Attachment theory is not a 'theory'.. it's a part of our neurophysiological operating system It’s a biobehavioral adaptation that helps us regulate ourselves and explore new frontiers. And attachment is not just a childhood concept. It is something that carries...
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"your brain is editing out what it thinks you should know about and what you shouldn't know about." -Dr. Allan Hamilton Understanding why we react the way we do, where our patterns come from and how we can show...
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Ever feel like your brain's in a fog? Like something is off and your brain is not firing on all cylinders? This is something I come across a lot when working with clients, and particularly in doing brain maps. What...
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Years ago, while studying with my mentor-professor at NYU, Zoran Josipovic - who was looking at brains scans of monks - I decided to stay for a few months at various monasteries. One of them was Deer Park - under...
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As we approach the end of the year, we may start notice within ourselves - and others - feelings of exhaustion, burn out, feeling frazzled or overwhelmed. There are seasons that are influenced socially and symbolically.. for example,...
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Connection is a 'biological imperative'. Being a mammal means that we are extremely 'nurture-dependent'. We cannot survive without connection to another. On the one hand, each human must become self regulating to a certain degree. Self-regulation is what we do...
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Whether it's asking a question, raising our hands, speaking in public, posting or publishing, expressing something new, asking someone out, having a difficult conversation, setting a boundary, or wanting to have a new experience that challenges us… our ability to...
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When we truly understand the power of the human brain, and we authentically become learners, neuroscience becomes a language of the human spirit - one that empowers and inspires. Unfortunately, it can also become a language of buzzwords, hype and...
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As we approach the holidays and important moments in history… are there social or family dynamics that feel like repeats or remnants from the past? Do you sometimes get the feeling that nothing ever really changes? Repeating history isn’t...
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Purpose isn't just some grandiose, once-in-a-lifetime discovery. It's not a single "aha" moment where suddenly everything clicks. Instead, we can view a sense of purpose as an ongoing narrative that evolves with our unique sensitivities* and experiences - and the...
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"One thing about human intelligence is absolutely certain: it is malleable, meaning it can be changed through exposure to new information or even by looking at what you already know in a new way. There is no limit to what...
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Emotion regulation doesn't mean being calm and collected all the time. It's about range and repertoire, and an ability to intentionally shift into a state we prefer. A state that 'feels better'. Feeling better is always relative - if we...
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The brain, more than anything, is a predictive system. It conserves energy by attempting to predict - rather than truly understand - what is in front of it. When information is missing, it fills in the blanks based on its...
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“Your brain - every brain - is a work in progress. It is 'plastic.' From the day we're born to the day we die, it continuously revises and remodels, improving or slowly declining, as a function of how we use...
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Imagine yourself when you were at a low point in your life. Is there a voice that could have somehow helped you see yourself in a new way? Perhaps an older, wiser version of you.. Or even a younger...
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“We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it [...] has ongoing consequences for how the human organism manages to survive in the present. Trauma results in a fundamental reorganization of...
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What is it about those things we know are good for us that we somehow just can’t get ourselves to do? Maybe we have intentions to do something healthy but then we don’t. … or maybe we do start making...
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“too often people typically spring into action based on what first comes to mind, and thus too often mind… And thus too often, wind up seeing the world through the lens of what they already know.” - Maggie Jackson,...
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Our nervous systems and brain networks are powerfully shaped by experiences that are embodied, visceral, sensory-motor and social. This is the essence of Embodied Social Neuroscience.
In this episode, learn about 5 concrete embodied, neuroscience-supported pillars you can use to get better at honing the incredible power of the human mind-brain-body system. We look at several biomarkers and physiological pillars of how to combine the extraordinary, beautiful and magnificent power of the human brain with the mechanics of our body to help us achieve a state of deep fulfillment and sense of agency and alignment with our highest potential.
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“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” ― Albert Einstein In a world that often values certainty and consistency, it can be hard to admit when we need to change our minds. The concept of changing...
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