
  • In this final episode of season 1, I am sharing this theme I have been moving through of late around breaking up with certain things in my life that I need to take a pause from. Often when we receive guidance to pull back or take a pause we want to know the why and we look to the future to gain an understanding around what's coming. This episode encourages you to meet the present moment and follow the guidance that is coming through from a higher source without needed to know what's next. It's about trusting that a something bigger then our minds is leading us and our job is to follow and heed the whispers. 

    I have loved bringing you 'Light Up' and am so grateful for this community. Please keep an eye out for season 2 and a new look and new title. I can't wait to share with you again soon. 

    Join my amazing Light Retreat in November at the Stonehill Estate in the Tweed Valley. Book in during the month of September and receive the following bonuses: 

    3 Free Months in my membership community Light Path Collective1 Free Intuitive Soul Mentoring session with me (30 minutes).

    All of this is valued at over $370.  Find out more here :

  • In this episode I share one of the states many of us are often in that pushes our desires further away from us and what is the remedy that moves us into a position of magnetism when it comes to manifestation.

    To access my FREE Desires Fulfilled Subliminal, message me the word 'Desire' to my instagram account (link below) and I will send it over. It's a 45 minute of powerful subliminal affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind to be in a receiving state.

    Join my Light Place Circle - Friday September 6th, 6am AEST for only $11 Save your spot here

    Find me on Instagram

    Join the Light Path Collective Membership with other like minded women who are elevating in their frequency, aligning with their soul and boldly claiming the life that lights them up :

    My Joy Retreat in November 10 - 13th is in the Tweed Valley, NSW at the gorgeous Stonehill Estate and I still have a few places available. Find out more here :

    1:1 Call To Expand 3 month mentoring : Single

    Intuitive Guidance Sessions :

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  • I am sharing one of my popular meditations so turn off the outer distractions and take 20 minutes to dive into this experience and receive. Enjoy x 

    My Joy Retreat in November 10 - 13th in the Tweed Valley, NSW at the gorgeous Stonehill Estate and I still have a few places available. Find out more here :

    Join the Light Path Collective Membership with other like minded women who are elevating in their frequency, aligning with their soul and boldly claiming the life that lights them up :

    Find me on Instagram :

    1:1 Call To Expand 3 month mentroing :

    Single Intuitive Guidance Sessions :


  • In this episode I spill the tea on what I feel are key foundational elements to consciously co-creating a life that you love. Even though we are in many ways in our humaness conditioned by so many limiting beliefs and perceptions that ultimately create our current reality, we have the immense capacity to choose a new way. New beliefs, new thoughts and feeling that get us on to the frequency of that which we want to call in. We can start by really asking ourself 'what if it could be easier'?

    It's time to stop being married to this false idea that things need to be hard if we want to achieve or accomplish anything and decide on a more uplifting and elevated reality, based on how good we are willing to let life get!

    Join Light Path Collective member for a free two week trial and either come along to our next live call or catch up on the replays. Access meditations and subliminals in the portal. Sign up here:  :

    Call to Expand - 3 month private coaching container - apply here 

    Joy Retreat November 10 - 13th - Tweed Valley, Northern NSW :

     Infinite Blessings & gratitude,


  • Money is something we each have a relationship of some kind with and like everything money is simply energy and an amplifier of how we relate to it. This episode is here to remind you of your innate capacity to tap into a higher frequency of money and abundance and the ways you can start to redefine your beliefs around money and create from your vibration, even if you don't see evidence in your current reality yet. 

    This is a power episode to remind you of what's possible when you manifest from a place of wholeness. 

    Money Subliminal Affirmations :

    Write a review of this podcast on apple podcast or your podcast platform, take a pic of it and send it through to [email protected] or via instagram and I will send you the Subliminal for Free. 

    Join Light Path Collective member for a free two week trial and either come along to our next live call or catch up on the replays. Access meditations and subliminals in the portal. Sign up here:  :

    Call to Expand - 3 month private coaching container - apply here 

     Infinite Blessings,



  • I had the delight of chatting with Sierra Mercier, author of 'How To Attract Your Cosmic Love Partner.'

