Every father in the world has one thing in common: they aren't perfect.
But there's one who is - our Heavenly Father - and our task as parents and Christians is to perceive Him as clearly and accurately as possible, model His methods and ways in our. parenting, and lead our kids to Him.
The problem is that there is a tendency that many people have to project the image and character of their earthly father onto God, which usually results in a distorted image that doesn't reflect the truth and reality of who He is.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss six different father types, and talk about the importance of forgiving our fathers for any ways that they weren't who we needed them to be in the interest of experiencing healing, freedom, and restoring our view of God.
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Everything in our lives has the potential to influence what we think about God and the quality of His character. Everybody faces their own set of circumstances in life, and the challenge for us is to develop an unwavering belief that God is good, even when life is not.
While our beliefs about God are formed throughout our lifetime, there's a subconscious tendency that people who believe in the existence of God have to project the quality of their earthly father's character onto God as their Heavenly Father.
It's important to bring this to light, because who you believe God to be will determine how you approach Him, and it may play a role in determining the quality of your parenting.
Join Brian and Katie as they begin to unpack the idea that you may be projecting the image of your father onto God, and why that could be problematic.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Have you ever wondered why you parent the way you do?
Sometimes we do what our parents did because it's all we know and we turned out okay. But sometimes we do the opposite of what our parents did because, well, our experience wasn't ideal.
In this episode Brian and Katie talked about how neither of the two extremes of the parenting pendulum (authoritarian and permissive) are ideal, and some ways to think about what a healthy balance might look like.
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The third lie in this mini-series is that violence is power.
The world we live in is training us to demand comfort, convenience, ease, and the instant gratification of our desires.
It's no surprise that this has crept its way into our parenting. Often when parents want to see a behavioral shift in their kids, they'll do whatever they deem necessary to achieve that goal, including fear, intimidation, and violence.
Join Brian and Katie as they dismantle the fallacy that violence is power, and how connection is a superior goal to parenting than compliance.
Here's the sermon on apathy mentioned by Brian:
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The second lie in this mini-series that is so easy to believe with regard to our relationships with others (especially our kids) is that anger is power.
Our kids won't always do what we want them to. In fact, professional "limit tester" and "boundary pusher" would be on their business cards if they had them.
As parents this has potential to be anger inducing, because we can feel disrespected when our kids don't do what we want them to when we want them to do it.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss the fallacy that anger gives us more power in our relationship with our kids, and why the key to teaching self control is modeling self control.
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If something you believe is untrue, would you want to know?
In our relationships with others, and most likely with our kids, there are a few lies that we can easily fall into the trap of believing. It may not happen on a conscious level, but our beliefs have a way of showing up in the way we behave.
So, if you have the fruit, you have the root.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss the commonly believed lie that "it's our job to control our kids," why this isn't true, and how to live in the balance of freedom and boundaries.
The meaning of self-control is as profound as it is simple. With it we're able to control ourselves and choose how we'll think, feel, and act towards other people. Without it, other people will be able to choose how we'll think, feel, and act towards them.
Join Brian and Katie as they unpack the power of self-control, and how it brings with it the ability to love the way God loves.
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Few things can keep you stuck in life the way that a victim mentality can.
This episode is not directed to people who have actually been a victim of the actions of others, but to those who are playing the role of the victim in life unnecessarily.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss how to identify a victim mentality, the pitfalls of developing one, and how Jesus can be looked to as a model of living victoriously in all circumstances.
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Responsibility is best understood as response-ability.
When we develop responsibility and work towards managing our own behavior and emotions, we develop the ability to formulate thoughtful and intentional responses to the unforeseen events, problems, circumstances, and undesirable behavior from the people around us.
When we lack responsibility, we lack the ability to respond, leaving us with only the ability to react.
Reactions lack thoughtfulness, intentionality, and vision. They relegate our behavior to serve as a reflection of our immediate surroundings and circumstances, and we'll end up being a slave to the emotions that those circumstances produce in us.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss the role and necessity of responsibility, and what they consider to be absolutely essential questions to routinely ask your kids in an effort to help them become more responsible.
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Learn more about our church's Company Emphases (as mentioned in the episode):
This week we're back on the topic of finding ways to implement new habits and routine in a way that works. When we try to do too much too quickly and fail after a short period, the byproduct is that we may end up teaching ourselves that we can't be trusted when it comes to making changes and implementing new habits and disciplines.
Join Brian and Katie as they talk about how our lives are changed not just by the big events of life, but by what we choose to cultivate in the mundane of daily life.
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Bad news - we've been really sick this week!
We should be back up and running next week, but in the mean time here is one of our earlier episodes.
On this episode we explored what makes kids so good at being kids, and what they need from their parents in order to grow up and mature out of their childish ways.
Unfortunately, there are many parents who hold their kids to a higher standard of maturity than they're willing or capable of modeling themselves.
For the sake of our kids, we need to become as whole and healthy as we possibly can so that, rather than demanding unrealistic expectations, we are prepared to model the very behavior we wish to see in them.
We thought this episode would be a good time to share an unpopular opinion - we don't love the idea of New Year's resolutions.
We do, however, believe in discipline, habit forming, and creating rhythms, all of which have a more profound impact on who we are and who we become than the switching of the calendar from December to January.
