
  • Go to to join Moon Chat and get custom notifications every Last Quarter letting you know EXACTLY what area of life needs clearing NOW!

    The Last Quarter Moon isn't sexy and it gets ZERO love. But it's responsible for creating the fertile soil upon which you plant your new dreams. It creates SPACE in your life so you have room for the new to come in!

    Join me for an explanation of what this looks like in the sky (and why it looks that way) as well as how you can work with this energy most effectively.

    And the episode I continually reference with the juicy example is episode #16 - Moon's Message for March 21-28, 2025 - Get Practical and LET IT GO with the Capricorn Last Quarter

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    The Moon's messages for this week.

    1. We’ve got a Capricorn last quarter this week - it’s time to get practical

    The message from the Moon this week is "Alright, last week I encouraged you to notice something old and outdated in your life. I was in Earthy Virgo - a sign that’s a little more focused on the routines of life. But here I am in an Earth Sign again - Capricorn. I’m acting SUPER practical now. And strategic. What are you doing that’s not getting you anywhere? I’m serious. It’s time to stop wasting your valuable resources - your time, your money, your brainpower - on anything that brings you down. I will work with you to give you the clarity as to exactly what that is, but you have to take action. You have to let go of it this week."

    2. I share a personal story of these energies coming together in my life - it's incredibly humbling.. and a tad embarrassing.

    3. We get some help from Venus and Mercury joining up with the Sun to take action that serves our highest good - and gets rid of what no longer serves us.

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    The Moon's messages for this week.

    1. We have a Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo this week - it's on the south node so it's asking us to release. The message from the Moon this week
 is WHOA - did you see that? That’s old right? Are you ready to let it go? Cause I sure think you are.

    2. There is an element of responsibility clouding things up - you're going to feel like you can't release because it would be irresponsible. But that responsibility is in dissolving energy - it wants to be released!

    3. We get some help finding a creative way out from the Sun and Uranus - when you get your unexpected idea for how to resolve it - run with it! That's your ticket

  • The Moon's messages for this week.

    1. On Friday the 7th we go into the weekend in the energy of the Gemini First Quarter - a time to commit and SHOW the Moon what you want by taking action. You'll receive aid from the Sun and Mars in making this happen.

    2. Then we move into the Virgo Full Moon Eclipse energy - we start to feeling it by Wednesday the 12th and it's fully active at 6:55am MST on Friday, March 14th.

    3. At the end I also share a personal story progression of what is occurring for me at this Full Moon and walk you through the dates leading up to this Full Moon and the things that have occurred on those Moon Phases. It's a story that is unfolding and brings Moon Chat to life!

  • The Moon's messages for this week.

    1. Get dreamy! We have a Pisces New Moon the 27th and we're still in its energy on the 28th. Get your ego out of the way and dream big.

    2. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! March 1-3 is the ideal time to put pen to paper and write down your intentions as the Moon begins to wax and become visible. Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter and the Sun are dancing in the sky and you can use their energies to help.

    3. SHOW ME WHAT YOU WANT! March 4-7 we're in the energy of the Gemini First Quarter. Mercury has moved into Aries and is working with Pluto helping you look at what is below the surface. And the Sun makes THE BEST aspect to Mars to help you commit on this First Quarter.

  • How to use the Moon's Energy the week of February 21-28, 2025

    1. Friday - Monday, February 21-24 - wrap up and take action on the Sagittarius last quarter on the 20th. We have incredibly supportive energies coming in over the weekend from Neptune, Mars and Mercury.

    2. February 23 - Mars turns direct after being retrograde since December 6 - if you've felt stuck and like you can't move things forward, we're going to see forward direction!

    3. February 27th we have the Pisces New Moon - the best sign for the New Moon - a time to really lean into dreaming and setting big intentions for the area of life Pisces represents.

  • How to use the Moon's Energy the week of February 14-21, 2025

    1. February 14 on through weekend we are still in the energy of the Full Moon, though it is waning. Stay present and observant of the truth. Mercury also enters Pisces.

    2. February 18, the Sun enters Pisces and we enter the energy of the Sagittarius Last Quarter on the 20th. There are key dates to keep in mind when looking back on the Moon's phases through Sagittarius to determine the full storyline and what you're ready to harvest and release.

