In this long-awaited return episode, David sits down to chat with Derek from the Libertarian Friendship Simulator ( and @libfriendsim on Twitter), and libertarian legal theorist Stephan Kinsella! ( and @NSKinsella on Twitter).
In this episode, David sits down with Solomon and Drunk Rothbard to talk about their weekend at the Mises Institute attending the 2021 Austrian Economics Research Conference. We cover a potpourri of topics that were discussed at the conference.
Follow the guys on Twitter @Solomonnorred and @DrunkRothbard, and check out their Linktrees, and
Follow the show on Twitter, @LawofLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This is David's recent appearance on the Liberty Weekly Podcast with Patrick MacFarlane. We have a great discussion about Murray Rothbard's article "Law, Property Rights, and Air Pollution" from the Cato Journal, 1982.
Follow Liberty Weekly - ; @Liberty_Weekly on Twitter.
In this episode, David has a conversation with Patrick MacFarlane, a fellow legal scholar and libertarian podcaster, host of the Liberty Weekly podcast! Two of the best libertarian legal podcasts come together in this episode you don't want to miss!
Follow Patrick @liberty_weekly on Twitter. Follow us at @LawofLibertyPod, @HoffFunk and @StrattyD.
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In this episode, David and Stratty dive deep into David's recent paper, "Statism's Catch-22: An Austro-Libertarian Analysis of 'Self-Determination of Peoples' under International Law." This paper makes the case that the international law doctrine of self-determination has internal contradictions which place the international system in a catch-22 dilemma. This dilemma lays groundwork for the wholesale delegitimization of statism. You don't want to miss this one! You can access the whole paper for free here ->
R.I.P. Joshua Flynn - please purchase his book, "Black Libertarianism in the Blue State" here ->
Follow us on Twitter @hofffunk, @strattyd, @lawoflibertypod. Join our Discord -
This the long-awaited continuation of Law of Liberty, David sits down with Porter, co-host of the Insurrection Inc. podcast, to have a long conversation about the Enlightenment, the Counter-Enlightenment, and related schools of thought.
You can find Porter on Twitter @mindyourexcuses, and listen to Insurrection Inc. @insurrectionpod.
Follow Law of Liberty @lawoflibertypod, @hofffunk, and @strattyd. Join our Discord -
In this episode, we have a long conversation with our good friend Cotton on Friedrich Nietzsche. We talk about his ideas, his influence on subsequent thinkers, and attempt to find what we can learn from him about politics, law, and how to practically spread liberty. Would Nietzsche have been a paleo-conservative? Can Cotton do an impersonation of Nietzsche? It's all in this episode!
Follow Cotton on Twitter @Cottonarchist, and follow his podcast Dissecting Liberty @Dissectingliby. He and his co-host recently discontinued the show, but they have a great catalogue of episodes worth checking out.
Follow us on Twitter @HoffFunk, @Strattyd, and @LawOfLibertyPod. Join our Discord -
In this episode, Solomon gives his implied consent to our jurisdiction by purposefully availing himself of our podcast services. We were very happy to talk with him about law school experiences as a libertarian, and more! Follow him @Solomonnorred on Twitter and Instagram. Follow the LoL boys on Twitter @LawofLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD. Join our Discord -
In this episode, the LoL boys hit topics including the fracturing of America, court cases surrounding the presidential election, Covid hysteria, and more!
Follow us on Twitter, @LawofLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD. Join our Discord -
In this episode, David makes a passionate defense of the majority ruling from Lochner v. New York, sparking a deep discussion with Stratty on the important legal, economic, political and cultural implications of SCOTUS's repudiation of Lochner.
This episode was originally intended to be released as episode #11, but it took longer to edit than it should have.
