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"The Inside Job" ist der Mindset-Podcast für alle, die langfristig glücklich sein, sich selbst kennenlernen und das Leben noch mehr und mehr lieben lernen möchten. Autor und Life Coach Timo Heß zeigt in verschiedenen Schwerpunkt-Folgen auf, wie wir unsere eigene Persönlichkeit entdecken, sie entfalten und stärken können. Weil vor allem eines zählt: die eigene, innere Wahrheit.
Every week, get a real look into a live, one-on-one coaching sessions with Coach, Breathwork Guide and Healer, Gwen Dittmar. Gwen coaches men and women just like you who are challenged by the grittiness of human life and to see the beauty in our biggest blocks and hardest challenges. Guests are opening themselves up to be vulnerable with Gwen, and with you, the listener, so that you can know that you're not alone in the beautiful grit of life.
Experience transformative Kingdom teachings and profound conversations as Glenn Bleakney, founder of Awake Nations Ministries, explores the depths of spiritual awakening and church reformation. Through powerful teaching sessions and insightful interviews with Kingdom leaders, this podcast delves into revival, the Five-fold ministry, and revolutionary perspectives on building God's Kingdom. Each episode equips believers with fresh revelations and practical wisdom for advancing God's purposes in their lives and communities.
Discover more about Glenn Bleakney's ministry at
Watch Kingdom Community Television and download our apps at https:/ -
Whether you have a dream in your heart or aren’t sure what God might be calling you to, The Devoted Dreamers Podcast will encourage you on the journey. This space is dedicated to sharing stories every week of women who are following Jesus and pursuing their God-given gifts in beautifully imperfect ways. You’ll hear about the fears and challenges that threaten their dreams as well as the joy, courage and confidence that comes from following Jesus even in the unexpected…especially in the unexpected.
I’m your host, Merritt Onsa, and my prayer is that this show will meet you where you are in your walk with God. I hope you will come away from the podcast each week with encouragement to begin pursuing your own dreams even when you still feel flawed, imperfect, unfinished and not ready. Because if you wait until you are perfect, you will never take the first step. Join us! -
Das Leben und jegliche Form von Leben ist seit Urzeiten dual. SchwarzWeiss. Das eine bedingt immer das andere und umgekehrt. Ein Naturgesetz , welches schon immer galt und auch für immer gelten wird. Allzu häufig tun wir uns jedoch schwer, die Dinge und das Leben einseitig zu betrachten und zu be- oder verurteilen. In gut oder böse, emotional oder rational, Liebe oder Hass, richtig oder falsch, links oder rechts, Anspannung und Entspannung usw. Es lässt sich beliebig und unendlich fortsetzen. Die einseitige Betrachtung macht uns allzu häufig das Leben schwer und lässt uns die Lösung nicht finden. Eine Lösung , egal in welcher Lebenssituation du auch stecken magst, die aus einer Position des neutralen Blickwinkels erst gesehen und getroffen werden kann. In dem du dir beiden Seiten der Bedingungen bewusst machst und dann eine souveräne Entscheidung für dich treffen kannst, ohne die Meinung anderer zu verurteilen. Die Dualität und Neutralität lässt sich auf alle Lebensbereiche anwenden und ermöglicht dir bei jeder Herausforderung souveräner , besonnener, gelassener und innerlich ruhiger zu werden. Durch die Brille der Dualität beleuchten wir für dich hier wochenaktuell grundlegende Lebensthemen sowie zeitlich aktuelle Themen. Damit möchten wir dir eine souveräne und neutrale Sichtweise anbieten mit ebenso neuen Lösungsmöglichkeiten.
Prophetic Praying Radio is a daily revelational and prophetic broadcast scripturally loaded with power on the altar of prayer to enforce divine solutions to earthly situations and empower destinies for maximum impact.
Everyone made by God is ordained to be a solution to earthly situations, but it takes being empowered to feature in this, because your attainment in life is defined by the degree of your empowerment. Connect every week for revelational and prophetic word that will empower you for triumph.
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Piacere, sono Andrea Grosso, Filosofo e Musicista.
Promuovo il Risveglio del Potenziale Umano attraverso Attività Formative, Artistiche e Imprenditoriali. Affinché ogni Essere Umano possa divenire Libero e Creativo e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo.
Da più di 30 anni mi interesso di Sviluppo del Potenziale Umano e Filosofia Realizzativa (o Scienza dello Spirito), in una ricerca appassionata della possibile integrazione di Filosofia e Prassi, Spiritualità e Azione, per far sì che ogni essere umano possa trovare una modalità pratica ed efficace per diventare libero e creativo – nella Vita e nel Lavoro – realizzare se stesso e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo.
Ricerca condotta sia a livello accademico (Ph.D. Scienze Umane e Filosofiche) che all'interno di Associazioni e Gruppi di Ricerca Interiore e Spirituale di differenti Tradizioni Iniziatiche, oltre che in ambito artistico (in particolar modo Musica e Arti Performative) e nelle Arti Marziali.