    3. February 20th - we have the Last Quarter - AND, Jupiter squares Mercury adding a bit of a curve ball to how to process this Last Quarter. Follow the recommended timing to best take action in a way that will have lasting positive results.

  • How to use the Moon's Energy the week of February 9-15, 2025

    1. February 9 - take action for the Feb 5 First Quarter if you haven't already! The energy is still available and the 9th has some great things going on to help you!

    2. February 10-15 - we are in the energy of the Leo Full Moon. Uranus is involved and it's poised to be eventful and surprising. Buckle up and stay present - ride the wave!

    3. February 14 - Mercury moves into Pisces and can cloud up communications as well as lead us on wild-goose chases and to dead-ends... seemingly. We all need to dream from time to time and we never know where it will lead us.

  • How to use the Moon's Energy the week of February 2-8, 2025

    1. February 2 - finish writing your Aquarius New Moon Intentions if you haven't

    2. February 3-8 - we are in First Quarter energy! Take action to commit to your dreams!

    3. February 4 - Venus moves into Aries and Jupiter stations direct. Both of these energies aid in taking action this week.

  • 3 Steps to working with the January 29, 2025 New Moon in Aquarius

    1. Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does AQUARIUS represent for you?

    If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

    2. Take the area of life being activated and look at a couple dates

    - May 1, 2024 - the last time there was a last quarter in AQUARIUS. Look and see - did you take action on anything around that date towards ending anything? Especially in the area of life being activated?

    - The 2nd date - JULY 29, 2026 - the Full Moon this is seeding
 and this is for planning major events. Depending on the area of life being activated for you, maybe there is something major you are working on - if it’s partnerships that could be getting married some day. If it’s family - maybe having a baby or adopting. A career - a big promotion or looking for a major new opportunity. 3rd house of communication - writing a book? Big endeavors - big dreams! - that require a lot of time and planning - planning to have the event on or very near that full moon date and setting your intention by specifying that date are extremely powerful!

    3 - Set your intentions. Here’s what I like to do:

    Set aside time on the new moon - or the day prior or after - to get quiet and really allow yourself to dream. Moving our bodies can really help with this - going for a walk, do some yoga. Or even free-form journaling just getting your thoughts out of your head.

    Then as the moon begins to wax - as it starts to get bigger JAN 31-/FEB 1- right when you can start to see a sliver of it - put pen to paper -it’s important to write it down physically - not type - so you engage you subconscious mind. The subconscious - or unconscious- mind controls 95% of the brain’s activity and we want as much of ourselves on board with our intentions as possible!

  • The Moon phase for this week happens on January 21, 2025 and it's a Last Quarter in Scorpio at 2°03' happening at 1:31 pm Mountain Standard Time

    3 Steps to working with the Scorpio Last Quarter

    STEP 1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does Scorpio represent for you?

    If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

    Next - STEP 2 - Get your Bearings!

    Take the area of life being activated and look at these THREE dates that represent the phases leading up to this point and how you’ve worked with the energy - consciously or unconsciously from the moment of setting intentions, to helping them along to the culmination of what happened until now

    The First Date - New Moon on OCTOBER 25, 2022 - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things

    The 2nd date - the First Quarter on JULY 25, 2023 - you can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.

    Last Date - The Full Moon on APRIL 23, 2024 - - what truth came to light? Was there a culmination or grand finale of sorts that strings all these dates together? Or just in general
 when you’re just getting started it can be hard to notice. So go easy on yourself and just look at this full Moon date back on APRIL 23 of this year.

    Step 3 - make some decisions and take some action. When working with the Moon phases, the analogy of working with a garden is very helpful. And all four of these dates (the 3 I just mentioned and the 4th one being this Last Quarter Moon) create what is called a Moon Family. It’s a full cycle from the point of planting the seed by setting your intentions, to harvesting and clearing the garden here at this last quarter. So when you look at this area of life, what do you want harvest - to keep safe and perhaps replant on the next New Moon in Scorpio? And what do you want to get rid of? What needs to end and be removed from your life so you have ample space for those seeds to grow? When we create blank space we make space for the new to come in!

