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WHY UX? is a podcast about the everyday heroes of UX design. We'll be talking to the women and men doing the work. We'll be covering their past, how did they find their path to UX design? Their present, what do they do on a daily basis? Their future, what are they expecting UX to look like in the future and what will it mean to them?
The podcast interviewees will nominate who we'll be interviewing next, so we expect it to be some interesting people with vastly different backgrounds. One of the beauties of the UX profession.
The podcast is focusing on UX designers located in Copenhagen, Denmark, to expand the community awareness. -
Need some creative inspiration? The Hashtagged Podcast was created for the Instagram community. Every Monday, we meet a different member of the Instagram community. Each of these inspirational Instagram users share their journey, their thought process, the things that inspire them, and so much more! The Hashtagged Podcast is NOT affiliated with or endorsed by Instagram in any way. Visit us online at
A look into what’s happening at Untappd and in the world of beer.
We drink new beers every episode and add them to the #DrinkingSocially badge on Untappd. You're welcome to drink along with us and compare notes, submit feedback in the Facebook group, and share in some beer education, or laughter with us every Wednesday. -
Interested in the world of podcasting and looking to be inspired by those that have demonstrated success with their shows?
Since 2014 Harry Duran, Founder of podcast agency FullCast, has had hundreds of conversations with some of the most fascinating podcasters in the podosphere. His relaxed, conversational format allows guests to kick back their heels and share valuable and sometimes personal insights of their podcasting journey.
If you're looking to open your mind and heart to new possibilities, this is the show for you!
Follow the journey: -
White Papers on Dissent is a public programme on the politics and poetics of Blockchain as a tool for radical imagination. Through panel discussions, artist talks, participatory events, and a podcast White Papers on Dissent aims to collectively practice the making of the world otherwise. By thinking through the technology it rehearses new social and political imaginaries.
Historierne bag projekterne på 10er.
Hvordan tjener man penge på sin drøm? Hvordan starter man op? 10er hjælper kreative kræfter med at få støtte fra deres trofaste fans.
Hør hvordan nogle af landets mest populære projekter startede op, holder den kørende og sørger for, at tusinder af fans kan nyde godt af deres hårde arbejde. -
Theatre Tech Talks: Artificial Intelligence, Science, and Biomedia in Theatre is a podcast hosted by Tjaša Ferme exploring new forms of theatre interwoven with high tech. In the interviews, Tjaša probes at the "why”s and "how”s to demystify the intricate connection between the biological and artificial, as well as explore the innate wisdom of the body and how new tech can help us get a peek inside of our brains, bodies, and souls.
Peter Lund Madsen får hver uge besøg af eksperter i studiet. Alle emner kan blive belyst - lige fra menneskekroppens tarmflora til ekspeditioner på fremmede planeter. Og værten sørger altid for at binde historierne sammen med sin egen personlige ekspertise inden for hjernevidenskab og psykiatri.Hør alle afsnit i DR Lyd
Vi mennesker er mystiske, mærkelige og forunderlige størrelser. Som professor i psykologi har jeg med undren og nysgerrighed undersøgt, hvorfor vi gør, som vi gør. I Brinkmanns briks zoomer jeg ind på tidens herskende tendenser og idéer. Er jeg god nok? Må jeg godt være bange for mørket? Findes der noget større end mig selv?Vært: Svend Brinkmann.Hør alle afsnit i DR Lyd
I Bogselskabet deler vi gode læseoplevelser med hinanden, og lytterne inviteres med, når Anne Glad møder en række af Danmarks aktuelle forfattere.
I hver episode af Bogselskabet fortæller forfatteren om sin seneste bog, sin hovedperson og om at skrive.
Med Bogselskabet får du en chance for at rykke lidt tættere ind i forfatterens tanker.
Vært: Anne Glad. -
Welcome to the world of Caroline Fleming and Sophie Stanbury.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Tintin Podcast går i hver episode i dybden med et Tintin-album. Mads Strandberg og Lauge Hendriksen snakker om albummets tilblivelse og de historiske, politiske og samfundsmæssige perspektiver. Både i den tid som albummet er lavet i, og hvorfor det gældende album stadig er interessant og relevant i dag. Tintin Podcast er groft sagt det 20. århundrede fortalt igennem de fantastiske albums om Tintin.
Self Service is your cosmic comfort zone, an “inner-beauty school” where self-care is celebrated, where getting real with emotions is a treat, and an interest in thoughtful, funny conversations, weird wellness and astrology is unabashed. It’s where being a little self-indulgent isn’t just a shame-free act of self-love, it’s a necessary launchpad into a life that’s wholly ours, in a world where we feel good about taking up space. Here, we serve our hearts. We rant. We grow. And we tune the eff up. #SelfServicePodcast
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced by Andy Tate in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]