The topic of this podcast is a listener request. Silver asked, "Could you do a podcast on how to stagger your microgreens in the best way so you always have fresh ones on hand."
Great question!
In this podcast, I give my thoughts on how to stagger your growing schedule so you have fresh microgreens on hand when needed.
There are many different factors, and each person will have differing requirements. So there is not one perfect answer. But there are several things you can do to schedule planting your microgreen trays.
Don't forget, you can always grow more than you need and gift the extra to people that you think would appreciate them, or need them.
Being kind and generous is always the best.
New Sale Everyday in Home Microgreens Store until January 1st, 2024!
Episode on the Microgreen Manager.
This episode on the show
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Here are my thoughts to the best ways to grow microgreens. None of them are novel ideas, but the workflow produces awesome microgreens.
If you have other ideas, or products you would like me to test, please email me at and let's see what we can do.
If you have any feedback, you can also email me.
If you find the information in this podcast, or any of the other 48 useful, please consider supporting the podcast so I can continue to make improvements to the workflow and recommended products and methods. See below.
All of the products discussed in the podcast can be found in the Home Microgreens Store.
Click the link here to see all of my germination methods.
Show notes for this episode can be found here.Support the show
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
There are 3 main reasons I grow microgreens for myself. Of course there is the nutritional & health benefits. Second is the fresh flavor that microgreens add to my meals.
The last reason is they are fun to grow! I enjoy seeing their quick growth.
Even more to the point, I love growing different varieties of microgreens. Sometimes it's a challenge, but everyday something changes.
Try growing different varieties of microgreens, even if in small trays. Small trays are a great and inexpensive way to experience new growing methods, new flavors, and benefit from different vitamins and minerals.
Check out the Home Microgreens Nutritional Resource
Free Microgreen Growing Video Course
Visit the Home Microgreens Store and try a new microgreen variety!
Show notes page.Support the show
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I get kind of ranty in this episode as I discuss why you never need to worry about buying GMO microgreens seeds.
Listen to the podcast for the reasons.
Visit for links to documentation and downloads about what seed can be GMO.
While you are there, be sure to register for my Free Microgreen Growing Course! There are 12 video lessons covering every aspect of growing microgreens from where to grow them to how to store them after harvest including everything in between!Support the show
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In Episode 46 of the Microgreens Podcast, I talk with Garrett Corwin, owner of Piedmont Microgreens, and Co-Founder of Microgreen Manager, a crop planning software built specifically for microgreen farms.
I'd like to add, that even though this software is focused on the microgreen grower & seller, the information on how to think about growing microgreens is important for everyone.
If you'd like more information and take a look at some of the screenshots of Microgreen Manager (in beta) you can visit the Episode show notes by clicking this link.
For more information about Garrett, Piedmont Microgreens, and Microgreen Manager see the links below.
Piedmont Microgreens
Microgreen Manager (sign-up here for updates)
Microgreen Manager on Instagram
Microgreen Manager on Facebook
I hope you enjoyed this podcast! Don't forget to help support the podcast by visiting and picking up a free Microgreen Growing Course
or better yet, visit the Home Microgreens Store, a supplier of premium microgreen seeds and supplies.
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A listener request topic! How high should microgreens be cut above the grow media? In this episode of the Microgreens Podcast, we discuss how high I cut microgreens above the soil or grow media.
It varies depending on the microgreen and whether that microgreen will regrow or not.
Also, as an added bonus there is a discussion of what growth-stage microgreens should be harvested.
You can visit the show notes for more information by clicking here.
Please help support the Microgreens Podcast by shopping at the Home Microgreens Store or checking out the options with the Support link below.
FREE Microgreen Grow Course! 120 minutes of video in 12 easy-to-follow lessons.
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In episode 44 of the Microgreens Podcast, I discuss how I solved a huge issue I had with my larger trays of microgreens. So much so that I think I will stick to using smaller trays.
I also share a link to my new Free Microgreen Growing Course!
Get Access to the Free 12-lesson Microgreen Growing Course!
If you can't click, just remember
I also discuss upcoming projects and a nutrition course I'm creating. There have been some awesome changes made to the website to make it faster and easier to use!
Show it some love by going to and have a lot around.
Don't forget, besides hundreds of microgreen articles, Home Microgreens sells microgreens seeds and supplies at competitive prices and excellent customer service!
Visit to see all of the microgreen varities in stock!Support the show
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In Episode 43 of the Microgreens Podcast, I discuss my observations of temperature on the growth of microgreens.
We as humans need to get out of the reductionist ways of thinking. For most things in life and nature, one particular thing is not the cause of a problem, issue, or even the good things that happen.
It's a combination of events or factors that is the cause.
Issues of growing microgreens in the heat or cold are no different. The absolute temperature is not 100% of the issue; humidity, growth stage, and airflow are also important factors in how microgreens grow.
I discuss all of these in the podcast.
You can visit the show notes of this podcast here on the show
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In Episode 42 of the Mirogreen Podcast, I talk about where I have been, what is new with the remodeled Home Microgreens website, and why you should be buying into a microgreen system and not looking for a recipe on how to grow microgreens.
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How will artificial intelligence change how people grow microgreens? What you should look out for in any article you find on Google.
Why I think you should pick a microgreen growing system and stick with one.
Also, all of the improvements I made to making it super fast in Google's eyes.
Get more information on the show notes for Episode 42 of the Microgreens Podcast.Support the show
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In Episode 41 of the Microgreens Podcast I go over the results of a test I did using an organic fertilizer with both quick-growing and slow-growing microgreens on two different soils.
An Organic Microgreens Fertilizer: Do Microgreens Need Fertilizer?