    Energies around this LAST QUARTER Moon

    - The Sun has entered Aquarius and it’s conjunct Pluto, which means Pluto is making a square to the Moon

    - So DIG DEEP - you're going to feel tension, it’s calling you to look at what you can’t see, what is in the shadows, what aren’t you noticing. What are you avoiding? THAT IS YOUR RELEASE POINT. There you will find your answers for what needs releasing.

    - This Last Quarter is a great day to contemplate your life and how you are showing up.

    - Am I owning my part? Did I own my part?

    - Is there something I have been avoiding? Or “we” avoided here?

    - Perhaps it’s time to look at that - even if it’s only for the sake of knowing it’s not dragging me down and holding me back

    - Jan 23rd - is the perfect day to take your action - get to that in a minute!


    Jan 19 -

    Mercury sextile Saturn at 12:37am

    Mercury sextile Venus at 9:31am

    Sun enters Aquarius at 1pm

    - Aquarius is an air sign - and it’s the most sophisticated and evolved of the air signs. It’s concerned with humanity and within you it represents your individual relationship to humanity.

    - Symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer - the water representing what nourishes all of humanity and being a steward for that knowledge - respecting the facts and truth, creating space at the table for creativity, integration of its opposite sign - Leo - and the self / sovereignty - and bringing it all together for the benefit of humanity.

    - It’s all-encompassing / multi-faceted - it’s nuanced. Using the left and right brain - the head and the heart. Being truly human, our natural state - connected to oneself and the divine and quite honestly - distilling that down to common sense. Oh - this is what is right. This is what is good. This is what is true and what will honor all involved.

    Jan 21 - Sun conjunct Pluto at 5:28am - THIS IS THAT LAST QUARTER

    - On that last quarter - do that evaluation, ask yourself those questions

    Moon Chat members get a list of all these great questions to ask on Last Quarters

    Jan 23 - Mars sextile Uranus at 8:07am

    Mercury opposed Mars at 1:48pm

    Mercury trine Uranus at 3:07pm

    - We have Mars, Uranus and Mercury doing a dance this day
 if you wanted to pick a day to take some unexpected action

    - It starts with Mars - our action-taking/assertiveness having an opportunity to do something unexpected or unconventional - it’s an opportunity though. It doesn’t just happen, but it’s a growth opportunity. Will you take it?

    - Later in the day Mercury opposes Mars, pointing to some sort of debate around action that was taken and the motives behind it. What did you do? Why did you do that? Seriously? That doesn’t make any sense. Yes -it was unconventional.

    - The day ends with Mercury making a trine to Uranus - which is essentially the energy of something unexpectedly coming to light that makes sense of the unconventional action you took

    - So I would say - if you have been looking at doing something a little unexpected and you’ve done some analysis on it
 the opportunity will present itself to take the action on the 23rd

    - Be patient with others - they will need to catch up. And they might confront you and get a little upset!

    - But they will come around.

    Jan 25 - Venus trine Mars at 4:53 pm

  • The Moon Phase this week happens on January 13, 2025 and is a Full Moon in Cancer at 23°59’. It's happening at 3:27pm Mountain Standard Time


    STEP 1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does CANCER represent for you?

    If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

    Next - STEP 2 - Get your Bearings!

    Take the area of life being activated and look at these TWO dates that represent when seeds were last planted and nurtured in the CANCER area of life:

    - The First Date - New Moon on JULY 17, 2023 - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things

    - And the 2nd date - the First Quarter on APRIL 15, 2024 - you can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.

    Step 3 NOTICE!!! The Full Moon is all about noticing the truth. The Moon is as big as it gets - and it’s telling us - look, I’m shining as much light in this spot (which is CANCER) as I possibly can. See what we created? It might be something amazing and exactly what you’ve been aiming for
 or it may fall a little - - or a LOT - short of that. Either way - take a deep breath and take it in. On the final moon phase of this CANCER cycle - the Last Quarter - we will reconcile all of this truth and move forward.


    - Conjunct Mars - Means this Full Moon is a bit “extra” - - Full Moons are already a time where emotions run high and things come to a culmination naturally with the push/pull of the opposition between Sun and Moon. But Mars is here too, and it’s retrograde so more powerful than normal. So extra intensity, extra emotion, perhaps some aggression and impulsive behavior

    - There are a few other aspects that are quite lovely

    - On 12th, Mars makes a harmonious trine to Neptune at 2:15 PM - this is effortless harmonious collaboration of these two energies. This points to your creativity, spirituality and dreaminess being activated. If you find things coming to you - grab your journal and write them down.

