
  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile interviews Tapiwa Guzha, an entrepreneur and founder of the famous Tapi Tapi ice cream shop in Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa.

    Tapiwa discusses his mission to transform the perception of African food and its cultural significance. He explains how colonialism has negatively impacted the way Africans relate to their traditional foods, replacing native ingredients with foreign ones that were introduced for colonial economic benefits. He emphasizes the importance of reclaiming and valuing indigenous foods to restore self-esteem and cultural identity among Afro-descendant people.

    Tapiwa also delves into the role of food in healing cultural trauma and resistance. He highlights how African food has been used historically to preserve cultural identity and resist colonial influences. He also stresses that cooking and participating in food production are fundamental human experiences that connect people to their environment and heritage. By understanding the origins and processes of food, individuals can develop a deeper appreciation for their cultural practices and contribute to their preservation.

    Lastly, Tapiwa shares his entrepreneurial journey and the challenges he faced in launching his business. He chose to open his ice cream shop in a location that balances safety and accessibility for black people, rejecting external funding to maintain control over his business's cultural message. Despite financial and logistical challenges, Tapiwa remains committed to his mission of promoting African food culture.

    He encourages listeners to support similar initiatives by advocating for the inclusion of African flavors in local businesses and spreading awareness about the importance of cultural representation in food.

    Contact Tapiwa: or

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:08: Introduction to the Guest, Tapiwa Guzha

    04:03: Tapiwa Guza's Self-Introduction and Philosophy

    06:14: Tapiwa's Work with African Food

    09:02: Impact of Colonization on Food and Self-Perception

    18:22: History and Impact of Cattle Farming

    22:16: Food as Resistance and Cultural Preservation

    29:00: Role of Food and Cooking in Healing

    37:23: Interconnection Between Food, Time, and Money

    40:01: Entrepreneurial Journey and Challenges

    47:59: Paying people fairly

    52:14: Future Plans and How to Support

    01:01:13: Contact Information

    Notable Quotes

    "I'm not trying to elevate African food, I'm not trying to raise up African food. I'm trying to say, let's have a chat about, do you know you can do more than three things with this ingredient?" "We need to be very careful with how codependent we are becoming and have become on global-scale production of food and food, meaning processed products that arrive at your house ready to consume." "Cooking and participating in your food production is an important reminder to say, we haven't ascended beyond being the silly animal; we're still a silly animal." "If someone in my unique set of circumstances can't advocate for Africanness, for blackness, for culture on the continent, how can we expect people in more tricky situations to try and do that kind of work?" "We need to make noise to carve out space and insist that people with that space give some of the space back." "It's very rare people leave their homes to go suffer as an immigrant somewhere else because things are going so well."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    Money Magic course:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks about money karma, what it is and how to heal it.

    She delves into the concept of financial karma and alignment, sharing her struggles with debt and how her behavior and broken promises contributed to her financial woes. She emphasizes the necessity of aligning thoughts, words, and deeds to create positive financial outcomes. By borrowing money without repaying and breaking commitments, she attracted similar negative behaviors from others, which perpetuated her cycle of debt.

    The podcast highlights the significance of karma and reciprocity, with Vangile sharing stories of how her acts of generosity and gifting led to unexpected financial windfalls and opportunities. She recounts transformative experiences, how her commitment to gifting for 200 days significantly improved her financial situation by allowing her to pay off debt and save money.

    She then concludes by discussing the importance of forgiveness and self-forgiveness in clearing financial karma. By acknowledging past financial mistakes, making amends, and paying back debts, she improved her financial relationships and attracted clients willing to pay for her services.

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:08: Introduction to the topic of financial karma and alignment

    06:21: The link between money karma and debt

    09:04: How actions affect our financial situation and relationships

    10:18: Aligning thoughts, words, and deeds to improve her financial situation

    13:09: Practical steps for achieving financial alignment

    16:20: Understanding karma and its implications

    17:40: The four types of people in Vipassana related to karma

    19:51: How to change your karma

    26:56: Using the law of reciprocity to become debt free

    33:04: Doing a 200 days of gifting challenge

    42:25: The role of forgiveness in financial karma.

    51:02: About the Money Magic course and its benefits

    58:10: Quote by Henry Ward Beecher.

    Notable Quotes "Alignment is a very easy thing. It's something that we do little by little on a daily basis.""We become a bit more lucky when we are in alignment with our thoughts, words, and needs.""Sometimes we don't listen to that inner guidance, and we think that by gifting, we are undermining ourselves."“When we've experienced abuse and oppression, it basically puts us in survival mode, and it makes it hard for us to trust what we hear and to trust that inner voice."“That knowledge is within ourselves. It's not with a guru. It's not outside of us. It's within us."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    Money Magic course:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

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  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Moshitadi Lehlomela, author of “The Girl Who Survived Her Mother.”

    She discusses her work as a mother wound recovery coach and her experiences with the mother wound. She shares that she realized she had a mother wound at university and how therapy helped her understand the impact of her relationship with her mother on her mental health. She defines the mother wound as trauma resulting from inadequate mothering, which can include neglect, abandonment, and abuse.

    Moshitadi emphasizes the importance of addressing and healing this wound to improve one's overall well-being.

    She also shares her journey of overcoming guilt and shame associated with discussing her mother wound and receiving backlash from others. She highlights the importance of building healthy relationships and boundaries to protect oneself from further harm. Through her healing process, Moshitadi has learned to embrace joy, allow herself to be loved, and increase her capacity for happiness and peace. She also discusses the significance of having supportive friends who help her navigate her healing journey.

