McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here Maggie and Jes talk about the short story I was a Teenage Bigfoot and Tansenn hides in a dark room with a migraine and whines a lot.
I Was A Teenage Bigfoot Short Story Summary:Harry Dresden pranks some high-tech monster seekers—and attempts to save a friend’s son whose life-energy is slowly being drained by an unknown adversary.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
We at Free Flow Rambling are wishing you a Happy New Year!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Free Flow Rambling is wishing you Happy Holidays!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss the Chapter 43 in which Mouse goes on adventures through the city with his frenemy Mister and Harry doesn't notice one bit. Also, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Dead Beat Chapter 43 Summary:Bob updates Harry on the aftermath of the DarkHallow. Harry gets the blackmail material from Mavra by giving her the Word of Kemmler and threatens her to never use him again.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 42 in which Harry provides answers to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything, and Bob f*cks shit up.
Dead Beat Chapter 42 Summary:Harry and Ramirez are able to take out Grevane but shortly after Cowl disables Ramirez, and Kumori holds Harry at knifepoint. Harry is able to free Bob who then uses Sue to free Harry from Kumori’s grasp. Harry then successfully stops Cowl from finishing the Darkhallow.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss chapter 40 & 41 in which Luccio pulls the Dom card on Morgan and informs him she's traded in for a newer model, and Harry and Ramirez start a beautiful bromance.
Dead Beat Chapter 40 Summary:Morgan attacks Harry accusing him of killing Luccio. Harry defends himself and tries to reason with Morgan and finally in an act of desperation, drops all of his defenses against Morgan’s attack.
Dead Beat Chapter 41 Summary:Ramirez and Luccio in her new body come to Harry’s defense and get Morgan to stand down. Ramirez and Harry make a quick plan and ride Sue towards the Vortex to stop the Darkhallow.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 39 in which we discuss Sue's likely confusion at her nudity and lack of feathers, and Harry's bad luck for killing wardens.
Dead Beat Chapter 39 Summary:Harry and Butters ride a newly animated Tyrannosaurus Sue to the site of the Darkhallow. They fight their way to the Wardens where Harry updates Luccio about the current situation. They are attacked by Corpsetaker, who takes over Luccio whom Harry is then forced to kill.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 37 and 38.
Dead Beat Chapter 37 Summary:Cassius reveals that he is going to torture and kill Harry for his revenge but he has come for the coin of Lasciel as well. Mouse and Butters intervene but Cassius is able to get one final spell off.
Dead Beat Chapter 38 Summary:Harry debates with his subconscious about getting help from Lasciel. Harry finally relents and accepts Lasciels help and learns about the Darkhallow. Harry asks Butters to help him with his plan to disrupt the Darkhallow.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 36 in which Harry gets Butters hooked on thievery, and Quintus desperately is in need of moisturizer.
Dead Beat Chapter 36 Summary:Harry and Butters make a pit stop at a Radio Shack for a GPS. They use the mystery numbers in the GPS to make their way to the Field Museum and find the Word of Kemmler. Harry is ambushed by Grevane and Liver Spots who take the Word from Harry. It is revealed that Liver Spots is Quintus Cassius, the former Knight of the Denarians who is bent on revenge upon Harry.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 34 & 35 in which Cowl brags all villain like, and Harry realizes his luck with women is truly spectacularly awful.
Dead Beat Chapter 34 Summary:Harry goes back to Murphy’s and gets updated from Thomas, Butters and Bob on the current theories of where the Necromancers will end up. Harry asks Thomas to send a message to the Wardens and then gets ready to call upon the Erlking.
Dead Beat Chapter 35 Summary:Harry takes Butters and Mouse to go check on Shiela but while he’s talking with her Butters interrupts and it becomes clear that Shiela is in fact an illusion from the Shadow of Lasciel. Harry locks her away in his mind after declining her offers of help, and as a result makes a realization of what the mystery numbers are and how to find The Word of Kemmler.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 32 and 33 in which Bob and Thomas are skeptical of Harry's career trajectory, and Harry interviews for the Hunt.
Dead Beat Chapter 32 Summary:Harry goes back to Murphy’s and gets updated from Thomas, Butters and Bob on the current theories of where the Necromancers will end up. Harry asks Thomas to send a message to the Wardens and then gets ready to call upon the Erlking.