    - On the 13th at 1:13am MT, the Sun comes into trine with Uranus - this is harmonious, effortless collaboration of the Sun - which represents the self and Uranus - the unexpected, flashes of inspirational ideas - usually laced with freedom and non-conventional thinking

    - The two of these - action oriented Mars trining dreamy Neptune and unexpected/unconventional Uranus trining our sense of self, tells me that when we overlay this with the Full Moon energy, which is about bringing truth to light for all to see, we could have some interesting things coming to light. In the collective we could see revelations, big announcements, unexpected surprises and unexpected actions. Within ourselves we could have big breakthroughs - , unexpected and/or creative solutions presenting themselves. It will be interesting!


    14 - Venus square Jupiter at 12:47pm

    - I see this square playing out as opening your mind and creating opportunities for things you love and pleasure if you use it positively.

    - However, the tension angle could also manifest negatively if we’re not careful - Jupiter wants more, more more and Venus loves pleasure so this could give way to overindulge or doing something that you take pleasure in but regret later.

    15 - Sun opposed Mars at 7:38pm

    This is action-oriented energy. Wanting to get things done and get a head start on something or finish up something that’s been lingering in your world. It’s “You” and “self” focused so the 15/16th would be good days to tackle something that you just need to get done, or perhaps get started.

    18 - Venus conjunct Saturn at 6:26pm

    This is the merging of love and responsibility - it points to doing the responsible thing when it comes to those you love and care for. It would be a good day to do those things that you know are appreciated and valued by those you love - be it for a partner, a child or friend. Or your pets or even plants in your home. To nurture and take care of the responsibilities of those you love.

    It’s also a great day for personal self care especially if it involves your health. A chiropractic adjustment, therapeutic massage or even just cooking a really great meal you know is very nutritious and perhaps making an extra batch that you can freeze for later - - that’s the responsibility aspect coming in!

  • The Moon Phase this week happens on January 6 - a First Quarter in Aries at 16°55' at 4:56PM Mountain Standard Time

    At a First Quarter we take action. And Aries IS the sign of taking action!! It’s ruled by Mars. But Mars has a very unique shift happening RIGHT on the day of this First Quarter - more on that in just a few minutes

    How to use the Aries First Quarter

    1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does ARIES represent for you? If you’re a Moon Chat member, check your member email for this FIRST QUARTER, it will tell you. If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it.

    2 - Get your Bearings!

    Take the area of life being activated and look at these this date that represent when you set intentions - consciously or unconsciously - in the ARIES area of life:

    The First Date - New Moon on APRIL 8, 2024 - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these things

    3 - Take Action

    The First Quarter is when the Moon enters into an angle of tension between the Sun and the Earth. This tension is a call to action - to do our part by noticing what we can do to help our dreams along - and DO IT!

    The 12 Laws of Nature always come to mind for me at the First Quarter. The most popular of these laws is probably the law of attraction - like attracts like.

    But a lesser known law is the Law of Inspired Action states that while setting intentions and visualizing goals are important, it is the inspired actions that are taken that bring about our aspirations.

    So get out there and do it -USE THIS ARIES ENERGY! - make the phone call and have the conversation, schedule the meeting, book the trip, pay the deposit. We are looking for commitment-related actions here. When you make a commitment, you’re signaling to the Universe that you are “in” this.

    Energies around this FIRST QUARTER MOON

    On the 6th

    - Mars in retrograde enters Cancer, earlier in the day at 3:44 am MST so it will be there on this First Quarter. Mars is closer to us and more powerful. Use that “Action oriented energy” but in a nurturing way (Cancer)

    - Mercury squares Neptune at 6:55 am MST that day so that energy will be active. This can create misunderstandings and confusion with communication and details. Put things in writing - get things in writing and look over the fine details when committing to something. Good idea - set up a time to take action on the First Quarter, but don’t actually take the action. Just set up a meeting, a conversation for taking it, etc.


    Jan 6, 2025

    - Mars retrograde enters Cancer at 3:44 am MST. It will retrograde until Feb 23, where it will turn direct at 17 degrees Cancer and it enters Leo again on April 17, 2025. Mars in Cancer brings an element of nurturing and tenderness to our action and assertiveness . What situations in your life can you bring this sort of energy to? What are you nurturing and growing that would benefit from some assertiveness?

