S6 E 12 Sensei Mode
The meaning of SENSEI is a teacher or instructor usually of Japanese martial arts. A Sensei however is abe to teach because he has has more experience in difficult situations. The world has plenty of distractions. From a spiritual standpoint evil, fear and selfishness are rampant. When things go wrong, and it seems you can't catch a break what goes through your head. Do you chalk it up to bad luck? Do you start looking for things to balme? Growing up I studied martial arts. The discipline, and pride from the practice has always intrigued me. The requirements and focus needed to advance to the next belt gave me a sense of honor. My instructors or Sensei's as they are traditionally called were always noble. They were always patient and poised in the most stressful situations. As I am challenged daily by constant spiritual and physical adversity. I strive to take on the mindset of the sensei. Remaining calm and focused on the bigger picture. In this episode I will talk about Sensei Mode. What is Sensei Mode? How you can tap into it to remain focused when overwhelmed. Tune in and get ready to become stronger when faced with adversities.
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S6 E 11 AAA
Accountability, Action, Attitude. These three things can determine how we can successfully deal with difficult situations. As we continue a lively 2024. There is no shortage of events happening that can cause anxiousness or uncertainty. My journey has led me into situations where I am being required to provide structure. This has been challenging but not beyond navigating. In tough situations it can be easy to point out what others aren't or are doing. This affects our attitude and ultimately can determine the outcomes. Providing the outline to and for yourself is tedious. Providing that for others while dealing with your own issues is next level. In the middle of my commercial fishing journey. A new environment. The death of a friend and a roommate who is cultural opposite. Have all kept me occupied mentally. Looking to AAA when juggling where to focus is key to my a Healthy Mental State. So tune into to this episode as we talk about how Accountability, Action, Attitude can help you. Being aware of these can lead to getting through stressful times. Without stressing yourself out or panicking and growing for the better at the same time.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
S6 Ep 10 Kobe Hand
Suicide is a complex and multifaceted issue influenced by various factors. Including mental health, social, economic, and environmental circumstances. Here are some important facts about suicide. According to the World Health Organization close to 800,000 people die by suicide every year. Suicide affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Certain demographics, such as individuals with mental health disorders, are at higher risk. Mental health disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse. Are significant risk factors for suicide. When one of my best friends and accountability partners took his life. It left me forever changed. I took a week off to grieve and ask myself some tough questions. I started to think about our conversations. Kobe Hand was a joke him and I had when faced with things we couldn't allow to distract us. Girlfriend mad Kobe Hand. New people and situations when we are already at capacit " Kobe Hand". Silly arguments and paying attention to things that don't benefit us growing "Kobe Hand". I will always question why the Kobe Hand didn't work when it came to taking his life. In the midst of this I see a purposeful message. Don't let the things that don't matter consume you. Always remember the goal and end game. So tune in this episode as I discuss the pain im feeling and how i'm pushing through it. Losing someone is never pleasant. With me questioning my current goals and the good i'm actually doing. I will discuss my current mindset and how i'm using the Kobe hand to push forward. If you or anyone you know needs help or has thoughts of harming themselves please reach out. (1-800-273-8255).💪🏿🧠💪🏿
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S6 E9 Mental Endurance
When it comes to doing anything for an extended amount of time, fatigue will be a factor. This also includes thinking and processing mentally. Distractions, responsibilities, and unpredictable daily events gives us plenty to think about. Without decompressing , and addressing your thoughts, current decision making skills begin to suffer. Once at that point we begin to become easily irritated and distracted. The lack of focus soon impacts everyday responsibilities. This can lead us on a downward spiral. Mental fatigue affects everyone. There is no way to avoid having to deal with what life puts in front of us. There is a way to be more effective when going through these seasons, allowing you to have more peace of mind. How we warm up , address, and review thoughts and actions is critical. It takes practice and intentionality. For me this is starting each day with conversing with GOD. This then leads me to prayer in which I ask and thank him for the capacity to deal with the day with Joy. This may look different for others. Looking at our mental energy, and understanding when your low is a skill. It can allow you to ration, repair and reset your mind. On this episode I will talk about strengthening your mind, and knowing when to push or relax. So tune in this episode as I show you how I build Mental and endurance. And fight through difficult mental situations with prayer, empathy, and situational awareness. 💪🏿🧠💪🏿
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S6 E8 How to Score in 2024
New years brings in new goals, dreams and aspirations. Most people have good intentions, but lack a plan and direction. What if every three months was a new year? What if you could be more effective strategically this year and in future goals. In this episode we talk about gameplaning and strategizing in a way to be successful. Having the proper mindset and being realistic starts before you ever take action. Most can zero in on the end goal success and the spoils of victory. More critical and overlooked are the steps and things you need to consistently do. Proper understanding of the task as well as identifying tactics. These are a few things that will help you to tackle your lofty goals. So tune in as we talk about your next steps to take in 2024. Thinking about these things now will help ensure win or lose you can keep moving forward.
