
  • Judi came from a home with a lot of trauma.

    Growing up, there was always sugar around. Her mother baked a lot, and that was Judi's go-to whenever she felt any kind of emotional need.

    As she started to grow older, she felt like she didn't belong. She just didn't fit in. She felt so different - like an outcast, not connected with people and not connected with herself, but she didn't know why.

    As an adult, severe depression took over to the point where Judi had thoughts like: Why am I on this Earth? Why is my life like this? What have I done to deserve all this?

    But she pretended that everything was OK. She made it look good on the outside.

    She was a people pleaser, a caretaker, a workaholic, she says. In her work, Judi would always rise to the top because she was an overachiever.

    Judi developed several addictions, but sugar was the hardest to let go of.

    Listen to how Judi went from not being able to sleep, depression, self hate, and feeling desperate... to healing her trauma, and feeling free from the hold that sugar had on her.

    Find Judi here.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • In this episode, I'll be answering a few common questions that I often get from listeners, including:

    how do you know if a product has naturally occurring sugars or added sugars?
    and are natural sugars okay?
    andI've reduced my sugar intake. Why am I still getting cravings?

    Even if the questions and answers were recorded a year or two ago, they're still relevant today.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

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  • When Lisa was around 20 years old, she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

    One of the main side effects was weight gain.
    And that set her down a path of obsession with food and exercise because she didn't want to gain weight.

    Previous to that, she had digestive issues. So to try to find a solution, Lisa did everything to the extreme. For example, massive elimination diets. She cut all starchy, carby, and sugary foods.

    But it was exhausting for her, and she felt restricted... which led to cravings and bingeing.

    In her quest to find a sustainable solution to help with her digestion, keep her weight stable, stabilize her blood sugar, and get rid of her cravings, Lisa discovered intermittent fasting.

    Once she started fasting, Lisa realized that sugar was the one thing that made her feel like once she had it, she wanted more of it. She was able to moderate everything else... but not sugar.

    Listen to how Lisa finally let go of sugar - and alcohol - and how easy and freeing her intermittent fasting lifestyle is today!

    Find Lisa here.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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  • When Lori was growing up in Los Angeles, she loved all cookies, deserts, and ice cream. Every week when she got her allowance, she spent it on candy and ice cream.

    Before she knew it she was getting chubby, she says. And she reached 200lbs and started suffering from depression.

    Her mom tried to help her to lose weight and baked her Atkin’s low carb bread, and Lori was able to get her weight down to about 150lbs.

    But Lori's weight loss battle had just begun, and her weight yo-yo'd. Like many of us, she was told not to eat fat, but sugar was okay to eat. So she continued to struggle with her weight, and got up to 225lbs in her mid 30s.

    Lori was desperate. After much reading and research, she discovered keto and never looked back. By cutting sugar and wheat and eating more protein and healthy fats, Lori lost 100 lbs and has kept it off.

    At 61 years old, she says she feels better than in her 20s! As a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Lori's mission is to serve and educate women over 50 to be empowered to choose health for natural weight loss.

    Find Lori here.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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  • Want some simple sugar free recipes?

    You'll find several in this episode!

    You'll also find my general tips to avoid refined sugar and starches.

    And also ideas and recipes for:

    breakfast foodsmy yummy chia jamsalad dressingsalternatives to pastacondiments like ketchup and mayonnaiseflour free Hollandaise sauce

    Eating real, whole foods that don't contain added sugar doesn't need to be complicated or time-consuming.

    But just changing what you eat isn't enough.

    The key is to change how you think.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Dana stopped sugar - more specifically, white sugar and flour - in December of 2021.

    In this episode, Dana tells how she was very addicted to sugar for 40 some years. Today, she recognizes that for her, it's better not to have any than to try to have a little.

    It was when she was in the hospital in 2021 after an accident that Dana remembered that her grandmother had lost both her legs to diabetes. Dana herself had been diabetic since she was 40 and still didn't give up the sugar.

