John Eldredge is right when he says, âA man must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being (Wild at Heart). The adage is true, âIf a man doesnât have a cause to die for, he doesnât have a cause to live for.â This episode is about the greatest cause in the history of the worldâthe kingdom of Jesus defeating the kingdom of evil and spreading righteousness over earth. Davidâs defeat of Goliath, which foreshadowed Jesusâ victory over sin, provokes the question, âIs there some Goliath Jesus wants me to more intentionally fight,â and provides practical insight for spiritual battle from Davidâs defeat of Goliath.
For Further Prayerful Thought:
Do you think there are some sins in Christian menâs lives that they have been so overpowered by that they give up fighting? What might they be? How can this story of David and Goliath give them faith to step onto the battlefield?Do you think there are cultural battles that many men believe reflect such spiritual power from the kingdom of darkness that they are reluctant to launch intentional fight against them?Which of the six principles exhibited in Davidâs defeat of Goliath stood out most to you?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. One of the great truths of life is that oneâs mental perspective determines oneâs attitude. Eve believed the lie that Godâs command not to eat the fruit was selfish and that God was keeping something to be desiredâthe knowledge of good and evilâfrom her. That perspective led to the attitude of rebellion which led to the action of sin. This episode seeks to better understand how wrong thinking leads to wrong attitudes, which is why we need to protect the rising generation from the destructive ideas invading their lives.
For Further Prayerful Thought:
What examples most stood out to you about the way our mental perspective determines our attitude?Of the eight ideologies identified and evaluated through a biblical lens, which ones do you see most clearly in the culture? Which ones do you think are most deceiving teenagers?What are the evil parallels between Marxism and cultural Marxism? Why do you think that otherwise mature Christians who are calling the church back to a concern for social justice are falling into some of its evil tenets?Link to Leadership Diagram
Link to Resources
A Practical Guide to Culture, Stonestreet and KunkleThe Secular Creed, Rebecca McLaughlinFive Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age, Rosaria ButterfieldMamma Bear Apologetics, Hillary FerrerFor the printed version of this message click here.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This episode answers the question, âWhat do dads need to do to develop their childâs potential, i.e. to be faithful stewards of this treasure entrusted to us, not just because we love them, but because God has important contributions for them to make to his world.â
Link to Leadership Diagram
Past Podcast Episodes on spiritual gifts: S2 E #38-41, 7/18/21-8/8/21
Link to The Five Love Languages
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Summary: Marriage failure almost always begins with the loss of intimacy, i.e. closeness in the marriage. This episode examines what Scripture says married couples need to understand and do to experience both the emotional and sexual intimacy, which God designed marriage for.
Couples Study to Overcoming the Intimacy Misconnect in Marriage
She spells intimacy TALK. He spells intimacy SEX. This booklet is designed to be used by husband and wife during 3 dates to rediscover greater emotional and sexual intimacy in their marriage.
For Further Prayerful Thought:
What stood out to you about the purposes for which Godâs designed marriage?What is the significance to you of remembering that marriage is both the joining of two lives (mind, will, and emotions) exhibited by leaving home, and the joining of two bodies in sex?When it comes to emotional intimacy, do you have more trouble opening up to your wife about what is going on inside or in helping her open up about what is going on inside her?If you are married, is there another woman in your spheres of life with whom you need to be more vigilantânot to allow yourselves to get too emotionally close?VALENTINEâS DAY QUESTIONS FOR COUPLES
For Fun
Whatâs the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?If you could be any cartoon character for a day, who would you be and why?Whatâs the funniest movie youâve ever seen?If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?If you could have any animal as a pet, no matter how wild, what would you choose?Warm Up
What do you remember most about your first date?Share two things you most appreciate about your mate.Emotional Intimacy
Husband to Wife
What regular tasks in taking care of the family do you dislike the most or find most difficult?How can I help you shoulder your load at home?How can I better help you share your heart with me?What family problems do you feel need to be addressed?What are the worries and concerns that are weighing heavily on your heart?How can I best help you feel cherished by me?How can I support your use of your gifts that go beyond the home?Wife to Husband
How best can I help you when your emotional tank is on empty?What gets you down most at work? When there is something weighing heavily on you at work how can I best help you share it?How can I support your spiritual leadership in our home.Do I tell you often enough what I admire and respect about you?Sexual Intimacy
How do you feel about discussing sexual intimacy on this date?Why do you think God invented sex?What are two things you appreciate about each other as lovers?What sexual activities do you find most exciting?Is there anything else about our love-making that you want to tell me?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. There is one investment you can make in your childâs future that God guarantees is more precious than gold, that will bring him a lifetime of enjoyment, a lifetime of protection from harm and a lifetime in which he is richly rewarded. It is explained in Psalm 19. This episodeâs focus is on how to make such an investment.
For Further Prayerful Thought
In the study of the six facets of the jewel of Godâs Wordâhis law, testimony, precepts, commandments, fear, and judgements, which ones stood out most to you?Since Godâs plan to bless the nations was to call Abraham and his family to faith and then the fathers command their children and households to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, why have Christian men been slow to focus on this responsibility?Why is it important, in teaching our kids, for us to follow the Deuteronomy 6 pattern to starting with our motive for loving the Law of God being to please him because he first loved us.Why do you think God tells parents in Deuteronomy 6 to talk about applying the Word of God throughout the day?Link to Leadership Diagram
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Episode Summary. Spiritual leadership at home is bringing our followers along with us in our whole-hearted pursuit of Christ. Persuading them to join us in this pursuit is almost completely dependent upon winning their hearts, which requires building our love relationship with them. We are inspired by the example of Jonathan Edwards, whose commitment to building his relationship with each of his kids was manifested by his decision to take a different child with him each time he traveled to speak. This episode identifies four ways that dads are inclined to tear down their relationship with their kids and then provides five necessary investments to build it up.
Link to Leadership Diagram.For Further Prayerful Thought,
In what ways did Jonathan Edwards demonstrate what it takes to be a successful spiritual leader at home?What relationship busters are you most concerned about committing?Which of the following relationship builders do you think is most important for you to focus upon in your spiritual leadership at home: understanding, affirmation, companionship, compassion, attentiveness to practical needs?Link to PDF about the Successful Spiritual Leadership at Home series
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Episode Summary. The word husband is from the world of agriculture; it means to cultivate. This episode points to seven ingredients identified in Scripture that Christian husbands are to pour into the soil of their wivesâ hearts to cause them to flourish.
For Further Prayerful Thought.
What are the strongest arguments for a Christ-following husband to continually invest the nutrients into his wifeâs hear that she needs to flourish?Take a moment to review the first three needs mentioned in the podcast/blog. Which of these needs do you feel best about meeting in your wife? Which do you most want to remember to focus upon in the coming days?Take a moment to review the last four heart needs mentioned. Which of these needs seems most important to you? Which one do you most want to remember to try to better meet in the coming days?How can you do a better job of being intentional about meeting these needs in your wifeâs heart?Link to PDF about the Successful Spiritual Leadership at Home series
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Episode Summary. Almost all men would love more consistency in their lives. We know that is the key to success in every area of life, not the least important of which is success leading our homes well. But how can we more consistently stay focused on our mission from Jesus? This episode supplies two answers: First we must have clear picture of the goal towards which we are heading and leading our familiesâspiritual maturity as Christâs disciple. Most of us have only a vague idea of what mature discipleship looks like, and it is hard to take a first step towards a fuzzy goal or lead others to reach it. So, we look to Scripture and arrive at three concrete callings that reflect Jesusâ call to discipleship for all of us. The second way to stay focused on our mission is to follow a clear pattern for managing his life that Jesus clearly followed. This pattern not only helps us stay focused but it renews our spiritual energy.
Link to Leadership DiagramFor Further Prayerful Thought
Why does it make sense that spiritual leadership at home which seeks to lead our families to be fully devoted mature followers of Jesus, requires us to stay focused on this mission ourselves.What are the differences you can think of between having a clear picture of mature discipleship versus a fuzzy picture of mature discipleship?What does Jesusâ routine withdrawal into his private world with the Father to discuss his mission imply for his followers? Why donât more Christians follow this pattern?Link to PDF about the Successful Spiritual Leadership at Home series
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Episode Summary. This episode begins by noting that Genesis 3:17 tells us that Godâs curse upon Adam for his rebellion in the Garden of Eden was not just for transgressing the command not to eat the fruit but for his reversal of Godâs created order of roles. Manâs call to lead the home matters to God. This episode examines what leadership is and is not, providing a diagram for understanding the three functions of leadership. We then add flesh to this skeletal structure by shaping a 5-fold job description for men as they function as spiritual leaders of their homes.
For Further Prayerful Thought
Why do you thin God told Adam he was being punished for his role reversal as well as eating the forbidden fruit?What stood out to you in this episode about what leadership is not?How would use explain the three functions of leadership? (arrows in the diagram)What stood out to you about the job description of men being the spiritual leaders at home?Link to Leadership Diagram.
Link to PDF about the Successful Spiritual Leadership at Home series
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Episode Summary. Mary, one of the godliest women who ever lived, agreed to bear Godâs child and what does she receive? A sword to her soul. Few song writers I know have put Simeonâs promise that a sword would pierce Maryâs soul to music. It isnât sung about by childrenâs choirs in Christmas pageants. But Luke's account of the true Christmas story ends on the ominous note of suffering caused by the opposition of the kingdom of darkness to Jesusâ kingship claim, just as Matthewâs Christmas story ends with the weeping of Bethlehem for the children slain by Herodâs fear of Jesusâ ruleâreflecting this same opposition of the kingdom of darkness to Jesusâ kingship. This episode reminds us of the kingdom of darknessâs fierce opposition to the rule of the Prince of Peace and what to do about it.
What are the implications of these two facts: men love darkness because their deeds are evil, and we are called to be light to the world?Which two cultural lies do you hear most often? How best could you raise a question about whether that assumption is really true?How can you do a better job of defeating sin in your own life by using the spiritual armor and weapons Jesus has given us?
For Further Prayerful ThoughtNEXT WEEK NEW SERIES: Successful Spiritual Leaders at Home. Please let the men of your church know about this new series. You can print a PDF to give to others, download the PDF onto your computer and email it as an attachment, or just send an email with this link to the PDF, which explains what the series will cover. Here is the link.
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Episode Summary. This agent of familiarity is hard at work this Christmas season, spreading layers of the poisonous dust of the ordinary over the manger in Bethlehem to deaden our senses to the staggering reality of what actually took place there. This episode seeks to blow off that dust to reveal with fresh clarity five ways the incarnation can evoke radical devotion to Jesus. May a fresh look at the incarnation fill us with fresh energy and passion to follow our Master well.
For Further Prayerful Thought
How do we balance the truth that sin is so heinous and God so just that only he could pay for our sinâthe truth that we must take sin seriouslyâwith the truth of Godâs grace towards us and call to treat others with grace?How can you better apply the truth that Jesus is your Great High Prist and Advocate, who fully understands every form of pain and injustice you experience?How does Jesusâ choice to be born into a manger instead of a palace impact your heart?In what way is the decision to become poor so that another becomes rich a definition of agape love? How can we better remember what it cost our Lord to redeem us?How can we better draw upon the power of the Holy Spirit to change our default, subtle focus from ourselves to others and how I can serve them?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. Countless committed Christian men wrestling with sins like lust and masturbation have asked a legitimate question. If Christ has redeemed me from slavery to sin, why am I still regularly giving in to lust and masturbation? Didnât Paul say the Christianâs old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for the one who has died is freed from sin and then repeat in verse 18 that Christians have been set free from sin. How can this be true when we default to lust, selfishness, resentment too easily and know that our heart attitudes are miles away from being like those of Jesus? This episode addresses the question, If Christ defeated sin at the cross, setting Adamâs kingdom free from its destructive slavery, why isnât earthâs culture more sanctified and why am I, myself, not more sanctified?
For Further Prayerful Thought
What evidence would you point to from Scripture that proves that the oppressors the promised Messiah would overthrow always were Satan, sin, and death and not the political oppressors of Israel?How does the Already/Not Yet description of this period of redemptive history clarify things and muddy things?The Second Adamâs overthrow of the triumvirate, Satan, sin, and death and ascension to Godâs right hand has positioned Him to spread his kingdom of righteousness and restoration over earth for 2000 years. Of the 6 ways that I mentioned its impact on culture, which ones stood out most to you?Which reason for Christiansâ lack of sanctification stood out most to you?
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Episode Summary. It is easy today for discerning Christians, who see the loss of biblical values taking place in our culture, to view this world as a sinking ship, going down to destruction through the weight of its own evil. But such despair can easily lead us to forget the very first commission God assigned us as humansâdeveloping the potential of the creation God loves and shaping life in it to please him, life that is righteous. A âtitanic worldviewâ of the culture ignores a very significant part of Godâs nature: He is a delegator. His act of delegating the further creation and rule of Kingdom Earth is accomplished in the very first commission given to Adam and Eve. âBe fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.â This episode examines how God delegated to humans the process he started, i.e. creating and ruling the material order and why such an understanding gives everyday life great meaning.
For Further Prayerful Thought
How would you explain to someone the Genesis 1 teaching that God has delegated his royal rule over Kingdom Earth to mankind?In what sense would you say God has finished creation and in what sense would you say he has not finished his work of creating?When considering the Genesis 1:28 four-fold First Commission God gave to Adam and Eve, what is the significance of God starting out with the love-making process of husband and wife the first part of that commission? How can we uphold the value of the first human institutionâthe familyâwithout demeaning those who are single, divorced, or childless?If the goal of both The First Commission and the Great Commission is to spread the righteous rule of Christ over every sphere of human life (beginning with surrender to King Jesus in the human heart) why do we Christians spend so little effort being intentional abut thinking through how to impact those spheres of human life where we have influence?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. In December 2004, a massive tsunami in the Indian Ocean killed more than 250,000 people. Over the following weeks, the news media were filled with articles asking, âWhere is God?â One reporter wrote: âIf God is God, heâs not good. If God is good, heâs not God. You canât have it both ways, especially after the Indian Ocean catastropheâ Suffering nearly always creates doubts in the human mind about Godâs goodness. And if God is not good, then his moral law is just his selfish restriction upon human pleasure, which was the reasoning Satan used to lure Eve into rebellion. This episode examines the massive implications of Godâs perfect goodness, not just in resisting temptation, but in enduring suffering, and in shaping the way we interact with the fallen world.
For Further Prayerful Thought
How would you refute the argument: If God is all-powerful, he could end suffering and evil. If he were all-good, he would end evil and suffering. Evil and suffering exist. Therefore, either God is not all-powerful or not all-good. The Christian god does not exist?Summarize the three âgoodness of Godâ truths that James tells his readers to cling to when facing trials. Which seems most helpful to you?How does the common grace doctrine that God has given gifts to the unredeemed to enable his world to be developed and enjoyed, impact the way believers should view unbelievers and secular culture?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. Just as Lucyâs encounter with Aslan upon her second trip to Narnia caused her to realize that her prior view of Aslan was too small, Isaiahâs encounter with God in the temple of Jerusalem caused him to realize his view of the Lord of Hosts was too small. Isaiah was dwarfed by Godâs majesty. His sin was laid bare by the radiance of Godâs glory. And he was traumatized by Godâs holiness. Although such holiness and the wrath against evil that goes with it are not usually our favorite attributes of God, we observed that Godâs holiness is enormously beneficial to us and all creation. We further considered Godâs responsibility as judge of his universe, noting that God would be immoral if he did not demand just punishment for evil and reward good.