    She also shares how her mother's unhealthy relationship with money influenced her own financial behaviors. She struggled with guilt and shame around spending money on herself and often found herself in debt. She has worked on reframing her beliefs about money and building capacity for financial success, especially in relationships. She encourages others to start their healing journey, interact with supportive communities, and seek financial freedom alongside emotional healing.

    Contact Moshitadi at:

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:28: Introduction to Moshitadi

    05:00: Writing “The Girl Who Survived Her Mother”

    06:50: When Moshitadi realized she had a mother wound

    10:48: Dealing with criticism and backlash for talking about the mother wound

    15:36: The difference between the law of attraction and healing

    19:40: Dealing with abusive mothers

    25:08: Learning love from friends

    32:54: Healing the mother wound

    41:02: The link between the mother wound and the relationship with money

    49:13: How Moshitadi changed her relationship with money 50:14:

    55:05: Going no contact with your mother

    01:02:51: Building the capacity for joy

    01:06:00: Surrounding yourself with good people

    01:15:08: Last words from Moshitadi

    Notable Quotes “Because ultimately, as much as we can heal as individuals, it helps to have people around us heal as well so that we're not so isolated.” “I really tried to change my mum with my thoughts to be happy so that I'm vibrating higher than her anger. It just didn't work. It really didn't work.” “We can't manage anyone's emotions for them. We can't change their behavioural habits.” “My work is to work on me and to make sure that I'm here.” “My friends have been teaching me what it is to be loved.”Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    Money Magic course:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks about money routines and the spirit of money and how that helped her get out of debt.

    She delves into the history of money, explaining how it has evolved from the barter system to the use of shells, metals, coins, and eventually paper money backed by governments. She highlights the changes in human consciousness and economic systems over time, leading to the current fiat money system and the emerging cryptocurrency. She also introduces the concept of the spirit of money and money archetypes, which have evolved alongside these monetary systems, reflecting different roles and relationships with money throughout history.

    The concept of the spirit of money is central to Vangile’s work, where she encourages clients to meditate and connect with their unique spirit of money. This connection helps uncover deep-seated beliefs and traumas related to money, often passed down through generations. She shares her personal experience with the spirit of money, which initially appeared to her as a clown, symbolizing her fear and negative perception of money.

    In addition to the spiritual aspects, Vangile emphasizes practical daily money routines to improve financial health. These include looking at one's bank account daily, creating a spending manifesto aligned with personal values, writing daily letters to money, and conducting regular money check-ins.

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:08: Introduction to money routines and spirit of money

    03:38: History of money and its evolution

    08:31: Using copper, silver and gold to pay in 3000 BC

    12:31: Introduction of paper money in the 7th century

    14:33: Developing the banking system

    20:10: Archetypes in monetary evolution

    30:05: Introduction to spirit of money work

    35:15: Personal experience with spirit of money meditation

    45:52: Changing the perception of business and how to run a business

    50:14: Practical money routines

    54:52: Spending in accordance with your values

    01:03:00: Details about the Money Magic Course

    01:11:00 Closing Remarks and Quote

    Notable Quotes "Money has evolved over time, just as human consciousness has evolved." "As our relationship with money changes and what we consider wealth changes, even the things that we value start to change." "Every time we interacted with money, we formed some archetype around money." "When we act in accordance with our values, we are more likely to maintain that behavior than if we are acting from a space of discipline." “You can't heal things that you are not willing to acknowledge."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    Money Magic course:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks about the vow of service, which is a commitment many of us make, sometimes consciously, often unconsciously, to dedicate our lives to serving others. This vow can span across lifetimes and may even have roots in our ancestral lineage. Those who take this vow often find deep fulfillment in helping others, yet it can also lead to challenges like financial strain and burnout.

    In the podcast Vangile shares examples from her own family, like nurses and teachers who work tirelessly without charging appropriately for their services, highlighting the connection between this vow of service and the struggle to set boundaries and charge fairly for one's work.

    She recounts her personal experience with the vow of service, which she discovered through past life regression therapy. She shares how a past life as a nun in the Catholic Church, where she took a vow of service without compensation, impacted her current life. And how this vow eventually led to years of writer’s blog and stage fright.

    The discussion also touches on the vow of invisibility, which often intertwines with the vow of service, where she explains how this vow manifests as a reluctance to be seen or acknowledged for one's contributions, leading to feelings of being unappreciated and unseen.

    Vangile also shares how she and her clients work to heal the vow of service and vow invisibility.

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:24: Introduction to podcast episode

    05:31: The challenge of charging for your services

    07:15: Dealing with the vow of service as a Fixer or Sweet One

    10:02: Using past life regression therapy to heal and uncover the vow of service

    13:51: Charging for my speaking services for the first time

    19:33: The impact of the vow of service on Vangile’s business and finances in this lifetime

    23:51: Working hard for very little money and making US$500 in 4 years in business

    28:06: Finding yourself stuck at a particular income

    33:33: The intersection of the vow of service with the vow of invisibility

    42:14: How to heal the vow of service and the vow of invisibility

    48:05: Invitation to the Visibility Mastery Coaching program at: wealthy-

    57:03: Quote by Warren Buffet

    Notable Quotes "We don’t need to set ourselves on fire in order to help others and to help others progress, and that doesn't help anyone." "We have to be able to look after ourselves and then, from a space of an overflowing cup, start to keep serving others and keep helping others." "There's no really final or finite death unless the soul comes to the point where it chooses, or no, no, chooses is the right word, but incarnates to the point where it has gained enough wisdom not to want to come back." "One way to also look at a vow service is when we find ourselves stuck at a particular income set point." “I'm a huge, huge believer in pricing appropriately so that we can get the support that we need."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks Ndumi Hadebe, coach, speaker, and author of “Handle Black Tax Like a Pro.”

