Lifelong Educators Show
Verenigde Staten · Dotan Tamir & Josh Chernikoff
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COVID and technology has changed what we thought was possible in education, but what does this mean for educators?The Lifelong Educators Show, presented by Clickto was designed to answer this exact question. We will showcase and learn from our community of educators that are successfully adapting their businesses to not just service, but to increase the impact they can make in their students’ lives.At Clickto, we believe that the future of education is community, accountability, and interactivity. Tune in for our show which is recorded live every Wednesday at 11:30 AM EST. Together we can help people anywhere and everywhere learn, empower, and grow – connecting and interacting without physical boundaries.Want more? Join our community, Cohort Based Learning Leadership Council, on Facebook to share your ideas and collaborate with fellow rockstar educators of the future!