    In fact, she even had a heart attack and bypass surgery when she was 50, and that still didn't help her give up sugar.

    But then she thought: What if I've screwed up my life with this sugar? What if my leg doesn't heal?

    In this episode, you'll hear how Dana finally became sugar free and reversed her diabetes. For Dana, being sugar free means that she tries not to eat any processed food.

    She lost 85lbs when she cut sugar and flour. She also discovered intermittent fasting. Plus she walks every day.

    And most of all, she feels good. In fact, Dana says that she didn't know what feeling good felt like.

    She says she can live her life more honestly now because she's not hiding anything.

    Need guidance and support to get rid of cravings so that you can slim down and finally feel in control around food?

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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  • Beck signed up for the Freedom from Cravings Formula 5-step program in the spring of 2024 because although she knew all about the negative effects of sugar, she was still struggling with sugar cravings.

    Especially for chocolate.

    Chocolate with nuts, to be precise.

    In fact, Step 2 of the program is designed to be a deep dive into learning to make sustainable habit changes.

    One example is that instead of focusing so much on stopping a bad habit (reaching for chocolate), Beck reframed that into introducing a good habit (eating foods that don't contain added sugar).

    This positive reframe made a huge difference for her to be able to claim back her personal power with respect to sugar and chocolate.

    This episode is an excerpt from one of Beck's accountability calls with me (published with her permission, of course). You get to be a fly on the wall and listen in on how Beck is working on changing her habits around chocolate.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • In this episode, I talk about what I ate on my recent trip to visit my family in the UK.

    Yes, you can travel and still choose to eat real, whole foods!

    But it may not always be possible to make the best choices... Do the best you can with the options available. I didn't eat sugar, but I did eat foods that I wasn't used to.

    Listen to how the temporary change of routine in my diet affected my system, and what I chose to eat (or not eat!) during the 2-week trip.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • This episode is Part 2 of my chat with Siobhan Harris, who struggled with sugar addiction her whole life.

    Listen to Part 1 (Episode 179) here.

    In this episode, Siobhan shares the 5 tools that she uses in her recovery from sugar addiction. These tools are helping Siobhan to remain happily committed to living a sugar-free, flour-free lifestyle for life.

    These tools may surprise you... and they could help YOU to feel amazing and confident in your sugar-free life too!

    Find Siobhan and her resources here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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  • This is a crossover episode with my friend Michelle from the Fast and Fabulous podcast.

    We talk about:

    how I fought against cutting sugar for the longest time how I fell into intermittent fasting how eating more often can make you feel more hungry, and eating less often can make you feel less hungrybuilding our relationship up with foodhow the idea of not eating any sugar and flour/grains seems so extremehow we got rid of our sugar cravingshow our relationship with sugar has changed (also as moms)how we started to heal our gutswhat makes our cravings, hunger levels, gut issues, and digestive issues worse (or better!)

    Find Michelle's Fast and Fabulous podcast here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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  • Dr. Michael Mosley is the author of several books, including The Fast 800, The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet, and The Clever Guts Diet.

    Sadly, he passed away in June 2024 while on holiday in Greece.

    In this episode, I want to share with you a book report that I made a couple of years ago for the members of the After Sugar Club private community (find us here).

    This episode is my summary of his book The Clever Guts Diet that was published in 2017. This book (and this episode) talks about gut health and its importance for your general health, and also for weight and hunger.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • My guest this week is Nikki, who's a fellow mom with 3 boys at home.

    In this episode, we talk about whole foods, how she feeds her family, and how she helps other moms find more energy in the sometimes overwhelming life that we live as moms.

    Nikki grew up with pretty healthy meals, usually some sort of meat or fish and vegetables. Rarely desserts, she says - they were just for special occasions.

    And in college, she went through a phase where she didn't eat as healthy as she should. And once she moved out on her own, she wasn't making much money, so she went more for convenience foods.