    Ndumi coaches people on setting boundaries and highlights the importance of understanding the opportunity cost of not having boundaries. She emphasizes the need for people to share love and compassion while setting boundaries, to avoid disempowering themselves and shrinking their world.

    Ndumi discusses how her journey of understanding boundaries led her to write her book. She shares that a pivotal moment during COVID-19 made her realize the widespread issue of black tax and its connection to unspoken family expectations and lack of boundaries.

    The conversation delves into the cultural and generational difficulties black people face in discussing money. Ndumi explains that previous generations had little money to discuss, leading to a lack of financial transparency in families. This culture has persisted, making it difficult for current generations to talk about money openly. She also highlights how not being taught boundaries as children impacts one's ability to set boundaries as adults, affecting various aspects of life, including finances.

    She provides practical advice on how parents can better honor their children's boundaries and teach them about setting financial boundaries, emphasizing the importance of listening and validating their feelings . She also how individuals can start breaking the cycle of black tax by first having an honest conversation with themselves about their financial situation. Ndumi outlines a formula for having these difficult conversations with family members: combining truth and love while removing the need to be right.

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:57: Introduction to Ndumi

    06:40: Journey of writing the book "Handle Black Tax Like A Pro"

    12:24: Why it's challenging for black people to talk about money and black tax within families

    17:48: The wound of being seen and being heard

    21:04: Ndumi reads a quote from her book about communicating boundaries with love and compassion

    23:44: How to tell if a family member doesn’t honour boundaries and how to handle that

    26:40: Teaching children about financial boundaries as a parent

    32:19: Can black tax can be a form of financial bullying within families?

    38:25: First steps someone can take to break the cycle of black tax

    46:59: Importance of being transparent about finances with family members

    49:14: Effects of having conversations around black tax on personal finances and relationships.

    52:00: How boundaries can help in making money and managing income

    01:02:17: Contact Ndumi:

    Notable Quotes "Our lack of boundaries dims our light. It actually disempowers us. It disempowers the purpose that God has channeled through us." "I realized that we don't talk about black tax with our families, actually, which is such a disservice to the fibre of society and the fibre of black families." "Black tax is not really so much about money as it is about boundaries." "I think kids should question everything, including religion, including how spirituality works. Everything." “The more I didn't value myself, the more unvalued I became. So the less I respected my craft, the more people didn't respect my craft."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Lise Brenner, a former ballet dancer turned somatic work practitioner. Lise is also a Wealthy Money coaching client and #MoneyMagic student who delves into her journey of reconnecting with herself, navigating career shifts, and emphasizing body awareness for creative expression and emotional well-being.

    Lise elaborates on the interplay between body awareness, emotional healing, and self-image, particularly within the ballet world's standards of body shape and size.

    She shares the unseen challenges faced by dancers, contrasting glamorous perceptions with the dedication and hard work behind the scenes.

    She reflects on her ongoing journey of self-acceptance and body positivity, advocating for embracing one's body and cultivating a positive self-relationship, especially in industries like ballet that prioritize specific body types.

    The conversation also explores the connection between money, trauma, and self-worth, with Lise giving insights into her struggles with financial stability and self-perception, highlighting the impact of upbringing and societal standards on her relationship with money.

    She also shares her path of healing and transformation, addressing challenges related to chronic pain, emotional eating, and body image issues through practices like meditation and somatic experiencing.

    She emphasizes the significance of being present in one's body, honouring emotional needs, and fostering empowerment in navigating life's complexities.

    This is another insightful episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    03:40: Introduction of Lise Brenner as a guest on the podcast

    05:48: How do you define yourself as a soul?

    10:15: Moving to New York with US$1,000 in savings

    13:46: Feeling like money and safety came from men

    17:34: Moving to Amsterdam

    22:30: How moving to Europe changed Lise’ thinking

    31:28: Helping people get into their bodies and the transformation it brings

    36:24: How to become aware of your emotions and the sensations in the body

    40:22: Using meditation techniques to help people drop into their bodies

    43:58: Using your body to discover your truth and next steps

    49:59: The link between money and the body

    54:55: Learning to be present with money

    01:03:15: Contact Lise: or

    Notable Quotes "The challenge isn't doing it right. The challenge is showing up and doing it." "How can I allow myself to make substantial, secure money, be financially abundant, make good choices, and stop the starvation bingeing thing?" "How can I be present with money the same way I'm trying to be present with my body?" "I realised that the reason why a lot of my writing failed was because I was standing way far away from it, too afraid to actually be present in my body and say what was actually true." "Everybody can move, everybody can dance. Everybody has the capacity to feel joy and completion in their body as they move."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile sits down with Matthew Bowles, a digital nomad, real estate professional, founder of the Maverick Investor Group, and host of the Maverick Show Podcast.

    In this episode, Matt shares his journey of running a remote real estate brokerage that helps people invest in US properties from anywhere in the world.

