Exploiting the poker strategy of GTO vs PTO at low stakes cash games.
Notes are below.
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
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GTO - game theory optimal. Learning how to play in such a way that nobody can exploit you.
Downsides. Most people that try to learn it donât. Because itâs very hard. And even those that come close donât understand how to deviate to exploit others. So they are winning the minimum most of the time.
PTO - Population Theory Optimal or Pool Theory Optimal. Learning the habits and tendencies of the pool of players you play in and creating strategies against them as a group and individually to maximally exploit them.
Downsides: if any of them ever smarten up and decided to exploit you getting out of line they could wreck you. This just isnât going to happen at 1/2 or 1/3 stakes. And if anyone is capable of doing it you will know who they are very quickly and not fall prey to that.
Online coaching gurus are doing this with databases bought or collected from online play. Itâs called mass data analysis or MDA.
In live play you donât have a database other than the one you collect in your brain by playing. So you canât get it by either playing for many many years. Or by being taught by someone who has. -
How can you learn how to be good at poker as quickly as possible? Some tips and strategies are here to help. Notes are below
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here:
How To Learn Quickly
Identify spots that have most impact first. Devote all your time on them
Then second most etc. Until basic comprehension.
Preflop. Most!
Raise and bet sizes. Most!
Flop. 2nd most
Turn 3rd most
River happens least
Then specific spots as they arise. Once you realize there is a spot you donât understand devote your effort on that spot.
My AJ play two years ago etc
Current client specific board textures -
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Top 5 Most Asked Questions About Poker
1.Why does the solver recommend folding AQo to 3-bets?
A solver often recommends folding Ace-Queen offsuit (AQo) to a 3-bet due to several factors tied to game theory optimal (GTO) play, equity, and positional dynamics. But there are even more considerations when playing against your average low stakes player.
A. Equity Against 3-Bet Ranges
When running AQo in an equity calculator against typical low-stakes 3-bet ranges, it shows approximately 36% equity. This is not ideal when facing a 3-bet, as AQo is often dominated by stronger hands like AK, QQ+, and even suited Aces. If you are out of position, this problem becomes even worse, as it is difficult to realize the full equity of your hand. Playing out of position adds complexity, reduces profitability, and increases the likelihood of making costly mistakes .
B. Reverse Implied Odds
AQo has significant reverse implied odds, meaning it can lead to costly situations when dominated by hands like AK or AQ suited. This risk is amplified in multi-street play, as committing chips with a dominated hand often results in losing larger pots .
C. Positional Disadvantages
When out of position, AQo struggles to realize equity effectively. Even when facing a rare low-stakes opponent who includes some preflop âbluffsâ in their 3-bet range, such as A5 suited, JT suited, and 65 suited, it remains difficult to realize your equity. Out of position, you will often be forced to navigate complex postflop decisions where opponents can leverage their positional advantage to deny your equity realization
2.What are some tells to identify weaker players or âfishâ at the table?
A.Playing Too Many Hands
Bad players often enter the pot with a wide range of weak hands, ignoring position and strength. They rarely fold preflop, making them easy targets for skilled players who tighten up and exploit their loose tendencies.
B.Mostly Limping and Being Passive
Frequent limping signals inexperience or fear of aggression. Passive players rarely raise, preferring to call or limp, which makes it hard for them to build pots or protect their equity. This playstyle is exploitable with aggression.
C.Not Buying in for a Full 100 Big Blinds
Short-stacked players who buy in for less than the table maximum often lack confidence or a proper bankroll strategy. This limits their ability to play effectively postflop and makes them more predictable.
3.How should I adjust my play when facing different bet sizes post-flop?
In live low-stakes no-limit holdâem cash games, players often telegraph the strength of their hands through their bet sizing. Hereâs a concise breakdown of how you can exploit this tendency effectively:
A.Responding to Large Bets: Large bets typically indicate very strong hands. Against players who follow this pattern, you can confidently fold marginal hands, minimizing losses in situations where you are likely to be beaten.
B.Responding to Small Bets:
* With Strong Hands: When opponents bet small, indicating weakness, capitalize by simply calling or occasionally raising for value. This traps them into continuing with weaker holdings.
* With Weak Hands: You can use small bets as an opportunity to bluff with hands that have no showdown value. A well-timed raise can force them to fold weak holdings, allowing you to win the pot without a strong hand.
Recognizing and exploiting betting patterns helps you control the game flow. For instance, when opponents telegraph weak hands with small bets, you can either take the pot with aggressive raises or extract maximum value from your stronger hands by avoiding over-raising, which might scare them off.
