
  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to improve your credit score.

    At some point in your life you're going to need to borrow money and in order to do so you’ll need a good credit score. Working class people are often taught that borrowing money and consumer debt is bad - largely because of high-interest rates and the fact that it’s often used to purchase depreciating assets - however wealthy people are taught to use debt strategically. They leverage borrowing to grow their wealth, whether through business ventures, student loans, or real estate investments like mortgages.

    If your credit score is low, there are steps you can take to improve it. However, it's important to remember that your credit score isn't everything. While a good score is important if you're planning to buy a house, other financial factors matter too. Remember, your self-worth is not your net worth
 or your credit score. If your score is less than ideal, focus on improving it so that you're in a stronger position when you need to borrow in the future.

    In this episode:

    Why credit scores are important How having a good credit score can help you Factors that can negatively affect your credit score 6 things you can do now to improve your credit score


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 7 important lessons that I've learnt on my journey about finances.

    One of the greatest lessons I've learnt is that it's important and necessary to take risks. People sometimes say "investing is risky”, but the irony is; saving your money instead of investing is risky and it has major downsides. A lot of us are taught from a young age that saving is the safest option and most of us bring this mindset into adulthood. But the reality is, inflation is eating into the buying power of your money and you are quite literally loosing your hard earned cash. Strategic, calculated risk-taking is not about being reckless; it's about making smart investments that can help you grow your wealth over time. By doing so, you’re not just preserving your money, you’re actively working to increase its value.

    Money is an incredible tool that can enable you to live the life of your dreams. It’s not just about having enough to get by, it’s about using your financial resources to create the lifestyle you desire.Tune in to discover some of the biggest eye-openers I’ve encountered on my financial journey and how you can apply them to your own life to build wealth and become financially free.

    In this episode:

    How to recognise why you shouldn't rely on others for money Why investing is the answer to building wealth, not saving How to understand the importance of taking strategic risks Why you can't budget your way out of a low income The quickest way to undo financial progress (avoid this) How to accept that your financial progress doesn't have a linear trajectory


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the difference between having a wealthy mindset and a rich mindset.

    Now, you might hear the words 'wealthy' and 'rich' and think they mean the same thing, but when it comes to mindset there is a HUGE difference. I’m going to be breaking down why you want to be adopting a wealth mindset if you want to create a life of financial freedom and happiness. The first step is identifying what wealth means to you and getting really clear on your why. If your answer is 'freedom', what does freedom mean to you? Sometimes we throw out answers that are fluffy and intangible, but we don't actually know what they mean for us. For example, when I think about my version of wealth in the short term, it means being able to travel with my business, grow my investments and afford to live in London whilst still being able to afford to explore the world. My long term idea of wealth is working less, travelling more, being able to look after my health and prioritise wellness, choose how I spend my time, live a certain level of luxury and have financial stability.

    When you have a rich mindset, the focus is on money, materialistic things and numbers, but when you have a wealth mindset, the focus is on health, time, freedom and the ability to choose. Materialistic things fade; it’s ok to want them but if this is your only goal you’re not going to feel fulfilled. Money can’t buy you friendships, love, family, experiences; spending your money on things and items doesn’t last or satiate. Having the habits and rituals of a wealthy mindset will build your wealth over time and create a life financial freedom.

    In this episode:

    How to identify and break down what wealth means to you What a rich mindset looks like What a wealthy mindset looks like How to apply a wealthy mindset to your business and life The value of investing and how to create your dream life How to reverse engineer your big happy goals with a wealthy mindset


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing what to do if you feel like you don't have enough money to start investing.

    People say to me ALL the time: "I want to invest but I don't have enough money”. Now, this is very subjective because one persons "I don't have enough" is another persons "wow, what a lot of money!” I bet that most of you (except those of you who are budgeted down to the penny) have a little bit of money in your monthly spending allowance that you can use to invest. I guarantee that somewhere you are accidentally wasting money. When I say ‘wasting', I mean a combination of spending mindlessly, not being savvy or not paying attention, for example wasting money on subscriptions you don't use. Even if it is £20 a month, this money can make all the difference to your financial future.