In questo Podcast condivido Esperienze, Intuizioni, Incontri e Frutti di questa Ricerca.
Dalla sintesi di questa Ricerca nasce per me la possibilità di trasmettere la Filosofia Realizzativa, una Via per la Realizzazione di Sé nell’Armonia e nella Volontà di migliorare la Società Umana.
Ho avuto ed ho diverse Guide: Insegnanti, Istruttori e Maestri (il più grande fra questi ultimi è la Vita) ai quali sono infinitamente grato.
Fortunatamente, nessuno di questi può realizzare comprensioni e trasformazioni al posto mio.
Gran parte delle mie conoscenze, quindi, derivano da ciò che ho compreso e realizzato personalmente.
Ecco perché, in fondo, mi considero un Libero Ricercatore, allievo e insegnante, a seconda dei casi e dei punti di vista, uno Stregone Errante che ama la Sapienza e il Potere posti al Servizio dell’Evoluzione e dell’Armonia.
Un Poeta che adora la Manifestazione e, cantando e ballando, celebra la Vita.
Ma soprattutto un Cavaliere, anacronistico e romantico amante di Valori non riconducibili alla morale di un luogo o di un tempo specifici, ma provenienti da un’Etica senza tempo.
Un Guerriero, un Rivoluzionario che pensa che valga la pena combattere per ciò in cui si crede, di entrare con Passione e Coraggio nelle battaglie che si ritiene degne di essere combattute.
Ed io credo che un mondo migliore sia possibile, un modo migliore di vivere la vita, le relazioni, il lavoro, la cultura e la spiritualità, con più Intensità, Armonia e senso di Fratellanza.
Credo che questo possa attuarsi, prima di tutto, attraverso un Risveglio Interiore e Spirituale, realizzato da più individui possibili, disposti a loro volta a favorire questo cambiamento.
E che sia una battaglia degna di essere combattuta.
Questo è il mio Blog:
Questo è il mio Canale YouTube:
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🏛 KRIS Academy | Accademia di Filosofia Realizzativa ⭐️ Corsi per divenire Liberi e Creativi, nella Vita e nel Lavoro, e contribuire ad un Mondo Nuovo:
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The Go-to Podcast for Christian Moms Who Want to Start Their Online Business!
** Top 5% Global Podcast**
Ready to discover your purpose and start an online buiness?
Do you know you’re a leader but wish you had the clarity and time to take your passion and turn it into your dream business?
Scared to start because you’re not sure what kind of business you should pursue?
There's a way to discover the purpose God has for you, start an online business with God at the center, and also have balance in your life and business.
Hey, we’re Liz and Sara- we're Moms, Business and Life Coaches, and Entrepreneurs who are passionate about building God’s Kingdom and seeing women like you rise up into their destiny.
For years we longed to live out the God-given dreams in our hearts, use our voices to lead and help people, have more money so that our family could do everything we felt called to do, and leave a legacy for our kids.
We were stuck in a tug of war between the call to lead inside our home and the call to lead others outside of our home. We tried to put all our passion into our kids, wait for the church leaders in our lives to give us leadership positions, and pray for money to appear in our mailboxes.
We finally realized that if we wanted to truly impact more people and have more money to provide for our families, entrepreneurship was the easiest route to use our God-given gifts.
We found a sustainable way of doing business that fits your busy Mom life. A simple step by step strategy that unlocks your purpose and opens the door for unlimited income and impact. And we’re ready to share it with you!
In this Podcast you'll:
-Get clear on your God-given purpose
-Start an online business that works for your busy schedule
-Learn how to have a Kingdom impact on the people God has called you to
-Create financial freedom
-Have more time to spend with the ones you love
We're here to help you grow in your assignment as Moms and as Entrepreneurs. It's time to start your business, become the woman you were destined to be, and expand the Kingdom together!
Now let your kids have that screen time they’ve been begging you for and get ready to take some notes, it’s time to get started! -
🎙️ Bienvenue dans Audacieusement Votre, le podcast qui réveille l'entrepreneure spirituelle en toi !
Si tu es une âme audacieuse, motivée, et avide de confiance, tu es au bon endroit. Chaque semaine, ce podcast t'offrira une dose d'inspiration.
Ensemble, nous plongerons dans ton énergie intérieure, explorerons tes valeurs et revisiterons ton vécu, tout en utilisant des outils pratiques et spirituels inspirants.
Prépare-toi à révéler tes zones de génie, à libérer ton charisme intérieur, et à manifester ton destin entrepreneurial.
Je suis Crista, activatrice de potentiel et créatrice de la méthode AiLE, ainsi que de la CristaCoaching Académie. Mon objectif est d'accompagner les entrepreneurs du bien-être à se démarquer et à vivre de leur passion grâce à la création d'une offre signature unique.