    He emphasizes the importance of problem-solving in entrepreneurship and the emotional resilience required to navigate the challenges of running a business. Matt also discusses his values, including a focus on collective liberation and activism, which guide his business decisions and personal life.

    Matt highlights the significance of building a remote business infrastructure from the start, allowing him to travel and work from various locations. He emphasizes the importance of meaningful connections with fellow travelers and locals, enabling deep and quick relationships while immersing in different cultures.

    The conversation delves into the emotional aspects of being a digital nomad, including loneliness, forming connections, and leaving places behind.

    Matt's nomadic journey has allowed him to experience the world in immersive ways, fostering personal growth and diverse perspectives. His advice to hesitant individuals is to embrace the unknown, overcome fear, and take the leap into the nomadic lifestyle to explore the world and oneself.

    He also gives insights into real estate investment opportunities in the US market for individuals worldwide, through his company Maverick Investor Group.

    This is another insightful episode, especially for anyone looking to invest in the US market.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:08: Introduction to the guest, Matthew Bowles

    08:04: Transitioning from non-profit to entrepreneurship and travel

    10:08: Pivoting to start a real estate brokerage

    12:12: Challenges of starting a business

    15:20: Transition to becoming a digital nomad

    19:15: Resilience and problem-solving in entrepreneurship

    28:26: Journey from nonprofit work to entrepreneurship

    30:46: Building your business so you can travel

    39:37: Navigating community and relationships while traveling

    45:15: Building a global network and friendships

    49:26: The benefits of being a digital nomad and slow travel

    54:16: How to plan your finances so you can start living as a digital nomad

    01:00:06: Attending to key aspects of life and maintaining balance while traveling

    01:02:58: Working with Maverick Investor Group for real estate investment in the US

    01:08:16: Options for non-US citizens to obtain loans for property investment in the US

    01:11:02: Contact Matt:

    For free resources:

    Notable Quotes "Entrepreneurship is really about problem-solving. It's just ongoing, continual problem-solving." "Entrepreneurship requires you to have resilience and to build resilience." "The world that we live in is an amazing place. It's really extraordinary. It's massively huge, super diverse, beautiful, and wonderful." "It is financially advantageous to leave your current place and go to travel the world and spend time in less expensive places." “I don't really have a favorite country. That's literally why I'm a nomad.”Additional money resources:

    Check out Vangile’s podcast interview on the Maverick Show:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In today’s episode of the MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile sits down with Pascaline Nkwe, a #MoneyMagic student, entrepreneur, and Head of Operations and Co-Founder of Miftah Concierge in Dubai.

    In this episode, Pascaline shares her journey to overcome her money fears and how to align her spending with values. She discusses the challenges of relocating from South Africa to Dubai, running a concierge business, and managing family expectations. She also emphasizes the importance of separating personal and business finances.

    Pascaline also gives us a deep dive into her business and how leaving your home country can open new opportunities for growth. She highlights the concierge's role in providing personalized services, attention to detail, and enhancing client experiences. She discusses the diverse services offered, leveraging networks to support individuals and businesses. Pascaline stresses planning ahead and transparency in business finances for sustainability and growth.

    She showcases her versatility in offering social media branding packages and emphasizes inner work and self-belief for business success. She invites exploration of coaching services and resources for personal growth.

    This is another interesting podcast episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    - 03:19: Introduction to Pascaline

    - 06:28: Pascaline discusses how her relationship with money has evolved over time

    - 12:29: The fear of holding onto money and the influence of past experiences

    - 15:25: Challenges of managing money and family expectations, especially related to living abroad

    - 18:26: Financial challenges faced by expats in countries like the UAE

    - 23:33: Strategies for regulating her nervous system and handling uncomfortable financial conversations

    - 28:17: Benefits of planning ahead and being present in managing personal finances.

    - 32:40: Challenges and fears of starting a business, especially around visibility and family expectations

    - 33:12: The role of a concierge in providing personalized services and lifestyle management

    - 50:40: How a concierge can be utilized to build and scale a business effectively

    - 01:00:10: The difference between managing personal and business finances

    - 01:06:55: How to partner with Pascaline and contact her

    Contact Pascaline: pascaline.nkwe [at] gmail [dot] com

    Notable Quotes “Money allows us to look within and brings out all our different values.” “If you have weak boundaries, you will get to see it when you have money.” "If you're changing, maybe your values are also changing." " Building networks takes time, and especially if you're a startup, you don't have the time.” "Once you leave and go live in a different country, there's this illusion in people's heads that now you have made it, which isn't necessarily true because it's a different currency. It's different. Things are completely different."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s podcast, Vangile sits down with Sabrina Lamb, six-time author, former stand up comic and founder and CEO of World of Money and Wekeza. Sabrina explains that her purpose is to ensure Black economic sovereignty throughout the entire planet.

    The conversation delves into the challenges faced by people of African descent when it comes to money management and the need for financial education tailored to different cultural contexts.

    She highlights the significance of teaching children about financial literacy, instilling values of saving, investing, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy early on. She stresses the importance of respecting and appreciating money, managing assets wisely, and giving back to the community.

    She also introduces Wekeza, a platform aimed at providing financial education and investment opportunities for families globally. She discusses the cultural significance of financial services and the importance of honoring unique cultural practices in financial education. She aims to empower individuals to achieve financial fluency, cultivate a mindset of abundance, and build a legacy of financial stability.