    Investing isn't about waiting for lots of money to invest. It's about getting started with what you already have, taking time to get to know your finances by having monthly money dates, and using this knowledge to find money to invest. Most importantly, you want to do this in a way that is judgement free. Why? Placing judgement on your finances is one of the worst things you can do - it creates shame, embarrassment and guilt. You can't shame yourself into better habits, you have to love yourself there. So, if you’ve been wasting £20 on a gym membership you're not using, don’t judge yourself! Shift your mindset and flip it into a positive. You now have £20 to invest and this is just the beginning of building wealth for your life and creating financial freedom. How exciting!

    In this episode:

    Why you should start investing, even if you have just ÂŁ10

    The impact of investing ÂŁ20 over 30 years

    How to identify where you are accidentally wasting money

    The importance of having money dates and being judgement free

    How cutting back can help us. get started with better financial habits

    How to adopt an empowering mindset by making conscious choices

    3 ways to make more money so you can invest


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the cost of your dream life.

    It might be easy to feel like your dream life is way off. Perhaps it feels overwhelming to think how you’ll actually achieve it, but it might not be as far off as you think. Humans have a tendency to over-inflate and under-inflate in the wrong places. It's similar to how we overestimate what we can do in a day, but underestimate what we can achieve in 5 years. When you apply this concept to your dream life, you’ll quickly learn how it could be just around the corner if you take the right steps to get there.

    The crux of it is; saving is for the short term, but investing is for the long term and THIS is what is going to help you create your dream life. No one ever got a rich lifestyle just from saving, you HAVE to be investing. With investing, you can get to a point overtime where you've created passive income. Imagine this: your money continues to grow whilst you use some of it to live your dream life, until you’re ready to take a step back from work and you can retire and live of your investments as a full time income. Putting math and strategy behind your dream life is fail safe. You have to know what you're working towards. Why? If you aim at nothing, you're going to hit every time. Tune in to today’s episode and take part in the fun exercise to uncover how you can live your dream life. DREAM BIG!

    In this episode:

    How to work out what your dream life looks like and will cost you An example and breakdown of what you'd need to live a 10K month dream life How to make your money work FOR you so you can live your dream life Why you need to be investing if you want to be financially free


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing what to do if you’re scared to start investing.

    I've had a lot of conversations with 'finance bros' who just talk at me, but recently I had a conversation with a guy who did a really good job at explaining crypto. Initially, I dismissed it, but the more he explained it to me and I gained an understanding, the more I was open to exploring it. It made me realise that the way I initially reacted with fear, is the way a lot of people in my community feel about investing. It's this reaction of "I'm scared, I don't understand it, I don't want to talk about it and therefore it's not for me!"

    This conversation and reaction inspired me to record an episode on how to navigate fear when you're scared of investing. Knowledge is power, especially when it's put into action. You can't just mess around and hope that one day your finances will sort themselves out. It’s important to find out what fuels you in life. Why do you want money? What does wealth mean to you? What does freedom look like to you? You can use this to fuel and drive your motivation to learn. This can be your North Star to guide you to get started with investing. Learning how to work through, reduce and act upon your fear is going to help you create your dream life and actually build wealth.

    In this episode:

    How to uncover what's behind your fear of investing What do do if you're scared of investing because of 'losing money' What to do when you hear horror stories about investing What to do if you're scared of investing because you don't 'know enough' Why you don't need loads of money to start investing


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 3 mindsets that you need to have to be a successful investor.