Dead Beat Chapter 33 Summary:Harry calls upon and traps the Erlking. While Harry struggles to maintain the binding he is assaulted by Cowl, freeing the Erlking and beginning the Wild Hunt.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
We discuss Chapter 31 where Dresden tests fashion boundaries donning a grey cloak, Luccio makes a desperation play, and Ramirez plays it cool.
Dead Beat Chapter 31 Summary:Harry joins the Wardens and is updated on the brutal attacks and ambushes the White Council has endured most recently. Harry speaks with Luccio privately to decline her offer to become a Warden but is finally convinced to accept and is promoted to Commander of the Region.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 29 & 30 in which Harry and Kumori miss each other's point, and Mac is probably annoyed that Harry kills his sales.
Dead Beat Chapter 29 Summary:Kumori comes to Harry for the book and he explains that he no longer has it. Kumori makes an offer to allow Harry to leave in order to spare his life. Harry makes a counter offer to Kumori for information and the protection of the council. They both are unable to take the offer.
Dead Beat Chapter 30 Summary:Harry drives the city gathering supplies for the upcoming ritual and then heads to McAnallys. The patrons leave for their safety upon Harry’s suggestion, and the Wardens arrive to meet their newest member.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 27 & 28 in which Harry leans into self talk skills much to Billy's dismay and drops by Shiela's for nookie.
Dead Beat Chapter 27 Summary:Harry makes a call to the Wardens and reports the activities of the followers of Kemmler. Billy arrives and provides Harry his revolver and shares with him his concern for Harry's well being.
Dead Beat Chapter 28 Summary:Harry goes to Shiela’s and asks her for help with recalling the poems from Die Lied der Erlking. Shiela agrees to help and the pair find and transcribe the summoning spell. The two share a brief intimate moment but opt to get to know each other better. As Harry leaves the apartment he is confronted by Kumori.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 26 in which we realize all of Harry's friends have dropped the birthday ball for if Birthday Pancakes are a highlight.
Dead Beat Chapter 26 Summary:Harry, Thomas and Butters make a plan on how to deal with the heirs of Kemmler over birthday pancakes.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 24 & 25 in which we examine the nuance of the Modern Gay Wizard. Also, Harry takes an imaginary bath.
Dead Beat Chapter 24 Summary:The group takes some time to rest and recharge at Murphy’s house. Dresden and Butters have a heart to heart talk about dealing with fear.
Dead Beat Chapter 25 Summary:Harry falls into a dream state and is propositioned by the shadow form of Lasciel.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 23 in which Harry and Grevane barter for Butters, and there is an impromptu flashmob for Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Dead Beat Chapter 23 Summary:Harry negotiates for the return of Butters in exchange for the numbers from the file. While in the process of making the exchange, Corpsetaker interrupts with a ghost army. Harry, Thomas and Mouse are able to escape with Butters but lose the string of numbers in the process.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 22 in which Harry makes the quintessential spoke too soon comment and then professes his undying love for Polka
Dead Beat Chapter 22 Summary:Harry and Mouse make it into the house while the Zombie army attacks. The zombies continue to break down the apartment wards as Harry and Thomas make an escape plan. Just as they are about to enact their plan, the zombies pull Butters out through a window.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 21 in which Mab surprise ambushes Harry and makes him wish he was actually one of Lea's hounds.
Dead Beat Chapter 20 Summary:Dresden is relieved of his copy of Die Lied der Erlking and before he is killed by Li, he is rescued by Gard, Hendrix and Marcone. Marcone provides Harry more information about the incident on Wacker and convinces him that it is in his best interest to go to the local emergency room.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast
Here we discuss Chapter 20 in which we repeatedly question Harry's ability to read German, and Harry delegates work he doesn't want to do.
Dead Beat Chapter 20 Summary:Dresden is relieved of his copy of Die Lied der Erlking and before he is killed by Li, he is rescued by Gard, Hendrix and Marcone. Marcone provides Harry more information about the incident on Wacker and convinces him that it is in his best interest to go to the local emergency room.
Find Us Elsewhere:Do you want to follow up with us for even more Dresden? We're all over the internet - you can email us at [email protected], or you can track us down at Facebook, Instagram, Discord, X (formerly known as Twitter), Reddit, our Dresden Files website, or our parent website. If you want hypnotic visuals with your podcast, you can find us at YouTube. Not enough? Why not show your support by clicking here and donating or joining us on our Patreon. Also, if you're in the market for some merch, you can click here. If you still aren't satisfied, click here and tell us all about it!
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