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S6 E7 Confident but Wrong Entertainment takes up a large part of people's time. There no shortage of ways and options to entertain ourselves. Over time our beliefs and thoughts are slowly altered and shaped by what we intake. Star Wars has been one of my favorite things since a child. Introduced to me by my father it offered something for us to bond over. As the years progressed and the series continued, I found myself choosing a side. The one of a Jedi. This came with favorite characters, factions and beliefs. These beliefs slowly started to show in the way I carried myself daily. If the latest movie was out, I'd find myself saying "May the force be with You". I even find myself using Jedi and the light side as examples when giving advice or even podcasting. I was shocked at what I found when I dug deeper on the creators and their intentions. The information is out there and can be found. My intention isn't to ruin anyone's experience with the series. More important in my eyes is the lesson anyone can take from my experience. On this episode I explain how what we write off as entertainment is often much more. It is natural after intaking something for so long or in large doses to be influenced. I talk about what I learned as well as what to do when one of your beliefs is challenged. It can be a hard pill to swallow but with proper mindset you will only become better with each instance. 💪🏿🧠💪🏿#mindmatters #mentalhealthblogger #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalillnessrecovery #mentalhealthwarrior #endthestigma #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #mentalillness CHANNEL - https://www.medicineballls3.comWisdom App -
S6 E6 White Boots and White Caps
Navigating the water has shown me many things. From how the tide comes in and effects the water. To the winds and how the conteol the waters. In the fishing industry the standard white fishermen boots symbolize many things. Work ethic, and a culture of chasing water creatures. From the time I arrived into the world of commercial fishing I have noticed this footwear. By the time I acquired a pair I understood the work that came with wearing them. Based on this description its easy to assume white caps are another wearable item. But they are much more. In life we will have rough moments. We will have some turbulent situations that we must face. This is like a fisherman choosing what to do on a rough day on the water. Often facing these obstacles can be critical to your livelihood in many ways. This is also similar to faith. We often must press on in uncertain situations because we know GOD's character. Tune in this episode where I discuss some rough areas I am facing and how im going about overcomming. In this episode I will offer some keys to being able to stay adaptable and look at things from a more Joyus POV.
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S6 E5 Cast Your Net
In life you must take chances to be successful. Limiting your self and closed minded thinking will constrict your ability to adapt. This will leave you with fewer opportunities when adversity arises. During my short time in commercial fishing I have been in many unique situations. Most days it feels I spend as much time on water as land. Committing to an industry in another state. Taking on responsibilities in a place that is unfamiliar. Not knowing what will happen or what to expect. These are things I could only do by faith. Even now as I'm faced with an ever changing industry. The company I committed to possible selling. Dealing with moody fisherman when the stakes are high. It can be overwhelming. It reminds me of the story of Jesus telling the fishermen ( who viewed him as a carpenter ) to cast out their nets. The fishermen thinking "Whats a carpenter know about fishing". Were surprised when their nets began to break from the amount of fish they caught. In life when we operate in faith we will find ourselves doing things that dont make sense. It may be difficult or we may suffer loss and adversity for a time. True faith is knowing the character of GOD and knowing if we walk in his will he will work it out. As finances type of work, commute time, possible earnings change daily. My faith is being tested to the max. So tune is as I tell my own cast net story that had me questioning what I'm doing. Even now I have questions but I fight hard to keep them from becoming doubts. If you dont atleast Cast your net you wont catch anything. Sometimes you may cast it and still come up empty. The option to try again and keep looking is what should drive us to push forward even in uncertainty. SO tune in as we talk about the things I caught casting my net both physically and mentally.