4.How do I balance my range to remain unpredictable to observant opponents?
Unless you have observant studied players about table itâs isnât necessary to spend much time worrying about balance. You will make far more money focusing on exploiting the weak players massive mistake. While good players would adjust to your exploits, making you exploitable, your average low stakes players never will adjust.
5.What adjustments should I make when playing against calling stations?
A. Value bet aggressively. Bet all of your top pair hands, solid second pair hands with good kickers, and extract values from their weak hands and draws.
B. Use large bet sizings with your strong value hands. Instead of betting 1/2 pot or 2/3 pot, go larger and bet nearly pot. Versus some calling stations you can even get called by over bet sizings.
C. Donât bluff. And only semi bluff with your strongest draws with the most equity.
D. Throw flop C-bet frequencies out the window. Only C-bet when you have a value hand.
C. Avoid tilt when they draw out on you. A calling station that is running hot can make for a very frustrating session.
D. Donât pay them off. When they change from passive calling, to betting or raising, only call them when you have the most nutted hands. Fold everything else. -
Todayâs episode is 7 axioms of low stakes poker that all winning low stakes crushers know.
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1- The bigger the effective stack the better hand you need to stack off
2- When playing low stakes and facing a large river bet, if you are down to trying to count blockers to justify a call, you should fold
3- If you think about poker in terms of how many hands you win rather than how much money you profit, then you are thinking about poker incorrectly.
4- Expect to be only marginally profitable long term from early positions. Even with good holdings. And knowing this, let that guide you as to what you should even be playing early.
5- Expect to be wildly profitable when playing in position. Even with marginal holdings. And knowing this, let that guide you as to what you should be playing late, particularly on the button.
6- Just because we play solid ranges which largely is made up of good preflop hands, we are not trying to make hands to win. Sure, at low stakes it a ton about best hand poker. But thatâs what your opponents are also doing. We need to be doing more. Taking pots without hands when possible. Getting max value when we do make hands. Losing the minimum when boards become unfavorable. Folding when clearly beat. Etc
7- Suited connectors are pretty. They are not profitable from early position. And break even or slightly profitable from late position. Overall from all positions most likely break even or losing when played correctly by really good players. Not a really good player? Then you are losing with them.
More links and info
Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
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Happy Holiday!
Today we will talk about the concept of dead money and 3 bets. More information and notes at the bottom of this section.
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
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If someone raises 20, someone flats, and you can 3b and gets heads up with PFR you now have 20 dead money in the middle. Itâs the same as PFR have to put 40 in the pot to your 20. Or another way is if you are a 2/1 dog if you were only heads up and they put half the money in and you put half the money in, you are in a losing spot. But with the 20 dead money in, you are 2/1 against. But there is 2 (20) in the pot to your 1 (20) in the pot. 2/1. This is a break even to profitable spot. And any time they both fold you auto profit. This is why 3b with playable hands is so important. When there is a middle player flatting. -
Today we will discuss 3 simple poker strategies to help you crush low limit poker.
3 simple rules
-Play tight. Play aggressive
-Play draw heavy boards aggressively with your value and your big draws
-Donât tilt. Tilt comes from one or more of three things. Misunderstanding of how poker edges and ev is distributed. Poor temperament. Low bankroll.
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
How much can you make per hour playing low stakes no limit holdem? We talk about that today
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
Most poker players know about identifying Nits, tags and lags at the poker table. Buy here are 5 more player types you need to identify and exploit for max profits.
1) Street Poker Player
Always looking for reasons to bluff or steal pots. They arenât fundamentally sound but they have an instinct for poker. When someone is weak etc. Can be tough to play if you let them move you off your game.
2) The Button clicker
Takes a while to identify. But they will bet for no reason. Raise for no reason. All in for no reason.
3) Limp it all great and small
They limp AA and 22. You will run into monsters with them and not know it until you identify them. You canât over play hands vs them.
4 and 5) Limp fold / Limp call
The first limps any two but folds often to raises. The latter limps often and never folds to raises. -
On todayâs episode we talk about your change your default poker strategy based on the configuration of your specific table.
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
Today I try to answer more of your poker strategy questions that you sent to me on instagram and Facebook DMs.
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
In todayâs poker strategy session we talk about bet sizing and why you arenât making as much money in poker as you could be.
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
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In a $1/$2 game, Hero raises to $10 on the button holding Kâ ïžKâŠïž, and a less experienced player in the big blind calls with QâŠïžJâ€ïž. The flop creates a $20 pot, with a board of Jâ ïž9âŁïž2â€ïž2âŠïž5â€ïž.
