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Recommended if You Like: longform conversation with musicians, cartoonists, writers and other creative types.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A missão destes podcasts é trazer boa energia, histórias, música e informação sobre as músicas que amo e que são a banda sonora da minha vida. Irei trazer amigos para a conversa e divulgar o pouco do que sei, directamente do meu coração para os vossos ouvidos. Espero que gostem, estamos juntos! Um novo episódio todos os domingos ao meio-dia.
Criado por Fernando Cabral. -
Join nationally syndicated host Bobby Bones as he dives deep into Paramount Network’s smash-hit series Yellowstone. From episode recaps to behind-the-scenes insights, The Official Yellowstone Podcast explores the Dutton family drama, breathtaking landscapes, and the talented cast and crew. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or new to Yellowstone, this is your go-to destination for buzz, theories, and stories from Montana’s most famous ranch. New episodes every Thursday.
Do you watch movie and find yourself whistling the theme, or watch an episode of Game of Thrones and cheer when the music swells when the good guy wins? In each episode of OST, Samantha Quintas (@thezenlibrarian) and Michael Gaines (@starmike) talk about music used in movies, TV, and video games.
הטחנה | רדיו בנימינה מציגה: רז קיבלביץ'-כרמי חוזר מדי שבוע לעשור הגאוני, ההזוי, המרתק והמשונה מכולם, העשור שעשה אותו, הניינטיז. צ'ילי פפרס, סיאטל, איפה הילד, פרודיג'י... חולצות משובצות, טמגוצ'י, אם.טי.וי, אינתיפאדה ועוד ועוד... שידור ראשון מדי יום שני ב-22:00 רק בטחנה: רדיו בנימינה. להאזנה און-דימנד מתי שתרצו, חפשו אותנו בכל מקום שיש פודקאסטים
Die besten aktuellen Platten, Features über alles zum Thema Musik, Interviews und eine Playlist mit den besten neuen Songs on top. Christopher Hunold spricht in den Reviews mit Melanie Loeper und in den Features mit Gäst*innen über das, was auf den Plattenteller gehört oder was die Musikwelt oder uns gerade bewegt. Denn: Wer ist in den Stunden der größten Niederlagen dabei? Wer hört zu, wenn sonst niemand da ist? Wer sorgt für die großen wie kleinen Momente? Eben. Nur Musik. Und genau darüber muss gesprochen werden. In Track17 treffen wir uns regelmäßig, um als helfende Hand im Release-Dschungel Empfehlungen zu geben, präsentieren Interviews oder sprechen mit Gäst*innen in Features über alles, was die Musikwelt hergibt. Auf der Playlist "Track17 - Playlist zum Podcast" gibt's die 17 Songs des Monats direkt zum Nachhören dazu. Ob Labelliebling, Outsider-Zeug, zufällige Plattenladen-Eroberung oder König des YouTube-Algorithmus. Track 17 – der Musik-Podcast
Regelmäßig ergänzte Spotify-Playlist mit Songs aus den Folgen: -
2 drunk sistas talking about your favorite horror, sci-fi and fantasy shows and movies. Support this podcast:
Tom Scott’s Podcast Express spotlights many of the people the legendary saxophonist and composer has known in the course of his 50-year career in entertainment. Tom visits with master musicians, actors, writers, filmmakers, members of the media and politicos as they talk about their struggles and triumphs. They'll be some laughs, too. Proud part of Pantheon Podcasts.
Olá, o meu nome é Sofia Couto, sejam bem-vindos aos Melómanos. Este podcast é dirigido a toda a comunidade de pessoas que não conseguem viver sem música, em jeito de banda sonora da sua vida! Para todos os que acordam a trautear uma canção, também para todos aqueles que ouvem uma música e recordam-se na espinha, onde, com quem e o que sentiram enquanto a ouviam. Uma espécie de bibliotecários emocionais ancorados à parte melódica da vida. Vai ser um prazer entrar nesta aventura convosco.