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Planning is a big part of reaching your dreams and goals. We often put so much work into making sure things go as we envision. In basketball players looking to score have the similar vison on how they will get to the hoop. It could be some flashes dribbling, fancy passing or a powerful dunk to name a few options. However like in life sometimes those holes or opportunities close fast. In basketball it can be a 7 ft defender appearing out of nowhere. Life can be less subtle. A lost job. A blown deal. funding that never came. Its easier in moments of disappointment to scrap everything and start over. Thats not always the smartest thing. a Pivot in basketball is when your forced to pick up your dribble. It stops you from moving. However you are still able to move one foot giving you a chance to still be creative without giving up ground. In life you can be sure your plans will have hiccup. You will be forced to stop moving in one direction and either give in or adapt. In this episode I speak on how the plan to be a crabber in Florida was paused. I had a decision to make. Call it quits and move on to something else or to use the knowledge gained to push forward. Join me as we talk about the mentality needed to pivot when your forced to change direction. Tap in and keep pushing always be willing to adapt to reach your goals.
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S6 E 3 O.P.S
Everyone knows an elderly person. Grandma, Aunt family friend. Whats bigger is that we will all be old one day as well. Empathy is something that isn't natural to humans. Dealing with the elderly is one of the easiest ways to cultivate empathy. Over there years my father and I have had a very interesting relationships. At times I was a boy who wanted approval from his father. Being a Vietnam veteran with a platoon of men your responsible for in a dangerous situation can be a lot. I never thought about how this could affect a persons mentality. This was no different in my Father's Case. Years of War in another country along with a tough upbringing often made him stern and not one for nonsense. One night at 3am I was awaken by my now older father. The look on his face was one of confusion. He then exclaimed " Where's the Gun's". He was having a flashback and then walked off. The person I saw as invincible and timeless was showing signs of aging. From then on I started to look at things my father did as more humorous instead of getting offended. Things like leaving the garage door up. Or leaving the keys in the lock. Or leaving the milk on the counter started to change me. "See this that OPS" I would say and handle or clean up any mess. Old People S***. Seems basic may even seem unkind. For me it was a way to overcome a strained relationship and to begin to repair it. I begin to chuckle at the signs of age and memory loss. More importantly I realized at this point in my life in many ways my father NEEDED me. Of course he's never utter that. However his actions responses and slow dependence on me to handle situations showed. These were all the verification I needed. OPS ..we will also be older one day we will also start to hate loud music and nonsense. We will also expect a certain amount of respect based on time on earth. We as well will be wiser due to more life experiences. Many of us have unresolved trauma from childhood. I once heard a quote. " Be humble or become what you despise". Show grace to your parents and older people. Be kind for we will in that same condition one day. Join me this episode for the start of a continuous series OPS.
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Maximizing Emotions S6 E2
Each day consist of events that invoke a wide variety of emotions. These emotions may be valid, but immediately acting on them may not always be best. Many times acting out eternal feelings can make things worse. Anger in a business meeting, or being to calm in an intense situation can leave worse than before. What most dont realize is that you can control how you act out emotions. You can choose to hold that anger off, or to refrain from laughing at the expense of others. We do this daily rather it be the disabled child who may have limp. Or the older lady who can't hear so speaks loud. We realize that laughing in these situations isnt appropriate. Empathy is the emotion that allows us to take the feelings of others in consideration. That momentary pause to rationalize acting what we may think or feel. Using this same principle we should stop to think of our end game or goals. Reflecting during an emotional situation will yield better results in daily interactions. This will also lead to understanding on an empathetic level the people around us. Anger, frustration, and agitation most of the time are emotions rooted in selfishness. Wanting others to see things and go about things the way we would. So keyed in on our perspective without considering there may be alternatives. This not only stagnates growth but leaves no room for new information. So lets pause. Yes your anger may be justified. But is being angry make sense in the moment? Is there a better more selfless way? Tune in to this weeks episode as we talk about ways to maximize your emotions. This will lead to you being a better human to your fellow man while living more harmoniously.