    Your mindset is the foundation for everything you do in life. When it comes to building wealth, you won’t get very far without understanding, embodying and mastering the following mindsets; patience and consistency, embracing risk and adopting an abundance mindset. Patience and consistency are vital because the magic of compound interest depends on time. It’s simple, you can’t rush something that needs patience and strategy to grow. Embracing risk is crucial. No one ever got rich just from saving! Our mind is trying to protect us from the unknown and whilst it might feel like saving is providing you with financial stability, taking no risk at all can really limit building wealth and long term financial growth.

    Adopting an abundance mindset quite literally has the power to transform your life. It’s about shifting your mindset to view investing as opportunity to create your dream life. People who are financially independent, build wealth and invest think about their long term goals, have mastered these 3 mindsets and put their money to work for them. So, if you want to begin thinking like an investor, become financial independent and achieve your big happy goals, tune in!

    In this episode:

    3 mindset shifts you need to become a successful investor Why patience and consistency are the recipe for success Why taking no risk is the biggest risk of all The importance of building an abundance mindset Why you lose time and money when you leave your money in savings


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my four step method to money mindset mastery.

    Today’s episode is slightly different as I’m sharing a recent conversation where I was interviewed by Anita Anello, a fellow business owner, coach, successful software executive and mom dedicated to helping women enjoy more time, money and freedom. We dive into all things money mindset, your relationship with money, financial freedom and understanding your financial habits.

    I’m a big believer that the way you think and feel about money will be your reality with your money. All the decisions that you make about money come from a place of emotion which we then justify with logic. We all have a money mindset (the unique beliefs and attitudes you have towards money that impact the way you earn, save and spend money) and we all have a money story (your belief system made up of individual, societal, religious, cultural and generational beliefs). These both shape the way you view money and how it works in the world. It’s important to remember that you have the power to change your money story and cultivate a positive, empowering and abundant mindset. Tune in to today’s episode for my 4 step method

    In this episode:

    How to understand your money story and money mindset The psychology of money: why money is emotional The difference between growth mindset vs. fixed mindset Your relationship with money: survival, spending and success Step 1: Bring awareness to your money story, get curious! Step 2: Believe that you can change, acquire a growth mindset Step 3: Change your language around money, it’s powerful Step 4: Techniques to build and strengthen your abundance mindset


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how you can create your dream life. We’re celebrating the 100th episode of Mind Money Soul!

    In line with this milestone, I decided to go through some of my old journals from the past decade. It was wild (and emotional) to reflect on my journey and I wanted to share my 10 biggest lessons in the hope that it reminds you just how possible it is to have WHATEVER you want, even if right now it doesn’t feel achievable. I’m a big believer that no matter who you are, you can create your dream life. We were given dreams for a reason. If you have a dream and you can imagine it, then you can have it. Everything gets created twice, first in our mind and second when you put it out into the world. The version you have in your mind is important, it’s powerful and it’s possible.

    If you really want something, you can change your life. If you work hard, use your willpower, practise discipline, try different things and embody that future version of yourself, one day you'll find you're living your initial dream. This is why being present is so important. Time is going to pass anyway, so why not try and create the life you want, go after your dreams and embody that version of yourself, because along the way you’re going to hopefully enjoy the journey and find that you've created a life for yourself that is bigger and better than you ever imagined.

    In this episode:

    Celebrating our 100th episode of Mind Money Soul

    Top 10 reflections and lessons from my old journals

    The power of big thinking: how to create your dream life

    The world is abundant, you can have ANYTHING you dream of

    Mindset, motivation and inspiration to help you achieve your dream life


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing exactly what to do if you're struggling to hit your financial goals.

    We all go through ebbs and flows of staying on track towards our big happy goals. One moment you could feel like the ultimate savings Queen and the next minute you could be splashing the cash like there’s no tomorrow without absolutely no motivation to save. Take it from me, I’ve been saving on and off for over 14 years. Since I was 16, I’ve gone through amazing periods where I’ve felt unstoppable and other times where it’s felt really tough.