    Sierra is the brightest star and in this episode she share quite vulnerably her amazing story and the ways in which she transmuted her pain into a portal to become a receiver of her cosmic love match.

    Her story and wisdom that has come through her to write this book is profoundly impactful which ultimately teaches us how to become a vibrational match for infinite love.

    You can get in touch with Sierra and purchase her book here:

    Join the Light Path Collective Membership with other like minded women who are elevating in their frequency, aligning with their soul and boldly claiming the life that lights them up :

    Join my Joy Retreat, November 10 - 13th at Stonehill Estate in Tweed Valley

    Receive me FREE Create Your World Meditation :

    Find me on Instagram :

    1:1 Call To Expand Coaching :

    Single Intuitive Guidance Sessions :

  • A short and sweet episode that invites you to pause and check in with yourself as a sacred practice to nourish yourself and to remember who you are.

    Access my free meditation here :

    Purchase one of my subliminal affirmations as a powerful way to reprogram your subconscious for abundance :

    1:1 Guidance session with Amy :

  • In this episode I share part of a recent membership call from Light Path Collective where we dive into what it means to be navigating the path of your soul, your highest timeline. We look at what it requires to bravely walk the light path, amidst the fears and doubts we come up against along the way and what we need to remember about ourselves in order to stay on path even when the ego mind is relentlessly trying to pull us back into what is familiar. 

    Join the Light Path Collective Membership with other like minded women who are elevating in their frequency, aligning with their soul and boldly claiming the life that lights them up :

    Join my Joy Retreat, November 10 - 13th at Stonehill Estate in Tweed Valley :

    Receive me FREE Create Your World Meditation :

    Find me on Instagram :

    1:1 Call To Expand Coaching :

    Single Intuitive Guidance Sessions :

  • When it comes to manifestation, one of the most important aspects to get in touch with is what we are choosing to align with and in this episode I pose a really important contemplation which asks you to consider what you are truely willing to allow in for yourself. This gives us really important clues around whether or not our desires are going to find us. I share here the key pillars when it comes to becoming an energetic match for that which you would love to create in your life. Hint, it's a lot simpler then we make it out to be. 

    Join the Light Path Collective Membership with other like minded women who are elevating in their frequency, aligning with their soul and boldly claiming the life that lights them up :

    Join my Joy Retreat, November 10 - 13th at Stonehill Estate in Tweed Valley :

    Receive me FREE Create Your World Meditation :

    Find me on Instagram :

    1:1 Call To Expand Coaching :

    Single Intuitive Guidance Sessions :

  • Alison Potts is back on the podcast and this conversation feels so relevant and so needed. This transmission is really about the pathway of re-learning to listen to our feelings, honour our innate instincts and forge a path that feels life affirming and one guided from within rather then the noise of the world.

    Alison is a regular co-teacher in Light Path Collective Membership which you can join here:

    Join Alison's upcoming Live Full Moon Meditation & Energy Read here:

    You can find Alison via her website:

    Follow Amy on Instagram:


  • Recently, I have been receiving guidance to slow down and it's left me really contemplating the relationship we have with our energy, our presence and having space. All of which arises when we answer the call to take our foot off the accelerator a little and slow down. Do you resist the slowing down? Do you struggle taking space for yourself and instead feel that unless your are doing you are not productive and therefore unworthy of the results you are after? This episode is filled with reminders, comfort and guidance that will help you to tap into a more powerful way to move through your day.

    Loving these episodes? Join our growing community of soul-led women in Light Path Collective, where we move into deeper teachings and conversations that will shift you into a higher vibrational frequency and support you to access a higher timeline whereby you can move through life with greater ease, confidence, success and abundance. Find out more here:

    Join me for our 'Joy Retreat' this November 10th-13th at the stunning Stonehill Estate in the Tweed Valley:

  • Mark Breadner is one of Australia's longest standing yoga and spiritual teachers. Mark holds an incredible wealth of knowledge and lived experience spanning over 45 years as a yoga practitioner and today is focused on supporting leaders and teachers to deepen their understanding of the unseen realms of yoga to support their evolution beyond the mat. 

