Welcome lovers and friends! On this episode we discuss how vain we are, how fat Robby is, if laziness is inherent, why it's not ok to be obese, how Maura got skinny, if there's a girl version of David Goggins, how girls know if they're pretty, is a no is a yes, the Kelce brothers, Maura always being late and how she wants more access to your kids. Also, we play with some muscle stimulators and talk about who is more fit.
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Welcome to the show digital creator Mike Centanni. On this episode we discuss which one of us is gay, categories on dating apps, how he met his boyfriend, coming out, our favorite private parts, what the gayest language is, types of Italians, traveling tips, our worst non romantic breakup and way more!
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Welcome back to the show, the original co-host of this show, Robby. On this episode we discuss how we met, Robby being fat, getting bullied as men, what we were like in school, our moms giving the other one baths, what men want for their birthday, words we can't use now, what we worry about our kids growing up today and what we are jealous of them for, post nut clarity, women being greedy, when we stop pooping, we watch our old jackass and music videos, the two types of dad bods, who would do better single and way more!
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Welcome to the show producer and co-host on the Wild Ride Podcast with Steve-o, Skinny Vinny. During this episode we discuss the set up for his podcast, traveling on the same bus they record on, unspoken rules on the bus, what they do after a show, why fat people are funnier, drinking to black out, manifestation, celebrity addiction meetings, getting the same tattoo as your idol, what a prison pocket is, bribing a doctor, dating while getting sober, how he met his girlfriend, watching your girl do porn, being homeless, future projects and way more!
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Welcome the show the newest podcast out of Philly, the Pulp Phiction podcast with Malik Joe and Dunphy. We discuss how Dunphy has never seen Pulp Fiction, the reason for starting their pod, how Maura tries to cancel our pod, our first pro games, getting catfished, our favorite players to hate, the best decade in Philly sports, fantasy football, crunchy feet, how women cannot be mascots, aggressive ways we are noticed and way more! Also, we play "Kiss, Blow, F#ck - Philly Mascot Edition" and "This or That - Philadelphia Eagles Edition"!
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This episode is just Maura and Justin discussing parenting, your comments, if Maura could pull off being bald, being thirsty for clicks, wet nachos, drinking pee, getting stoned like Jesus, what people want in dating, why you should settle, not accepting kisses, open relationships, marriage, divorce and why women can't take jokes. Also, we play "2 Truths and a Lie" to see if we know anything about each other after podcasting together for so long.
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Welcome back to the show, dog mom and future baby momma, Ash. During this episode we discuss having our first child, how we got pregnant, people giving us advice, revel our babies name, loving a kid as much as our dog, coed baby showers, mommy blogs, spanking, what we want him to be like, triangle kids, advice to people trying to get pregnant and way more!
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Welcome to the show star of Jackass, CKY, Haggard and many more, Raab Himself, Chris Raab. During the show we discuss how the CKY guys got their nicknames, who is the smallest and most endowed person in CKY, how we all got our humor from CKY, sleepovers with the CKY guys, pre and post poop run, the fart smack wakeup, his favorite stunt, if he has IBS, the story of how he was kicked out of school, the merging of Jackass and CKY, the last time we pooped our pants, getting sober, his charity "Hope 4 Today" and way more!
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Welcome the the show MMA fighter, Only Fans partner, domestic violence survivor and mom, Jamie Miller. During this episode we discuss getting into MMA, her first pro fight, dating other fighters, having to use the bathroom while fighting, the first time her abuser hit her, trying to stay together for her daughter, how an abuser affects their children, how she finally escaped her abuser, dating after abuse and way more! We find out what she thinks of other fighters during a game of "First Word: Fighter Edition".
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Welcome to the show comedian, cosplayer and filmmaker, Joie Maercellino. And welcome back to the show comedian and podcaster Lemaire Lee and host of the Chocolate Chip and Sip podcast, Stormy Pea. During this episode we dress in cosplay and talk about about cosplaying while fat, drunk driving, life changing money, if men like funny women, the difference between flirting with guys and girls, power rangers, slavery, buying a man a strap on, dating football players and porn stars, Philly's Phuniest, what to do as a dad and way more! Also, during this episode we find out if Josie can tell the truth during a game of "Plead the Fifth"!