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EP 601 Welcome Back Season Premier
Most people can describe the dreams of their life in detail. When it comes to being as detailed about the path to get there, most off us can use some help in that area. A few months back I had a chance to go to another state for a few months with no real idea of what I was getting into. In a hot humid and hard working environment I had to overcome adversity and change my mindset. I'd like to think that I have better control over my thoughts than most, but even I had to push myself harder. It took a change in not only physical but mental habit's to navigate through. What I came up with was that Self development and personal growth is a continuous journey. If you want to keep growing you will come to a point where the test are harder and longer. This is unavoidable and often the plateau for most. Applying what you have learned is key. Empathy for others, good communication skills, and patience can go a long way. But its the willingness to face challenging situations that can help you go to the next level. In this season we ask ourselves some hard questions. We also face the reality that failure and hardships are inevitable. This often brings our journey to a halt......but it doesnt have to. Tune in as we talk about a wide variety of topics and situations. From Blue Crabbing in the Gulf of Mexico. Gator chasing on an airboat. To managing long distance relationships and navigating Hurricanes. Pull up a seat and lets get into it.
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Ep 524 Bro talk w Nick Scott
If you have a sibling you can understand the bond that exist between you all. If that sibling is younger than you or you are close in age an even tighter bond is present. The things you like, most likely you little brother or sister is there to emulate in the earlier years. As you grow identities start to become unique. There will remain things or characteristics the remain for life.
Growing up my I used to think " My brother must think im superman" in response to him asking my so many questions. Being two years apart from my brother made us close. To see the Man he has become does my heart good and makes me proud. He is now a successful business owner. He has also brokered some of the most exclusive sneaker deals in the industry. Today he has a physical and online store ( Sole World Atlanta/ 3d Kicks)
I have had previous Bro talks. This one is special because it involves my blood brother. Its rare to see two African American men over 30 with no kids and legit businesses . Whats more rare is that they are siblings. Join me on the season finale and a special episode of the medicine Ball podcast that features my brother. Tune in this week as we are also having a sneaker giveaway. Follow @medicineballls3 for more information.
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EP 523 N.P.3
Pain is suffering or discomfort. It also means to take great care or effort. The more effort and care you put into something the more time needed. Time is one of the most valuable things we have. When you began to contemplate investing time and the gains that come from it. (Knowledge, Experience) . You can began to understand why sometimes pain is necessary when it comes to profit.
Profit is gain or difference in whats earned versus whats spent. Putting hours and effort into a business that fails is painful. That failure contains lessons you can only learn from going through the experience. That knowledge is still invaluable regardless of monetary gain. Future attempts will cost you less time, money etc, because you know more about what doesnt work. You cant buy experience only through investing time and grit can you get it.
Understanding how to define these two things based on your life is important. Painful experiences may include discomfort but there's always careful effort as well. Profit can be more than whats in your bank account. It can be experience, knowledge and more. No pain No profit. Thats N.P 2. On this episode of the Medicine Ball podcast we will add another N.P to round out this concept. So tune in as we turn pains to gains and losses to profit.
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Ep 522 Lift Yourself
Motivation is often the most needed catalyst when taking on a goal or challenge. Motivation often comes from outside sources or reasons. Motivation is the gas that starts any project, goa, or dream.
Motivation isnt infinite. Often the lack of motivation can be crippling. Most people start with self generated motivation, only to wavier when obstacles appear. The energy required to continue to push forward and resume is the hardest to cultivate.
The ability to motivate yourself is critical. Knowing how to get yourself going in tough times can help you stay on task. This will allow you to continue to push forward and make progress when all seems bleak.
How do you motivate yourself. In this weeks episode we will discuss ways you can do this. From remembering what drives you, to finding a reasons outside of yourself. We will discuss some things you can do when you feel hopeless. So tune in as we discuss ways to lift yourself despite circumstances.
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A Sculptor often starts with blank piece of clay or stone. Over time they manipulate the raw material into a work of art. This process can be time consuming. The end result is often a work of art. What most may not realize is that process itself is where the experience lies.
