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć o rekrutacji.
Adrian wspólnie z gośćmi poruszy tematy z zakresu employer brandingu, HRowych trendów, rekrutacji, onboardingu czy benefitów, w które warto zainwestować.
Nowe odcinki w każdy wtorek!
Powered by TRAFFIT -
Welcome to The Recruiter's Recruitment Podcast!The Recruiters Recruitment Podcast is listened to from all corners of the globe. Created in the global lockdown of 2020, Our audience drop in knowing that they are going to listen to a guest who is a knowledgable leader in their industry willingly sharing their professional and often personal journeys to enable YOU, our precious listener, a chance to learn, self-development and above all else, reflect on your own life and experience. A safe place to spend half an hour where we hope to allow you to learn something. Our host - Lysha Holmes has been in the recruitment industry for almost a quarter of a century and for most of that duration, has championed best practise in the Rec2Rec sphere (placing recruiters themselves). A vocal advocate for well-being, Lysha talks openly about sobriety, and her life as a solo parent all whilst running a recruitment business. Here we are now in 2025- with Season 5 which will focus on the holistic approach to leadership with more experts and inspiring voices from across the recruitment industry and beyond, sharing their experiences with you- our cherished listener! The Recruiter's Recruitment Podcast is for those who are aspiring future leaders, those who want to improve themselves on their recruitment journey and also those who are running companies now to learn from their peers. So we LOVE to hear from you, drop us a DM so we know what you have learned.Above all else, we hope you find The Recruiters Recruitment Podcast to be a positive inspiring place to be. One final thing before you press play- please remember to subscribe and review - thank you!All the episodes are also put on our YouTube channel - so to watch the interviews/discussions visit our channel This podcast is proudly sponsored by Paiger and a partner to Needi, Diversity in Recruitment, and Keybridge IT. Our Sponsor: Paiger - Making Recruiters Smarter and Faster. Paiger helps recruiters build personal brands, identify new business opportunities, attract candidates, and have better conversations.Find out more details on Paiger here -; Is a concierge gift-matching service using psychology and AI, to pinpoint the perfect gifts and experiences for your recipient, from the best, local independent businesses.Lou’s team of expert gift finders, save companies time and money, with their complimentary corporate gifting service. From thank-you gifts for small start-ups to well-being events for FTSE 100 companies, Needi helps companies motivate and retain the best staff and clients, through thoughtful, affordable gifting, events and experience days.Diversity in Recruitment helps recruitment businesses understand diversity, equity, and inclusion in a way that makes sense. Our training and advisory work is designed and delivered by experienced recruiters, giving your teams the insight, tools, and confidence to attract diverse talent, recruit inclusively, improve your candidate journey and confidently partner with their clients. DE&I doesn’t have to be complicated and scary - it’s simply about fair, ethical and high-quality recruitment.Keybridge IT Solutions; Providing 24×7 Support to all Customers.Established in 2010, Keybridge IT Solutions is a London-based Fully Managed IT Support and solutions Provider.Specialities include Microsoft Cloud, including Office 365, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Azure, Security, Internet Connectivity, VoIP, and much more.They work in many industries, including Recruitment, Finance, Leisure and the Charity Sector.Don't forget to like and subscribe to our podcast and stay tuned for our episodes!
On Career View Mirror®, host Joyel Crawford shares the tools to help you advocate for your strengths, discover your passions, and learn from folks who transformed their own careers for the better. Joyel is a consultant, author, singer, and CEO of Crawford Leadership Strategies.
"Prawo do głosu" to podcast dla prawniczek i prawników zainteresowanych tym, jaka jest teraźniejszość i przyszłość prawa. Szczególnie przyjrzę się temu, jakie miejsce w tym świecie zajmują, a jakie powinny zajmować, kobiety. Do rozmów zaproszę ekspertki i ekspertów. Będziemy prezentować wybitne prawniczki w ramach cyklu wywiadów „Jej historia”. W tym podcaście znajdą się także materiały z wydarzeń organizowanych przez Fundację Women in Law. Nazywam się Kamila Kurkowska i zapraszam do słuchania.
Building Better Games is about helping leaders create better video games through holistic leadership. If you’re a leader in games and game dev, you are who we make this podcast for.
Making games is hard, no two ways about it. Only 5% of video games that enter production turn a profit. We aim to increase that number. Through our own successes and failures we (and our guests) have learned lessons that will help you create better teams and better games. Leadership matters, so let’s get better at it together. Your team and your players will thank you. -
Podcast dla studentów i inżynierów budownictwa. Prowadzi Justyna, Kierownik Projektu z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w pracy na budowach całego kraju. Z Podcastu dowiesz się:
jak studiować efektywnie, jak rozwiajć inżynierskie kompetencje, jak budować ścieżkę kariery w branży budowlanej.
instagram: @budowlany_sukces -
Podcast, gdzie kawa spotyka "staff engineering"! Archiwum rozmów z serii spotkań "CTO Morning Coffee" gdzie rozmawiamy o podejściu do kariery, technologii, budowania organizacji i rozwoju, z perespektywy doświadczenia ludzi na pozycjach technical leadership.
Luźne rozmowy nagrane na spotkaniach Twitter Spaces, bez edycji, bez obcięć.