
  • As a parent do you ever feel like you are doing more and more correcting, but seeing fewer results? Are you at the point in your thinking that nothing seems to be working, so why try at all? If you’ve ever tried to nurture a healthy lawn then you realize that to cut down on weeds, you need to give your lawn the nutrients it needs to become healthy. Healthy lawns prevent weeds from growing. In a similar way, if you want to cut down on the amount of correction you are giving your children, then give them what they need in order for healthy behaviors to take control.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Resources & topics mentioned in this episode:

    → Parenting from the Tree of Life Book & Course //
    Speaking Life episodes:

    → Episode 2 // Apple // Spotify // YouTube

    → Episode 3 // Apple // Spotify // YouTube

    → Couch Time episode // Apple // Spotify // YouTube

    → Blanket Time (What is it & how to apply it?)

    → Life-Giving Home Environment episode // Apple // Spotify // YouTube

    → Conversation Cards (for family meals together)

    → The Moral Warehouse Explained //


    → The Growing Families Website

    → Register for a Class

    → Our Courses

    → The Bookstore

    → Contact Mom Ministry

    → Instagram

    → Facebook

    → YouTube

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • The digital era we are living in has created all sorts of parenting challenges that previous generations could not have even imagined. But are they really new challenges? Or might they be something closer to home - the same basic parenting challenges but now with a digital “look”. If there is any character weakness flagged, it will not be because a digital device caused it; rather, the device revealed it. Regardless, parents need a plan. We’ll discuss time management, social media, phone rules, and practical ways to protect your children in the digital world.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    *Episode Correction: At 11 min 22 sec, the Bible verse quoted is actually Ephesians 4:29.

    Resources & topics mentioned in this episode:

    → Praying the Scriptures books

    → Life in the Middle Years

    → Parenting from the Tree of Life

    → Speaking Life podcast episodes:

    Episode 2 // Spotify // Apple // YouTube

    Episode 3 // Spotify // Apple // Youtube

    → Facebook live video on parenting in the digital age

    → The Growing Families Website

    → Register for a Class

    → Our Courses

    → The Bookstore

    → Contact Mom Ministry

    → Instagram

    → Facebook

    → YouTube

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

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  • Want to raise kids with Christ-like virtues like self-control and gentleness? It starts earlier than you think. This podcast explores the crucial stepping stones of effective parenting, revealing how simple activities like sitting, focusing, and concentrating lay the foundation for logic, discipline, and future success. Join us as we uncover the often-overlooked steps to achieving your parenting vision and how to train our children to fulfill their God-given capacity.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Resources & topics mentioned in this episode:

    → Vision episode part 1 //Spotify //Apple //YouTube

    → Vision episode part 2 //Spotify //Apple //YouTube

    →Playpen Time

    →Prep for Toddler Series

    →Video Segments by Age

    →Parenting from the Tree of Life Series (for preschool through early teens)

    Check out the Speaking Life content in Episode 2 //Spotify //Apple //YouTube

    And Episode 3 //Spotify //Apple //YouTube


    →The Growing Families Website

    →Register for a Class

    →Our Courses

    →The Bookstore

    →Contact Mom Ministry




    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • God is love – a foundational truth. But how does this impact our parenting? Christian theology, an understanding of God's nature and purpose, guides us. Past generations often relied on 'because I said so' parenting due to a lack of theological framework. With traditional values fading, understanding God's love and purpose for families is crucial. The Ezzos pioneered a theology of the family rooted in God's Word, leading to the Growing Families ministry. This ministry equips parents with an understanding of God's character and the life-giving principles that flow from Him. Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo join Rich and Julie Young to discuss how this theology shapes effective parenting.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Resources & topics mentioned in this episode:

    → Parenting from the Tree of Life book and video series //

    → Find a Class

    Additional Resources:

    → Assumptions that Affect Our Lives

    (This book explores how hidden beliefs ("worldviews") deeply influence our values and actions, revealing how understanding these assumptions can transform both personal, societal, & even parenting perspectives.)

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • Continuing the discussion of the importance of having vision as we raise our children and shooting at the right targets, we discuss the importance of delayed gratification and how to instill that value into our children. As our children gain the skill of being able to look beyond the “here and now” to the future, they gain a greater understanding of the power of a vision based on God’s truth that is filled with hope and life.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Check out part 1 of this topic in Episode 6 // Spotify // Apple // YouTube

    Resources & topics mentioned in this episode:

    → Self-Control Training //

    → Moral Education //

    → Practically Teaching Self-Control //

    → ⁠The Growing Families Website

    → ⁠Register for a Class

    → ⁠Our Courses

    → ⁠The Bookstore

    → ⁠Contact Mom Ministry

    → ⁠Instagram

    → ⁠Facebook

    → ⁠YouTube

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • As parents we desire to have “success” as we raise our children. So we choose some parenting targets, and “ready, aim, fire.” But are we even aiming at the right target? How do we know? And once we determine the right targets, how do we go about staying focused to shoot straight?