    I’m almost certain that you too can relate to the highs and lows of saving. Maybe you are playing small and not saving consistency. Maybe you are self-sabotaging and constantly dipping into your savings. Maybe you keep overspending and have nothing left to even save. All these things will leave you feeling like you’re not progressing towards your goals. So, today I’m sharing my top 5 tips to help you stay motivated towards your financial dreams and aspirations, including how to identify your issues and goals, how to get emotionally connected to them, and the practical actions to save and track your progress.

    In this epsiode:

    Why you might be struggling to commit to your financial goals

    My top 5 tips to help you stay motivated towards your big happy goals

    The importance of becoming emotionally connected to your goals

    How to identify if your self-sabotaging behaviour is hindering you

    How to become more consistent with your savings

    What to do if you're overspending each month

    How to successfully save towards your financial goals


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how you can fluctuate and transition between spending and saving and what you can do to find balance.

    You’ll go through phases in your life where sometimes you’ll be spending more than you’re saving, and vice versa, depending on where you’re at in your life, your goals and priorities. I don’t know about you, but right now, it’s summer 2024 and I can safely say I’m in my spending era. I’m having a good time, making memories, enjoying my money and living my best life. That said, I’m a big believer that you can always return to a healthy balance between saving, spending and investing.

    When it comes to finding balance, it can be so easy to fall off the wagon and even easier to beat ourselves up about it, but we can’t shame ourselves into better habits. When it comes to the question “how much should I be saving and spending”, there is no right or wrong answer and it’s going to look different for everyone. You can gain clarity around what balance means to you by reverse engineering and mapping out your financial and big happy life goals. It’s important to remember that spending money is always going to be a part of living your life, but it’s not healthy to live pay check to pay check. As much fun as you can have spending your money, the stress of not having money saved or invested can be greater and cancel out the fun. This is why the balance is so important; ensuring that you’re continually feeding your emergency fund, and that you’ll be safe and secure if you ever were to lose your income, but also saying yes to opportunities and living life to the fullest.

    In this epsiode:

    Why you can fluctuate between a spending and saving era What it looks like to be in a spending era in summer 2024 What should you do be doing with your money? How to find a healthy balance and step back into saving and investing Find your motivation and gain clarity on your big happy life goals


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the top 5 ways to make free money.

    Who doesn’t love free money?! In this episode, I dive into some smart ways to get the most out of your money, starting with the Lifetime ISA. Find out how you can get free cash from the government just by opening a Lifetime ISA, and learn about its perks and limitations. I also reveal a key industry secret: the benefits of a Stocks & Shares Lifetime ISA, and why it’s a great tax-efficient way to save and grow your money.

    Tune in as we explore various other money-making strategies. Learn how to boost your finances using referral schemes, and discover cashback and reward sites and apps that let you earn money while you shop. Yes, you heard that right—you can actually get paid to shop online! I also talk about the importance of paying into your workplace pension and how switching your current account, banks, or utility providers can score you up to £200. So, if you’re looking to make some extra cash, don’t miss this episode!

    In this epsiode:

    Why you should open a Lifetime ISA How to utilise cash back and reward websites - get paid to shop! Why you're missing out if you're not paying into your workplace pension Earn up to ÂŁ200 by switching your current account, bank or utility provider How to make the most out of referral schemes


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 3 s’s of financial success; survival, spending and success.

    In order to be successful with your finances, you have to start with the foundations and learn how to be good at money management. If you don’t know how to manage your money, you don’t have the ability to stick to a spending plan or you don’t know where your money is going, it will be so hard to be successful and achieve your big happy goals because you have no data and no way of making a plan.

    People struggle with balancing the 3 s’s. There’s no right or wrong way to answer what the right balance is. At certain points in your life you’ll be putting money towards your survival, spending or success more. The important thing is we want to be doing it consciously. Remember, your money is yours and you get to choose what you do with it. The aim is to find a healthy balance where you’re supporting what it costs to be you with freedom and ease, you’re enjoying your money in the now, all whilst working towards your financial future.