Letâs look at four different betting scenarios to determine our optimal strategy for making the most money in the hand:
1.In Scenario #1, Hero bets 33% of the pot on the flop, checks the turn, and bets 66% of the pot on the river. This yields a final pot of $53.80.
2.Scenario #2 involves a 33% pot bet on the flop, followed by 66% bets on both the turn and river. This results in a final pot size of $125.20.
3.In Scenario #3, Hero bets 50% on the flop, 66% on the turn, and 66% on the river, leading to a final pot of $169.
4.Scenario #4 Hero decides to go big and bet 80% pot bets on the flop, turn, and river, resulting in a final pot size of $246.
Comparing the outcomes:
âąScenario #1: +$55
âąScenario #2: +$125
âąScenario #3: +$170
âąScenario #4: +$246
If the villain calling range is nearly inelastic, the probabilities of these scenarios are roughly equal. You will find that the really bad low stakes players donât think about how big the bet is within reason. They either like their hand and are calling or they arenât. Itâs binary.
Now letâs look at how this affects our bottom line if they donât always call all bets.
If you compare the first lowest betting strategy with the last highest betting strategy, the latter makes us 4.5 times as much money. So even if our villains only call us down 1/4th of the time we make the same amount as betting small and getting called down 100% of the time. And if they even call us down 1/3 of the time now we are making more money than the smallest bet sizing getting called 100% of the time.
This is most players biggest fear. We donât want them to fold. But as you can see , even when getting more folds we are still making more money long term. -
Todayâs episode is how to improve your poker game and tips to get better faster.
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
This is a follow up poker room review for Win! Derby Lane in St Petersburg Florida
Notes are below
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Operating Hours for Win! Derby Lane
Thursday- Sunday 24 hrs.
Weeknights until 4am
New chips!
Super helpful staff. 500
Double board holdem
Run it twice
The prime game
1/3 300-1500
7/3 raise jackpot
Instant pay quads or better $500
No hole pair needed.
Qualify for room high hand as well
Hole pair
Free drinks
$3 hour food comp
$500 for 50 hour play
Friday night $300 no rake tournament
1k Saturday rollover
Prorated payout. 1/2/3 dropped
My fave things
Randall the dealer
8 handed
Big tall tables
Not 5 food tables at every table with people eating. It really keeps the room neat. Not sure why this happens. They donât have a ton of tables is one reason. But it seems like players here donât show up to eat and play. Which I think is nice.
Least favorite.
Waitres schedule. I donât understand it.
(1/2 game)
6/3 60 - 300
150 instant pay high hand -
Todayâs poker strategy discussion will be about the isolation raise. Notes from the pod are below.
Wondering where the podcast every Sunday went? Fans of the Pod get ad free, fluff free episode every single Sunday:
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
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Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here:
Isolation raise
-In position with one or two limpers
Medium pairs, suited connectors, suited aces, broadways etc
Donât call. Raise.
-also raising big pairs and AK etc
-harder to bluff multiple players
-harder to win at showdown with more players
-more likely a hand like 88 gets out flopped multi-way
-every hand is better heads up -
Answering your poker strategy questions sent to me on IG and FB part 2.
Wondering where the podcast every Sunday went? Fans of the Pod get ad free, fluff free episode every single Sunday:
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
Save 10% when you choose the annual option.
Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here:
Jason Radiso
When SPR is close to 1 and we have the nut flush comparing jamming vs 75-90% pot bets. Some villains just are so tight and all the chips might be too much?
Jason Marsdon
Can you explain effective stack size to me
The lowest stack involved in the hand. If you have $1000 and your opponent has $250 then you are both playing a $250 stack. The other $750 in your stack is irrelevant.
Why does it matter? Hands that need implied odds. Even tho your stack may be huge if theirs is small then there may not being enough to justify implied odds
Preflop raise sizing. If a 3b will be for a large portion of the effective stack then shoving or folding becomes your only options.
John Trefly
Do you have a quick and dirty checklist or sequence to rapidly assess playing styles of your opponents? I have no trouble at all categorizing people I've played with dozens of times, but in a new venue, or facing new players, it would help to have a system.
The easiest and quickest tell on a player is to see one raise offsuit broadways or gappers from EP1 and 2
If I see someone raise QT off utg when the hand goes to showdown, I will now look to 3b them and try to play lots of hands with them heads up. Of course your position to their matters.
The other easy classification is someone who never raises preflop. Ever. You donât need a label other than bad player. In fact we should start out labeling players and good or bad. That gets us up and running quick. Then over time more specific labels. -
In todayâs poker strategy episode Iâm answering questions you sent in to me.
