Memory is the ongoing process of information retention over time. Of course everybody is studying things only so that someday they will be put to use, in an exam or a real life situation. So basically having a bad recall is equivalent to not studying, and that's really sad. This brings us back to our question on what is the best way to study.
COVID is caused by SARS CoV 2, a coronavirus. It is a large, enveloped virus, (+)ssRNA genome. There is a confusing array of available testing options for this. Review them here.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Malaria is the number one killer of all parasitic diseases, with most of the deaths in under 5 age group. It is cause by Plasmodium species. For a detailed handout, please visit
Have you seen or experienced yourself a sensation of wooziness when travelling by car, boat, plane or train? Motion sickness is very widely prevalent.