Follow us on Twitter, @LawofLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD. Join our Discord -
We were very glad in this episode to talk with Mr. Joe Becker from the Mises Institute! Mr. Becker earned his MA in economics at UNLV, studying under Murray Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe, afterwards earning a JD at North Illinois University. He has spent his career as a lawyer in the liberty movement, working as a public interest litigator, as a member of Ron Paul's congressional staff and for Dr. Paul's 2008 presidential campaign. These days he works as provost for the Mises Institute's new Master's degree program. In this episode we ask him a number of questions about his time as a lawyer, and we get his take on some legal theory questions.
Follow us on Twitter, @lawoflibertypod, @hofffunk, and @strattyd. Join our Discord -
We were joined in this episode by Derek and Kyle from Burning Boots to help them train their big brain muscles. We did things a little differently this episode with our first truly free-form conversation, discussing a spate of interesting big brain topics, all with a dash of Burning Boots' signature juvenile humor. At one point, David almost finds Derek to be in contempt of court, and Kyle almost kills himself with a hot pepper. Most interestingly, we learn that J.S. Mill is in Derek's opinion the greatest philosopher of all time.
You can find Derek and Kyle and Burning Boots on Twitter @derekisnotgay, @kyle_kobra, and @burningbootspod.
Follow us and our show @lawoflibertypod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD. Join our discord - -
We were glad to be joined in this episode by Mr. Joshua Flynn, Libertarian Party candidate for the 78th District of the Illinois House of Representatives! We discussed his campaign, some key issues he hopes to address if elected, and other topics of general libertarian interest. Check out his website and social media - , @VoteJoshFlynn on Twitter,, and votejoshflynn on Instagram!
Follow the show on Twitter, @LawofLibertyPod, @hofffunk, @strattyd, or email us at .
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In this episode, we begin by discussing our thoughts surrounding the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings to the Supreme Court of the United States, before shifting to talk about important cases concerning the Commerce Clause in the first 100 years of the United States.
Stratty's new article, Coronavirus is Killing the American Soul -
Twitter - @lawoflibertypod, @hofffunk, @strattyd
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In this episode, we talk about the recent nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States, Amy Coney Barrett, and various important political, legal, and cultural issues surrounding the nomination, including - the presidential election, 2nd Amendment, abortion, gay marriage, and Covid lockdowns.
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Follow us on Twitter @LawOfLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD, or email the show at
We were honored to be joined in this episode by Mr. Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute! We had a great conversation touching on many issues including Covid lockdowns, international law, tort law and big tech censorship, culture wars, and the legal profession. Follow him on Twitter @jeffdeist and follow the Mises Institute @Mises
We have a new Discord server waiting for listeners to join, so come on in!
Follow us on Twitter @LawOfLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD, or email the show at
In this episode, we were honored to have a long conversation with Stephan Kinsella! Stephan is a patent attorney and libertarian legal theorist. His website is and you can find him on Twitter @NSKinsella - We suggest for all of our listeners to check out his work!
We hit a lot of different topics in this conversation, some new and others which we've talked about in previous episodes. If you like the show, give us a follow @LawOfLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, and @StrattyD
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In this episode, we are joined by our first ever guest, Car from the Friends Against Government podcast (@FAGCAST)! We start the conversation by talking about the merits of the label "libertarian," as it relates to the philosophy which it denotes. From there, we shift to discuss issues concerning blockchain and Bitcoin. Lastly, we cover some Libertarian Party politics and other practical issues facing libertarianism in the current social climate.
Check us out on Twitter, @LawOfLibertyPod, @HoffFunk, @StrattyD, or email us at Join our discord! -
In this episode, we talk about blockchain-based smart contracts, the problems they have posed for traditional contract theory, answers to these problems provided by libertarian contract theory, and other important issues surrounding smart contracts and libertarianism.
Here's the link to David's full paper on the subject, , and here's the link to his Cotton Report article on the same, .
Find us on Twitter @hofffunk, @strattyd, and @lawoflibertypod. E-mail for the show is Join our discord! -
In this episode, we cover libertarian contract theory, how it differs from traditional contract theory, and what are some important implications and issues surrounding the application of the general, abstract libertarian theory of contracts.
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