Abonne-toi à Audacieusement Votre dès maintenant pour révéler la spiritualité qui sommeille en toi et faire rayonner ton entreprise avec confiance et succès. C'est parti pour l’épisode d’aujorud’hui. Belle écoute !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
This is a podcast showcasing women who are living life on their terms, despite what society says or what "normal" is. Most of the women showcased are entrepreneurs and provide helpful tips on how to move from where you are in life to where you desire to be. Many of these women have overcome barriers to get to where they are. This is an inspirational podcast designed to help you get to the next goal in your life no matter where you are.
The Coaching Business Podcast with Max Tornow is a podcast for online coaches, consultants or service providers either seeking to start or scale their existing online business. If you want to learn how to increase your revenue while at the same time decrease the amount of work you have to put into your business then you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll experience exciting interviews with well-known personalities & coaches, successful clients of Max Tornow and real experts who will teach you how to become the number 1 expert in your niche and charge prices from $2,000 upwards for your offer. In this Podcast, Max Tornow shows you strategies and tactics you can use to start your business from scratch and scale it up to 6 figures a month. Do you want to know how to get more affluent clients for your business, how to sell your offer strategically or how you can use the power of online marketing? After listening to this podcast you will know how to break free as a coach, consultant or service provider.
This is Life is a fun, interactive and conversational podcast where we discuss real issues with a positive and wholesome perspective. Engage with Cornelius and Heather Lindsay during their special segment, "Ask the Lindseys," where you can ask real questions and receive real answers. We’re talking about everyday issues that affect everyday people with personal insight and our own mix of straight-talk and humor.
New episodes every Friday morning. Hope you join us! Subscribe today! -
Derek Broes', former life, he served as Senior Vice President of Worldwide Business Development at Paramount Pictures, A Viacom Company. At Paramount Broes has been responsible for establishing digital strategy, marketing and helping to drive the companies most public partnerships such as the Apple Itunes, Amazon, and Walmart partnerships. Prior to joining Paramount in 2006 Derek lead the global wireless strategy and business development team for Windows Media® at Microsoft Corp., pushing entertainment convergence within the wireless space. Broes has been at the forefront of media and technology for more than a decade and is nationally recognized as an influential leader in the film and high-tech industries.
Before joining Microsoft, Broes was an entrepreneur of successful media and technology companies, including the post-production feature film industry’s first all-digital post-production sound design and editing facility, located in Burbank, Calif.
He was appointed as executive vice president for the world’s largest streaming media aggregator and later as chairman and chief executive officer of a digital media security company. Broes also helped pioneer the development of key technologies used by copyright owners in preventing piracy of music and films over the Internet’s peer-to-peer community.
Broes started his career in Los Angeles, where he spearheaded a production company called Goodbro Pictures with Hollywood star and partner Cuba Gooding Jr. Broes was Gooding’s personal manager and later executive producer through several critically acclaimed and successful films, including the popular “Jerry Maguire,” for which Gooding earned an Academy Award.
In addition, in May 2002, Broes founded the Distributed Computing Industry Association (DCIA) , a nonprofit organization working toward a viable framework for the Internet peer-to-peer community agreeable .
He now teaches truth. -
Im thermoplan talk werden jede Woche Mitarbeitende aus den unterschiedlichsten Abteilungen vorgestellt. Wir reden über Arbeit, Freizeit und Hobbys. Über bewegendes, lustiges, trauriges und unvergessliches. Ausserdem gibt es in jeder Folge ein kurzes Update aus der Geschäftsleitung. Der Podcast richtet sich in erster Linie an die Mitarbeitenden von Thermoplan AG. Aber selbstverständlich dürfen auch alle anderen Thermoplan-Interessierten zuhören.
Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he unravels one of the most heart-wrenching stories in the the Seerah of the Prophet (SAW).
Study the biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind.
For any general feedback or technical issues please contact: [email protected]
If you would like to support: Please keep Yasir Qadhi and me in your Duas.
Copyright @ Memphis Islamic Center -
Are you a prophetic champion?
Then this podcast is for you. Each episode is curated for your prophetic call. Holds the answers to your prophetic destiny as a #NextGenProphet. Michael & Deborah-Anne Velthuysen your big brother, sister & mentors. They’ve lived each lesson. Pray you through. Give you the “how to” steps you need to accelerate your call.
Welcome to the place where fitting out is fitting in!
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The Next Level Soul® Podcast is your guide to awakening, self-discovery, and aligning with the infinite power within. Hosted by Alex Ferrari, the podcast dives deep into life's profound questions, exploring how we can thrive, evolve, and embrace our divine journey.
Through candid and inspiring conversations with renowned spiritual teachers, thought leaders, and visionaries from around the globe, we uncover the wisdom needed to elevate your soul's path.
Each episode delves into the sacred mysteries of existence, touching on transformative topics like Spirituality, Near-Death Experiences, Channeling, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilizations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End-of-Life, Mindset, and Healing & Wellness. Our mission is to illuminate your path, expand your consciousness, and empower you to live with greater purpose and clarity.
New episodes of Next Level Soul are released weekly on all major podcast platforms. Let’s journey together and take your SOUL to the next level. Learn more at
Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of, Alex Ferrari, its subsidiaries, or any affiliated entities.
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