Life is like these raw initial materials. The decisions we make help to mold us as well. It's like chipping away at a block of cement as you create yourself. There are times you feel uninspired. You keep coming back to continue to work on yourself.
Everyone's Journey is different and the person your sculpting is unique to you. The most important thing is to keep chipping away when it comes to creating yourself. Each day is an opportunity to look at yourself and make the necessary adjustments.
In this weeks episode we talk about this idea. Life has up's and downs and can be difficult. rather work, relationships, goals. The most important thing is to keep working at it, So join us and toon in. As we discuss how each day you can continue to chip off the old block.
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EP 520 Ending from the Beginning
Over the years there are many pieces of knowledge I had a chance to grasp earlier. I often have eureka moments telling myself " Thats what they meant". Even harder is making these concepts a habit. This itself starts with an often fundamental shift in you thought process.
Distraction's negative self talk and outside influences affect us daily. Our goals and aspirations are bombarded by these influences as well. It can be hard to take the steps required to reach our desired outcome. Many can get stuck in this place making no real progress for years without knowing why.
When you start out with a plan you can fallback on it when needed. As you grow it can be easy be thrown off course. Many people spend thier entire life climbing a ladder. Only to find out it has been leaning against the wrong wall.
There is hope. It is never to late to begin looking at ad challenging how you have been going about things. In this episode we will look deeper at this concept. Offer benefits, and offer tips to help you start the process. So join us as we End from the beginning.
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Racing thoughts, anxiety, worry, depression. These are some of the things that I and millions of people manage daily. There are success and feel good stories everywhere, From sports to Science any beyond. The world has made a business out of celebrating peoples victories. From award shows, to the incentives from increased notoriety winning is big business.
There is another side to success and victory. No one is perfect , no one has succeeded off of talent and gifts alone. From the millionaires, many of whom have all declared bankruptcy at one point and time. To the homerun and touchdown savants who have all struck out. Or whos touchdown to interception ratio is closer than many think. There is another competition and game taking place that isnt as visible.
Our weaknesses, failures, and struggles are also part of the journey. The days we dont feel like we can do anything. The times where we find ourselves angry over previous situations. As someone diagnosed with Bi- Polar disorder and extreme anxiety I wanted to show that. So I take time to keep it real to be honest and show my shortcomings. Why? Because we all have them and all go through them. It isnt glamorous, it isnt cool, but its necessary for the journey to be complete. Tune in as I explain how my racing thoughts and depression arent magically gone. It is only by awareness and daily mindfulness that I can began to manage my diagnosis. I will give you some situations and explain my thought process for working through it. Who knows "Maybe you can Relate".
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EP 518 S.C.I.S
We currently live in a society where social traits rule. Being charming, or having charisma are some of the traits highlighted in the world. These traits are very important when it come to moving among the ranks in business and society. This issue arise when these traits overlook the more important character traits. Integrity, being humble, sticking to your word. These trait's are know and accepted by all. It is more difficult to cultivate these. Its much easier to rely on the character traits, which are often gifted to us. For this reason they without any effort.As with all temporary solutions, time has a way of breaking them down. Your charisma and being likeable will only go so far. Being a social butterfly well have a early peak. On this weeks episode I give you insight to why the character traits are more important. Better yet you can start to strengthen them today. there are 4 human endowments you need to be aware of to start. You cannot have any without the first which is self awareness. Tune in breathe and get ready to become a better version of yourself.💪🏿🧠💪🏿
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EP 517 Response Ability
There are many skills in todays world. These skills can come from birth. Or a response to training, There is one very powerful ability we all have. Thats is the Ability to control our responses,
Its easy to overlook how much power we relinquish daily in this aspect. The moment we began to think about what someone else is doing. Or how circumstances hold us up. Is the moment where we have already begun the incorrect thought process.
Choosing the appropriate reaction or response leads to other positive qualities and characteristics. This starts with two categories. What you can influence and what concerns you. Pausing to think about these two categories will allow you to see two more categories. What you can control and what you cannot.
So make sure your tuned in for this episode. We will began to unpack key roadblocks that are important but often overlooked. So get ready to step into the responsibility of using your response ability. 💪🏿🧠💪🏿
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