    However, as a mom, she's grown and learned and focused on always having veggies, fruits and whole foods in the house. And that's also when Nikki realized just how much sugar and how many chemicals are added to processed foods.

    And and so it was only when she changed her diet that she realized why she wasn't feeling well.

    Without the extra hidden sugar, she felt so much better. Her skin looks better. She feels better. Her stomach feels better. Just everything feels so much better.

    Nikki is now much more aware of how much added sugar goes into certain products. Just because a product looks healthy, or it's gluten free, the marketing does a really great job of portraying only specific aspects, she says.

    But when you really start to look deep into some of these ingredients and some of the labels, you start to recognize that they're adding in hidden sugars.

    Now Nikki helps other moms juggle family, work, and me-time without the stress. She shares easy, real-life tips to help them stay energized, so they can tackle their day and enjoy time with their family.

    Find Nikki here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • From November 2023 to June 2024, we had an Italian student staying with us. Not exactly an exchange student, more like a big brother for our daughter.

    And during those months of his stay with us, I learned quite a few things about food, especially carbs like pasta and flour.

    For example:

    teenage boys eat a LOT!he doesn't eat between mealshe doesn't often eat dessertshe didn't grow up with junk food or processed foodshe tried some North American junk foods and wasn't impressedhe's used to eating pasta every day, but he's still slimhe doesn't like vegetables, but he's still healthymost Italian flour isn't as refined as white flourspending time on cooking and eating with family is a top priority for his family and for ours

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • From early childhood, Siobhan remembers sneaking cookies before anyone else woke up in the morning. Even as a toddler, she was never able to eat sugar in moderation.
    Once she hit puberty, this addiction caused her to gain weight and so she started dieting, which led to a diet/binge cycle that lasted decades.

    After college, Siobhan struggled more and more with weight control and grew increasingly more frustrated around food.

    She tried every diet, workout method, therapist, alternative modality and vitamin/supplement regimen known... but NOTHING worked.

    It was when Siobhan found out about about food addiction that she finally decided to abstain from all sugar and all flour to really overcome her addiction.

    Although she was terrified at the idea, she committed to doing it for one year, beginning in January of 2018.

    In Part 1 of our chat together, listen to how Siobhan reached that initial goal, and why she has continued to commit to living a sugar-free, flour-free lifestyle for life.

    Find Siobhan here and her podcast Unsweetened Sio here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Claire grew up in New England with European parents. She enjoyed a whole foods diet and loved fresh seasonal foods, including fruit, vegetables, and cheeses.

    Processed foods didn't hold much attraction for her. She grew up loving to cook. So she didn't eat foods with added sugars.

    So she didn't feel like she was missing out.

    But with the stress from her job and the breakdown of her marriage, Claire suffered from debilitating adrenal fatigue. She was in her early 40s.

    After many appointments with doctors, she went to see a naturopath who recommended she cut foods that include dairy, soy, and gluten to reduce her inflammation. Cutting sugar was a given.

    But Claire was confused about what she could eat. She didn't feel supported. So it was hard to stick to these changes, because she didn't understand the information she was given.

    It was only when Claire got the right kinds of tests that she was able to get to the root cause of her fatigue and inflammation. And she decided to educate herself and to help others.

    Find Claire here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Susannah grew up with a typical North American diet. Sugar was part of that diet, and sweets were a very big part of her family's everyday life.

    Susannah's mother would serve ice cream every night after dinner, and every weekend she would bake something like a cake, cookies, or a pie.

    Sugar is a part of daily life, she says, and nobody thought about it.

    Many years later, when her mother was in a care home with Alzheimer's, Susannah discovered that Alzheimer's is sometimes misdiagnosed Lyme disease. When she consulted for achy joints and brain fog, Susannah found out that she had Lyme disease.