    This is another powerful podcast episode, especially for people with kids.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    - 02:19: Introduction to Sabrina Lamb

    - 03:17: Sabrina talks about her purpose

    - 06:18: Sabrina’s personal financial journey and inspiration

    - 08:01: Sabrina reflects on her views on money before and after gaining financial knowledge.

    - 09:33: The impact of self-esteem on financial behavior.

    11:23: Teaching children about self-perception in relation to money

    13:50: How parents can approach financial discussions with their children

    16:40: Impact of parent archetypes on children's perception of money

    21:22: Addressing different parent money beliefs and their impact

    24:01: Preparing children for financial challenges in the external world

    26:57: Approaches to supporting children in creating generational wealth

    30:25: Importance of financial fluency and capability

    35:22: Challenges faced by people of African descent in relation to money

    37:52: Importance of changing the narrative around money and wealth

    43:12: Commitment to culturally inclusive financial education

    Contact Sabrina at: or

    Notable Quotes "Money connects you with one of the most powerful currencies on the planet, to be leveraged for good." "You are already perfectly perfect as you are." "Plant the seeds so that the seeds of reward come back to you.” "Financial education is not one size fits all. It's cultural. It's part of the infrastructure. It's part of the psyche." “I use the term financial fluency, financial capability. Know how the systems operate, the financial systems, rather, in your country, in your locale.”Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this episode of the Money Magic Podcast Vangile welcomes Mmatshilo Motsei, an expert in African birthing practices, author, PhD holder, and former activist, as her guest.

    Mmatshilo shares her journey, from feeling burdened by her family's legacy of healers to embracing it as a privilege.

    She shares how education often focuses on making a living rather than nurturing dreams and the pressure to conform to societal expectations, especially for women. She highlights the importance of resilience and the need to acknowledge contradictions in indigenous knowledge due to colonization.

    She reflects on the impact of hospital births on maternal and infant trauma and advocates for home births as a less violent alternative. She discusses the politicization of childbirth, particularly in developing countries, and the importance of education and advocacy for women's rights in birthing choices.

    Mmatshilo also emphasizes the significance of respecting women's choices in pain management during childbirth and cultural rituals surrounding pregnancy and naming ceremonies.

    The conversation extends to the undervaluation of reproductive labor and the lack of understanding among men about the birthing process. She also shares personal experiences and discusses the importance of communal support during childbirth and the transformative power of birth stories. She also announces the launch of Africa Ikalafe Pluriversity, an academy for indigenous knowledge focused on African spirituality and childbirth philosophy.

    This is another powerful podcast episode.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    - 00:02:20: Introduction to Mmatshilo Motsei, an expert in African birthing practices

    - 00:08:30: Being labelled a rebel and navigating societal expectations

    - 00:13:09: The prize of conforming and going against your soul

    - 00:16:07: Life is like a dance

    - 00:19:17: Journey from being a nurse to midwife to PhD

    - 00:23:58: The trauma of birth

    - 00:28:42: Christianizing indigenous practices

    - 00:32:00: The role of Indigenous midwives in childbirth

    - 00:38:08: The politicization of childbirth

    -00:42:24: The politicization of childbirth and empowering women's birthing choices

    - 00:46:00: Dealing with blame, shame and guilt after giving birth

    - 00:51:93: Pre-conception rituals to welcome the soul

    - 00:55:59: The importance of communal support after childbirth

    - 01:00:12: The invisibility of reproductive labor

    - 01:06:50: Being conceived through love and how birth stories shape us

    -01:11:31: Reinterpreting your birth story

    - 01:13:08: Launching Africa Ikalafe Pluriversity

    - 01:19:40

    Contact Mmatshilo at:


    Register for The African Spirituality of Childbirth course at:

    Notable Quotes "Success and prosperity must be our default, must be a place where we operate from." "Once you know what your no-no is... you refuse to take it." "The womb is a carrier of life and also a carrier of pain." "Stories are about interpretation. You reinterpret it in a way that makes sense for you in this world now.” “Life is like a dance... You conform for some time to buy yourself time."Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s #MoneyMagic Podcast episode, Vangile sits down with Lebo to talk about her multifaceted journey as an entrepreneur, coach, and healer. With candidness, Lebo shares the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial endeavours, shedding light on the emotional turmoil that arises with financial setbacks.

    Throughout the conversation, she emphasizes on the importance of introspection in healing and going within, showcasing resilience and self-discovery amid adversity.

    Lebo also shares about her journey to becoming a coach and the process of learning to set prices for her coaching services. Both speakers share how they grapple with deep-seated fears and uncertainties surrounding valuing their expertise.

    She stresses about how important it is to know yourself and get help when it comes to deciding on prices.

    This is a very vulnerable conversation which will shed light for those on their entrepreneurial and money journey.

    Tune in.