Join us as we discuss some practical ways to think about changing and implementing new ways of living without being overwhelmed by the pressure to revolutionize your life every January.
Do you believe that God exists?
If so, what do you believe He thinks about you?
Do you believe that He thinks you're unlovable? Disappointing? A failure? Or do you believe that He loves you unconditionally, and that He's proud do call you a friend?
Throughout our lives we're presented with innumerable opportunities to learn to believe things about God, and unfortunately not everything we learn to believe about Him is true.
It can be easy to develop belief about God's character and nature that is based on unvalidated assumptions, but the truth is that the only way to know for sure what He's like is to get to know Him personally.
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Kids generally have their core beliefs about their identity formed by the time they're seven years old.
For this reason, we need to be intentional in choosing how we speak to and about our kids.
In this episode, Brian and Katie talked about their newly published children's book titled What Does God Say About Me?: Declarations For Kids, from A-Z, and their motivation behind writing it.
Speaking declarations like those found in this book with your children is an easy and practical way to help them learn to believe the truth about who God says they are.
Buy it on Amazon:
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Most parents have two things in common...
First, they want obedient kids who listen and respond well.
Second, they keep a few "hammers" in their parenting tool belt with which they can intimidate and coerce their kids into compliance when faced with resistance.
The problem with this method is that it pursues instant results at the expense of long-term teaching and equipping.
As our kids grow up, the tools that they have and use to manage their relationships, handle difficulty, solve problems, and respond to the unforeseen events and circumstances of life are the very tools that we equip them with.
Join us on this week's episode as we continued the conversation on the importance of choosing discipline over punishment for the sake of equipping our kids with self-control and responsibility.
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Too often parents make the mistake of assuming that punishment and discipline are the same thing.
But in the interest of developing healthy relationships and connections with our kids (and, honestly, everybody else around us), it is absolutely necessary that we draw a distinction between them.
Punishment is a tool of the world. Its motivation is fear and its goal is compliance.
Discipline, on the other hand, is a tool of God's Kingdom. Its motivation is love, and its goal is connection.
Kids need proper discipline if they are to grow up, mature, and develop a value for personal responsibility and self-control.
Unfortunately, kids who are punished typically don't learn how to think critically, take responsibility, and make good choices. Rather, they learn how to hide and avoid punishment.
In this episode we begin to break down the difference between punishment and discipline in the interest of helping parents everywhere think about the long-term ramifications of their reactions to their child's poor behavior and mistakes.
By the time our kids are around four years old they'll be able to begin differentiating between socially desirable and undesirable behavior. At this point they'll start recognizing which kids they like (or don't like) to be around.
This doesnât mean that we begin teaching them when they turn four. Rather it means that the behavior that we either confront or condone up until that point will play a role in their long-term socialization.
Believe it or not, kids will respect parents who are both loving and firm. Kids will respect parents who understand their authority and use it to set limits and standards. By default kids are selfish and immature, and they'll need our help growing out of those childish tendencies.
In this episode we discussed the importance of intentionally helping our kids sort out the difference between socially desirable and undesirable behavior, and how to use our authority lead and serve them well.
The Bible is filled with some really fun and, if we're being honest, weird events and experiences.
God has always had a way of getting things done while not being overly concerned with whether or not we would find His methods ânormalâ or âlogical.â
When Jesus came on the scene He both taught and demonstrated the ways of God's Kingdom. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, and He also heard people's thoughts and walked on water.
Simply put, Jesus wasnât bound by the laws of nature, logic, and reason that we observe in what we would consider to be the natural order of things in our daily lives.
While the topic of the âsupernaturalâ and the Holy Spiritâs continued (or discontinued) active involvement in our lives is one of debate in the church today, we wanted to share some of the amazing experiences weâve had.
Specifically, with our kids.
Who better to experience the supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit than sweet, innocent, and wonder-filled kids.
Join us as we share real life stories of the times weâve seen the Holy Spirit do amazing, fun, and supernatural things with our kids.
The mind, which contains our thoughts (ideas, beliefs, opinions, images, and memories) also contains our feelings (emotions, sensations, and desires).
Too often our feelings are allowed to dictate the direction of our life, our decisions, our habits, and our identity.
This is unfortunate, because while feelings can be great servants, they make terrible masters.
In the interest of pursuing a transformation of character and becoming more like Jesus, we need to give great consideration to our feelings, particularly our desires.
Join us as we discuss what seems to be very timely and relevant, given the US presidential election and all the big feelings that come with it.
In this episode we also covered the potential we have to become people whose joy and peace are not reliant upon the quality of our circumstances, which can fluctuate from day to day, but on the quality of the character of Jesus, who is always good and always faithful.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..." - Romans 12:2
Your mind is caught in a battle between two opposing Kingdoms; the Kingdom of God and that of the world.
Either of these kingdoms will, if you allow them, be the influence that shapes how you think and feel.
One difference is that the influence of the Kingdom of God only comes through intentional focus and pursuit. In the absence of intentionality to be discipled by Jesus and learning the ways of His Kingdom, our minds will be, by default, relegated to the influence of the world.
In the interest of living the life Jesus calls us to live, we need our minds to be a product of His teaching and leading.
We need our minds to be centered around God - His truth, His Word, His presence, and His character, His values, and His ways.
Join Brian and Katie as they discuss the importance of leaning into God and His Word for the shaping of our mind and our understanding of truth.
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