    So her doctor recommended she stop eating all grains, all gluten, and all sugar to reduce inflammation in her body. Which meant cutting out her favourite comfort foods.

    And what Susannah had to learn next was how to find comfort from other sources.
    Now Susannah uses hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis to help others reduce anxiety without needing sugar.

    Find Susannah here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • In this short episode, you'll get some consumer tips for how to spot hidden sugar in cereal.

    For example:

    Beware of health claims on the packaging!Read the list of ingredients before you look at the Nutrition Facts table.Watch out for the serving amount.The amount of total carbohydrates does not always tell the whole story (find out why in this episode!).Stick to real, whole foods to start your day.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

    To rate and review this podcast:

    scroll down in your podcast player on your phone and click on the stars. To leave a review, scroll down a little more and click on "Write a Review". Once you’ve finished, select “Send” or “Save” in the top-right corner. If you’ve never left a podcast review before, enter a nickname. Your nickname will be displayed on your review.

    After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon.
    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Danielle's journey with sugar started in childhood.
    She remembers that sugar was a massive part of her upbringing.

    With her family, she always had ice cream after dinner. Sugar was always a treat.
    They even had a trunk in their house that had little goodie bags with sweet treats for whenever she and her brother were good.

    So there was a lot of rewarding with sugar.
    As a child, Danielle was an extremely picky eater. She ate lots of carbs, like white pasta and rice cakes... which, she says, no doubt really put her on a blood sugar roller coaster at a very young age.

    Danielle says that sugar was the coping and addictive mechanisms that had been handed down through her family line.
    Her mom, she explains, was someone who never felt emotions, and she used food to numb and escape. So Danielle got that pattern from her.

    But then in her late twenties, Danielle started looking more deeply into her early childhood traumas and what contributed to the addictive patterning in her brain.
    And that was the start of an awakening for her.

    Listen to Danielle describe her slow 3-year process to finally feel free from the hold sugar had on her.

    Find Danielle here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon.
    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Do you remember Episode 6 of the Life After Sugar podcast, where I interviewed my daughter Lily?
    She was 12 at the time. She's 16 now.

    In this special Mother's Day edition, I take a quick trip down memory lane to revisit some of what Lily talked about with relation to my hiding chocolate in the car, her Halloween candies, and her own interest in sugar.

    Whether or not you have kids or grandkids, this episode is for you if you want to know how to be a positive role model with respect to sugar for the next generation.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    scroll down in your podcast player on your phone and click on the stars. To leave a review, scroll down a little more and click on "Write a Review". Once you’ve finished, select “Send” or “Save” in the top-right corner. If you’ve never left a podcast review before, enter a nickname. Your nickname will be displayed on your review.

    After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon.
    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.

  • Krissy grew up eating a normal American diet: lots of carb-heavy processed and packaged foods.
    When she was younger, she was active, which together with her tall frame helped her stay slim.

    Then in her late 30s, stress and hormones started to change her body. She consulted a personal trainer and started calorie counting and eating less, without necessarily changing what she was eating.

    But the "eat less, move more" approach left her feeling starving, hangry, and miserable! But she was motivated to lose a few pounds and get to her goal... which unfortunately, she didn't.

    Only once Krissy learned more about the functional approach to the body did she begin to really understand that she was burned out from the stress of her job, overexercising, and undereating.

    So Krissy signed up to study ant the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Then she studied functional lab testing.

    And that's when she learned more about perimenopause, stress, and hormones.

    In this episode, Krissy explains the difference between PRE-menopause and PERI-menopause. She also explains the role of progesterone and estrogen and the symptoms of hormonal changes in women.

    And Krissy explains how stress management, strength training, lifestyle and diet changes - especially reducing sugar! - can help reduce perimenopause symptoms.

    Find Krissy here and here.

    To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small group, so that you can get rid of cravings, slim down, and finally feel in control around food... join the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula TODAY.

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    After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon.
    Thank you! - Netta

    Disclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.