For Further Prayerful Thought
What stood out most to you about Isaiahâs vision of the LORD in Isaiah 6?How would you explain Godâs holiness to a child?What is most attractive to you about Godâs holiness?What does it look like to abhor evil?How does a BIG view of Godâs holiness take us through a process that leads to a BIG devotion to put our lives on the altar to Him?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. Jesusâ prayer to the Father saying, This is eternal life, that they know you, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent, points to the counter-cultural exclusivity of Christianity, which cultural elites say disqualifies it from being true. This episode examines this exclusivity, how we can teach our loved ones to winsomely respond to this accusation, and what are the implications of Jesusâ description of the Father as the only true God.
For Further Prayerful Thought
What is the difference between tolerance in relationships and tolerance regarding what is true? How do you see Scripture requiring us to tolerant of other people but intolerant of false ideas masquerading as truth?How would you answer a Christian you were discipling who asked, âWhy are there so many religions?âWhat do you think of the statement, âGod has too much dignity to accept adoration from worshippers who are not celebrating his true nature?â How does the second commandment relate to Jesusâ statement to the woman at the well in Samaria, âThe Father desires worshippers to worship him in spirit and in truth?âFor the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. Although todayâs church is seeing an unprecedented number of deconversions by kids raised in the church, often claiming that science disproves the existence of God, the fact is that the world of scientific observation provides evidence that is so compelling that it is unreasonable NOT to believe that a supernatural God exists. After looking at five scientific arguments to point to the reality of a supernatural God, we then examined five of these supernatural characteristics of the true God of Scripture and how they benefit us!
What evidence would you martial to support an argument that it is much more reasonable to believe in the existence of God than not to?Why do you think it might be important to help our rising young adults understand the biblical teaching that human sinful nature leads man to suppress the truth that creation proves there is a God?Look back to Godâs supernatural attributes. Which ones most stood out to you? How can knowing these attributes help you delight in the Lord?
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Episode Summary. In Jeremiah 9, God has some things to say to his Covenant people about boasting. But it is not, âDonât brag.â Rather God chooses three assets needed for men to get any significant job doneâwisdom, might, and richesâtelling us not to place our confidence in them but instead to boast that we understand and know him. Practically speaking what is God saying to us and what does the rest of Scripture reveal about the benefit of growing in our knowledge of God? That is the topic of this episode.
What is your take-away from Godâs command to the wise man not to boast in his wisdom, the mighty man not to boast in his might, the rich man not to boast in his riches but instead to boast of understanding and knowing him? What are your ideas about what this looks like?Which benefits of growing in the knowledge of God most stood out to you?How would you defend the idea that God and God alone is fit to take the universeâs throne? Which components of Godâs character give you the most peace and confidence as you head into the future?
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Episode Summary. In a new study conducted by Geroge Barna, in which he interviewed 2000 church-going self-identified Christians, his results were shocking. 49% said they were unlikely to vote: Here are their reasons:
68% said they are not interested in politics57% said they disliked the major candidates55% said they felt like none of the candidates reflect their most important views52% believed their vote will not have an impact50% said the election has become too controversialThis episode addresses these reasons for NOT voting.
For Further Prayerful Thought
How would you explain the connection between Godâs reason for creating human beings (to bear his image) and the Christian responsibility as redeemed human beings to vote?What are the logical flaws in a Christianâs argument that with over 100 million votes cast his doesnât matter?How would you respond to someone who said, âI donât like either candidate and Iâm not sure that, in good conscience, I can vote for eitherâ?For the printed version of this message click here.
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Episode Summary. Christians men are called to protect women. We know that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden to protect it and those in it and that Jesus modeled protecting women. The Christian church also has a great heritage of protecting women. That protection today needs to come from men who understand ideologies, government policies, and political parties whose platforms harm women. This episode examines how open borders, gender affirming care, and the Title IX revision of the Civil Rights law affecting athletics harms todayâs women.
Why do you think many Christians and Christian leaders turn a blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of girls and women being raped and turned into sex slaves by Mexican Drug cartels because of Americaâs open border?What facts about gender affirming care do you most want to remember so you can point out its harm to parents of gender-confused kids.What aspects of Riley Gaineâs story are most infuriating to you? Why do you think so many people cave to LGBTQ pressure when radical gender ideology totally contradicts science and common sense?
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