    In the podcast today, we talk about the importance of getting your external world working for you, how health is related to your level of frequency, the journey of awakening and the what it means to dissolve the ego and arrive at a place of union and self sovereignty. There is so much goodness and so many takeaways in this conversation which I know you are going to love.

    Mark's work now is leading and mentoring teachers all over the world to hone their skills and enhance their capacity to lead and reach a much vaster audience.

    Mark is hosting a 300hr advanced teacher training - Starting August 30th:

    He also has a amazing House of Yoga Membership with a special price of only $99 per year:

    Join his Bali retreat - Sep 9th-14th 2024

    You can also follow him on instagram: 

    If you would like to work 1:1 with Amy please reach out as she offers support and guidance to women on this path via her "Call To Expand" Intuitive mentoring sessions.

    To apply for mentoring :

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.



    Email: [email protected]


  • I share what has personally helped me in navigating the unknown space, the space in between where you have been and where you are heading. How to dance in the discomfort of the unknown and change your relationship with fear and resistance and learn to trust in what we cannot perceive with our limited senses.

    Join us in my membership Light Path Collective for a FREE 2 week trial and access the next live call as well as all of the meditations and activations available in the online portal. Cancel anytime.

    Sign up here :

    Join my Joy Retreat in November in the Tweed Valley :


    If you would like to work 1:1 with Amy please reach out as she offers support and guidance to women on this path via her "Call To Expand" Intuitive mentoring sessions.

    Book a mentoring session:

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.



    Email: [email protected]


  • In this episode I chat with one of my beautiful teachers, Shunanda Scott. We don't mess around in this episode and so we deep dive right into a juicy conversation around the acceleration in our ascension journey that is occurring right now on the planet that we are all apart of. We discuss spiritual amnesia and awakening and the importance in cultivating a relationship with the angels to support our growth and evolution as we navigate these times and co-create future timelines.

    If you wish to connect with Shunanda you can follow her on instagram here :

    or go to her website:

    If you are enjoying these transmissions and want to be apart of these conversations and receive guidance, inspiration and support on your path then you may like to join us in Light Path Collective, my exclusive membership platform for those who are here to grow, expand and open to the magic that is available right now for you to receive in your life.

    Find out more here:

    If you would like to work 1:1 with Amy please reach out as she offers support and guidance to women on this path via her "Call To Expand" Intuitive mentoring sessions.

    Book a mentoring session:

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.



    Email: [email protected]

  • These 5 words dropped in when i opened up the transmission for this episode and I believe they speak to many of us and the ways we hold ourselves back and wait until we feel ready to take the inspired action to really bring your dream into form, thus delaying our manifestations.

    I share 3 important truth bombs when it comes to taking small or big leaps in the direction of your audacious desires.

    If you are enjoying these transmissions and want to be apart of these conversations and receive guidance, inspiration and support on your path then you may like to join us in Light Path Collective, my exclusive membership platform for those who are here to grow, expand and open to the magic that is available right now for you to receive in your life.

    Find out more here:

    If you would like to work 1:1 with Amy please reach out as she offers support and guidance to women on this path via her "Call To Expand" Intuitive mentoring sessions.

    Book a mentoring session:

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.



    Email: [email protected]


  • If you struggle to make heart based decisions or take leaps of faith in your life and instead prioritise the voice of reason and logic, then you are going to get so much out of this transmission. I share why we struggle to answer the bigger callings from within and find it challenging to take ourselves into unfamiliar territory with the choices we make in life.

    This leads me into sharing a personal account of why I made one of the more difficult decisions recently that was not logic based and was a tremendous leap of faith into the unknown and why this is the place we need to play in if we really want to expand in our potential and our capacity to move in alignment with our soul.

    Loving these episodes? Join our growing community of soul-led women in Light Path Collective, where we move into deeper teachings and conversations that will shift you into a higher vibrational frequency and support you to access a higher timeline whereby you can move through life with greater ease, confidence, success and abundance. Find out more here:

    Join me for our 'Joy Retreat' this November 10th-13th at the stunning Stonehill Estate in the Tweed Valley:

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.