    In this epsiode:

    How to break your expenses down into 3 main categories The different between fixed expenses and variable expenses #1 Survival: what does it cost to be you at a basic level? #2 Spending: what do you spend your money on to enjoy life? #3 Success: what do you want for your financial future? How people struggle with balancing survival, spending and success What you should do to successfully manage your money


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 5 must have accounts for your finances.

    Managing your money can feel overwhelming with so many different accounts available, from savings accounts, to stocks and shares ISA’s and pensions. The biggest challenge is knowing where to put your money so it can grow and remain safe. Growing up, we’re often only taught about having a current account, but there's much more to financial success than that. With such limited information, it can feel difficult to know where to begin leading many people to limit themselves by keeping their money solely in a current account.

    We'll discuss the five essential accounts you need to manage your money effectively and how having multiple accounts can set you up for financial success. By understanding and utilising these key accounts, you can take control of your financial future. Don't just settle for a current account—expand your financial toolkit and set yourself up for success. Tune in to learn how to navigate these accounts and maximise your financial potential.

    In this episode:

    A breakdown of the different accounts you need Why you need to have a current account Why it doesn’t pay to be loyal to a particular bank Why you need a separate spending account The benefits of using Monzo or Revolut Why you need a high interest savings account How to grow you money with a stocks and shares ISA The different types of pension accounts How to manage your money when you get paid each month


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing 4 top tips on how to manage your finances with your partner.

    Money can be a huge issue in relationships and it’s one of the main reasons why people break up. Research in the UK shows that 17% of couples argue about money at least once a week and 5% argue about finances every single day - how tiring is that! These arguments don't necessarily arise from a lack of money but rather from discussions and disagreements about financial matters, such as how to divide the bills or how you manage your own spending. The underlying issue is that it will make you irritable, put you in a bad mood, and cause you to struggle with your mental health, all of which will affect your relationship.

    In this episode, I'll address some of the financial issues couples face, how to navigate them, and how to set yourselves up for success in managing money within your relationship. Open and honest conversations about money are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Finances are an ongoing aspect of your partnership, and if you can't have these discussions now, imagine how challenging they will be when you're married, having kids, or buying houses.

    In this episode:

    The main reasons couples argue about money How to fairly split bills in your relationship Essential financial conversations to have with your partner The impact of the cost of living crisis on relationships 4 tips for managing money with your partner How to decide on the right time to get a joint account


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be answering a question I recently received on The Money Hotline - “why do I keep digging in and out of debt?”

    I delve into the crucial steps needed to break free from the cycle of debt. The first step is identifying the root cause of your debt. There are many common culprits including the overpayment of debt, behavioural patterns such as overspending, a lack of discipline or having a scarcity mindset. Knowledge is power and without uncovering this data you can’t make a plan to clear your debt.

    I also share how to set yourself up for success by creating a fail-safe debt management plan, implementing practical strategies and allowing space for self reflection to affirm your financial capability and abundant mindset. It might be a slow process, but quitting is not an option. Perseverance is key and embracing these steps towards financial freedom is worth every step - there is only positivity on the other side of this journey. Clearing your debt is not only going to increase your net worth, but it will get you one step closer to financial independence and security.

    In this episode:

    The importance of identifying the root cause of your debt The most common reasons why you’re stuck in debt How to set yourself up for success to achieve financial freedom How to shift your mindset and affirm you are capable How to put friction between you and your spending habits


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing the 5 ways that I invest my wealth to maintain and improve my health.

    Ever heard the phase “people exhaust their health amassing wealth, only to deplete their wealth restoring health”. Many drive themselves relentlessly into the ground, work crazy hours to accumulate money, neglect breaks and essential expenditures and prioritise future savings over present well-being until their health suffers. Despite ample funds in pension accounts, ISAs, and lucrative jobs, they find themselves unable to enjoy their wealth due to poor health.

