Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Heal Your BodySubtitle: Inner Healing Using Simple Methods and TechniquesAuthor: Una PittNarrator: Courtney LucienFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 11 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-11-18Publisher: Una PittRatings: 5 of 5 out of 7 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Want to know how to heal your body and inner self?Heal Your Body is a simple and easy-to-follow step-by-step guide which uses a fresh approach to help you bring yourself back up to par by using the techniques and methods that you will find inside!Within this audiobook, you will find the information you need to overcome being beaten down day by day and to be able to climb out of that hole you have been in for so long.The connection you have that links your mind and body is a close, powerful, and often a valuable tool in taking control of your life and ambitions. Also, the simple power of thought can affect you in many ways, particularly as it has an incredible effect on your health and well-being.This is a fantastic audiobook about healing the body and mind, and by listening, you will soon discover yourself how possible and realistic the healing process is and how you can get to where you want to be right now.What are you waiting for? Begin your path to Healing Your Body!Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Introduction to Early BuddhismSubtitle: An Accessible Explanation of the Core Theory of Early BuddhismAuthor: Bhikkhu KakmukNarrator: Sean SlaterFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 22 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-28-17Publisher: Nibbana Buddhist Education FoundationGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:An excellent, comprehensive introduction to Early Buddhism. It covers both theory and practice. This is a great audiobook for anyone - from beginner to teacher - who wants to learn or teach Early Buddhism.Contact me for any questions:
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Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Practicing Peace in Times of WarSubtitle: Four TalksAuthor: Pema ChödrönNarrator: Pema ChödrönFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 35 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-26-17Publisher: Random House AudioRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:With war and violence flaring all over the world, many of us are left feeling vulnerable and utterly helpless. In this book Pema Chödrön draws on Buddhist teachings to explore the origins of aggression, hatred, and war, explaining that they lie nowhere but within our own hearts and minds. She goes on to explain that the way in which we as individuals respond to challenges in our everyday lives can either perpetuate a culture of violence or create a new culture of compassion."War and peace begin in the hearts of individuals," declares Pema Chödrön at the opening of this inspiring and accessible audiobook. She goes on to offer practical techniques any of us can use to work for peace in our own lives, at the level of our habits of thought and action. It's never too late, she tells us, to look within and discover a new way of living and transform not only our personal lives but our whole world.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: The Heart of BraverySubtitle: A Retreat with Sakyong Mipham and Pema ChödrönAuthor: Pema Chödrön, Sakyong Mipham RinpocheNarrator: Pema Chödrön, Sakyong Mipham RinpocheFormat: Original RecordingLength: 3 hrs and 46 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-26-17Publisher: Random House AudioGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Two of the world's most beloved spiritual teachers and leading figures in the Shambhala tradition of Buddhism discuss the core principles and practices of the tradition and how personal meditation practice can forge an enlightened society..Best-selling authors Pema Chödrön and Sakyong Mipham get to the heart of Shambhala practice in this recorded retreat on the ways that inner peace and bravery can help us cultivate compassionate action and positive societal change. They offer insight on the inherent strength and goodness of humanity and on how each of us can tap into that strength through meditation practice. Sakyong Mipham provides guided practices on core Shambhala meditations for developing courage, love for others, and respect for others' basic human dignity; Pema Chödrön teaches extensively on how personal spiritual practice relates to community betterment; and a compelling panel discussion with Shambhala teacher Adam Lobel and Episcopal Rev. Marc Handley Andrus reviews how the retreat's teachings can be brought to bear in today's interconnected global society.Contact me for any questions:
Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en Título: Budismo: La ciencia de la auténtica felicidad [Buddhism: The Science of Authentic Happiness]Subtitular: Gira Tu Mente n 1Autor: J. A. LuckNarrador: J. A. LuckFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 1 hr and 33 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 12-07-17Editor: Author's RepublicCategorías: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsResumen del editor:La ciencia de la auténtica felicidad está al alcance de tu mano¿Eres de las personas que corren obsesivamente detrás de la felicidad sin poderla alcanzar? ¿Te llenas de enojo y frustración cuando te das cuenta que no eres tan feliz como esperabas ni estás en paz contigo? ¿Te da miedo pensar que nunca serás feliz en verdad ni encontrarás paz interior?Si la mayoría de tus respuestas fueron sí, no te culpes ni te maltrates, esto le sucede a un gran número de personas, y tiene una explicación: hemos aprendido a través de nuestra cultura, familia, escuela, amigos, creencias religiosas y medios de comunicación, a buscar la felicidad en lugares equivocados. Esta situación tiene un remedio. Y si tu mente está abierta para encontrar un nuevo camino rumbo a la felicidad que tanto deseas, entonces este libro es para ti, pues en él descubrirás que la auténtica felicidad existe y se encuentra en un lugar que casi nunca visitas: tu propia mente, según afirma el budismo.El budismo es un método científico de transformación personalEn este libro, el primer volumen de la serie Gira Tu Mente, el escritor J. A. Luck conversó con Alan Murillo, uno de los instructores de budismo tibetano más apreciados de Casa Tíbet México (la primera representación oficial y cultural del pueblo tibetano en el exilio, para Latinoamérica), organismo dirigido por Marco Antonio Karam.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: HinduismSubtitle: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hindu Religion, Hindu Gods, Hindu Beliefs, Hindu Rituals, and Hinduism HistoryAuthor: Cassie ColemanNarrator: Dryw McArthurFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 35 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-07-17Publisher: Cassie ColemanRatings: 5 of 5 out of 12 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Explore the Hindu religion with its fascinating rituals and history!This audiobook has eye-opening information about Hinduism that will help you to understand the religion, gods, beliefs, and rituals and how the religion has have evolved over time.Does Hinduism really have many gods? Why do Hindus worship the cow? How about the dot.... Why do they wear it near the middle of their forehead? Why are they forbidden to eat meat? These are just a few of the countless questions many people ask or wonder about Hinduism, and whether you are a Hindu or not, there must be questions you are desiring to have answered in regards to the Hindu culture, practices, religion, or even history.Hinduism is special and has a lot of material, perhaps because it is the oldest known religion in the world. It therefore provides a lot to learn, and you do not want to miss out on anything in our journey through Hinduism including the gods, culture, structure of society, beliefs, and so on.Did you know that the supreme spirit in Hinduism is believed to be both male and female? Well, you will discover more than you ever imagined exists in Hinduism, and by the end of this audiobook, youll know a lot about a religion that has over one billion followers worldwide.This audiobook will cover these topics and more:Listen to the audiobook now and learn more about Hinduism!Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Walk Without Feet, Fly Without Wings and Think Without MindAuthor: OshoNarrator: OshoFormat: Original RecordingLength: 13 hrs and 51 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-30-17Publisher: Osho InternationalGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:These talks are answers to personal questions from seekers that touch on a wide variety of fundamental life issues. This is an enlightened being's profound, loving and, at times, humorous response to them. Amongst the many subjects covered, Osho speaks on parents and children, trust and surrender, love and jealousy, sex and pornography; play and creativity, desirelessness, enlightenment and the belief in God.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Chod Practice Demystified: Severing the Ties That BindSubtitle: Baal on Buddhism, Book 2Author: Baal KadmonNarrator: Baal KadmonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 35 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-28-17Publisher: Baal KadmonRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Welcome to the second installment in the Baal on Buddhism series in which I take complicated Buddhist topics and make them approachable to all. I was not initially intending on making this the second book in the series, in fact, I wasn't going to write this book until sometime in 2018. It has been on my list of books to write for several years, but an odd chain of synchronicities occurred in which pushed me to write this now.I took it as a sign that my perspective on this practice is coming at the right time for many people. It also gave me the opportunity to reconnect with my own shadow self in the process. I keep myself to a disciplined schedule of writing, personal occult and meditation practice amongst other things. Sometimes, during this routine, certain things can be missed or fall to the side. This was an opportunity to slow down.Chod is a very interesting practice within Tibetan Buddhism. Chod means to "Sever". It is a method of cutting through the ego so to speak. In the simplest of terms, it is a practice that allows you to release yourself from the negative effect of ego. When I say negative effects, I mean pretty much anything you may have an attachment to that is causing you pain in your life or perhaps you are avoiding. Often we are the source of our own pain.