    Instagram: Website:

    Email: [email protected]

  • In this mini episode, I share one of the huge shifts we can easily make that expands our ability to amplify our abundance.'s not another thing we need to do! 

    Join the giveaway I am running at the moment where I am giving 3 lucky women the opportunity to receive one month in my Light Path Collective membership, which officially starts next week!

    Winners will be contacted on Friday April 26th after the draw closes at 12pm AEST. 

    Sign up here to enter the giveaway :

    To find out more about how to join our exclusive membership click the link :

  • In this transmission, Sarah and I discuss one of the key spiritual practices which has opened up so much space for magic to enter into our lives. The word surrender has historically carried with it connotations of giving up or failure and we discuss why in actual fact what it invokes is quite the opposite, when we allow ourselves to develop a relationship with the practice of it. We discuss how embracing the art of surrender, whilst challenging at first, can open up doorways and opportunities you could never have conjured up in your logical mind. Sarah and I both share personal stories that demonstrate how when we learn to lean into the practice, the seemingly impossible becomes possible and we dance with the miraculous!

    This is a rich and expansive conversation and we hope you enjoy it.

    Sarah is a gifted healer, kinesiologist and psychic medium and you can reach out to Sarah via Instagram:

    Sarah will be joining me as a regular guest in my new exclusive membership community, Light Path Collective:, which calls to women who are here for more and so ready to expand into their potential and in their impact as a light walker and light worker.


    Join Sarah & Amy for our 'Joy Retreat' this November 10th-13th at the stunning Stonehill Estate in the Tweed Valley:

    Light Up is hosted by Amy Wilkinson. Amy is an Intuitive Guide and a Soul & Abundance Mentor who guides and supports soul led women who are ready to elevate their vibration, expand & amplify their voice and their impact and live in authentic alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via her instagram and website below.




  • We talk all about alignment in this episode. What is truly means to be in alignment and how this calling can activate a whole new level of expansion and potential within your life. I talk about alignment as being a conscious choice which we all have available to us in any moment and that there is a clear pathway we can take which brings us into alignment. I share my experience of this word and what it activated in me last year that led me on a journey of honouring what was and was no longer in alignment with me and the expansion and deep fulfilment that is available to us all on the other-side of consciously choosing our alignment. 

    Find out more about how you can join our new exclusive membership community, Light Path Collective via: Meet with Amy and her guests for fortnightly live calls where you will explore discussion and teachings around ways to connect more deeply to your soul, expand in your intuition, elevate your impact in business and in life and ignite your worth and abundance. Group and hot seat coaching in areas your need support and guidance is available to you along with having access to a supportive and like minded community of women also navigating the light path.  

    Amy is an Intuitive Guide, Soul Mentor, Yoga Teacher & Trainer who guides and supports leaders, light workers, healers and creatives who are ready to elevate their work, amplify their impact, and live in alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via my instagram and website below.



  • When we consciously co-create with the infinite intelligence (also know as spirit, universe or the divine) our power to magnetise our desires in life becomes amplified. In this episode I share some essential steps to manifesting anything in life that you allow yourself to dream up. Manifesting in this way can feel so much more easeful and enjoyable then we often experience it to be. 

    Find out more about how you can join our new exclusive membership community, Light Path Collective via: Meet with Amy and her guests for fortnightly live calls where you will explore discussion and teachings around ways to connect more deeply to your soul, expand in your intuition, elevate your impact in business and in life and ignite your worth and abundance. Group and hot seat coaching in areas your need support and guidance is available to you along with having access to a supportive and like minded community of women also navigating the light path.  

    Join Amy for her 'Joy Retreat' this November 10th-13th at the stunning Stonehill Estate in the Tweed Valley:

    Amy is an Intuitive Guide, Soul Mentor, Yoga Teacher & Trainer who guides and supports leaders, light workers, healers and creatives who are ready to elevate their work, amplify their impact, and live in alignment with their soul. Her work with clients centres around Intuitive development, soul expansion, manifestation practices and the energetics required to live a life you love.

    Stay in touch with Amy via my instagram and website below.