    But why not pursue both simultaneously? Adopt a method that's gradual, sustainable, and allows you to enjoy your money along the journey. Wealth is so much more than just money. It’s your time, security, freedom, independence, choice, relationships, travel, and your mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Investing in your health will empower you to show up as your best self, achieve your big happy goals and enjoy the process of building wealth. It's a paradox: spending in the present to enhance wellness, to enable you to create an abundant, healthy financial future.

    In this episode:

    Why the best type of investment is in yourself Why sacrificing your health in the now is detrimental to your future Why I choose to buy and eat healthy, organic food Why my annual yoga membership is a non-negotiable Why I invest my time in creating at-home, healthy remedies Why I invest in a health coach to understand and optimise my health Why I choose to invest in health care professionals


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my take on the question “what should I be doing with my money?”

    I get asked this question at least 5-10 times a week. It's a question that comes up time and time again, yet it's one that's rarely addressed in traditional education or everyday conversations. Tell me, have you looked at your bank balance this month and not known where to begin with managing your finances? You’ve come to the right place!

    Mastering your finances isn't about adhering to someone else's rules or standards. It's about understanding your own big happy goals and unique values and making financial decisions that align with them. While there are certain fundamental principles to follow, such as budgeting, savings and investing, how you implement these strategies will vary from person to person and there is no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all solution approach. The important thing to remember is that you're the one in control of your financial destiny. You work hard for your money, so it's up to you to determine how best to use it.

    In this episode:

    Why there is no cookie-cutter approach to personal finance The foundations of achieving financial security Why you need to get clear on your goals and values How to break down your finances (survival, spending and success) The blueprint to your financial success


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing how to stay motivated towards clearing your debt.

    This episode was inspired by a gal who slid into my DM’s recently. She shared that she originally had 40K of debt and is now down to 5K of debt, however feels a serious lack of motivation to get her last chunk of debt cleared. Does this resonate with you? Sometimes it seems the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is. I’ll let you into a little secret
The driving force behind achieving your goals isn’t motivation. Tune in, because the advice inside this episode can be applied to clearing debt but also your life and other aspects of money.

    You need to stop passing control over to the hands of motivation. If you rely on motivation to be the sole thing that helps you achieve your dreams, goals and ambitions, hate to break to you but you’re fucked. Motivation comes and goes in alignment with your emotions, energy and thoughts on any given day, and what rocky territory this is to be. We need strong foundations and we need to rely on action. The focus of working towards our goals and dreams needs to be in the hands of discipline, action, habits and systems. It’s here that you will achieve financial freedom, whatever that means to you.

    In this episode:

    What happens when you rely solely on motivation to reach your goals What you need to be focus on instead to achieve your dreams What habits and systems you need in place to clear your debt How to change your language to get ahead in life 3 tips on how to successfully clear your debt


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  • In this episode of the Mind Money Soul podcast, I’m going to be sharing my experience with money as a single woman.

    I think it’s really important to talk about the intersectionality between money and your relationship status. Take me, I’m 30 years old, I’ve been single my whole life and there’s been countless times that I’ve considered my finances as a single gal. It's not surprising that a lot of single women worry about their finances. To add to this worry, women are already financially behind in society because of the gender wealth gap including pay, pension and investing.

    There are physical costs associated with being single that get removed or lessened when you form a relationship, for example; splitting the cost of a wedding gift, a hotel room on holiday or a taxi home. Then, there's the mindset element. When you're in a relationship, there's a portion of your financial worries that get halved. These can be financial worries in the moment like losing your job, or financial worries about the future such as affording retirement or buying property. This is why as a single gal it's fundamental to learn how to invest so that you can work towards your financial freedom, independence and security, and ultimately protect yourself regardless of your relationship status.

    In this episode:

    The intersectionality between money and your relationship status Why single women worry about their finances Why investing as a single gal is crucial Why women are financially behind in society The extra costs associated with being single How being single can help you form an abundant mindset


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