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Buddhism for the Unbelievably BusySubtitle: How leaders discover, experience and maintain their inspirationAuthor: Meshel LaurieNarrator: Meshel LaurieFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 35 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-27-17Publisher: Audible StudiosGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Meshel Laurie has had a very varied career, but whether she's working the front desk at a brothel or anchoring drive-time radio, it's always had one common thread: she is a self-confessed workaholic. Thankfully, over the years she's learnt to temper her tendencies with a bit of Buddhist perspective - and you can too!Meshel shares her own experiences with wit and wisdom and explores how to navigate the modern workplace (and stay sane), how to handle difficult relationships with colleagues, how to deal with work stress and - of course - how to achieve that ever-elusive work-life balance.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: 10 Essential Success Mantras from the Bhagavad Gita (Rupa Quick Reads)Author: Vimla PatilNarrator: Geeta SinghFormat: UnabridgedLength: 26 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-20-17Publisher: Audible StudiosRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:For thousands of years, the Bhagavad Gita has inspired millions of saints, leaders, scientists, philosophers and ordinary people around the world. In this quick read, Vimla Patil draws valuable success mantras from the philosophical text that are sure to take your life to the next level.Contact me for any questions:
Hören Sie sich dieses volle Hörbuch kostenlos bei Titel: Glück [Happiness]Untertitel: Leitfaden zur Entwicklung der wichtigsten Fähigkeit im LebenAutor:: Matthieu RicardErzähler: Markus MeuterFormat: UnabridgedSpieldauer: 9 hrs and 31 minsSprache: DeutschVeröffentlichungsdatum: 11-10-17Herausgeber: AB Publishing, NewInTech LLCKategorien: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsZusammenfassung des Herausgebers:In seinem beeindruckenden Werk macht der bekannte buddhistische Weisheitslehrer Matthieu Ricard deutlich, wie jeder von uns die Fähigkeit entwickeln kann, tiefes Glück zu erfahren.Welche Bedingungen verhindern unser Glücklichsein und welche begünstigen? Wie unterscheidet man zwischen echtem Wohlergehen und oberflächlichen Vergnügungen sowie anderen vermeintlichen Formen von Glück? Ist es überhaupt möglich, die Voraussetzungen für echtes Wohlbefinden zu schaffen?Laut dem Autor ist Glück das Resultat eines Reifungsprozesses, der ganz allein von jedem Menschen selbst abhängt. Dazu gehört auch, sich von der Macht negativer Emotionen wie Hass, Neid, Verlangen und Ich-Bezogenheit zu befreien und sich stattdessen von Mitgefühl, Demut und Güte leiten zu lassen, um im Einklang mit sich und der Welt zu leben. Kleine Übungen und Meditationsanleitungen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels weisen einen klaren Weg zu einem glücklicheren Leben.Die spielerische Leichtigkeit des Autors im Umgang mit der Welt der Wissenschaft und der Philosophie kommt in diesem Buch ebenso zum Ausdruck wie seine tiefe Vertrautheit mit den Weisheitsüberlieferungen des Buddhismus. Dabei ist dieses Buch, obwohl von buddhistischem Geist erfüllt, kein "buddhistisches" Buch. Matthieu Ricard hat es aus dem Blickwinkel einer weltlichen, "säkularen" Spiritualität geschrieben ein Thema, das auch dem Dalai Lama sehr am Herzen liegt.Dieses Hörbuch ist für das Herz und den Verstand eines jeden Menschen, der sich ein bisschen mehr Lebensfreude wünscht und zugleich möchte, dass in seinem Leben Weisheit und Mitgefühl den Ton angeben.AB Publishing, NewInTech LLC, © Nil Editions, Paris, 2003 (Originaltitel: Plaidoyer pour le Bonheur) © Nymphenburger in der F.A.Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, München 2007, aus dem Englischen von Christine BendnerPlease Note: This audiobook is in German.Kontaktieren Sie mich für Fragen:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: The Sages of NaimishiranyaSubtitle: Brilliant as the Sun: A Retelling of Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto OneAuthor: Krishna Dharma, Chintamani Dhama DasiNarrator: Krishna DharmaFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 14 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-09-17Publisher: Krishna DharmaRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Srimad Bhagavatam is the most prominent of the Puranas, or histories of the Ancient World. The original Sanskrit text of the work, penned by the great sage Vyasadeva, says it is "as brilliant as the sun", because its teachings can illuminate our consciousness even in the darkest times. Much like the Arabian Nights, it has an intricate structure of stories within stories; epic tales of divine incarnations, saints, sages, gods and earthly kings that span vast periods of time. This volume introduces the foundational story; a conversation among many learned sages and yogis at the holy site of Naimisharanya.Srimad Bhagavatam describes how the earth goes through cyclical ages not unlike the four seasons in a year. Five thousand years ago, the world entered the most terrible of the four ages, otherwise known as Kali Yuga, or the "Age of Quarrel and Hypocrisy". This era is characterized by terrific acts of violence such as large scale animal slaughter, systematic destruction of the planet's food supplies, and the merciless affliction of civilian populations by warlords and governments alike. All of this leads to escalating miseries as the dreadful age unfolds.Aware of our impending plight through prophetic visions, the compassionate sages of Naimisharanya seek a way to help us. One of their number, Suta Goswami, goes in search of a solution and encounters a dialogue between an emperor cursed to die and a great mystic. From