    - Mercury square Neptune at 6:55 am MST. Will remain active for a couple days, Mercury moves on quite quickly. But it brings misunderstandings and confusion to situations. Not great for business dealings or anything else involving details with high stakes. Save the details and signing any contracts for the end of the week

    Jan 8

    - Mercury enters Capricorn. Mercury will have moved on from that square to Neptune and into Capricorn which is a productive, goal-driven earth sign. MUCH better for business dealings and details.

    Jan 11 - Nodes change from NN Aries/Libra to NN Pisces/Virgo and will be there until July 26, 2026. The nodes change signs about every 18 months and they are where we have eclipses. As the nodes shift, the location of the NN is collectively our growth edge and the SN is our area of release. As we move into North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
.it’s about leaning into high vibe Pisces themes - compassionate, empathic, sensitive and imaginative/artistic. And it’s about releasing low-vibrational Virgo-related themes. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Gemini is very busy, productive and organized. So this is about allowing your over-scheduled/over-organized - CONTROL FREAK type tendencies to rest.

  • 3 Steps to working with the Capricorn New Moon on December 30 at 3:27pm Mountain Standard Time

    STEP 1 - Find the area of your life being activated - what area of life does CAPRICORN represent for you? If you don’t know, go to and pop in your email. I’ll send you a free 14-day trial of Moon Chat, which will bring you a custom email a day or 2 prior to each moon phase, telling you exactly what area of life each moon phase is activating for you and simple steps for how to work with it. Also - if you opt to continue after the 14 days, Moon Chat is yours for only $19.99 per month. That’s a special introductory rate that will go away soon!

    Next - STEP 2 - Get your Bearings!

    Take the area of life being activated and look at a couple dates

    - April 1, 2024 - the last time there was a last quarter in Capricorn. Look and see - did you take action on around that date towards ending anything? Especially in the area of life being activated?

    - The 2nd date - June 29, 2026 - the Full Moon this is seeding
 and this is for planning major events. Depending on the area of life being activated for you, maybe there is something major you are working on - if it’s partnerships that could be getting married some day. If it’s family - maybe having a baby or adopting. A career - a big promotion or looking for a major new opportunity. 3rd house of communication - writing a book? Big endeavors - big dreams! - that require a lot of time and planning - planning to have the event on or very near that full moon date and setting your intention by specifying that date are extremely powerful!

    Step 3 - set your intentions. Here’s what I like to do:

    Set aside time on the new moon - or the day prior or after - to get quiet and really allow yourself to dream. Free-form journaling, walks alone in nature - go for a run, do yoga. Get your body moving is helpful

    Then as the moon begins to wax - as it starts to get bigger - right when you can start to see a sliver of it - put pen to paper -it’s important to write it down physically - not type - so you engage you subconscious mind. The subconscious - or unconscious- mind controls 95% of the brain’s activity and we want as much of ourselves on board with our intentions as possible!

    Now - I use Moon Chat and I use the journals with the Moon Chat system electronically. So I always write my intentions out and then type them into my journal afterwards.

    Energies around this New Moon

    - Jupiter square Saturn

    - Mercury opposed Jupiter and square Saturn - separating and getting looser so we’re talking 5 degrees - but still operational - - T-Square between these 3 planets

    January 2 - Venus enters Pisces - Venus exalted in Pisces is generally considered positive for the world, as it signifies a heightened capacity for compassion, unconditional love, artistic expression, and a deep understanding of others.

    January 3 - Mars opposed Pluto for the 2nd time This is "I want what I want and I want it now" energy. Can use it to harness and fuel your determination -

    set new goals for the year, create actionable plans for achieving them and get started on them.

    January 4 - Sun sextile Saturn - growth opportunity towards taking on more responsibility, bigger position, higher standing - - opportunity to take on leadership in some area of your life

  • 3 Steps to working with the Libra Last Quarter

    1.Find where it's activating your chart - what house and area of life does Libra represent for you? If you're not sure, go to and pop in your information for a free trial of Moon Chat, which will tell you exactly where it's supporting YOU!

    2.Get your Bearings - notice what happened on the dates in this Moon Family that lead us to this last quarter. And we ALL worked with this whether we are conscious of it or not!

    New Moon on September 25, 2022 when intentions were set - Did you consciously write intentions down? And unconsciously - what conversations and experiences did you have? Use your calendar, your email and your camera role to find these thingsThe First Quarter on June 26, 2023 when your intentions were nurtured by action you took. You can look in the same places but now it’s what action did you take? We’re looking for commitments here. Not just conversations but deposits paid, tickets booked. That sort of thing.The Full Moon on March 25, 2024 when the results of your efforts were revealed. What truth came to light? Was there a culmination or grand finale of sorts that strings all these dates together? Or - if you are short on time just look at this date alone in general. Especially when starting out and you don't have notes for the above 2 dates.

    3.Take action and harvest this area of life! That's what the Last Quarters are all about. When you look at this area of life, what did you create that you want to harvest and grow again? Possibly in a new way based on lessons learned? And what do you want to get rid of? What needs to end and be removed from your life so you have ample space for those fresh seeds to grow?

    This Last Quarter is being positively supported by Pluto - it will allow you to effortlessly look deep beneath the shadows into this area of life and clear out the deepest of clutter that has been holding you back!

    Astrology for the Dec 22-28, 2024

    Jupiter square Saturn makes its 2nd pass, calling on us to look at our relationships with structure and independence/growth. Both internally within ourselves and with othersMercury makes its final opposition with Jupiter calling on us to evaluate how we prioritize and balance the facts of life with the meaning of lifeMercury makes its final square to Saturn which is actually supporting us to take responsibility and have conversations and take action towards to dissolving old structures that no longer serve our dreams - EXCELLENT for this Last Quarter taking action phase!Venus squares Uranus bringing the urge to spice up what brings us pleasure and don't be surprised if something unexpected brings that to the table for you!
  • Working With the Full Moon in Gemini

    The full moon in Gemini is Dec 15, 2024. The three steps to work with this full moon: identifying the area of life being activated, reflecting on past intentions and actions, and noticing the truth. Neptune is squaring this Full Moon, which could create a dreamy or unclear perception of the truth. Use the free trial of MoonChat to better understand the Full Moon's impact on your life - go to, enter your email and you'll get your free trial.

    Astrological Events and Reflections Discussed

    Mercury's retrograde in Sagittarius, which is its detriment, is not a bad thing as it has allowed for thorough analysis. Mercury's trine with Mars, which occurred on November 2nd, was a harmonious continuation of a story involving communication or analysis. Reflect on the events of November 2nd and identify any recurring themes in your life. The sun's square with Neptune on Wednesday and Thursday will be a continuation of the Full Moon's aspect with Neptune, but with increased tension.

    Astrology and Holiday Influences Discussed

    Sun square Neptune can potentially create feelings of disorientation and vulnerability to low-vibration activities during the aspect's active period. Have caution when shopping during the holidays due to potential deception.

    Venus trine Jupiter brings about a surge in kindness and possibly a breakthrough announcement in technology. The upcoming square aspect between Jupiter and Saturn, could create battles between authority and expansion within yourself or with others from the 21-29th - right over the holidays. Anticipate increased authority and structure from Saturn and to create space for expansion and thinking outside the box with Jupiter. Patience and understanding will go a long way in dealing with challenging family situations during this time.

    The winter solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, emphasizes the need for balance and reflection, and the importance of gratitude and connection with loved ones.

    Preview of next week's update - we will focus on the last quarter moon in Libra and the process of clearing away the garden to prepare for the next new moon.

    Maximizing Opportunities With Moon Chat

    Moon chat allows you to work with the moon in a specific way across each area of life - it creates 48 unique opportunities every year. Moon chat can help you make the most of these opportunities. Visit, to sign up for your free trial.

  • We cover the First Quarter Moon in Pisces on December 8, which is the ideal time to take action on the intentions you set - consciously or unconsciously on the last New Moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024. You can use this action to plan for the Full Moon next September 7, 2025.

    And we get into the astrology for Dec 8-14

    - Sun opposed Jupiter

    - Venus opposed Mars

    - Mercury sextile Venus

    - And a long 3-day trine between Mercury and Mars!

    Go to, enter your name and email for a FREE 14-day trial of Moon Chat!