Wondering where the podcast every Sunday went? Fans of the Pod get ad free, fluff free episode every single Sunday:
Save 10% when you choose the annual option
Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
Save 10% when you choose the annual option.
Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here:
Ben Theriault
I know it's low limit so bluffs should be very limited but what questions should we be asking ourselves before trying a bluff on the turn or later?
Does this player ever fold turns or are they a calling stating that goes to the river with bottom pair?
Are they capped at having a very weak hand!
Can I get a fold cheaply enough to make it a profitable bet. If you bet half pot you need them to fold 1/3 of the time. 2/3 pot 40% folds. Full pot 50% folds. Etc.
Cason K
Difference in deep stack and normal
Deep stacked poker played well invokes every aspect of poker. Value, calling odds, bluffs, tons of pressure and most importantly big mistakes that cost big.
If you only have 100bb and make an error for your stack itâs not that catastrophic. But if you are 600bb deep and make the same error itâs a crazy bad error.
Large Pocket pairs go down in value. Hands that can crack big pockets pairs of people who canât fold go way up in value.
There is far too much involved in good deepstack play for me to cover in a an episode of the podcast
Tyler Westra
Knowing when to call it a day. Run bad etc. minimizing those drawdowns.
You should leave any time you are tilted and making bad decisions. Even if you have only lost one buy in.
I personally have a 3 buy in loss rule. But during bad downswings I may make it two buy ins. Iâll also play shorter sessions.
As soon as you have lost a couple sessions back to back you should be sharing notes on hands with another winning player. The more we lose the worse we play. We need independent eyes to make sure we arenât now playing bad as well.
Take a break. -
Todayâs episode is to help you identify reasons why you arenât improving at poker. Links to everything mentioned in the podcast is down below
Why you arenât improving
1- still playing too many hands
2- not raising or 3b enough
3- slow playing
4- not folding when obviously beat
5- not taking notes on hands
6- not doing the work off table
7- watching and listening to great content but not applying it
8- getting bored
9- trying to get it all back/tilt
10 variance / run bad
Wondering where the podcast every Sunday went? Fans of the Pod get ad free, fluff free episode every single Sunday:
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Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
Save 10% when you choose the annual option.
Hate AK? How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here: -
Today we will be reviewing the Poker Room at Sandia Resort and casino in Albuquerque New Mexico.
Fan of the Pod. Pod episode every single Sunday ad free and fluff free:
Targeted Low Stakes poker training with hundreds of hours of audio and video teaching exclusively how to crush 1/2 and 1/3 no limit:
Save 10% when you choose the annual option.
How to Play AK Master Class
For only $49 get this 88 minute training video of me showing you exactly how to play AK, particularly when out of position.
The best way to ramp your game up and know how to play any hand in any spot by drilling it over and over again. This is the only product I endorses. Make sure to use my code for a 25% discount at checkout: https://advancedpokertraining....
Use code: lowlimit
Want more details on everything that is offered with the training package on Patreon? I go into great detail about it all here:
Sandia review
14 tables
1/3 300 cap match stack
3/6 limit
5/10 hi low
Big 5/10 NL on weekend sometimes
$4 rake $2 promo
Dealers all good â
Concessions not cocktails (cash)
No drinking while playing. But you can drink in their bar.
Canât ask for wash but can set up
Some promos like aces cracked pays you in slot pay. Canât use until next day
Great games great action
Great staff
Low rake
Crazy expensive hotel cost
Far away from everywhere (could be a plus)
Weather was amazing in August when it was 115 in Austin. -
Todayâs poker advice is on how to play suited connectors preflop and postflop. Links mentioned in the podcast are below âŹïž
Suited connector 10 commandments
1 - play them in games where itâs deep and vs players who will stack off with over pairs
2 - open raise them in games with tight players behind that will fold a fair amount to raises
3 - Play only in late position
4 - Mix raises and calls preflop based on player type, stack depth etc. Only Call if on the button. All other positions always raise or fold. Mix based on suits or how good you are running.
5 - Donât raise if more than 3 limpers. It becomes too expensive. Either fold if not on button. Or call on button. When you do call be very aware of reverse implied odds of getting over flushed.
6 - Fold to 3b when OOP. Call in position if deep enough.
7 - Release when you only catch one pair
8 - Continue aggressively with draws that are massive
9 - bluff to win the pot when you can because of position
10 - never 4 bet with suited connectors except on rare occasions where you have some strong blocker like KQ suited. Even then itâs not advised except against the loosest aggro opponents and when your image is tight and invincible.
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