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Welcome back to the show, author, Jackass, skateboarder, business owner, motivational speaker and friend of the show, Brandon Novak. During this episode we discuss running a race together, his age, what his name almost was, going on the Bertcast, getting recognized, growing up watching Novak, CKY, Jackass, being in a porn, kinks, accepting compliments, the best and worst drugs ever, getting mad at how he was treated when he was an addict, his Audiobook and the infamous plant lady!
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Welcome back Philly's queen of comedy and drag queen of the year Bev. During this episode we discuss douching, the Bud Light controversy, pro-nouns, gay money, corporations during pride month, bath houses, Trump flags, Dave Chapelle, open relationships, aging out of drag, being groomed to be straight and way more!
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We have assembled some of the biggest women in the Philadelphia scene to talk about all things dating. On this episode we talk about having big money energy, angry Maura, the white "N" word, getting a gun, men manipulating women, men flirting by being mean, the need to be liked, resting Bish face, why we are all single, not texting back, marriage, kids, work husbands and wives, making men work for it, the future of dating and way more!
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Want to hear the mans side on all things relationships? We gathered some of the biggest voices in Philadelphia and talked about when we turned into an a-hole, worst thing we caught our girl doing, never trusting blondes, the problems with marriage, women keeping our names after divorce, f#cking moms, bar wives, work wives, white people in submarines, giving our future kids advice, future of dating, why OJ is our hero and way more!
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Welcome to the show, hosts of That Rules Podcast and comedians, Matt Peoples and John Montague. During this episode we discuss what their podcast is about, researching guests, shark tooth necklaces, dating as a redhead, theys and thems, never winning a fight, standing up to wipe, coming fast, morning s3x, opening for Nark Mormand, how we've tried to make our D bigger, famous people being funny because they're famous, pride festival names, working in an office as a comedian and way more. We get to know the guys by playing "Which One" and see how strong they are in a game of "Don't Look Away"!
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Welcome to the show, host of Cookn Up 215 and Lunchbreak, Smooth. On this episode we discuss why girls can't cook anymore, how we choose our guests and chefs, women being stigmatized for talking about sex, shaving down under, researching guests, how our girls feel about our pods and co hosts, the Puffy story, who in our relationships are the romancers, how pretty women think everyone is just nice, getting licked, monkey hands, open relationships, STDs and way more! We play "Plead the Fifth" and find out if Smooth can answer all five questions!
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Welcome to the show comedian Cole Cosby. On this episode we discuss the best and worst intro he's ever been given how to get into a black frat, rating people, finding bits in conversations, white girls, dating apps and how to be attractive as a man, fat girls, being related to Bill Cosby, his best and worst night in comedy, eating butt, what positions we do, how Cole likes to "finish" and way more. We also play "Plead the Fifth" and see if Cole will expose the worst comedian in Philly.
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Welcome to the show two hilarious comedians, Jay Simpson and Jake Lipinsky. On this episode we discuss the taste of come, working at the zoo, laughing in the bedroom, laying down in the shower, Maura and her "boyfriends", growers or showers, praying to get hard, racist accents, bombing, kinks, fingers and the places they can go, why girlfriends don't laugh at jokes, best jokes that don't work on stage, if tall guys have bigger packages, doing things for women and way more!
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Welcome to the show DJ Gina. On this episode we discuss her strict no request rule, DJing secret parties in the city after hours, Bad Bunny, Taylor Swift, the Bud Light Situation, is the American flag a hate symbol?, have a genuine conversation between a straight male and transgender woman, Jerry Springer, coming out, pronouns, dating as a trans woman and way more. If you are looking for an open dialogue that does not happen often, this is the episode for you to watch, laugh and learn!
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