this discussion Suta discovers how anyone, no matter how drastic their circumstances, can transcend their misery and experience boundless joy by comprehending the science of God and the soul. He returns to the sages and faithfully repeats the secrets he has heard, and this becomes the Srimad Bhagavatam.Described as the "literary incarnation of God", Srimad Bhagavatam elevates its sincere readers to pure spiritual consciousness, beyond the reach of all misery. It describes the living being as an eternal part of the all attractive Supreme Person, Krishna. We are not meant to suffer and Srimad Bhagavatam assures us that our pain will end when we properly apply the spiritual science it expounds. It is the most conclusive self-help book ever written, offering the reader the means to rise above all of the personal, interpersonal, national, and international problems we face today.Krishna Dharma, is the author of popular retellings of the Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. With the assistance of his wife Chintamani Dhama Dasi, he now brings to life the greatest of India's spiritual classics without compromising its essential spiritual message.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: An Appeal to the WorldSubtitle: The Way to Peace in a Time of DivisionAuthor: Dalai Lama, Franz AltNarrator: Edoardo BalleriniFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 23 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-07-17Publisher: Harper AudioRatings: 5 of 5 out of 9 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Includes exclusive bonus audio of the voice of the Dalai Lama, as coauthor Franz Alt asks about his views on President Trump, the rise of nationalism, the refugee crisis, the climate catastrophe, and more.In this brief, urgent "appeal to the world", His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses our time of division, calling on us to draw upon the innate goodness of our shared humanity to overcome the rancor, mistrust, and divisiveness that threaten world peace and sustainability."I see with ever greater clarity that our spiritual well-being depends not on religion, but on our innate human nature, our natural affinity for goodness, compassion, and caring for others." (From An Appeal to the World)Already a major international best seller, now available in English for the first time, in An Appeal to the World, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet illuminates the way to peace in our time, arguing for a form of universal ethics that goes beyond religion - values we all share as humans that can help us create unity and peace to heal our world."All people are united in the pursuit of happiness and the desire to avoid suffering," His Holiness reminds us. "This is the source of humanity's greatest achievements." Our development relies on cooperation, not competition. We need to begin to think and act on "we humans" - we must stop focusing on what divides us and recognize our commonalities. Without secular ethics - what Albert Schweitzer referred to as "reverence for life" - we cannot solve all the problems we face.Working with trusted collaborator Franz Alt, the Dalai Lama calls on the better angels of our nature to tackle a wide range of contemporary issues, from war, violence, and intolerance to climate change, global hunger, and materialism. Applying the techniques and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism - from listening and contemplation to meditation and nonviolence - His Holiness provides a roadmap forward.Brief yet profound, An Appeal to the World is an inspiring message of love and optimism that can truly change the world.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Tao Te Ching: 9 SecretsSubtitle: Wisdom of the Tao That Will Completely Change Your LifeAuthor: Fay FowlerNarrator: Aliz SmithFormat: UnabridgedLength: 45 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 10-11-17Publisher: Fay FowlerRatings: 5 of 5 out of 7 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:In the midst of our turbulent, conflicted modern life, how do we find a sense of peace and harmony so that we can navigate through this world without breaking down?The ancient philosophy of Tao has been giving us the tools to do this for centuries.Not only does it offer a set of techniques with which to achieve happiness, but it actually invokes a mental shift which results in a transformed mindset. Despite being an ancient philosophy, Tao is as practical and applicable today as it was centuries ago.This book will examine how the secrets wisdom of the Tao can give us the inner peace we need while we strive and achieve in this life.It presents the ancient tenets of Tao in a modern way, with examples that we can all relate to.It also offers some techniques with which we can inculcate these tenets and through which we can, ultimately, lead a happier life.Get it now and change your life right away!Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Meri GitaAuthor: Devdutt PattanaikNarrator: Ajay Raj TomarFormat: UnabridgedLength: 7 hrs and 39 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 10-05-17Publisher: Audible StudiosRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:In Meri Gita, acclaimed mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik demystifies The Bhagavad Gita for the contemporary listener. His unique approach - thematic rather than verse-by-verse - makes the ancient treatise eminently accessible.In a world that seems spellbound by argument over dialogue, vi-vaad over sam-vaad, Devdutt highlights how Krishna nudges Arjuna to understand rather than judge his relationships. This becomes relevant today when we are increasingly indulging and isolating the self (self-improvement, self-actualization, self-realization - even selfies!) We forget that we live in an ecosystem of others, where we can nourish each other with food, love and meaning, even when we fight.So let My Gita inform your Gita.Please note: This audiobook is in Hindi.