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    00:00: Introduction

    00:03:47: Introduction to Lebo

    00:08:00: Money as a Sumo Wrestler

    00:12:14: Lebo’s financial journey from childhood to entrepreneurship

    00:15:08: Having salary stolen

    00:19:37: Becoming an entrepreneur and under pricing

    00:24:19: Failing at her first business and losing her first home

    00:30:58: The dark night of the soul

    00:37:36: Permission to feel the body the emotions in the body

    00:41:21: Holding yourself through the healing journey

    00:48:03: Giving birth to a second business that stagnates

    00:51:58: Pivoting into coaching and charging for coaching services

    00:57:21: We must never ever question dry periods

    01:01:38: Learning to charge for services

    01:06:46: The fear of having more money in the bank

    01:11:09: Numerology and next steps

    01:18:37: Contact Lebo:

    Notable Quotes "When you are a healer that's not taking up your healing role, if you're a healer or a teacher and you are not stepping up to the universe to say, 'This is my role,' and I'm going to take it up, you actually are going to be abused." "The universe tests you for a bit to say, 'Are you sure about this? Will you stand in your space and hold your own space to not be abused?'" "So what kept me going with my teachers was the actual work, because the more you work, the more refined you get, the more purified you get, and the more you see progress." "I feel like there's a lot of shame around handling money... It's the one thing in my entire life, wheel of life, that brings me to my knees." “Money is this sumo wrestler, specifically, that is just wrestling with me every day. So that's my truth. I would love to say money is energy. Money, it loves me. But for me, money is really, really, really hard on me.”Additional money resources:

    One on One Coaching:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks about her experience as a Vipassana meditator.

    Vangile shares her transformative journey with Vipassana meditation, highlighting its profound impact on her mental health and well-being. She shares information on how to apply for Vipassana meditation retreats and emphasizes the importance of following the rules and serving at centers to deepen her practice.

    She reflects on surrendering to the present moment, embracing gratitude, and acknowledging growth facilitated by Vipassana. She shares how Vipassana helped her get into her body and understand ancestral trauma and inspired her to write her first book, “Heart, Mind & Money.”

    She hopes this experience leads to transformative shifts in attendees' lives and delves into healing ancestral money trauma through the Money Magic course.

    This is another interesting podcast interview.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    00:00: Introduction

    02:48: Dhamma Pataka Vipassana center in south Africa

    00:07:37: Journey from depression to vipassana

    00:12:36: Understanding my emotional reactions to money

    00:16:06: Finding inner peace and feeling like everything is going to be okay

    00:22:22: Overcoming writer's block

    00:27:13: Learning that you can heal from trauma

    00:32:25: Dealing with mental health

    00:38:10: The importance of giving back

    00:42:45: Recognizing burnout and prioritizing rest

    00:47:22: Self-forgiveness and letting go

    00:53:13: Surrender and learn your lessons

    00:55:00: Learning and growing from business setbacks

    00:59:33: Feeling gratitude amidst the exhaustion

    01:02:30: Learning to sit with everything and the RunAway Archetype

    01:06:00: Invitation to one on one coaching and the 7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training

    Link to Vipassana and centers:

    Notable Quotes "I gave myself permission to just rest. And in that rest, I did a lot of work around self-forgiveness." "I found the core and the centre and that inner peace again. It never left me; I just have to remember it." "Impatience is always accompanied by fear because I want to just leave the situation. The minute I decide that I don't want to go through what I'm going through, it's because I haven't learned to surrender to the moment." "Allow life to work with you and through you. Allow yourself to be changed and transformed, to see what is here for you." "Surrender and learn your lessons. Allow yourself to be transformed and become the person you've been praying to become."Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Coach Gemima Phalane (Coach Gee), about her purpose in guiding individuals to remember their true selves, overcome societal limitations, and live authentically to fulfill their life purpose.

    In this podcast episode Coach Gee gets vulnerable and shares about the loss of her son and the healing she did and how that helped her get to this point in her work.

    Coach Gee engages in a conversation about transitioning from formal employment to entrepreneurship, defining identity beyond job titles, and understanding individual assignments. She shares her experiences of self-discovery and healing ancestral trauma, highlighting the importance of guiding others to remember who they are and live authentically.

    The podcast also delves into the impact of Coach Gee’s book club on people and the work she did teaching, Vangile’s new book, “What’s Your Money Personality?”

    This is another interesting podcast interview.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    Tune in!

    00:02:08: Introduction to Coach Gee

    00:07:22 Journey of self-discovery amid grief and pain

    00:13:43: Evolution from mission completion to self-discovery, launching a book club, and finding healing through writing

    00:17:21: Transitioning from formal employment to entrepreneurship

    00:21:54: Mental readiness for entrepreneurship

    00:26:42: Transitioning from counseling to private practice

    00:31:54: The importance of creativity and joy in entrepreneurship

    00:37:14: Describing the spiritual connection and its profound impact

    00:41:59: Discussion on “What’s Your Money Personality?”

    00:47:24: The importance of saying thank you to people when they are still alive

    00:51:16: How money personalities impact family dynamics

    00:58:21: Defining money and staying authentic.

    01:01:57: Contact Coach Gee and join the book club

    Contact Coach Gee:



    WhatsApp: +27 82 926 9988

    Notable Quotes “Money is a tool that needs you to allow it in your space by being yourself and by being authentic and vulnerable.” “Creativity thrives in joy.” “I am just that soul that really wants to live out its purpose and actually understand my assignment.” “I strongly believe that it's not that we don't know who we are, but we forget along the way.” “Money will come as long as we stay true to ourselves and follow that little voice because it's through that voice that we get guided steps to make money.”Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    7-Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this week’s episode of the #MoneyMagic Podcast, Vangile talks to Ncumisa Ncama, womb coach and Wealthy Money’s assistant coach, to talk about the transformative power of building a healthy relationship with money.

    Ncumisa delves into her personal transformation through the Money Magic course, highlighting the profound shifts experienced in her own life and with clients. She shares how she sees money as an extension of oneself, stressing the need to cultivate a positive relationship with money by understanding its energy and abundance.

    She also shares her experience working through the Bank Account Challenge and how that helped her understand the profound connection between money, the body, and the womb.