The purpose of the test is to see how well this fertilizer improves the growth of microgreens. On microgreens that are harvestable within 14 days and those that take much longer to grow.
You can see the results on the show notes page at
Here is a link to the related article: An Organic Microgreens Fertilizer: Do Microgreen Need Fertilizer?Support the show
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In this episode of the Microgreens Podcast, I discuss the soil, growing media, and fertilizer trials or tests I have performed and written about.
I run growing tests of different growing media against each other to see which does the best.
Here are the products I've tested.
Home Microgreens Potting Mix
Coco Loco
Happy Frog
Jute Mat
Coconut coir
Grower's Blend
Espoma Potting Mix
Espoma Seed Starting Mix
Terra Fibre Hemp Mat
Bamboo Matting
Coconut Coir Mats
Ocean Solution
There are links to each test where you can see the results on the show notes page of this podcast. You can visit the Show Notes at HomeMicrogreens.comSupport the show
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In this episode of the microgreens podcast, I discuss the best way to keep seeds. Many people and organizations recommend freezing seeds. I do not think this is a good idea because there are risks.
However, there are many recommendations all seed growers, brokers, retailers, and organizations do agree on.
The best recommendations are mentioned in the podcast and the show notes found at
Seed Viability Longevity Chart
Lock-n-Lock Containers
If you found this or any other episodes of the Microgreens Podcast helpful, you can help support the show by visiting the Home Microgreens Store or buying me a cup of coffee each month here.Support the show
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I was asked how much microgreens can I expect from a tray? The answer depends on many environmental factors.
Too many unknowns for me to predict what you will harvest.
However, I can give you some average yields from my trays of microgreens so you have some idea.
In this podcast I tell you my average microgreen yield per tray, you can listen to the podcast to find out or go to the show notes on Home Microgreens.
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Here is the equipment I use during the weighted and buried blackout and how I modify the equipment and trays depending on the temperatures in my grow area.
Seed Density Course
Episodes and articles mentioned in the Podcast.
The 4 Methods I Use for Blackout - Episode 31
4 Articles Explaining the Microgreen Blackout
Preventing & Killing Mold
Home Microgreens Store: Blackout Supplies
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I made a mistake to what Buzzsprout was doing with their support page and well, you will get it when you listen to the episode.
The podcast will discuss the microgreens that you should be growing, but probably aren't based on the seed sales that come across my desk.
I would appreciate it if you would subscribe and support the Microgreens Podcast. Subscriptions will up the priority of the podcast over the 100's of other things I need to do at Home Microgreens.
You can support the channel here. I'd appreciate it.
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Microgreens discussed in the podcast.
Onion & Leeks
Mighty Micro Mix
Red Garnet AmaranthSupport the show
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Having the right seed density for your microgreen tray is one of the three most important aspects of growing microgreens.
In the past, it was a crap shoot if the seeding density was correct. There was so much conflicting and vague information on the internet.
I have developed two microgreen seed density calculators that work with any size tray for (currently) 40+ varieties (more will be added).
The calculators use slide bars to adjust to your tray size, and the seed density changes as the bars move.
The output is either gram or volumetrically in teaspoons, tablespoons, or quarter cups, depending on the microgreen variety.
Listen to the podcast for more information.
Show notes can be found on
And the calculators can be found here:
In the US: Seed Density Calculators
Everywhere else: Seed Density Calculators InternationalSupport the show
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In this episode of the Microgreens Podcast I discuss how to get started with microgreens.
Where to grow microgreens.
What equipment you need to grow microgreens.
How much light you need to grow microgreens.
What microgreen varieties to grow first.
Where to get guides and videos on how to grow microgreens.
You can read the rest of the show notes at Home Microgreens.
Other links referenced in the podcast.
Free Microgreen Growing Guide
Microgreen Seed Calculator
Episode 32 Microgreens Podcast Easiest Microgreens to GrowSupport the show
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In the previous episode of the Microgreens Podcast I discussed the 17 easiest microgreens to grow. In this episode, I want to touch on the 7 microgreens beginners shouldn't try to grow first.
We want beginner microgreen growers to have a quick win and instant success. Chances are if they try to grow the 7 microgreens in this podcast they will run into problems.
Problems are discouraging and might cause the new grower to quit.
Save these 7 microgreen varieties for later, once you've grown a few of the easy microgreens, you can give one of these 7 a try!
Show notes for this podcast can be found here.Support the show
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Here is my list and reasoning behind the 17 easiest microgreens to grow. Not all of the easiest microgreens to grow are the first microgreen for a beginner, but all of these varieties can be grown without too many problems if you follow my order.
My order is listed at the end of the episode.
You can find article referenced and the show notes by going to
Seed for all of the microgreens discussed in the episode can be found in the Home Microgreens Store at competitive prices with fast shipping and top-notch customer service.
Visit the Home Microgreens Store.Support the show
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I use four methods to germinate microgreens. These are:
Weighted Blackout Method
Buried Blackout Method
Domed Blackout Method
Hybrid Blackout Method
The most common method to germinate microgreens is the weighted blackout method.
For most microgreens I use this method.
For larger seeds, or microgreens that have a hard time shedding their hulls I use the buried method. When you grow beets and Swiss chard microgreens the buried method will remove most of the stubborn seed hulls. I also use this method for large seeds as the microgreens are usually much taller and the buried method seems to produce stronger roots. It also helps prevent the seeds from drying out during germination.
The domed method is reserved for thin-stemmed microgreens like amaranth and most smaller tender mustards.
The hybrid method is a combination of the weighted blackout method and the domed method. It helps sunflowers lose their hulls and short growing microgreens like arugula grow taller before they are placed under lights.
For more information on these 4 methods, I have written articles and created videos that should the process.
You can find links to each article here on, or go to the show
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