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Feng ShuiSubtitle: 3 in 1 Lifestyle and Interior Design for Your Life and HappinessAuthor: Kim ChowNarrator: Scott ClemFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 2 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-28-17Publisher: Kim ChowRatings: 5 of 5 out of 26 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Three books filled with applications and practical advice according to the ancient art of Feng Shui. The Feng Shui lifestyle has a tremendous influence on the way you raise your children, how you feel, and how much wealth you attract in your life. This clear way of thinking boosts all three of these areas through careful planning, organizing, and decluttering. Aromas, colors, and symbols can all add to the experience of living a balanced life.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Durga Mantra MagickSubtitle: Harnessing the Power of the Divine ProtectressAuthor: Baal KadmonNarrator: Baal KadmonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 55 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-12-17Publisher: Baal KadmonRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Durga is a very special goddess. When I first encountered her, I was a little hesitant, but I knew deep down I needed to work with her. From 2014-2015, she has guided me. Ever so often, I am guided to work with one specific deity for a prolong period of time. It was Durga's turn then.She is by far one of the most beloved of the Hindu Goddesses. She is fiercely loyal and will pull out all the stops when she is protecting her own. She is, in many ways, a gentler version of Kali, but not quite as gentle as Parvati or Lakshmi.Durga's name means "impassable and invincible." The name is derived from the Sanskrit word for fortress, Durg. She has several forms. In this book , we will deal with her nine forms, also known as Navadurga or literally 'Nine Forms of Goddess Durga.' Each one has a purpose and we will perform nine rituals, one for each form.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: The Beloved: Vol. 1Author: OshoNarrator: OshoFormat: Original RecordingLength: 15 hrs and 28 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-24-17Publisher: Osho InternationalGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:Osho introduces the wild, dancing, sane-crazy world of the Bauls, the mystics of Bengal. With understanding, love, humor, and a touching clarity, he guides us through the songs of the Baul mystics, explaining their view of sex, their concept of the body as a temple, and their secret of surrender to the existential beloved."I am tremendously happy to introduce you to the world of the Bauls. I hope you will be nourished by it, enriched by it. It is a bizarre world, eccentric, insane. It has to be so, because the world of the so-called sane people is so insane that if you really want to be sane in it, you will have to be insane. You will have to choose a path of your own." (Osho)Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Analysis of Pema Chodron's When Things Fall ApartAuthor: Milkyway MediaNarrator: Sam SchollFormat: UnabridgedLength: 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-21-17Publisher: Milkyway MediaGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:In When Things Fall Apart (1997), American Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön, offers lessons on how to move through life's painful moments. Chödrön acknowledges that encountering fear and pain is an inevitable aspect of the human experience.Purchase this in-depth analysis to learn more.Contact me for any questions:
Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to Title: Lakshmi Mantra MagickSubtitle: Tap into the Goddess Lakshmi for Wealth and Abundance in All Areas of Life, Volume 7Author: Baal KadmonNarrator: Baal KadmonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 41 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-15-17Publisher: Baal KadmonRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 3 votesGenres: Religion & Spirituality, Buddhism & Eastern ReligionsPublisher's Summary:The great Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and fortune. She is renowned across all of India as the most beneficent goddess of the Hindu pantheon. She not only bestows wealth and fortune in the material world, but also the spiritual. That is the beauty of Lakshmi. When you call upon her, she prepares you for wealth and fortune from the inside out. Often it happens very quickly, and in some cases, it can take some time. In either case, she is very responsive. In this book, we will tap into the eight manifestations of this great Goddess. These eight emanations will help you achieve wealth and prosperity in more than one area of life. Unlike some of her fellow goddesses, she is gentile. She is not a Kali or a Druga - she will approach you gently. We will discuss the idea of the divine feminine, then we will discuss Lakshmi in a bit more detail, and get right to business. Let us begin.Contact me for any questions:
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