    She emphasizes the healing potential of connecting with the womb as a sacred space for self-discovery, trauma healing, and alignment with one's essence. This holistic approach underscores the importance of listening to the guidance of the womb for insights into personal growth and spiritual connection.

    And also talk about the transformative power of womb work and ancestral connections, encouraging individuals to delve into their womb space to understand triggers, traumas, and ancestral lineage.

    This is another interesting discussion.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:08: Introduction of Ncumisa

    07:22: The healing journey and its transformative power

    13:31: Money as an extension of oneself, the importance of understanding and forgiving traumas surrounding money

    17:25: Overcoming an unhealthy relationship with money

    22:01: Navigating an abusive relationship with money

    26:23: Influence of upbringing on money mindset

    32:35: Impact of the Bank Account Challenge on understanding spending habits

    37:38: Managing money intentionally, aligning spending with values

    43:10: What is the Bank Account Challenge

    47:02: Reflection on past challenges, evolving understanding of money

    52:26: Healing relationship with money through self-reflection and womb work

    57:45: Connecting with the body and womb.

    01:03:38: Exploring the womb as a sacred space for healing and connection

    01:07:49: Triggers are maps

    01:12:13: Contact Ncumisa

    Contact Ncumisa

    Book a discovery call:

    WhatsApp: +27 82 530 6185

    Email: misadyg[at]gmail[dot]com

    Notable Quotes "Money is constantly walking with us freely. All we have to do is build a relationship with it, to understand and know what money is." “You have to see the ugly in you. You have to see the chaos in you. You have to see the beauty in you. And we are that. We are all of those things at one, and we cannot be one without the other.” "Money is your baby. Money is like building a relationship with your child." "You behave differently when you are in touch with your womb." "There is no shortcut, there is no other way but to really introduce yourself to your womb." "So that's what wombwork does. It gives you a sense of peace and belonging."Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this podcast episode, Vangile interviews Ricardo McRae and shares a powerful story of transformation, highlighting the importance of shifting your mindset for financial success.

    In this episode Ricardo discusses essential money principles, such as the Rule of 72 and key milestones for financial growth, starting from saving as little as 25 cents.

    He shares invaluable insights and actionable steps to help people unlock their potential, build generational wealth, and embrace a new paradigm of money mastery.

    Throughout the conversation, Ricardo emphasizes the importance of habits over the amount of money earned, stressing the role of consistent saving habits in wealth-building.

    He explains how understanding interest can accelerate your journey to financial empowerment and why viewing money as energy can transform your relationship with wealth.

    You may want to get a pen and paper to take notes.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:18: What is money to you?

    04:33: Money as energy, transitioning careers

    07:18: Leaving a job, reevaluating money's role

    12:05: Societal pressure on men, self-worth and money

    17:33: Self-awareness and honesty in relationships

    26:32: Changing your money story and looking at your bank account

    32:30: Saving 25 cents a month

    39:07: Understanding money's rules, separating creativity

    48:17: Understanding your personal thinking around money

    59:45: Understanding the alphabet of money and the rule of 72

    01:03:07: Building a team and getting employees

    01:09:58: Money is the hardest working thing

    01:13:28: Developing good money habits

    01:15:00: Contact Ricardo here:

    Notable Quotes "Life is a buffet, and everything is available to everybody." "A movement without money is just angry people screaming." "Money is a tool, and you're going to use it to create more green products and green services and jobs and help women." "Money is the hardest working thing on Earth." "You have to save money, and money will save you." "Money shows up every day and says, 'Hey, what do you want us to do today?'" "It's not hard work; it's the habits." "You have to take the actions. A very wealthy man told me this once."Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    Wealthy Money Mastermind:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • This podcast episode Dr Miranda Moloto interviews Vangile Makwakwa, the host of the #MoneyMagic Podcast at the launch of Vangile’s book, “What’s your Money Personality? Helping Black Families Manage their Finances” at the Book Circle Capital in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    In this podcast, Vangile shares her journey of writing about healing ancestral money trauma, discussing the impact of trauma on financial behavior and the concept of money archetypes.

    The conversation explores the interplay between Western individualistic approaches to wealth and African communal traditions, emphasizing the need to integrate modern financial concepts with traditional African practices for balanced wealth creation and healing.

    The discussion also delves into the influence of genetics and upbringing on one's archetype, the impact of historical trauma, and the struggles faced by black women in navigating the dual impact of racism and patriarchy.

    Practical solutions, legal support in business dealings, and the need for healing and acknowledgment of trauma within families are advocated throughout the conversation. This is another interesting discussion.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    02:15: Welcome to the book launch

    03:22: Introduction to Vangile and the book

    06:14: Meeting Vangile for the first time

    08:03: Why am I not clever enough with money?

    13:10: The nervous system and money

    16:16: The shadow money acrhetypes

    19:51: The role of Fixer

    23:21: The RunAway archetype

    30:56: The Sweet One archetype

    36:26: How to set boundaries as the Sweet One

    42:04: Connecting with your bank account

    48:47: Black women and trauma

    53:48: Audience question about the bringing along of the family on the wealth creation journey

    59:29: Audience question: How much of your archetype is a function of how you are born and your genetic makeup versus how you are raised?

    01:03:11: Audience question: Can you shed light on how to deal with mistrust in business?

    01:08:12: Audience question: Explain your focus on women of color and can you make this work available to everyone?