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • The Ezzos and Youngs talk a variety of subjects relating to parenting in the past, present, and future and acknowledge that, unfortunately, one thing has been constant in every generation of parents is fear. Are we doing a good job? Will my children like me? Will they turn out ok? Or am I ruining them? We can become easily confused and this confusion only fuels our fear which can paralyze us or lead us to popcorn parenting which may be a good snack, but it isn’t a good way to parent. Thankfully, one of the great compensators of fear is hope, and this episode discusses a myriad of ways we can find hope as we raise our children. The Ezzos encourage us that the teen years are not something to be dreaded but that they can and should be some of the best years of the parent-child relationship. The importance of making the authority to influence transition as a parent is a key part of that success and is described in this episode. We also talk about “influencers” and how every parent needs one or several, preferably 3D ones and definitely ones that have gone before us and done it well.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    → Life in the Middle Years series //
    → Parenting from the Tree of Life series //

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • Dinart Barradas, Growing Families Brazil Ministry Director, joins the podcast and shares how parenting is different in Brazil (it’s not), when we have regrets as parents and how to redeem them, and what it means to have vision for our family using intentionality, diligence, and humility. Dinart wants to prevent pain coming to parents’ hearts and Gary warns us of the dangers of letting the tyranny of the urgent captivate us instead of letting the hearts of our children captivate us.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary Ezzo, founder

    Dinart Barradas, Growing Families Brazil Ministry Director

    University of the Family //

    Check out Episodes 2 & 3 for more on Speaking Life & creating a Life-Giving Home Environment:

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • For most of us, the word home carries more than just casual memories of a time and place where we spent our childhood; it was the first society from which we learned about life itself. The home is where love is first defined by the care and attention we receive, and becomes the place where security is gained, lost, or possibly never obtained. The word home is so laden with significance that one cannot begin a conversation about the nurturing of children without first speaking to the persuasive influence that the home environment creates. Parents have the opportunity to create a life-giving home environment where their children are the benefactors of multiple layers of love and security. Join us as we discuss what a life-giving home environment can look like and some practical examples to infuse life into your home.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Check out Episode 2 // Spotify // Apple // YouTube

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    → Family Conversation Cards //

    → Parenting from the Tree of Life Series //

    → Virtue/Vice Contrast List //

    Want to dive deeper into this episode’s topic? Here are a few articles & videos to get you started!

    → A Life Give Home Environment //

    → The Message of Life //

    → The Life-Death Paradigm //

    → Virtue, Vice, and Parenting Messages //

    → The Amygdala and Sensory Data //

    → The Amygdala and Physical Threats //

    → The Amygdala and Toxic Memories //

    → What Will Your Children Hear? //

    → “No” is not a “Death” Word //

    → Contrasting Physical and Emotional Pain //

    → The Challenge of Peer Pressure and Group-Think //

    → Benefits of a Like-Minded Community //

    → Family Identity - How to Build It //

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • The words echoing around our homes have profound influence on the emotional and relational health of our children, echoing either a message of life or death. Speaking Life flows from the virtuous character of Christ and communicates worth and potential, promoting beauty and encouragement to our children. The life message is one of the most compelling forces in the universe. The patterns of words we use and the attitudes that are reflected by those words have a measured effect on a child’s immediate behavior and a cumulative effect on a child’s long term emotional disposition. But what does ‘Speaking Life’ look like? Is it just speaking ‘positive words’ and no cursing? Listen as we dive into the origins of Speaking Life and what it can look like in your home. Accenting virtue over vice is not a slogan, it is a lifestyle of choice.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Check out Episode 1 // Spotify // Apple // YouTube

    Virtue/Vice Contrast List //

    Want to dive deeper into this episode’s topic? Here are a few articles & videos to get you started!

    → Introducing a Culture of Life //

    → What Does it Mean to Speak Life? //

    → A Life Give Home Environment //

    → Do You Speak Life or Death? //

    → The Message of Life //

    → The Life-Death Paradigm //

    → Virtue, Vice, and Parenting Messages //

    → The Amygdala and Sensory Data //

    → The Amygdala and Physical Threats //

    → The Amygdala and Toxic Memories //

    → “No” is not a “Death” Word //

    → The Challenge of Peer Pressure and Group-Think //

    → Benefits of a Like-Minded Community //

    → Family Identity - How to Build It //

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • What if there was “one thing” parents could do for 10 minutes a day that would: help their child become smarter, help decrease behavior problems, and help their child sleep better (which means the parents sleep better, too!)? In this episode we discuss one of the most reliable predictors of a child’s emotional security and cognitive success: the husband-wife attachment and how parents can easily provide a necessary visual and tangible representation of their love for each other. We believe that the greatest overall influence parents have on their children is not as mom or dad but as husband and wife. Does this exclude single parents? No! We also specifically discuss how single parents can provide security for their children and a healthy life-giving home environment in which to raise their children.

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Want to dive deeper into Couch Time? Here are a few articles to get you started!





    Or watch a few videos on the topic:


    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Life Parenting Podcast, hosted by Growing Families. It is our desire to help you, as parents, create a life-giving home environment in which to guide, nurture, and train your children in a God honoring way.

    Keep an eye out for our official launch of the podcast coming November 4th, 2024!

    The Growing Families Website //

    Register for a Class //

    Our Courses //

    The Bookstore //

    Contact Mom Ministry //

    Instagram //

    Facebook //

    YouTube //

    Rich & Julie Young, hosts

    Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, founders

    Email questions or topic suggestions to [email protected]