    01:11:57: The Eternal Child Archetype

    Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course: Bank Account Challenge: Wealthy Money Mastermind:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this video, I read the introduction chapter to my new book, "What's your money personality? Changing the way Black families manage their finances."

    I'm beyond excited to share this journey with you all. Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait for you to have my book in your hands.

    The book is available nationwide in South Africa at all major bookstores and on all major eBook platforms such as Amazon Kindle. It will be available internationally November 6th.

    To get more information on the book and how to purchase it, check out this link:

  • In this week’s podcast episode, Vangile talks about the importance of creating multiple streams of income and shares her experience of launching an AirBnB to cover legal fees in one of her companies.

    She explores the concept of scarcity of attention and emphasizes the need for focus and undivided attention in growing a successful stream of income.

    She shares her experiences with creating multiple streams of income in different industries and the challenges she experienced because of limitations of attention and resources that come with managing multiple streams of income.

    She also emphasizes the importance of deep work and mastery when building multiple streams of income. She shares her own experience of gradually adding new income streams once they had mastered the initial one.

    This is another eye-opening podcast episode.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    00:00: Introduction

    03:56: Talking about being in Koh Phangan, Thailand and launching an Airbnb

    08:43: Challenges and anxieties of launching the Airbnb

    11:45: Re-evaluating multiple streams of income and lessons learned

    14:41: Discussing the failure of having multiple companies simultaneously

    17:51: The misconception that more is always better and the importance of focus

    19:44: Lessons learned from managing multiple streams of income

    24:24: Evaluating different potential streams

    27:27: Scarcity of attention, decision-making fatigue, and resource allocation

    31:03: Maximizing profitability and quality in each income stream

    35:25: The importance of mastering one stream of income

    39:58: Hiring assistants and expanding the team as the business grows

    45:26: Trade-offs and considerations when pursuing multiple streams of income

    48:11: Invitation to the Next Level You Mastermind program:

    Notable Quotes "Reevaluating multiple streams of income is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and to adapt to changing circumstances.""Sometimes less is more... it's so counter-intuitive that actually when I started wealthy money one of the first things I did was I cut back on all my streams of income."“Focusing on one stream of income allows for better customer service, improved team management, and the development of a strong company culture”"Once I mastered that first stream of income, boy did everything just start to become easier." “If you are running five different companies in five different Industries then chances are you cannot give all of those companies your undivided attention and that focus is key in growing a stream of income."Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    Wealthy Money Mastermind:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram:

  • In this podcast episode, Vangile discusses the concept of being the black sheep in the family and looks at scapegoating within families and its impact on individuals' financial behavior. She explains that scapegoating occurs when family members project their own shortcomings onto one person, blaming them for everything that goes wrong. This can lead to feelings of not being good enough and constantly doubting oneself.

    She delves into the complex dynamics of scapegoating within families, highlighting its origins in emotional dysregulation, power struggles, intergenerational trauma, and societal influences. She also explores the link between scapegoating and the "not good enough" wound, emphasizing the need for healing and self-improvement to break free from the cycle of scapegoating.

    Vangile shares her personal journey of healing and offers suggestions for coping mechanisms, such as therapy and coaching, to navigate the triggers and challenges that may arise from family interactions. They emphasize the need for self-compassion, self-care, and personal growth to counteract the negative messages received from being scapegoated.

    This is another eye-opening podcast episode.

    Tune in!

    During this episode, you will learn about:

    00:00: Introduction to the podcast and its purpose

    03:25: Explaining scapegoating and its effects on individuals

    14:29: The progression of scapegoating and the psychological roots behind it

    19:21: The impact of trauma and emotional dysregulation on the scapegoat role

    26:43: Examining the broader societal context of scapegoating, including racial dynamics

    31:34: The intergenerational cycle of scapegoating within families

    37:38: How being scapegoated can affect confidence and finances

    44:11: The link between fear of failure and scapegoating

    49:29: Healing and the importance of vulnerability and making choices

    53:36: The impact of scapegoating on financial behavior

    59:04: lack of grit that can result from being scapegoated

    01:07:48: The link between scapegoating and the "not good enough" wound

    01:10:38: Setting unrealistic expectations and internalizing blame

    01:13:23: Dysfunctional communication patterns and parental favoritism

    01:18:48: Setting boundaries with family

    01:24:14: The importance of getting help and support

    01:32:39: Invitation to join the Wealthy Money Mastermind, a group coaching program focused on increasing income at this link:

    Notable Quotes "Perfectionism is just the symptom of an underlying cause, which is the not good enough wound.""The majority of the family members do not know how to emotionally regulate; the only way for them to regulate their emotions and to cope with life is by projecting them onto the scapegoat.""Making someone else feel small and blaming them for everything may actually be a way that family members that feel out of control and feel powerless start to regain their power and start to regain a sense of control." "When we don't have the tools, we just reach to the behavioral patterns that we know from our past" “You have to be willing to take some kind of risk, especially if you're going to be an entrepreneur.”"It's about how can I hold the duality of both the love and the dislike or the indifference in my body as I become more visible and as I step into my power.""Set boundaries with your family. Remember, most people tend to treat us, even as adults, the way that they treated us as children.""Self-care is doing the uncomfortable inner work so that I don't continue the cycle of scapegoating." Additional money resources:

    Money Magic course:

    Bank Account Challenge:

    Wealthy Money Mastermind:

    7 Day Tapping into Ancestral Money Wisdom Training:

    Next Level You Journal:

    Let’s connect on Instagram: